Tuesday, November 16, 2010

So much for my request--

So much for my request--it's been a really heavy day of viral downloads. Urine literally smelled like clorox bleach. NOw, I'm getting ready to take a vicodin to help me sleep for there is so much fluid on my body that all my joints and nerves are aching. I can barely lift my knees to walk, because of the fluid pressure. Worse of all though, will be the expected anxiety and head rushes that I can count on as soon as I lay down. I am too naturally hyper to be on these viral downloads, and I am spiritual enough to not need them, but so much for my input. I'm sorry that I don't feel centered enough to write more about the HUGE, jubilant victories and blessings that America, and indeed, peace-loving people all over the planet scored last week. This country averted treasonous (our own President, some of his closest advisors, some high ranking navy officers, and hundreds of rogue intelligence agents) multiple dirty bomb attacks--definitely biological, and also (I suspect) nuclear, after dodging the huge, would-be, CERN-initiated attack. The world averted a false flag attack on Iran (not by us, but by the world's most dangerous and eager warmonger right now, which parks subs off our west coast) which would have led to an immediate, all-ready-to-go invasion of Israel, and immediate Middle East conflagration (and by the way, Iran's president was as complicit in offering to sacrifice his country as Obama is dying to sacrifice America). All of this phenomenal success and "tipping point" happened at nearly the last minute, with everybody busting their ass to make it work, including Homeland Security (so cut them a little slack, all you anti-govt. types). Our govt is slowly being transformed from an effective, hidden enemy of the American people, to a hidden, reliable, and competent fighter for the American people. So all you Christians and people of faith, say a prayer for your real leaders, who saved the heartland from unimaginable devastation and the world from WWWIII--especially Hillary Clinton, Robert Gates, and John McCain, not to mention all the loyal military involved from generals down to soldiers. They could use your prayers because after a week of stunning success, the good guys have suffered another setback, and that is the way war goes. And guess what, war is not around the corner, or in 2012; it is here now--both on the global, financial stage (and God help us, if we lose the primary tactical advantage we have, of a food supply that feeds not only us, but huge sectors of the world), and on the cosmic level, but we are not so hapless and victimized by alien forces anymore, and that includes me. We got a fighting chance. Maybe tomorrow I will write more, but I like being thorough when I write, and I still suffer from these damned viral downloads.

PS--I can't be sure that a foreign sub fired off a non-American missile towards Iran. Because we suffered treason within our own Navy, from Ray Mabus, it IS possible that a rogue American sub using a foreign-made missile (because our own missiles are accounted for) was responsible. However, there is one nation in the world, salivating for war, and the only thing holding them back is their inability to feed their own population, and they ABSOLUTELY, MOST DEFINITELY, were aware of the treasonous plans, and ready to captitalize.

PPS--already, I am sorry for posting this--but it is out there, so it is too late to withdraw. To be honest, I am not 100% sure of what happened, but I've got it narrowed down to a couple of scenarios, which, maybe, I will propose later. The bottom line though, is that we are at war, and we have, not only powerful external enemies, but also powerful and entrenched domestic, treasonous enemies. This is not a time for anger, McCarthy-style witch hunts, and paranoia. And no ideological blame. Our govt has developed this powerful, treasonous element since the 19th century, scoring big coups with the assassination of FDR and especially, JFK). No one party or person is to blame. This is a time for prayer, for trust in the patriot leadership team that is effectively guiding this nation against our enemies, foreign and domestic, and patient waiting for the situation to stabilize and clear. And it will--I feel it, but we still are in active war--it is taking place in the financial markets right now. So support your real leaders, just as we always have in time of grave crisis and war. For the situation is progressing forward by leaps and bounds, even with the setbacks. It is also a time for vigilance, but not armed or paranoid overreaction, especially in our agricultural heartland (don't assume the govt is your enemy; it is not. It saved us from horrific destruction). My psychic intuition tells me that in the heartland, Kansas is especially vulnerable, but also San Diego (very high risk), Illinois, and Hawaii, so everybody stay vigilant in your prayers and in your outer lives. We are in an unseen war, but the enemy is evil incarnate itself, and the best resistance is prayer and personal holiness.

I hope that I haven't created more problems than soothed fears. This is why I didn't want to write...

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