Very, very sick once again--tried to sleep, but the nausea and head rushes from whatever drug the fucking Vatican/Jesuits are feeding me has kept me up. I am angry, too--very angry. I am so angry that I tell myself to wait until morning to write this post when my head is clearer, but I am so angry that I will not be able to sleep until I write, so I will post this, even though I am not in good shape.
What am I angry over? The Anthony Weiner situation. I tried to treat this as a private matter, because people's personal and private lives are deeply involved, but it involves Hillary Clinton, who is the best hope of a leader this country has, and thus it has become an opportunistic flashpoint for one of the worst enemies this country (and MYSELF) has--the Vatican/Jesuit/Opus Dei devotees of MACHINE RA.
For short, I will just use the word "Jesuits" since they provide the organizational front. The Jesuits are not disciples of Christ, but of Lucifer (literally). They have been involved in destroying peoples and countries for centuries--all for allmighty power. I could go down quite a list of examples, but I am going to keep the list shortened to contemporary USA. They were deeply involved in the creation of the Federal Reserve Board. If you look on the web, you will learn that the captain of the Titanic was a lay Jesuit, who received a visit from his Jesuit superior immediately before Titanic set sail. That captain drove the ship through the ice floes like a maniac. The sinking of the Titanic was a DELIBERATE CRIME. Why? Because three of the passengers aboard (I can only recall one name now--an Astor) were vehemently against the creation of the Federal Reserve Board, and it would never have come to pass, except for their untimely death.
Then the next big move the Jesuits made in this country was to assassinate President Kennedy. Kennedy wanted to get rid of the FRB, and he also wanted to open up the space program in a transparent way. The Jesuits, who are filthy rich bankers, were getting quite the cut from the unearned taxes that the American people fed into European banks, and were occultists, to boot. They wanted to control all of the space and alien agendas.
The one person who could have saved JFK, I think, was J Edgar Hoover, who was a consummate insider and master of power jockeying. I can't but help wonder how Hoover felt, knowing that he constantly had to protect his closeted status and moral and monogamous relationship with his lover of decades, while JFK screwed like a rabbit, with practically no concern or fear of reprisal. I think it probably bothered him--enough to make him keep his mouth shut about what he knew was going down? I don't know, but one thing is for sure--the Jesuits (point man was Dulles) were deeply involved in the assassination.
The Jesuits have been deeply involved in American politics even in the current administration. Their point person in Washington D.C. is Nancy Pelosi (notice how she never gets criticized for her pro-choice positions?), and they have had their paws all over Obama at certain points as well (but Obama is a slut---he keeps changing political bed partners to suit his fancy).
The Jesuits are also deeply involved with MACHINE-RA, and are the ones responsible for the hell that is my life, so I have a personal stake in deploring whenever those goddamned priests from hell gain traction over American political life. They have had it for quite a while, able to to blackmail the Supreme Court, our economy (they are the ones keeping the Federal Reserve afloat--the Jesuits would be allied with Faction 1), and now they have scored another victory with the Anthony Weiner affair.
Let me start at the beginning. I just assumed that intelligent insiders knew that Hillary Clinto and Huma Abedin were lovers. It was web knowledge years ago. Being gay myself, I know that gay people have to stay closeted, so it was no surprise to me, when Huma married Anthony Weiner, who my gaydar identified as gay himself, from the beginning. It is crazy what gay people have to go through because of homophobia, but there it is. I noticed a couple of things about that marriage. First of all, Bill Clinton officiated (?????)--at the sham marriage of his wife's lover. I then noticed how miserable Hillary and Huma looked in the days following the wedding. Being an optimist and hoping for the best, I had prayed that Huma and Weiner would make a go of the marriage, but not only were the women thoroughly miserable, Weiner was miserable as well. The week following his wedding, I watched him GO OFF on the House floor. That told me that there was a lot of repressed anger at the marriage circumstances, and that the young bridegroom most certainly wasn't getting laid. The only person who seemed happy with the marriage was Bill Clinton, which led me to wonder if he was complicit in the orchestration of the whole thing, or instead, if the marriage was just one more prerequisite that Hillary's handlers put on her, in order to quell any blackmail that was undermining her political ability as power player (for all their perverse immorality, the Jesuits are moralistic about sex).
I wanted to like Weiner--he had passion and presence, but the more I looked at him, the more I saw serious character flaws--a lot of arrogance and lack of regard for others. I was especially disappointed when I saw how he treated Rep King on "date night". King is a great patriot and a real man and lover of this country, and Weiner just played the rude ideologue. So then I kinda learned that Weiner (a lot like Obama--uh oh) was someone who had risen through the ranks as a protege, starting out with Sen. Schumer. That told me that he was a bought and paid for man from the beginning. Weiner entered into a contract of marriage to satisfy the political power patrons, who greased his way into high ranking politics. If he didn't want to enter into the marriage (and clearly from his bombastic, enraged performance on the House floor, a week later, he didn't), then he should have been man enough to decline. Oh, but then, he might have lost his power backing, or maybe certain revelations would come to light that undermined his career. So what did he do? He festered in anger and resentment, looking for a chance to get even with the Clintons, who he blamed for placing him in the marriage (even though I don't think that Hillary ever wanted the marriage from the beginning--which is why she was so unhappy in the aftermath--remember, I followed this woman on the web every day, and knowing what is going on in her personal life helps me understand what is going on with her politics).
That is when Anthony Weiner sold out to the dark side--notably Barack Obama. He began spying on his wife, and revealing the details of the Patriot Leadership Team's agenda to Obama, and his handlers. Now, surely, Rep. Weiner knows that Obama is a traitor to this country, and engages in proactive behaviors and schemes to destroy it, so how could he assist him? Either he is really sold out to the agenda of MACHINE-RA himself, or he is so full of hate and resentment that he would help to destroy this country in order to get back at the Clintons. I really think the latter is the case. It was interesting to hear Donald Trump's perspective of Weiner on the O'Reilly Factor. He responded to O'Reilly in a genuinely rueful and sad tone, "There's nothing good about him." Now Trump may be a megalomaniac egotist, but I think he is a damned shrewd judge of character, and he knows the real skinny on NY politics. Yes indeed, he knows what Weiner is all about, which is more than I can say for the majority of politicos, who have been completely sidetracked by Weiner'revelations of dirty laundry of Hillary and Huma.
I knew about Hillary and Huma over two years ago (again, it was clear to anyone who reads the Net with a discerning eye), so I was not so easily sidetracked when the scandal broke. As a matter of fact, the scandal coincided with what I "knew" at the time, which was that Hillary, and the Patriot Leadership Team had just broken the cliques who were acting as moles and conspirators with Obama. Weiner was caught red-handed!! How I know this, I don't want to say, because it could compromise other, more delicate strategic political relationships.
However, I can honestly say with a clear conscience that Hillary's railroading of Weiner was not a personal vendetta to get her lover back. I don't think that Weiner and Huma ever enjoyed conjugal relations, and most certainly not a conjugal relationship, and again, that was by Weiner's choice. I could go into further detail, and mention some other points, but really, I do not want to see anyone embarassed or humiliated in their personal life, which is why I didn't bring it up to begin with. Now however, it is impacting me.
You see, Hillary Clinton did make a grave error. She attempted to railroad Weiner by herself, which, when Weiner revealed a partial version of the details, left her looking like a vindictive, jealous lover, out to get paybacks, along with "stealing back" her woman. Hillary should have recognized that she had a conflict of interest, and like a judge, should have presented her facts to a group of trustworthy peers, and then "recused" herself from taking unilateral action. As I watched the TV news today, it was clear that sentiment was swinging to Weiner's side. I especially was concerned by Donna Brazile's and Barbara Walter's dismay with how Weiner was being treated. Hillary needs those classy grandes dames of the Democratic Party if she is to win in 2012, and they, not being party to the whole truth, are developing a grudge against Hillary. That is unfair, but so is railroading an innocent man, who has been forced into a loveless marriage "against his will" and then dropped when he is no longer needed, and that is how the insiders now see the whole affair.
I honestly do not believe that is accurate, and Weiner's scandal is in timing with certain other revelations--revelations learned after Hillary was threatened in Pakistan, and which still may lead to WWIII. You see, Weiner's actions of spying for Obama, who is a top enemy of this country, are not just petty vengeances--they can wreak disastrous and global consequences, and they could have gotten Hillary killed in Pakistan.
So now, who comes riding to the Weiner's rescue? Why the Jesuits of course--acting through their point person, Nancy Pelosi, they allow Weiner free rein (presumably Huma will not leave her Blackberry lying around the house any more), and they put Hillary in greater check, and leave her mortally wounded in the esteem of Washington second circle of insiders. However, understand one thing--the Jesuits are no friend of this country, this Congress, humanity, Anthony Weiner or myself. They just want to use and discard people in their attempts to gain power and squeeze the lifeblood from this country, since they are parasites who have to feed off the vitality of others. They certainly are socking it to me, and there is nothing I can do about it, except to try to support those who can fight back on a higher level than I can. God, I don't know when this will end....I am so miserable
Saturday, June 11, 2011
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