Monday, July 19, 2010


SO GODDAMNED FUCKED UP ON PSYCHOTROPICS--ARE THESE STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS FEEDING ME LITHIUM? CAN'T BELIEVE THESE GODDAMNED PIGS. Woke up so fucked up that the first thing i wanted to do was chug vodka--first thing in hte morning--anything to get rid of the violent rage in me. want to smash doors, slash wrists, scream at top of my lungs. this is not normal rage--this is fucked up caused by psyhcotropics rage--whether lithium risperdol or god only knows what some kind of stupidass shit. think it could be lithium because gainign weight losing appetite. in yoga yesterdaqy, too goodamned stiffly catatonic to hold pose. i am so glad id itn pay for the yoga class for bad back . any money for yoga is a total waste. becauwse i cant do anything. body is so fucked up but now mind is more fucked pup thant nbody. stupidass pricks . thanks i get. to get so drugged p that brain cant fucntion. you fucking gocdamned idiots dont understand danger we are in, and i cant help cuz im so goddamned fucked up i cant do anything. except have to get water. feel im going to be nonfuktional for a few days . bbetter get water.
Definietly lithium. catatonic, weight gain, blaoting, want to just get drunk so i can feel human. recognize that. from before. on lithium, being drunk acutally makes me feel better.

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