Sunday, May 30, 2010

After a day of feeling human, drugging starts again

After a day of feeling human, drugging starts again--not in reality. Not able to maintain thought or process reading. this is a big issue when so many things are happening and I cant follow and process things through as they happen. Leads me wide open to error which i was on north korea. so much going on right now in the world. i need to pray for our country our (true) leaders, our Gulf coast lands and residents, our wounded Mother Earth. Instead, I am so fucked up im not able to do much of anything. Drugs also makes my rotate outwrdly, fucked up my legs and nerves. LEgs numb, severe outward jpronation in lower back makes lying down normally impossible. I DONT HAVE A NORMAL LOWER BACK PHYSIOLOGY YOU STUPID FUCKS! The goddamn downloads are destroying my body. unabe to do much yoga. just want to go to sleep.

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