Thursday, July 30, 2009

Another lost day from hell

Another lost day from hell as I struggled, not very successfully, with the effects of psychotropic overdeose. went to dr. but was so messed up that my vision was weverely impaired. i knew i couldnt do a viausal field, and i knew i couldnt drive with dilated e yes so i went home and slept all day lon with a sheet round head. got out of bed to watch gone with wind--why do i watch depressing movies whne i am so depressed---just makes me doubt that i will ever be happy? now after movie fucking goddamned implants download their shit again. i had to take a lil alternative therapy to get rid of the fucking pain that just had me fantasizing bout a bullet in my brain, now i just want to go to sleep as easily as i can. im afraik that it is going to be another nite of needing to medicate self into unconsciusness. feel so fucked up . i wish i were unocnscious. As bad off as i am i have to try to get up tomorrow and mail off rent, do bank transaction, but i am so gaoddomned drugeed dont know if i cna

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