Thursday, March 27, 2008

Congratulations, Opus Dei

Congratulations, Opus Dei--I now weigh 200 pounds.  You are getting ever closer to your goal of having me hate my own body as much as you hate yours, you sick heretical body-hating, woman-hating, life-hating, so-called Christians.  I can't bear to look myself in the mirror or down at my swollen ankles.  But I don't have time to mourn the destruction of my physical body.  I am too sick with whatever psychotropic drug I am being force fed now.  Whatever it is, it does the same thing that lithium and risperdal does---it causes my digestion to stop and severe nausea--a migraine without the head pain.  (My head is floating filled with pressure from severely excessive cerebralspinal fluid)  But what is pain?  Who cares about eyesight?  The sick bastards have the Inquistitor's sole focus on my soul.  Oh wait, it's not my soul, is it?  How dare I think that I have a soul and freedom of choice over my body and actions.  No, I forget.  This is Opus Dei and Ratzinger's Catholicism we are talking about here.  What they call a soul is what they think they can own, control, and manipulate to serve\ their warped, power-hungry purposes.  Wrong, you fucking bastards.  You may destroy my body, my eyesight, and put me in chronic pain for the rest of my life, but I will never serve your purposes or cooperate towards your end.   I would scream at you to GET OUT OF MY FUCKING LIFE but I have done that for years and yet you still persist in your abuse and torture of me.  So forget it.  I don't know how much longer I can carry on.  I cannot concentrate at work.  My whole body feels like it is dead.  It takes gargantuan effort to raise my arm to turn on a light.  I can barely walk.  Destroy me.  I am too sick to care anymore.  But know you will never claim my allegiance or alliance as long as I live.  Too nauseated, but the fiornal is finallyh taking effect.  Time to go to bed. 

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