Friday, July 6, 2007

Am I ever going to be free of drugs ever again?

It's been a long time since I have written--mostly it takes all my energy to get up and go to work.  I am on some kind of drug (Gabapentin?) that totally zaps me of any energy or initiative.  Physically, I am so weak that I cannot walk. All I can do is lay in bed or watch TV.  I am suffering from severe insomnia.  I have been trying to write one letter for over a month.  I had one "clear" day, when I was not doped up, but since then I have been trying, not very successfully, to detox myself, so that I can finish it.  I go to public places, but I am "dusted" with whatever the drug flavor of the day is.  I recognize, almost instantaneously, the people who are doing it (the Christians are outsourcing now), and when it happening, but I cannot stop it.  The good news is, that since I am unemployed, I can rest.  I am tired of fighting to try to live a normal life while I am being drugged. I am just going to go on a vacation of sorts for a while.

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