We Terrans, our planet, our peoples, our countries, are being pushed around by the flying elbows of the bullying "giants in the sandbox" who are duking it out on right now on our planet (Strazynski's quote from "Babylon 5" which is the best sci fi series which explained what is really going on in our world). We (and I speak of my fellow Terran citizens), are truly the children of the universe, the majority of us completely blinded by lies regarding every facet of reality, and unaware of the interdimensional possibilites and truths that extraterrestials really are the power brokers on this planet. And like bullies and powermongers everywhere, they don't play very nice in the sandbox, which to us is home.
It would help if we knew what was really going on, but unfortunately, there is no standardized canon of historical fact or truth, such as we commonly recognize on our own planet. Yes, it is true that history is distorted by the victors on the historical scene, but a scrupulously diligent researcher can work with the basic factual framework, and probe beneath the lies to find hidden dimensions and missing elements of the real truth. Such a factual framework of the real and basic history of our galaxy is what is missing. Yes, there have been historical ET revelations, but these have been distorted by the occult secrecy of the revelation, as the "truth" revealed was never meant to be the universal revelation, but rather a partisan truth to form and press human underlings into the service of a partisan ET faction. Yes, there has been a recent flowering of channelings, but again, these are so subject to disinformation and distortion as to be more misleading than helpful, no matter how numinous the transmissions appear to the channeler. In short, our ignorance and racial (as in "human race") immaturity leaves wide open to victimization by luciferian and other negative elements.
I bring this up because I think my characterization of the last post may have been a little more simplistic than what is really happening. It isn't so much that the Dragon has been superceded by the Beast (roughly corresponding to Faction 1 and Faction 2 of the politico-economic scene). It is that the Beast HAS risen in ascendancy and I think both "giants" are duking it out on this planet with elbows flying in our puny human faces. It doesn't change my estimation that the age of the Beast is to be characterized by an alloted amount of time, which I think has already begun. The question is, when? For me, it began a long time ago, but I have been on the forefront of alien claim and control for years now, and have suffered severe abuse at the hands of both parties.
Anyway, if you just look around, you can see the battle being played out, especially in the media, which is not so much a conveyor of truth about reality, as a partisan shaper of reality. Just watch how Obama's media coverage changes. Yesterday, Yahoo was running a front page story on how pristine and healthy the Gulf of Mexico is (a complete lie, but one pushed by the faction of BP, which despite it being a petrol company, I think is Faction 2). Today, the photo accompanying the Gulf story is one of an oil covered bird. How can the average human being know the truth, when we are being yanked around by lies so much? I know how to read and compare sites and contrasting POVs, so that I can get to the truth, but most people don't have the time.
Anyway, I bring this up, because I am convinced that I will never fully cooperate with any agenda, especially an alien agenda, until I am inwardly certain that I know the truth of the matter, and guess what, I am getting closer....I have been very sick this past week, which really put a dent in my ambitions, but when it time for me to know, it will be revealed. In the meantime, I want to reaffirm what I have said all along, that I believe in a win-win situation for all parties, of humans and ET's concerned. I know that the fighting that is going on with the ET factions is ANCIENT, so ancient that we humans really find it difficult to fathom. I don't think the problems began with the struggle betweeen Atlantis and Lemuria. I think the Atlantean/Lemurian conflict originated with the original ET races, which then brought their conflict to planet Earth which they seeded with their particular genes. Because I am a "half-breed" mongrel child of different, and even competing DNA's, I hope for, and truly believe that there can be reconciliation with many of the factions involved, that "we can all get along" if humans can just reclaim, or maybe the real world should be, "claim" our sovereignty. But I cannot propose or foresee such a reconciliation until I know the truth of the competing factions and their reasons for holding ancient enmity and grudges.
So that is where I am at, and what my mind will be mulling over the next days. Of course, the absolute bedrock essential is homeland security, and apparently Hillary Clinton has made a deal with one of the Factions to give us that (yes indeed, we are in the time of "the Beast"). For me, it means persevering as best I can in a simple life, research and prayer for insight. Today, I feel better already--that tells me something, too, but I don't want to go out throwing flamebombs until I can make an informed opinion...
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
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