Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Concern about my health problems grow.

Concern about my health problems grow. I know, from the autism I suffered while driving and shopping today that I am on psychotropic drugs, and they always make things worse, but even so, my body is deteriorating rapidly. Today, I realized for the first time that I no longer have the upper body strength to use a shopping cart as a walker. I have always taken it for granted, but it is gone forever. My arms were aching with fatigue and lactic acid buildup as I tried to use my cart as a walker. My entire body is uncomfortable at best, and in constant pain, at worst--especially the back---"ALL FUCKED UP" is the only way to say it. I don't know how I am going to ever heal, with this pain. I wanted to go lift some weights to try to let my body know that I will try to build up and resore it, but I was too sick, and barely able to walk after shopping. However, the most immediately worrisome of the health disorder created by the Sirian jesuit PIB's is my dental health. As I wrote earlier, they completely shifted my lower and upper jaws, and now I am suffering from nerve/tooth pain on my right side. I believe that they caused the dental nerves to shift from their original place to come into contact with the excessive lymphatic drainage carrying the virus, and this has caused a major infection. The question is how many teeth are impacted? I know one tooth is in big trouble, but I really fear for my right eyetooth which has needed periodontal surgery for years, but which I cannot afford. Now that tooth is really bothering me, along with the entire right lower jaw. I cannot lose my eyetooth. I cannot afford or withstand a root canal or a cap. I cannot protect my dental nerves from exposure to the lymphatic fluid. It is a huge, horrible mess. I was all worried about how to prioritize my Christmas cash, and now it looks like it is going all to the dentist. The best case scenario is going to require at least a half mouth x-ray, and unless the infection clears (I ate two raw cloves of garlic), I will be spending hundreds of dollars more to fix yet another pain filled, destructive misery caused by my tormentors--I won't think about it tonight. I am in too much pain with my back and arms.

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