Friday, July 24, 2009

Depressed and gaining weight again

Depressed and gaining weight again--so drugged up that I can barely move, much less even consider doing physical exercise. I try to do some Dahn yoga, but I am so fucked up tht it is hard to do anything at all. But I can look at myself and see how much weight (muscle turning to fat, even if the numbers don't change) I am gaining. So I have to force myself to move even if I don't feel like it, if I am dragging my body around. I am feeling once again that good people, holy people are putting their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness on the line in order to face and fight the coming EVIL. I had my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness stolen from me years ago, but I still have to stand by my Christian vocation and fight the same EVIL that is scoring point after point while the forces of good are largely unaware. First things first. I have to fight to keep my drugged, implanted slave body as healthy and fit as I possibly can. So keep fighting Tita, and keep praying for the people who are fighting the good fight.

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