Monday, November 23, 2009

After a hell nite, body is trashed

After a hell nite, body is trashed. I feel as if I have gone 16 orunds in a boxing ring with a boxer. Every muscle aches, and my muscles have pressure points of tenderness. The back is the worst, with my spine tender and unable to rotate, as well as my neck. All I want to do is sit in in a hot tub and let my body try to heal from this tremendous traumatic assault it has endured past few days. But instead i need to push forward. any day that my brain is functioning is a good day. Dreams last nite confirmed suspicions fo whois behind this suffering--the Jesuit Order (in alliance with the rest of their fascist occultists--Opus Dei and fratzinger). I never liked to pick on the jesuits,, always feeling like they were unfairly victimized, but there is no doubt that there higher echelon people are major players in the war of the occult upon Christ and true Christians (that would include me). They don't care if i spend the rest of my life a blathering idiot or in agonizing pain. They are calculated amoralists who are only interested in using me (even if just my unconscious) to further their luciferian objectives. What a messed up state of affairs.

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