Monday, October 18, 2010

Demons from hell

Check out the following video to see literal and "demons from hell (or maybe out there from some unknown dimension)."

This was a link that I had just posted while typing up a blog entry two days ago when my little wi-fi netbook was hijacked by the spooks who monitor all my web activity, and my entire post was deleted before I could post or copy to clipboard (I got a little error message, out of nowhere, "do you want to navigate from this page, and poof, everything disappeared). I was upset about that mishap, because I don't feel too well these days, low-energy, lethargic and sometimes downright sick, and a significant chunk of time and good writing was lost. The library was getting ready to close, my back hurt, and I wanted to drive to the pharmacy to pick up some flexiril in hopes of easing my back pain, so I just let it go. It bugs the hell out of me when I feel like shit, still can produce some decent writing, and then have it lost, but I was venturing into risky territory, trying to explore a dream, or rather a nightmare, from the night before, and kinda felt that maybe the loss was a sign to ponder it a little further. I know so much in my head, but I have been so very sick that, despite my desire to spill it ALL out, in either writing or verbal communication, the information only spills out in dribs and drabs when the inspiration of the Holy Spirit pressures me to action.
I feel a little better. As per my previous post, I think the MRI revealed the source of so much of my illness--I can't remember the real name now--sinubilbunen?. Actually, it is fluid-filled cavities in the canal of the spine, and what it does is cause too much cerebral spinal fluid on the brainstem, so that for the past few years, I have been walking around with the equivalent of a brainstem tumor, and all the neurological mischief that creates. Funny thing, all along I "knew" it. Whenever I was barely able to function in reality, I would tell people that I suffered from a medical condition of "too much cerebral spinal fluid in my brain." Every goddamned time the viral download started, whether through a human being zapping me with a frequency, or now through implants put in me during surgery,it caused the spinal central canal to bulge with csf and put strangling pressure on my brainstem. I could become furious that it took so long for the goddamned so-called "doctors" (especially the Nazi Aryans who have experimented on me), but fury would be an emotion, and I have no emotions. For even though, the severe "autism" symptoms are gone, still I am on some kind of psychotropic drugs that has me going through life half dead. I don't know what it is. I don't care. I know that it was done in respone to an attempt to curtail my own self-healing through imagination. I haven't felt well, either physically, emotionally, or psychologically for the last few days, and when I woke up this morning, feeling like shit, I told myself, do what you do to heal yourself, "Imagine a time when you felt better." Imagination gives me energy, especially when I am sick, but it infuriates the PIB's, and so they amped the dosage of psychotropics. Running out of time....

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