Friday, December 31, 2010

Wow, man--I'm definitely on lithium

Wow, man--I'm definitely on lithium--I just passed the sure-fire, time-proven litmus test. After a couple of swigs of whiskey, my eyes just opened up and could take in so much more stimuli! I bought the whiskey to make an egg nog toddy to celebrate New Year, but had decided to forget midnight and drink enough to get me to sleep. So I started drinking it straight, and as it always does to me, when I am on lithium, it made me feel so much more human and alert. LOL. You poor fucked up religionist bastards --you are so b arking up the wrong tree--unfortunately I bear the brunt of your stupidity AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AGAIN, FOR YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS. Well thank you God for whiskey--at least should be able to get through some of my email

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