Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Continuing to Feel Under the Weather

12.06.08--I have been working on the second part of my entry regarding my intersexed condition, but I find myself stymied by low energy, limited ability to concentrate, and constant headaches.  I feel a lot like I did when I was on short-term disability from the lithium when I suffered from so much fatigue and inability to do much of anything except watch TV.  Detoxing from these drugs with which my brain has been traumatized, is a process.  It's not going to happen just because "30 days are up".  In a way I am glad that I am unemployed, because I don't have the energy level now to work eight hours a day.  I wish I could read or work out or ride a bike, but the body and brain just wants rest...I am able to play a little bit of music.  That is how I get into the Christmas season, so things could be worse.

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