Saturday, July 9, 2011

Survived a night of hell

Survived a night of hell caused by a woman dropping an energy weapon thru a grate into my basement last nite. was so very sick with headache and tongue was numb and tasting of metal. barely recuperated to talk to Dale, just to get home for the goddamned estrogen shit and psychotropic shit to start again. Had to take 3 t tabs just to write this. so fucking low energy cant even walk but only drag feet. eyes cannot open, cannot bear stimuli. because of nausea , think it might be lithiyum. saw a movie last nite about a guy who alcatraz destroyed with their inhumane treatement. that is the way i am--destroyed, body ruin, brain compromised, but like kevin bacon still have my fighting spirit. YOU FUCKING SONS OF BITCHES, YOU WON'T EVER GET ME TO COOPERATE WITH YOU--WHETHER YOU ARE THE LUCIFERIANS OF SALUSA, THE JESUIT SATANISTS (AND ALL CATHOLIC fASCISTS ALONG WITH THEM).

nothin I can do anoub misery. My brain is till soaked in toxicity from last night. I desperately needed to detox brain so i caounld relate to reality normally, instead i am so fucked up on estrogen and lithium, that i am in psychotic break from reality, not even able to keep eyes open or focus or function on antyhing. i guess the goddambned jesutits think i am more saintly this way. very sick. going to bed. so depressed, hope for death. but NBEVER YOU GODDAMNED FASCIST BLOODSUCKING PRICKS, will i give in to you or your aryan buddies.

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