Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Woke up in the middle of the night with

Woke up in the middle of the night with pain in my mutilated arms---an ache in the cut off muscles and shoulders, and tendonitis running down both arms to the joints. No matter how I tried to position my arms, I could not find a position of rest. There literally is no resting position for my arms anymore. Even as I type this, the arms resting on the desk, I feel the tendonitis beginning, and know that soon they will be numb. Upon awakening this morning, I tried some exercises, but the pain is too much and the arms will not cooperate, in the unnatural musculature in which they are trapped. I did feel however that something had changed, and looking in the mirror, I have lost my neck! The fucking pigs removed one of the vertebra of my neck, leaving with me with nothing but a fat, fluid-filled double chin for a neck! I always have had a short, thick bull neck--now I truly am a no-neck, and I can no longer look down and see the floor. I guess they thought that would fix the nerve pain and tendonitis that they have left me with in both arms. WRONG AGAIN, YOU STUPID MENGELIAN MEDICAL HACKS! Maybe I am wrong--it does seem incredible to imagine that these Nazi pigs would perform a medical procedure solely to ease my pain--much more likely, removing my neck is just a way to get their poisonous, alien virus to my brain stem faster. Another detail, is that these goddamned man boobs are even more in my constant way. I want them masectomized--until the grotesque butchery of those goddamned, mengelian boobs are off my body, I can't bear to be in it.
For understand one thing, dear reader, the Sirians, like the reptilian Grays at Dulce, are no friends of humanity, but just sadistic torturers of the most depraved, advanced kind. My suffering and mutilated body bears witness, just like the horrendous suffering of human medical subjects at Dulce (the six-leggeds and the bat-winged that you don't know about, because you prefer to stay in a state of illusion) for they have turned me into a grotesque medical experiment, destroying my God-given and beloved form, and leaving nothing but a misshapen, mutilated, larded carcass that suffers from constant pain and hardship from the torture performed upon my body.
Maybe some of the poor mind-wiped drones think that I should destroy my individuality and spirit, just as the Sirians have destroyed my body, by abdicating my free will and spiritual sovereignty, in order to become "in synch" with (i.e., dominated by) the machine. Maybe, they think that will "teach" the Sirian collective and their human stenchmen, "compassion." No, I am afraid that won't work, all you poor mind-wiped, spiritually destroyed drones. If the Sirian machine had the ability to learn compassion from my pain and suffering, (I guess those who follow the Atlantean myths, would call me a "supersoul" because I am a hermaphrodite, and thus they believe I have greater influence on the machine), it would already have done so. For not only have I experienced the utter depths of torture and innocent suffering, I have chronicled it (and most volubly and articulately I might add). Even now, I am in physical pain with my arms, something the machine can certainly read through their mental implants, but I guarantee you, there is not a flicker of response from the machine.
However, there may be some truth to the myth. While I know that the machine cares not a whit about any singular entity (no matter how "supersouled" they may be), I would suspect that they are susceptible to collective action and revolt. They are a machine after all--one little datum can be discarded or ignored or modified without effort, but how about an exponentially replicating block of data? So I challenge all you poor, spiritually lost, brainwashed drones to fight back, rage, against the machine, become the overwhelming virus to the machine, just as they have infected humanity with their virus. For if you do not, my fate, pain and suffering will be the fate, pain and suffering of you and your children. The Sirian machine cares not a whit about human beings, our feelings, our spirit, our free will, our God-given sovereignty. We are data, to be processed and experimented upon for their knowledge, perverse power and pleasure. You assimilated drones think that you are saving your civilization by cooperating with the machine, and relinquishing all ties with, commitments to, and respect for those (the people of color) who the machine tells you to despise and allow for sacrifice. Well, the Sirian machine must think quite highly of me, if they have spent over 12 years (starting with the spiritual life institute, directed by the luciferian jesuits and ratzinger), using every mind control stratagem, violating abuse, and physical torture to get me to cooperate with them. So, I ask you, will you really give your allegiance to a machine that treats those it regards as "special" in such a manner? Can you not see that you are setting up your "special" selves and "special" children for the exact same fate and torture as I suffer? If you cannot, you are truly lost, in the worst kind of way, soul-lost. My body is destroyed, my pain and suffering is constant, but I cling to my soul. I have no hope, as the Sirians have regained the upper hand, threatening to destroy the United States with climate warfare, through their HAARP weapons that presaged a taste of the prolonged destruction, they would unleash if the political establishment did not put the anti-christ back on his powermongering throne. (Why do you think there was thunder and lightning present in the howling snowstorms on the East Coast--ufo's were above it, causing and directing it). All I can do is ask that, with whatever bit of genuine self-love you have, that you realize that you are spiritually and mentally enslaved, and do what every free child of God is called to do--fight for your freedom, and those of your children.
I would write more, but my arms and back are hurting very bad. I can only do a little at a time. God help us. God help me.

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