It's been a while since I last wrote--mostly because of the response by richard sourman, or whatever his name is--he sure is sour to me, and he and his cohorts have completely soured me on any cooperation of any type or stripe with them. Of course, they are Opus Dei cultists, and of course, they continue to drug me to the point of total misery and near incapacitation. But I am struggling to hold on to my job (which is only a temp job, but at least its a paycheck) so I don't have time to write anyway. I had to come home early today because I was so drugged that I wasn't even in reality enough to score essays correctly, and because I am on probation (due to the poor performance caused by the psychotropic drugs), my supe tried to give me a heads up. But I knew that I was too sick to read the essays with any concentration, and so I came home and slept for three or four hours. I still am too drugged to function. I didn't go to yoga tonight because my body is too weak, and my head too light headed to undertake any kind of physical activity. I don't even know if I am going to be ready to go to work tomorrow. Just keep putting one foot in front of another Tita--even today 416 victims were liberated from another fundamentalist religious cult. One day you will be free of these sick, warped perps. Not today though.
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