Sunday, August 31, 2008

Mental torment over while physical torment continues

Mental torment over while physical torment continues--for the third day in a row I am suffering from constant, severe back pain.  Usually this happens when I "throw out" my lower back."  But I haven't thrown out my back.  This pain is all caused by one, or maybe two, three vertebra that are impacted by the pressure of TOO MUCH cerebral spinal fluid going up my back.  I can feel it.  I think I am being given drugs that are causing too much csf to go into my brain.  This not only has a serious negative impact on my eyesight, it is putting too much pressure on my spinal vertebra (I lay on my heating pad and just feel the csf pulsing and surging up and down my spine).  This causes the connecting muscles to spasm and lock out of place, and before you know it, I am in severe chronic pain.  I have been in chronic back pain before--for three years I suffered with it.  It is unbearable.  And yoga and exercise doesn't help.  It hurts even more, because the vertebra and muscle gets extra strain and stress added to them.   This can't continue.  Pain is the most debilitating of all factors.  Furthermore, I am worried that if this pressure keeps up, the vertebra is going to rupture or herniate, and then I am going to be truly screwed.  Whatever is going on is also, like the psychotropic drugs causing stymied energy in my body--I know I have stymied energy when my body starts vibrating.  It can vibrate in my solar plexus, my lower back or shoulders or head.  It doesn't matter.  But this kind of stymied energy makes it impossible to concentrate, to write or even to read.  When my energy is free-flowing, I may be hyperactive, but I have tremendous concentration and energy, and I feel good and healthy and alive instead of miserable, dammed and in pain. 

Why does this happen?  This happens because the people in charge of this operation are constantly trying to warp me to fit their expectations and sense of perfect.  Who knows?  Maybe the reason I have a calcium imbalance is because my learned body response to counter constant back pain necessitates that.  The body has the innate capacity to heal, but it always involves a dynamic interchange.  Like I was saying the other day, people with bad backs have overdeveloped glutes--that is how we compensate for weak back muscles.  It took me three years of prayer and exercise to get rid of the constant back pain that plagued me.  I don't know what exchange that involved, but I know for a fact that I would do it again in a heartbeat.  It was a good choice.  Chronic pain is unbearable, and I am dismayed that I am suffering it again, now at the hands of my tormentors.   I WANT MY BODY BACK!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Able to drink coffee for the first time in 3 days

Able to drink coffee for the first time in 3 days--what a relief.  Anytime I cannot drink coffee in the morning, it means that I am too sick to get out of bed.  Still, the body is not happy.  This morning, upon awakening I had the shaky trembling legs and unsteady balance of a newborn foal.  My back is in severe shape from all the muscle spasms of the past few days.  I have actually felt tingling numbness up and down my lower spine---a symptom that my back is in severe shape--that only happens a couple of times a year and usually when I overexert myself or it goes "out."  Then there is the extra weight and cottage cheese spread on my legs--what do you expect?  My legs and muscles haven't been able to move properly for over 4 days.  I'm pretty certain I gained at least 3 pounds but it is hard to say for sure because my stomach feels so constipated and bloated.  Totally depressing as I realize that I cannot stop my body from the degeneration, deterioration and weight gain because I cannot stop these people from drugging.  Even now I am on speed, but because my mind is clear, and I can feel, and I can stand stimuli, I feel good.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Physical pain and suffering and mental torment beyond belief

Physical pain and suffering and mental torment beyond belief--dont know where to start every muscle in my back is spasmed, i cant walk, i get up my stomach is all messed up.  My head is so heavy with fluid that i cant hold it up but How much pain can a person endure, essp knowing that its all caused by drugs i dont want to take



i could go on but i am too sick .

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Legs and arms totally numb. cant feel hands as i type. cant life legs to walk. severe he

Legs and arms totally numb. cant feel hands as i type.  cant life legs to walk.  severe headaches andpressure in head.  cant breathe not sure if  it is muscle spasms or a panic reaction caused by brain not wanting to breathe automatically.  Weird brain rushes kept me up all jolting my body like electric shock.  cant breathe.  too sick to drive too sick to go to hospital .

Monday, August 25, 2008

3 days since I predicted psychotropic saturation

3 days since I predicted psychotropic saturation and now I am there.  I am unable to function--I cant bear stimuli, I cant walk, I cant drive, or even watch tv.  I worry about my right eye because I am not seeing with a full range of vision out of it, but I am too poor to go see dr huaman, and besides it is too hard and frustating to see her when I am enchained by drugs every time.  My stomach is perpetually nauseated, and any slight momentary rebound I felt when the Risperdol mimicked thyroid meds is completely gone.  I am perpetually nauseated and sick to my stomach.  I suffer from chronic headaches.  How do I know I have reached drug saturation?  Because of my dream last night--whenever I am saturated with psychotropic drugs I dream of totally wrecked, dilapidated houses, bulging with cockroaches.  Last nite the dilapidated house didn't have cockroaches but it was depressing because thieves had stolen all the mirrors (my inner self) and anything copper in the house.  Copper is a conductive for electricity.  Electricity is the scientific word for spiritual energy.  I am not able to reach my spirituality.  That is the least of my worries though.  Getrting through the day when I am so fucked up on drugs that is the hard part...Oh and lets not forget the dead soulless eyes that see whenever I can open my eyes to look myself in my mirror here.  Another day in hell...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Didnt take long for psychotropic hell to begin again

Didnt take long for psychotropic hell to begin again--suffering from severe headaches and mood swings.  But unlike my healthy mood swings which involved joy, happiness and productivity, these mood swings alternate between the most incredible, hateful rage (right now I just want to smash things against my wall, curse the motherfuckers destroying my body and brain) and the blackest of despair when I pray to God to take my life  because I cant stand being in this abused, drugged up body anymore.  I am so sick of my suffering. Please God get me out of this hell.  Give me back my life or take it, you GODDAMNED MOTHERFUCKERS.  I dont give a shit about you or anything else.  I just want relief from this godddamned drugged up hell that i am in

Friday, August 22, 2008

Another round begins--

Another round begins--this time I am being prepped with thyroid medication, in addition to some weird (maybe just very low dose) psychotropic drug.  I have to say I am so happy to be on thyroid medication.  I still have energy issues caused by the speed, but thyroid medication makes my digestion work so much better.  I'm not walking around all the time with a bloated, congested stomach and have a normal appetite, blood sugar regulation, and elimination.  Since most of the time I am miserable with digestion and blood sugar problems, due to the denial of thyroid medication, this is a big plus. 

I am just waiting for the psychotropics to mark the saturation level  in my body/brain, however.  I know as soon as it does, I will become physically and emotionally incapacitated and dsyfunctional, as always.  In the meantime, today looks like a functional day.  I have to take advantage of it.  Tomorrow, I may be to sick to move.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Preparing myself for huge assault and trauma

Preparing myself for huge assault and trauma as I have spent the last 3 or 4 days slammed by nausea and migraine--my stomach isnt digesting properly again.  But worse is the inability to bear stimuli, the constant motion sickness and the body damage caused by muscle spasms and inabiliy to work out.  Not to mention my right eye which is not seeing properly due to prssure from too much fluid in my brain.  Of course these drugs mess up my eyesight so bad I cant even watch tv.  But I know the psychotropic drugs wont quit.  Because the assholes who are doing it to me have nothing to lose (because as stupid as they are, they do know one thing--they lost me years ago.  I will not cooperate with opus dei, the Roman Church or any entity that insists on abusing me, and WAY too much abuse has happened for me to ever forget).  So I don't know how much longer my life will be stripped from and denied me, while I suffer from torment, pain, and psychotropic drugs.  But I am in full damage control mode--and spend my days thinking about the women (funny, they are all women) who I know truly care about me.  They keep me going.  They remind me that there are people out there who love me for me, and not for what I can be used, controlled, or manipulated for.  They console me that yes, one day I will be able to live a life of intimacy, joy and lesbian sexuality with another woman.  They give me the strength to persevere .  Today I woke up a feeling a little better than usual (because I figured out how to evade the risperdal last nite--that wont happen again) and i only have residual risperdal and speed messing me up right now, so I have to struggle for productivity while i can.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

will happen i promise you God

Sick to the point of not being able to function

Sick to the point of not being able to function as I have had nausea and migraine headache, and inability to respond to and relate to normal stimuli of reality for over 48 hours now.  My back hurts but cant go to physical therapy, my head hurts but i am wary of becoming addicted to the fironal.  MY house is a mess and I have to clean it for a workman tomorrow but even tho i want to sweep and mop floors and clean bathroom i am too sick to do anything, except RESOLVE in the innermost recesses of my heart and mind to implacably hate the abuse and suffering caused by the dysfunctional sick conservative catholic church and to realize no matter how incompletely creative revenge against them.  Just cant do it today when i am too sick to do anythin.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Nauseated and sick from psychotropic drugs

Nauseated and sick from psychotropic drugs--took me six hours to wash dishes--just too damned sick to be able to even stand over a sink, much less concentrate.  I cant listen to music--it makes me sick.  I cant stand stimuli of any kind.  Even watching tv gives me the motion sickness from all the weird dimensions assumed by the images.  I had some jobs i was going to apply for but there is no doubt. If it takes me all day to do dishes, i am too sick to consider employment. 

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Postscript from last entry a couple of hours ago---well the psychiatric torturers poured on the psychotropics again--now I got something in me that has left me severely nauseated and taking my second fiornal today for migraine.  But I am calm laugh to think that these stupid bastards believe for a minute that my emotional venting in my last passage is actually hysteria.  As usual, the poor sobs dont know me, just as they have never known me.  I may be calmed down but the hatred and contempt for my persecutors remains implacable and it is becoming ever clearer that only by writing it out will I ever be free of these assholes.  Now Im just trying to get free of the nausea.


Postscript from last entry a couple of hours ago---well the psychiatric torturers poured on the psychotropics again--now I got something in me that has left me severely nauseated and taking my second fiornal today for migraine.  But I am calm laugh to think that these stupid bastards believe for a minute that my emotional venting in my last passage is actually hysteria.  As usual, the poor sobs dont know me, just as they have never known me.  I may be calmed down but the hatred and contempt for my persecutors remains implacable and it is becoming ever clearer that only by writing it out will I ever be free of these assholes.  Now Im just trying to get free of the nausea.

Some Opus Dei moron is prescribing prayer

Some Opus Dei moron is prescribing prayer--well guess what fuckers...I pray every day.  I pray to be free of you, and I pray God for forgiveness for ever trusting the goddamned Roman Catholic church and for my responsibility in the hell that these sick perverts have made of my life.  I pray for the freedom to be me--QUEER, sexually and romantically active, and surrounded by people, individuals, whose spirituality welcomes and authenticates the whole person and not some pale cardboard imitation of limp "manhood" (since the conservative Catholics can't even bring themselves to use the word "humanity"  (too inclusive, you see) Opus Dei and the Roman Catholic church proclaims as the norm.  What does it take for you all to get it?  To say I pray... Well, here I am, begging in prayer, I DIVORCE THEE, I DIVORCE THEE, I DIVORCE THEE.  GET OUT OF MY LIFE, NOW, FOREVER, FOR ETERNITY.  God grant me the dignity to try to restore what's left of my drug shattered brain and drug bloated body.  I don't even recognize myself in my own dmv photo.  Do you get it you fucking assholes?  Your vision and version of "me" is a despicable ersatz facade that I do not acknowledge or accept.  Not now, Not11 years ago, when you first began violating every right I have as a citizen and as a human being, and not in a celibate miserable future, depending on sick perverted small minded people for support.  Go, leave, let me try to restore my body and my mind and my spirit to some kind of health and happiness.  I do not want you in my life.  I am not a Roman Catholic.  I have despised Opus Dei since I learned of their existence over 20 years ago, my spirituality, my vision and my future are very different from yours.  Go in peace, because I swear what I pray for now more than anything is the grace not to hate you for the years of torture, abuse, suffering, loneliness, and relationship ruination you perverts have piled on me in your patriarchal smugness that I am a thing, a slave you own and control to meet your own corrupt agendas.  God has to be a pretty big God to answer that prayer.  But I will worry about that prayer when God answers the prayer that I pray with every breath--FREE ME FROM THESE RELIGIOUS CULTISTS.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Brief one day respite over

Brief one day respite over and drugging has started again.  MY body is totally fucked.  Today in yoga my legs were completely dead and now they are completely useless for walking.  I try to navigate but my knees are in severe pain from the muscle misalignment caused by the peculiar locked gait that the fucking goddamned drugs force me to adopt.  Can I get a break assholes?  Can I ;get one fucking day to clean my house and cook some food?  I know that it really bugs you that I might actually be a human being with feelings and hobbies and interests and joys instead of some stupid fucking opus die robot that you so heretics and spiritual perverts so emulate....but I can please get one day to wash my dishes and clean my toilet?  Instead of having to lay in bed fighting headaches and joint pains.  What the use dialoging with Inquisition morons like yourself.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Catatonic again

Catatonic again as my muscles are all locked.  Still cant walk.  My brain is catatonic too.  Just incapable of dealing with reality.  How much suffering God do I have to endure? Save me from these monsters please.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Legs totally paralyzed

Legs totally paralyzed, cannot feel them at all.  Cant walk my knees feel funny and pained as they try to bend with absolutely no muscle coordination or cooperation.  Brain paralyzed too.  cant stand being in my own brain.  I just want to be so fuked up drunk that I cant feel the hellish misery that is my psychotropic fucked up hellhole life.

No sensation in legs and arms

No sensation in legs and arms, finding it difficult to feel anything.  My body is sore with muscular and joint pains all over as my body tries to work around whatever drug i am force fed.   My spine and back muscles are all messed up.   God how long has it been since i have been human????

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Body wracked by Risperdal and speed

Body wracked by Risperdal and speed--muscle spasms and arthritis.  I can't lift my arms or my legs.  My left leg is swollen from muscle spasms in my thight.  My back is such spasmic pain that not only can I not stand, I cannot sit.  My floating head doesnt want to sit on my spasmed neck and shoulders.  Oh lets not forget the constant nausea that leaves me dehydrated because even water makes me nauseaus or the constant sick migraine headaches that have me taking 2 or 3 fiornal a day to little avail.  But nothing compares to the mental torment--the inability to stand any kind of stimuli to the brain--the inability do anything other than shut my eyes and wish i werdead. Too sick to do anything.  My house is a mess. I dont think I caaaaaaaaaan drive or go to yoga.  Just sick of this suffering.

Monday, August 11, 2008

From bad to worse

From bad to worse as psychotropic drugs made yesterday a total wash, with me mostly laying down trying to overcome nausea.  Today I am too sick to care about anything.  My arms and legs are numb and dead and can barely walk.  My eyes just want to stay shut.  I am not in reaslity.  My house is a mess but i am too sik to care.  Not functioning. Lost life.

From bad to worse

From bad to worse as psychotropic drugs made yesterday a total wash, with me mostly laying down trying to overcome nausea.  Today I am too sick to care about anything.  My arms and legs are numb and dead and can barely walk.  My eyes just want to stay shut.  I am not in reaslity.  My house is a mess but i am too sik to care.  Not functioning. Lost life.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Nauseated, sick and exhausted with lithium in my system.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Emotionally flat and severely depressed

Emotionally flat and severely depressed as I try to live in this body that is arthritically achey from too much speed, and try to hold my head up when it is so heavy and fluid filled that all it wants to do is lull.  People are reaching out to me but I am in this psychotropic drug coccoon and am unable to reach out to others.  Just keep going.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ive gained three pounds in three days

Ive gained three pounds in three days, now at 202, up from 199 on saturday.  It is lithium that causes me to have out of control weight.  All i know is that i am sick as a fucking dog, fantasizing bout slitting my writsts to get free of these goddamned pricks who have turned my body into bloated whale, and my brain into a drug mushed hell.  I am supposed to get a new license soon, and I am so humiliated at the thought of my pix being taken when I am a drug bloated cow with drug glittered alien eyes.  Of course i might not be able to pass my eye test because the sight in my right eye is so poor due to all the goddamned fluid in my brain. Who cares about my eyesight?  Who cares about my weight?  My health?  LOL--the goddamned opus dei and their govt psychs living in their little fantasy world sure dont.  Solzhentisen (too sick to look u the spelling) died, and I wish I were dead rather than inhabiting this drugged, hell-tormented body. Too sick to do anythin.  CAn't even lift my feet up to walk.  Miserable with headaches and whatever the fuck these goddamned assholes have done to me.  god, get me out of here.  i cant stand it anymore.  it is hell to be conscious, and i just want to be unconscious, forever. let me join ssolsentsin.

Monday, August 4, 2008

3 Fiornals, 2 excedrins and 1 alka setzer later

3 Fiornals, 2 excedrins and 1 alka setzer later and I stiall am so fucking sick that i cant stand it.  i cant watch tv.  i suffer from motion sickness.  i cant stand the nausea and the sick headaches. nothing is working.  I just 2 fironal to try to get rid of the nausea but am  vyery close to fenegera n which knocks me out for fover 24 hours but right now i want to be knocked out.  so goddamned sick.  cant stand it.

Couldnt believe my face

Couldnt believe my face when I looked in the mirror this morning--unrecognizable, haggard, fluid bloated, with deep suffering and sorrow lines scoring downward from the corners of my mouth.  I never had such lines before the goddamned fuckers started forcing psychotropic drugs in me, but then I never experienced such horrific anguish and mental and emotional suffering until I endured this psychotropic torture.   These drugs don't modify moods.  They create hell, and that is where I am write now.  I am too sick to care.  I try to hold on but it is destroyi me.  I watched candace pert on Larry King last nite.  She is a lot like me, or rather, like I used to be, someone who believes we are primed for joy.  But my joy has been termed manic deprression by a bunch of religious and govt zealots with no soul of their own as they try to turn me into a miserable, soulless conformist unable to choose anything but their warped pervesions and bidding.  Too sick to contine.  My arms wont type anymore.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Back to misery

Back to misery as once again psychotropic drugs make it impossible to function.  I am so sick and so angry at the motherfuckers who are drugging me that I want to hit somebody, but I will just hang on while I try to endure the hell that is my life on these drugs.  Spent all afternoon sleeping.  too drugged up to do anything else.  Spent all day reading John McCains book about his Vietnam prison experience.  I can totally identify with the absolute need to defy my tormentors and insist on my free human dignity which these stupid fucking asshole pieces of shit refuse to grant me.  But that s ok.  I take pleasure in knowing you fuckers will never get anything out of me!!! Yahoo!!  Go to hell assholes.