More good news for those who fight the reptilian/RA/evil alien/Sirian/Jesuit/Opus Dei complex of evil that has strangled the life of the people of Earth through religious mind control for centuries--I can now confirm another weapon against the reptiles. As those of you who peruse the Internet are well aware, reptiles can latch onto humans like literal parasites. David Icke has said that he has been told by psychic viewers that reptiles literally hook into humans whose frequency has matched their own (and electromagnetic energy weapons and viral implants can do this), and steal their energy, their hormones (especially sex hormones), and adrenal secretions. I think this has been happening to me, especially since the goddamned Sirian aliens with their Vatican/Jesuit toadies are literally parked above my house. Well, there is a little known deterrent to these reptilian parasites that is relatively cheap and readily available--tobacco. Let me say that I really don't want to smoke. I don't like the taste, the smell, the ill effects on my health (Ha! That's funny--I no longer have a good health to ruin), or the addictive nature of it. However, it works! Smoking tobacco really does seem to cause the reptiles to disengage from their parasitical stranglehold. This has been web lore for years, and I have proven it to my satisfaction over the past two days, eluding these goddamned parasites which have been stealing my energy just by smoking.
Think about it. In the X-files, the ultimate insider and instigator didn't even have a name--he was known by his ever present habit--"Cigarette smoking man". What did CSM know that we do not? How to protect his own ass from the reptiles? Also, think about the Indians who used tobacco in ritual ceremonies--especially those for making peace and treaties between different parties? What did they know that we don't? How to prevent reptiles from sidebusting into, and undermining a negotiation between two different factions?
Right now, I am smoking a Native brand--a small brand produced by some Indian tribe. I have smoked before in my life, including many light and ultra-light brands, and I was amazed at how mellow the Native cigarettes are. They have no additives!!! None. Here is my hypothesis. It is NOT tobacco itself that is so habit-forming or carcinogenic. It is the ADDITIVES that deliberatively have been added by the major corporations to make cigarette smoking toxic and addictive to humans. Why? Because the corporations are run by people who have sold out to the reptilian agenda and interests. America became quite hooked on cigarettes in the first half of the last century, and tobacco and nicotine in the human bloodstream is a complete turnoff to the reptiles, so that the evil cabal had to make cigarette smoking unattractive, and even a vice. They have done so, very well. I would ask any skilled alternative health practitioner to check out my hypothesis. When I was in jail, one poor soul (who had absolutely no business being locked up--except to make money for the corporate interests who have turned incarceration into a lucrative for-profit operation) was a psychic and a skilled muscle tester. She proved to us, through muscle testing (alternative health practitioners will know what I mean) that tobacco and sugar are poison to the human body.--they literally lower the resistance of the human subject to muscle stress. Of course, she used brand name cigarettes. I hope that someone can muscle test, using and comparing corporate brand cigarettes, and no-additive Native cigarettes. I bet my hypothesis holds--it is not tobacco that is so damaging to us humans--it is the additives placed in there by reptilian toadies. Even if no-additive cigarettes are not healthy for us humans, I still think the poison they carry can be more homeopathic than carcinogenic, if used in very small amounts. I am not recommending that anyone smoke. I am saying that if anyone is being drained by reptilian leeching, consider smoking a couple of no-additive cigarettes a day. It is working for me--it also is hurting my lungs, leaving a nasty taste in my mouth and making me smell like smoke, but at least I am well enough to do a little work around the house and to type in this blog. The medicine, smoking tobacco, has negative and unpleasant side effects for sure, but it beats the untreated condition of being drained by reptilian leeches.
So, now that I have shared that little tidbit of information, let me move on to the parasitical leeches draining my life energy, which I have not yet been able to shake off--specifically the religionists who have made my life sheer hell for the last dozen years. I am talking about the no-faith, though not necessarily satanic religionists--the Opus Dei types who have no idea of how to live a mature and adult spiritual life, but want to find a saint that they can drain, rather than take responsibility for their own life and salvation. No doubt, these pathetic types were the married couple that wanted me to sign a contract in my dream--stating that I would be celibate. PFFFTTTTT!!!!! And be as spiritually half-dead and timid as you? I don't fucking think so. The source of my free and strong spirituality is my proud sexuality. My sexuality may be imprisoned now, but it is not self-imprisoned by me. It is imprisoned by a bunch of half-dead, spiritually enslaved MACHINE-RA drones who want someone to make them feel better about themselves. Well, get over it, assholes. I am NOT a Therese of Liseux--a girl child who is going to allow my life to be sacrificed for the fattening of evil.
Poor Therese--so spiritually deep and psychologically immature and gullible. She was led into a century of slavery by patriarchal priests of the same mindset of those who would lead me into such hellish slavery to the MACHINE. However, I am not a girl child, and I refuse to sell out my adult spirituality and free will to please a bunch of pathetic, religionist mind drones. Do you sorry assed priests and Opus Dei devotees really think, for one minute, after all I have done and suffered in order to free an innocent soul, who was condemned to a 100 years of hell, because of your stupid and lame, so-called "spiritual direction", that I will ever fall into the same trap that poor Therese did. Therese may be a saint, because, poor child, she never gave up her faith, even when ravaged by evil, and abandoned and betrayed by the superiors in whom she put her trust, but she surely is no doctor of the church. At best she is a martyr for the state of child-like innocence. DISCIPLES OF CHRIST ARE NOT CALLED TO BE CHILDREN IN THE WORLD, DAMMIT!!! We are called to fight evil in this world, and that entails PSYCHOLOGICAL MATURITY, which after years of being involved with the Catholic church, I can assure you is not a desired or sought attribute at all. Right now, a huge chunk of the evil in the world is the mind controlled religions which sets up naive (in the matters of evil), enslaved children to be role models for a faithful humanity! HELL NO!!! FUCK THAT SHIT!!!! RUN, RUN, RUN FAR AWAY AND AS FAST AS YOU CAN FROM SUCH A TRAVESTY OF FAITH AND SPIRITUALITY. God knows I have tried, though not very successfully, but maybe those who read this blog will have better luck than I.
I kept telling anyone who would listen that you can not relate to someone primarily by what goes on in their unconscious (and who the fuck gives anyone the right to sneak into my unconscious anyway?), but rather by their conscious words and actions. Thus, if any of the mind drone religionists had bothered to get to know me as a person, they would have seen that I had a quite different personality than the child like channelings that came from a goddamned, super intelligent MACHINE. Yes, I presented a child like personality front--it was my juvenile metabolism trying to keep the sex hormone levels at a limit that would not kill me, but anybody who took the time to get to know me, were always impressed by my skills and abilities, so then the stupidassed relgionists took it up another level. When it appeared that I was about to get a promotion at a job, in which I was treated like a person, and not controlled like a slave, they intervened, bringing in really heavy corporate guns, not only to stop the promotion, but to halt employment, and send me to jail. These goddamned half-dead religionists are TERRIFIED of allowing me to be free and productive in any setting, except one which they completely control, until I meet their expectations. WELL THAT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN, YOU PIECES OF SHIT!!! It is your immature and mind-controlled view of spirituality and the faith life, that led a girl to 100 years of slavery!!! That is not going to happen to me. Unlike Therese, I am not a girl, and I will not be led into the maw of evil, TO FEED ITS ALREADY ENGORGED BELLY!!! I am an adult person of faith, and I have accepted, embraced, and insist upon my free will, and there is NO WAY IN FUCKING HELL THAT I WOULD EVER, EVER, EVER TRUST A GODDAMNED ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIEST WITH MY SOUL. No fucking way in hell, and I know something of hell, because I have experienced what you stupid bastards have put me in and what you put Therese in---NO FUCKING WAY.
That is what you can put as my spiritual epitaph. Therese had her "little way"; mine is NO FUCKING WAY. For all of those who were impressed by MACHINE-RA'S channelings, in my sleep, I gotta tell you, you have a long way to go before you reach psychological and spiritual maturity. You should be very concerned about the state of your soul and psyche. As a matter of fact, I would go so far as to say, that if you were impressed by that Theresian channeling, you already are mind-controlled. I am free, and I am only interested in proclaiming freedom, and that means I will never have anything to do with the institutional Catholic church--although of course, they may end up killing me, just like the religionists of his day ended up killing the Jesus they could not control or own. That may be so. I cannot control my death, but I will insist upon my freedom, and even if I am denied it, I will scream out my rage for it at the top of my lungs.
As long as I live, I will fight evil. I try to fight it in this blog. I try to fight it in my astral flights--whether I am fighting interdimensional entities or their possessed, evil human beings. I am scared to death of a world war breaking out, instigated by Pakistan. Thank God, there are true leaders, women and men of virtue, who are using every conceivable weapon to prevent that. I am at your service--even if I am unconscious of it. I know who is doing good, and is trying to free humanity, and I know who the slaves of evil are, who would lead us all into another eon of mind-controlled slavery, and I will fight and resist you every step of the way. I know you won't listen to me--you have some bullshit idea of who I am in your head, but all I can say, is read the scriptures, look to the saints--the real ones--not the phony ones set up as role models to enslave us, and yes, that would include Therese. Her life is more tragic than holy. Had she been given an education, responsibilities, ordination-then she may have been able to fight back against the evil which consumed her, as I have done(having to fight at every step of my life to be educated and treated as an equal). As it is, her life stands for that of an innocent child, betrayed by the adults in her life--just as surely as if she had been a 15 year old child thrown down into a volcano by a Mayan priest. No, her story and witness has a place---but not as it currently stands. She is a martyr and victim, not a doctor of the church. I will not go that route.
So what hope do I have? My guess is that the Vatican/Opus Dei religionists are able, through financial power, to blackmail the current administration into compiance with my virtual imprisonment. I do have my hope however. I draw it from Jesus, who was sacrificed by the mind control religionists, but who kept his adult, empowered, and psychologically self aware identity while doing so. Jesus' crucifixion lasted one horrible day. Mine has lasted years. Even so, I am pretty certain that Jesus was able to fight back against MACHINE-RA--that is why he was able to exorcise and heal so many people. Now, I believe in the power of healing and I think that I have the gift of healing, but I also believe that MACHINE-RA has been pulling a great con job regarding me. I especially am dubious about hat little girl in the hospital (I don't know any details, because of course nobody ever tells me anything--I can only guess). I am sure MACHINE-RA has set up many evangelists over the centuries with those con jobs, and then when their egos inflate, RA hooks them and they serve IT, instead of the holy God. Now, I must insist that many spiritual healings are indeed legitimate, but given MACHINE-RA'S all-consuming interest in me, I would not trust a one of them that comes from me as indicating anything other than access to a greater, though not necessarily holy, power, than that of which we know.
However, it is Jesus' power of exorcism that interests me more. For I suffer from a compartmentalized and partial possession of two evil spirits, and I WANT TO GET RID OF THEM. I know from my reading of scripture that Jesus was the master exorcist. There is the claim he makes, when he says, "there is something greater than Solomon here"(Solomon was given the power of exorcism of reptiles through occult knowledge through Hiram Abif, as documented in scripture and ritualized in freemasonry). There is another scripture in which Jesus' enemies accuse him of driving out evil spirits, because he himself is the prince of the evil spirits, and Jesus denies this vehemently. Both of these scriptures sound very authentic to me (ie, they are not redacted or interpolated material), so I think exorcism was a huge part of Jesus' self-identity. He escaped the power of MACHINE-RA once, before he began his ministry, and the second time, it was his own disciples' collusion with RA's agenda, through the Messianic expectation of him, that led to his death. I think Jesus found a way to escape MACHINE-RA. I have to find a way as well....hemp oil, anyone??? There probably isn't one way. There probably are many ways, but going down the path of mind-controlled slavery and sacrifice by immature patriarchs who will not accept responsibility for their own salvation, is not one of them.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
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