Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Suffering terrible pain caused by these stupid assholes nad the

Suffering terrible pain caused by these stupid assholes and their goddamned implants. Struggle so hard to heal my poor, tortured body, and the more I fight to heal, the more the goddamned fuckers put their goddamned shit in me. Legs are so neuropathic and swollen, I hobble with pain, cursing each time I lift a leg. My joints are all swollen and arthritic. Fucking head is a bowling ball, and eeen tho I spent a class alreadt shaking, bodyt tries to bibrate, tries to heal, get rid of the ghoddamned pressure in my fucking head. Legs are seamed again, so edemic with fluid. Want to curse, want to kill the stupid assshole responsib.e for this. if i had to name one personf it would be dave denny and his stupidass granidiose delusions of political grandeur, selling me out to powers of evil, so he could be a "player" when he isnt even man enough to deal with me as a human beign. NO use though fighing lost battles. everything seems like a lost battle. May be one dayt I can actually ahave a victory for my humanity and dignity, to get rid of these satanic implants in my brain and body (no, all you stupid misguided people who believe in benevolent space brothers--nothing divine or even benevolent about these imjplants--they separate one from God, not brign closter. But no victory today. Have to hold on. hang interher.

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