Mind control restored—somewhat…
August 24, 2010
Well the Aryans did get their payback on me last night just as I knew they would. I was abducted, sexually violated, and rammed with viral implants up my nose into my brain. Abducted. Again. God knows for which hundredth of an umpteen time. And, (I think), the Aryans wonder why I resist and resent their attempts to assimilate me as a channel and false prophet? God, they think they are so superior, and yet they just don’t get it. Like a laboratory scientist, experimenting on animals, they seem to have no idea or conception of the harm and violation they have done, and continue to do to me, and innumerable others. They do not understand the concept of free will AT ALL. It never occurs to them that I would be the ultimate arbiter of my own destiny and lifestyle. Instead, they believe that I would respond to and reward their abuse with obedience and cooperation!!!
Sexual violation. I do not know if there was any good reason for me to be sexually violated during the abduction. I figured out a long time ago (after reading various accounts of abductors doing unnecessary anal probes on males), that these alien Nazi abductors sexually violate humans just for the hell of it. The humiliation and powerlessness of sexual assault is just another use of deep trauma to mind control a victim. I woke up cramping so badly in my lower abdomen that it hurt to pee. I don’t know if the PIB’s are still trying to scrounge some eggs or trying to suck out any remnants of castrated tissue, or if they are just trying to violate and depress me as part of their mind control regimen. For mind control is a very important part of their agenda for me. I have been doing some Internet reading (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/mindcontrol2/part08.htm#CEREBRAL_SPINAL_FLUID_kept_SECRET_) written by Fritz Springmeier who was unjustly imprisoned when he began revealing hidden Illuminati practices. One of the secrets he revealed was that Illuminati mind control is being practiced through physical manipulation of the cranium and the third eye point. Of course, after all the implants and screaming in pain, not to mention the very evident structural changes (literally my skull is bulging out in places and ways it never did before while my entire jawline and face shape has changed), it is clear that I am a victim. More interesting to me, however, was the explanation of how mind control implants and blocks are done through the third eye point. Bingo. That was first done to me years and years ago. I know, because spiritual people and healers have recognized it, as the seat of my “evil spirit.” I have known for years that what was happening in my “third eye” area was negative and destructive, and actually responsible for hindering my capacity for contemplative prayer and “talking to God.” It is where the “evil spirit” within me resides. I don’t know its name yet, but I am working on it. It will not be easily exorcised, or it would already be gone. Unfortunately, the evil spirit/mind control block in the third eye gets reinforced every time I am abducted. I think that is the reason a probe is put up my nose—and it definitely was put up my nose last night.
But I am getting closer. I am pretty certain it is a Borg/Luciferian evil spirit and not a reptilian one.
What does this mental block do? First of all, it is deeply depressing, severing me from the joy of life in reality. I have spent all day in a deep depressive and apathetic state. It literally makes the eyes want to close, rather than take in any stimuli. I think they also put in mind control suggestions. In my case they hate my lesbian sexuality. I think they would hate my sexuality even if I were straight, but lesbian sexuality to them is intolerable. They have no idea of how deep my need is to bond with another woman intimately and sexually, especially on a day like today, when I yearn for a partner and a lover to help me heal and hold me. Instead I got a pounding headache, a drugged mind, and mind control suggestions rooted through the block in my third eye.. But their grip is getting weaker, and I am getting closer to breaking the hold you sob’s—ask that Filipino/Indonesian psych. Of course, they can continue to drug me more and more heavily, as they have done tonight, with yet another round of psychotropics. But inwardly, I feel stronger and stronger.
I think I probably vented too much in my last post (as well as demonstrated my desperate need to get laid), but that post was who I am. I regret if I hurt anyone, and I admit that I was writing really quickly instead of exercising my usual slow deliberateness, which always leads to sloppy presentation and lends itself to misinterpretation. Still, I felt strongly that it was the right thing for ME to do, to be true to who I am, and what I dimly discern to be God’s will for me. I feel a little bit bad, wondering if I blew some lengthy negotiations, in which I was some high value bargaining chip. I could take umbrage at being reduced to a bartered asset, but I really don’t, because I understand how high the stakes are. I can see that the chemtrails have started up again, after days of clear skies, and I worry about the continuing climactic upheaval all over the world, especially in Pakistan (20 million people suffering desperately, and no real leadership to exercise governance to ease their pain). That is not Mother Nature—those are the “same old” weapons of war from the time of Atlantis, and I don’t think any country on Earth is responsible, though factions may be allied with the alien warmongers. This worries me, because even before the election, I feared that the next really hot war would originate in Pakistan, and the flooding there is destabilizing an already weak and corrupt government.
So, would it have killed me to go along with what I presume was some kind of apprenticeship under Aryan tutelage or on a “mothership.” It wouldn’t have killed me, but it is not who I am or what I came to do. I am not a royal princess, groomed to leave my home and identity for the sake of a political alliance, however necessary or laudable.
I like the Aryans, and I know that I have an Aryan mind, but I am not completely comfortable with the Aryans. However, my real complaint is with the Reptilians. Insofar as I have a personal problem feeling comfortable with the Aryans, it is because of their domination by the Reptiles. In the brief research I have done, I have discerned that the Aryans have a noble, “pagan” philosophy of stoic morality and sacrifice, unfortunately obscured by a lot of “New Age” kind of concepts—hard to really say because every channel is different. Yes, I believe that Lady Nada was a priest at Atlantis during a previous incarnation. I’ll be honest. I strongly suspect that I may have been one too, but it is not helpful to reveal, or dwell on those type of details or concepts, because there is no context of understanding among the audience. 95% of the population thinks Atlantis is an amusement park or a legendary myth.
However, from what I have experienced (and I admit, being repeatedly abducted and violated is a very negative experience) I don’t believe that the bulk of Aryans worship the “true God,” as I feel called to do. I know this is a loaded claim, but I see so much of their lifestyle, ethos, and behaviors as revolving around and responding to an idolatry, rather than their Creator. Their fears actually give more credence, glory and support to the values of the reptiles, than celebrating their Creator. Because the reptiles exploit and steal their physical and emotional energy and biological hormones, their evolution has led them to strip down their psyche and behaviors to only the most rational and logical of pursuits—no doubt to try to cheat their tormentors. Because the reptiles abuse and violate them in the sanctity of their sexuality, they have all but closed off to sexual desire and sexual expression.
In a way, I am Aryan in my responses as well. If I feel abused by some one or some process, I look to shut off my need for whatever gives them power over me. There is a story from county jail that illustrates my point. At mealtime, we were served globs of XXXX with the pod’s salt packets carried in a single paper bag. There was sufficient, but not plentiful, salt to go around, if it were distributed equally in moderation. But because the CO’s were too lazy to monitor the salt distribution, the dope addicts and greedmongers, always craving salt and sugar, would whine and fight for it, rushing the bag so that a couple of dozen ended up with fistfuls of salt. The rest of us were reduced to bargaining or begging for a measly packet from their fists. After a couple of weeks of going through this ridiculous charade, and seeing that all my appeals to CO’s and fellow inmates fell on deaf ears, I just decided to give up salt. Completely. I said to myself, “I am not an animal and I am not going to fight or beg or scrabble for a goddamned salt packet. The food tastes abominable anyway.” And not only did I give up nearly all salt in jail (except for when a responsible CO would set up an inmate to distribute the packets equally—come on now, how hard is that?), but I actually developed a very real disdain and distaste for it. I had to work at, and learn how to enjoy the taste of salt again, once I was free.
So, I understand why the Aryans evolved as they evolved (I suffer from the same self-defensive mechanism), but I believe it to be self-defeating in the end. Thus, I believe their desire and agenda to make me more “Aryan” through mind control and biochemical and cranial manipulation is a lose-lose situation. Of course, I would like to see them more “human”, but I doubt that is realistic or achievable, for their minds and psyches are set in the patterns in which they were formed and raised, and I do not believe in mind control or compulsory force to change beliefs or behavior one is a danger to themselves or others.
I see two positive possibilities. One is dialogue, but true dialogue takes place between equals, if not in station, at least in regard, and respecting the other’s body and free will is paramount. I don’t think this is going to happen. There may be elements of the Aryans open to dialogue, but from what I have experienced in my dozens of abductions, the Nazis prevail.
The other possibility I can foresee is outreach (through writing) to the hybrid Aryans-humans, including my own DNA children. For like them, I am a hybrid, and I am sure that most of them feel as big a misfit in this world as I do, but yet this world is my home, and my guess, is that this world is their home, too.
What I cannot do is forsake my spiritual birthright and vocation from God to comply with someone’s vision or understanding of me. I do not believe that spirituality is created and formed by cranial manipulation or implants. Mind control is created and formed by cranial manipulation and implants. True spirituality comes from the grace of God, a pure and gratuitous gift. While the Nazis might try to scrape some stray egg from my ovaries in hopes of producing a more “amenable”avatar, religious genius is not the result of genes. It is not the result of cranial manipulation, DNA changes, or third eye mind control. It comes when an individual, opens herself to the love and grace of God, in and through relationship, forsaking the distractions and temptations of a deceptive idolatry. Christianity, along with every other religion and belief system in existence has to fight against idolatry. For us humans in America, that idolatry is primarily materialistic. We literally worship the “golden calf,” to which the statue of the bull at the heart of our financial center testifies. Many among us genuinely and mistakenly believe that doing God’s will “earns” or “entails” personal prosperity, and thus are reluctant or resistant to ensuring a system in which everyone gets a packet of salt, preferring to fight for fistfuls. We think, however subconsciously, that our financial abundance is “God’s gift” to us for our hard work and moral virtue, and therefore we cling to it, developing an unhealthy craving for it, like dope addicts unable to appreciate or taste their food without pouring on prodigious and sickening amounts of salt. This is an idolatrous heresy, but it is so prevalent here in the “developed” world, and among the leaders of the developing world, even among those who overtly proclaim a “socialist” agenda of wealth redistribution. I spent the first couple of decades of my adult life resisting and rejecting that heresy and while my discipline and dedication has left me materially poor and powerless, it has also created great spiritual freedom. Unfortunately my own spiritual success has now led to subjugation from another level of temptation and idolatry—one which I have barely encountered except in my sleep and dream state--from the Aryans.
By the way, let me emphatically state that every mortal being, culture and civilization is subject to temptation and idolatry. No one, no aggregate entity of any type exists in a state of perfection, but we all need to be humble and work at peeling away fears and idolatries, and to the extent that an individual or society can do that, they are healthy. The great genius, promise, and hope of America (and Christianity) is our own prophetic self-critiquing, questioning and willingness to “repent,” adapt and change. Unfortunately (especially since the great Illuminati coup of Kennedy’s assassination and the great, successful coverup), the force of change has been hijacked by totalitarian and ideological social engineering and manipulation (witness Obama’s sloganeering). In the 1990’s, the prophetic, once-Jesuit, Malachi Martin wrote a novel detailing how the Illuminati would hijack and market the concept of “change” in order to usher in the new world order of the Beast. With the current concentration of media ownership and legislative priorities in the hands of a tiny, and supremely wealthy elite, we, as a nation are becoming increasingly victimized by ideological totalitarianism. The remaining bright spot is the Internet, and that is why the Illuminati are gearing up to destroy its power and effectiveness.
Totalitarianism on any level—ideological, political, economic or religious leads to stagnation and ultimately spiritual death. Psychic totalitarianism, via means of unconscious abduction, mind control, and invasion of privacy by remote viewing into another’s mind leads to spiritual death. In my 20’s, I made a conscious decision to opt out of the “Rat Race,” even though I knew that I was “called” for something greater. I took as my model such Christian saints as Therese of Liseux, who labored for sanctity, and prayed for others in obscurity. For years I was content with my decision, and really felt that it gave me a greater personal freedom and an inner, “secret” ticket to a genuine and deep happiness that, unfortunately, many gifted and highly ambitious people find elusive or fleeting. But I could not escape destiny, and I have been pulled into an even deeper vortex of temptation and idolatry, even more difficult to understand, integrate, and “make my peace with,” because it is not my native element. But I do know it is my vocation to resist and reject temptation and idolatry, and that includes the psychic idolatry of mind manipulation and control; that includes the unholy disdain for the emotional, sexual and bodily reality and beauty of human (or perhaps I should say, “mortal”) beings, and most definitely it precludes the authority of any process that denies my God-given right to free will and free choice. I don’t feel hateful, angry, judgmental or superior, nor do I have any great plans or suggestions. I know that most beings desire the good, and I see a tremendous amount of good will everywhere, even in the realms most subject to totalitarianism. However my vocation is the call to a freedom, not subject to totalitarianism. I do believe that I have successfully negotiated and incorporated that goal into my native society and 3D world, but I still am struggling to understand and master the nature of the temptations and idolatry as put upon me by related aliens from the fourth dimension.
In order to resolve this, I need to be able to talk to relate freely to God, but needless to say that is difficult when I am constantly drugged. Last night I was abducted and injected again (goddamn, the Aryans just won’t let go). In the last 5 minutes, a viral download began, which makes it impossible for me to think rationally (so this post is coming to an end). My most immediate spiritual need is to free my mind from the mind control block in my head but until then, (or along the way), my only means to insist on and assert my freedom is to write, which is hard when I am so unhealthy and low energy all the time. Maybe I should just try to find work again, but considering that I have been abducted the last two nights, I doubt the PIB’s will allow it. My poor mother is as tired of this XXXX as I am, and I know I cannot depend on her to support me much longer. Something has gotta change.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
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