Monday, August 23, 2010

Mind control broken?

Mind control broken? I don’t know—not all the way, I think, but close enough to have the mind control handlers worried. I was at the library, using the Internet to try to interpret last night’s dream (hint hint), when after about an hour, the handler was able to sit down right next to me. He was an Asian (dark skinned—Filipino or Korean maybe?) with greasy hair and glasses. I could tell immediately that he was of very high intelligence, as he gave me a worried, medically evaluating look (clinical psychologist or psychiatrist, for sure), before he sat down next to me. I could also tell that he didn’t belong there (in a public library accessing free internet), but I didn’t worry about it too much. I had planned to leave after an hour anyway, hoping to use the remaining 2 hours later, after I had worked up this post offline, on my ancient Gateway. As I left, I glanced and saw that he was watching a Youtube video of Beethoven. Yeah, he sure didn’t belong in the downtown library with the rest of the unwashed, unemployed and low-income patrons like me. They must be scared. My dream must have been right on.

Still, I have agonized over what to post. I know that I have a lot of knowledge and hypotheses that are probably accurate, at least most of the time, but I also know that a lot of subterranean (and stratospheric) action is going on right now, and I don’t want to inadvertently give aid to the enemy, if, in my ignorance, I misinterpret something or someone. I also don’t feel well. My stomach feels like it is wrapped in an iron corset, and I literally find it difficult to eat, drink, and even to breathe. When breathing is painful and tense, one’s life is really impacted. Every muscle in my body is struggling to deal with this inability to breathe. (All my life, I have been a ‘belly breather’ which is optimal for health, and something most people lose after infancy. I can tell now the great emotional difference in belly breathing compared to the tension and anxiety associated with breath that only gets to the lungs or the diaphragm. The belly is the sacred center of the body, and my sacred center is dead—with nothing but inorganic nanotechnology down there). Then, of course, there is the matter of self-interest to consider. Yeah, I don’t have much to lose, but the PIB’s controlling me are psychopaths, (including the Beethoven-listening doctor), and every time, I think they cannot make my life more hatefully unendurable, I am proven wrong, just as now, every few seconds, I have to struggle to breathe.

So, I have decided to go (nearly) all out. If they have the psychs sitting down and checking me out at the local library, I must be pushing the PIB’s warning bells, which is the closest I can get to what I really want to see—execution of those goddamned Nazi pigs by firing squad. Before I relate the dream that got the Nazi psych to come to the library, let me just paint in very broad brushstrokes, an alternative view of the world as we know it—both in metaphysical understanding and in power dynamics. We, the human population, have been fed a steady stream of lies and diversions to keep us mind controlled, while the real spiritual battle, rages on, with most of us, unaware. I don’t have the time to provide supporting factual proof or flesh out the details, but in order to understand my dream, the reader has to know the context of the reality as I hypothesize about it.

There is a Creator God, his Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit which indwells within those who live and love in relationship to this Godhead. This is a matter of faith, which I do not expect all to embrace, and neither is dogmatic assent to this understanding completely necessary, but a true faith life in the spiritual realm is. For the more that the reader truly understands that there is a force for good and justice in this universe that is powerful, omnipresent, and will prevail, the more they can truly know and act to accept and co-create this good and just reality. It is a huge mistake that secular humanists have passed on to modern humanity to ignore or disavow the a priori spiritual realm, because humanity’s greatest enemies—the “Reptiles” and the “Borg” right now come from the spiritual (or other than 3D, material) realm. Thanks to modern humanity’s spiritual ignorance and indifference, they are way ahead in the game, truly kicking our asses.

The Reptiles are known enemies of humanity from way back. Images and scriptures from all cultures bear witness to this. Read your bibles, people—Genesis and Revelation. The demonic army of Satan was quarantined after God and his archangels successfully, if temporarily drove them into hell. That is where the Reptiles reside today—in the 4th dimensional world (that most humans cannot see or experience) that they call “Agartha.” Reptiles hate humanity and God, but they like to have sex with us, in the same way pedophiles enjoy terrorizing children. They also have tinkered with our DNA, including mine in a big way (through both paternal and maternal lineage), and have exercised dominion over this Earth by co-opting the humans who would be leaders, and thus have led to slaughtering wars and financial slavery of the bulk of humanity. Reptiles like it when humans suffer.

Then there is the “Borg”—a name I pulled from Star Trek. This is a collective of species and identities all amalgamated and fused together under a soulless dominion of machine and computer code. The Borg’s spiritual name is “Lucifer.” Their dominion pretends to be that of the “light” and rational, and has access to a supercomputer where all models of action are run through and predicated for success. I don’t know where the “Borg”originated, or what species it has assimilated, but right now I do suspect that every “channeling” from every so called star system or avatar, comes actually from the Borg. I must insist that I do believe that there are benevolent beings and species in the universe and that, very likely, some are trying to contact us, whether by “channeling” or crop circles, but the authentication problem is huge, when the channeling is subject to interception by evil forces, which is exactly what is happening.

For both the Reptiles and the Borg have human allies, both from our own present world and time, and from human visitors from the future residing in the inner Earth (with the Agarthans or reptiles) and in our oceans. There are basically two groups of other-dimensional humans, or “sorta-humans”, the Grays and the Aryans. I will focus on the Aryans, for the Grays, while prevalent in UFO lore, are actually powerless. Both Grays and Aryans are subjugated to the Reptiles (and Borg?), but the Grays, who are a future humanity dispossessed of nearly every attribute that makes us free, are especially and most pathetically powerless. This does not make them “good.” After centuries of slavery and degradation, it is rare that they act except out of the most devious motivations of self-interest, and that means keeping their reptilian overlords happy, which is bad news for humanity. The Aryans (read history from biblical times to Nazi Germany—I want to write an essay on the Aryans soon) are more complex . They have kept their bodily integrity and their ultra-clear rational minds (maybe they come from a time dimension closer to now than the Grays), but not the human emotions, joy, or spontaneity. They are like Vulcans on steroids. Like the Grays, the Aryans too have become sterile and unable to reproduce (which of course is why I, like so many other abductees, have lost their ova or sperm. Our natural issue is being born into another dimension!). Apparently, the Aryans have the innate genetic capacity to “incarnate” Reptilians into this 3D world from their home in hell—which the Reptiles really enjoy, so Aryans have not been as degraded as the Grays. They are a more valuable slave, and treated accordingly. I truly believe though, that some other-dimensional Aryans truly wish to throw off their domination and seek genuine alliance with contemporary humanity in the fight. The problem is how to distinguish them from all the despicable Aryans, both of this current dimension, and from other dimensions, who are quite happy being slaves, as long as they throw “94%” of humanity “under the bus” condemning them to a lifetime of “pod slavery” ala “The Matrix.” All the people of color, Jews, and those dedicated to sensual pursuits rather than intellectual ones, will find themselves sucked dry for their “orgone energy”, hormones, and inner mind images and videoscape, while they are fed all kinds of drugs and pleasure images (how many times a day can you XXXX the playmate of the month?) to keep them in a “happy” mental prison. The Reptiles desire us for our hormones—adrenaline and cortisol-- and for sex and gratification of their perverted pleasure (think Satanists), while the machine Borg desperately long to experience the emotions of humans vicariously through mental images they steal from our brains, once they are wired with nanotechnology. When the Borg and the Reptiles made an alliance in the mid 1990’s, the pace of alien exploitation accelerated.

Of course, there are humans who have known all along what is going on—I especially point the finger at the high level “Freemasons,” and Templars. For they are the descendants of the esoteric knowledge of the original Aryans—from Atlantis. Atlantis destroyed itself, and all the Earth cultures with it (and though I am not sure why, I think it had something to do with either the unleashing or the quarantining of the Reptiles). They brought a lot of bad karma on themselves. When their continent sank, a remnant of their priesthood went to Egypt, where their esoteric teachings and texts were hidden. If I were healthy, I would spend time researching ancient Egyptian mythology, because that would tell me what the mythos of the ancient Aryans were about. As it is, I know that my castration, done on the eve of July 22nd (which is celebrated every year at the Bohemian Grove as the sacrifice of Mary Magdalene, who is my patron saint because of my birth date), actually refers to the castration of Osiris by Set. It makes me sick to even think about it, but I knew to read a book on Egyptian religion, and I had one in my bookcase. In disgust, I threw it on the floor, and it skittered and disappeared underneath my bookcase via an ornamental crevice about 2 inches high and 6 inches wide. Ahem. Selah. Maybe there is a holy reason that the lore of Atlantis disappeared from the face of the Earth. Except that it didn’t—without going into the genealogy, the lore was kept alive, and now it is in the hands of Nazi freemasons who are using it to wreak havoc on humanity, and aid their evil allies—the Reptiles and the Borg.

Everybody should know what is meant by the designation, “Nazi.” No decent human being would ever assist the likes of the Reptiles and the Borg (unless of course, they were duped, like a lot of New Age types have been via channeling). The Reptiles and Borg both, are as evil as they can be, and only the most evil of human being could stand their stench, much less an alliance with them. Why do they do it? Power. Some people will do anything for power. Then there is the Aryan component as well. Why are dumbass people “Nazi’s”? That is for another time, for my dream involves Nazis, reptiles, the alien agenda, and it is time to write it down before I forget…

In my dream, I was being recruited by a “cell” of Reptilians except that they were humans. I felt sold out by my own people—those fighting the Reptiles—and thought that they wanted me to be a double agent. But I knew that I could never be a double agent because I am not a liar. I can’t live a lie. I am INCAPABLE of living a lie. I believe what I believe and say what I say. And on top of that, in my dream, I wondered, “what are the Reptilians going to do to me when they find out I’m Jewish?” (although maybe they would cut me a little slack since I suspect my Jewish genes descend from the tribe of Benjamin, which I believe is the only Jewish tribe to be altered by the reptiles). No matter—I am a woman of faith who “clings to my religion” and therefore am not going to be able to cooperate with evil, not even as a double agent. The cell’s members (about four of them) had clear blue business cards with a phone number (all 303 area code) and another ID # (the number of the Beast). I saw books and material on how to progress in the Reptilian lifestyle. Zero interest on my part—not even curiosity piqued my interest. Reptiles are just gross. Do I want to smell the panties of a porn star?? Yuck. One woman wanted to shoot an arrow at me, in a kind of trust-building exercise. She told me, “don’t move, because if I hit your muscle, it will do permanent damage.” She dinged me, but not on a muscle, and I felt a slight pain in my little pinky. One final note: the leader of the Nazi was named “Arnulfo.”

Interpretaion: The headquarters of the human allies of the Reptiles in the Western US is underneath the Denver airport (303 area code). It is not NORAD/Co Spgs (719). The reptilians have a hold on me. As much as I consciously hate it, I cannot escape it. That is why the woman could get me to stand still for her while she shot an arrow at me in a trust building exercise. It was as though I were in an autistic state--not really responding to the reality around me--just barely aware of it. She hit me in the right arm (masculine power and strength) but only lasting damage was to my pinky--symbol of ability to communicate (which is why I was so certain I had to write this as soon as I woke up). I wasn't really interested in reptilian lifestyle or agenda at all, even though I consider them my enemy. I don't know if someone wants me to be a double agent plant, but I would be terrible at it. First of all, the reptilians are much greater psychics than I am, and the bottom line is that I am a TERRIBLE liar. It's just not me. The leader of the human allies of the Nazis is a man named "Arnulfo." This is a Hispanic rendering of a Germanic name meaning Eagle and Wold, yep, Nazi all right. I think this refers to the "king of the world" located underneath the seaport off the coast of Spain, or possibly it refers to a Nazi who is operating off the coast of South America.
More than anything else, I am concerned about this invisible hold that the Reptiles have on me. It is an evil spirit, and it is what is giving these evil monsters power over me.

Of course, it is interesting to think that the whole dream could have been a setup--implanted by the damned reptilians. doesnt really matter I know who and what I am. I just wish that I felt better.

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