STUPID LUCIFERIANS BACK ON TOP--and boy, am I feeling. Sick as a dog all day yesterday. Sick as a dog and severely autistic all day today. Spent evening in bed, taking pills to help me sleep. Hopefully i will be asleep by 8 pm. What is going on with me is bnothing compared to what is going on in world. Luciferians are back on top--acting through our military--some of whom are duped, some of whom are indulging personal ambition at the expense of the country's welfare, just angling for the presidency in 2012, and some of whom are seriously brainwashed via implants, or cult-like mind control There is a new, resurgent Luciferian power on the scene. I know who it is. I know that the good guys (or rather, "gal" knows who it is), but I'm keeping mouth shut, for now, giving her an opportunity to work behind the scenes. But my fury won't be contained forever. I know what I want to write, and it is lengthy and involved, and it will come out, and if my anger, or a sense of personal danger gets the better of me, I will let loose, both barrels blazing, tact and prudence be damned. As it is, I will give you one little tidbit that flashed across the CNN ticker, "Hostage taker holding 33 hostage in Peruvian bank arrested" Something like that--can't remember the specifics, but let me decode the parts that I am sure of--the "33" stands for the luciferian freemasons who have betratyed our country, have put us in bullshit, for-profit wars, and have initiated numerous false flags against us, some of which have succeeded such as 9/11 and Gulf oil spill, and the most destructive and recent ones which have failed, those include dirty bombs in the heartland and Eastern seaboard, and a massive tsunami to hit our shores. The reasons these have failed is because of the "hostage taker"--Hillary Clinton, who, with practically no support has orchestrated a successful response. But now, the primary leader of the patriot leadership team is losing ground, because our own military allowed a huge dump of classified material for the purposes of blackmail.
Oh yes, don't blame the "gay" PFC Bradley for the dump; blame the STRAIGHT four star general (s) in the DOD behind it (you know those straight people--they are such security risks and can't be trusted), so that the luciferian cabal would have the necessary blackmail papers if anyone could possibley threaten their agenda to start WWIII, and destroy America, which is the first step towards achieving their aim of rule by the anti-Christ (dont got time to go into details). Well, let me just tell you, the person who put the "33" in check has been "arrested" or checked from restoring America's sovereignty, and global peace and prosperity, and we can think the military who would BETRAY US for that. Oh, one last little thing--for those who think they know what is going on behind the hidden financial war, shennanigans and dirty tricks, I refer you to the Rumor Mill News postings by VK Dunham, whose raison d'etre for outrage involves a "Peruvian" bond. But let me just warn you, things are not what they seem, and if something doesn't make sense, it's because they are spreading smoke. People who express outrage are very often the ones spreading disinformation, and the good guys trying to restore a sound footing, (and that would include our "good gal") often are reduced to playing the game by the rules of the "establishment" or even as "double agent"... And guess what? The establishment is not the "leader of the free world (though GHW Bush came the closest), it is not Congress or the Supreme Court. It is a fascist corporate hydra presided over by the "33", and there is a brand new head, sprouting off and calling shots.
I have no reason to lie. I have the luxury of not playing double agent, so I'm free to tell the truth. I'm also poor and powerless, in a body that has been mutilated to the point of constant pain and mistery, and a brain that is fried on psychotropics, but as long as I can type or talk, I will stand for my God, my country, my fellow human beings (and not just the white ones, you sorry, brainwashed luciferians), and my planet.Unfortunately, when the luciferians are in control (as they are now), they keep me so drugged up, that I have only a few hours in a day in which to write and accomplish anything I'm still boiling, but I am too sick. I can feel I want to let loose....the volcano wants to blow, but right now sleep is more important.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
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