Thursday, July 15, 2010


OH MY GOD!!!! I think I have just figured out what the PIB's didn't want me to see on RMN. It is a post originally written on 9/9/2001--2 days before the infamous Nazi attack on the New York Twin Towers.
In the previous post, I didn't mention how I knew that time had stopped for 45 minutes. I don't always reveal everything, preferring to ponder certain things for myself. THE TIME THAT WAS STOPPED WAS MY COMPUTER, MY BIOS TIME. This is precisely what this alert 9/9/01 poster was puzzled about. How did his BIOS time change? (I was a little confused about the computer clock glitch myself---why was my computer clock stuck on 2:05 am while my living room clocks said 2:45). It is the very same phenomenon portending the very same occurence again--a heinous terrorist attack to be unleashed upon America to give Obama an opportunity to "play the leader" (hell, it worked great for W, why not try it again?). What will it be? A nuclear suitcase bomb? (Watch out San Diego), a religious right "Christian" attack?, an "Aryan" American Nazi (of the patsy type) attack? My money is on the religious right "Christian" attack. It will not be done by Muslim extremists. From my memories of the abduction last night, I know that our satanic leader-in-name only, BHO, is personally and intimately involved. I also know, (despite all the media attempts to cover it up), that insofar as he has any positive regard and affiliation for religion, it is to Islam. He would never set up a Muslim terrorist as villains. But he despises Christianity, and would love to set up a "Christian" villain. No doubt that is why the liberal media have been going on and on about the "racism in the Tea Party." He intends to undermine the Republican movement by villifying the Tea Party. Now, let me say, I am a registered Democrat, and I am hoping and praying for a positive outcome for the Democratic Party in November, but before I am a voter-registered member of the Democrat Party, I am an American citizen, born, raised and educated in the democracy and republic on which this country was founded. The Tea Pary people and Republicans are American citizens and they have a right and a civic obligation to stand and vote for their principles, values, and traditions, just like the LGBT coalition (of which--onsider myself a part--and Code Pink, Hell's Angels, the NRA, and EVERYONE does). Furthermore, while I consider myself liberal, I consider many Tea Party people to be decent, hard-working and tax-paying Americans, and I don't get all excited by the rare extremists (who, from what I can tell, are checked by their own people) among them who yell out "fag" and "nigger" and spray preople with excited saliva, any more than I am ashamed of being part of the LGBT coalition, a very few of whom do things I find reprehensible--such as ACTUP interrupting worship services or those who advocate gross and/or flamboyant immorality. Nor am I ashamed of being liberal, because criminal activists who share the same affiliation as me beat up, or bite the ears of people with whom they disagree.
I'm not positive, but I think that it is the Christian right extremist/Tea Party affiliates who are being set up to take the hit.
When will it happen--according to the 9/9/2001 post, the BIOS disruption took place two days before the Nazi-initiated, Cheney/Rumsfeld-orchestrated, (and yes, I am sorry Republicans), Bush-endorsed (though I think they kept a lot of the details away from him) attack. That means it will happen on July 17th. This makes sense. For Catholics, July 16th is a holy day, being the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (very interesting spirituality associated with Mt. Carmel--don't have time to go into right now). However, if memory serves me right, NASA (NAZI, NAZI, NAZI--through and through) "landed" us on the moon on either 7/16 or 7/17 (what was the real UDT time?). So this is a significant date for the Nazis as well--they are occultically religious through and through--they don't leave dates to chance. They choose them for a very specific reason. They wanted us to flag the moon on 7/16 or 7/17. Then of course, there is the portentious date of 7/22. That is my birthday, but more importantly it is the feast day of Mary Magdalene--and for some reason, (haven't figured it all out yet), the Aryans and the occultists have extreme veneration for Mary Magdalene (among other things they believe her to be a progenitor--along with Jesus Christ--of the bloodline they consider most royal and auspicious).
Of course, it could be set up for next week. The experience of the last two years has taught me that the Nazis/Obama always wait until Hillary is out of the country before carrying out their nefarious deeds of destructive infamy. I suspect Hillary is the communicator/facilatator for the forces of good--and the Nazis always want the "Shadow of Good" govt. to be in disarray when they strike. If memory serves me correctly, Hillary will be going to Afghanistan, Vietnam, and Korea. All three of those are hot spots, and I have a pretty good understanding why she is going--but will they strike once she is out of the country? I don't know. According to the web, there have been 3 earthquakes in Chile (Nazi International headquarters--all underground of course), so the forces of good must know that the Nazis are up to something. But will it be enough? I don't know, but I know this. If Obama and the forces of evil pull off a major attack against our country, then all the people in the media (and they know who they are) who have been keep quiet about our freedom's greatest enemy, MUST come out and let the people know. So what if you are fired? So what if people think you are a flaky conspiracy theorist? WE CANNOT FIGHT AN ENEMY WHOSE STRONGEST TACTICAL ADVANTAGE IS THAT 98% OF THE POPULATION DOESN'T EVEN KNOW EXISTS). Grant amnesty to all the political figures who, whether from the greatest of motives to the basest, have been compromised, into cooperating and covering up this horrible truth, but for God's sake, give the people of our country a fighting chance against this hidden but powerful enemy. God help us all, and God bless the United States of America, and all the men and women of good, who lay their lives, fortune, and most sacred honor on the line for us. Amen.

PS--One last little tidbit--regarding the "hit on Apple/Steve Jobs/iphone. I had heard practically nothing about it today, until Brian Williams of NBC opined--"has Apple turned out a lemon, and what will they do about it". I don't like to target any one particular news network and God knows I spent the first 7 years of this century cursing Fox news for their uncritical support of the Cheney/Bush agenda, but they seem to have repented, and honesty compels me to state that the biggest supporters of the Barack Obama big lie of 2008 was NBC. So I must conclude that they are in collusion with the evil forces that put his illegitimate, fraudulent ass in power. So why are they trashing Apple? The Captain Sherlock duo (names escape me right now, and I don't have time to look them up), have clearly demonstrated how important computers and computer models were to 9/11 and subsequent acts of evil by the Nazis/ Is that the plan for the July act of terrorism--a huge cybersecurity breach? EMP? Crash of all computers (via manipulation of the BIOS clock), and total chaos and loss of financial transactions? Did Jobs refuse to go along, and that is why his company is now taking a hit? So many questions, so few answers, but I feel better. I'm gonna sing at the top of my lungs until you kill me you sons of bitches...

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