Monday, November 8, 2010

Trying to hang in there

Trying to hang in there--as in my life and my head, while the Borg/reptile alliance continue to blast my head, would be allies in my immediate vicinity (real immediate) continue to play mind games, and the strategy to save the country continues to move so slowly. I am convinced that I can hold out, to death, if necessary. A couple of nights ago, I was screaming in agonizing pain, as the Borg/reptiles turned their viral implants on me full force, but God came to my assistance. No matter what, my faith will get me through. I just don't see an end to this hell that is my life.

I listened to a lengthy interview with Clif High last night:

I was struck by the depth of his understanding of what is really going on in the world--not very often do I feel that I listen to someone who really knows what is going on in the world and is free enough to state the honest-to-God truth. Out of hundreds of statements and positions, I only can disagree unequivocally with one: he thinks that the so-called alien agenda of causing DNA/RNA mutations is a bunch of hooey foisted on us by duped charlatans and channellers looking to hoist a new religion of "Ascension" on us. Well, he is absolutely correct about the latter part. "Ascension" isn't to a fourth dimensional world; it is to a fantasy induced, holographic slave reality. I can forgive him, because this new age treachery has tremendous appeal and power. However, I KNOW that the luciferian borg/satanic reptiles are indeed trying to change our dna/rna. I know, because it is happening to me, and has been in process for years. I could defend my assertion, but I am too sick right now. The only reason I am able to resist the mind control that accompanies this dna/rna change is, that, as a spiritually mature Christian mystic, I lived in an incredible fullness of reality for many years--more than many of the so-called "spiritual advisors"--especially priests who I sought out, and who then sold me out, and more than the psychics and remote viewers who spend their entire duty shift trying to get into my head. I cannot say that I am in such closeness to reality now. Constant pain, suffering, loneliness (which leads me to spend a lot of time in interior dialogue chatter), and the psychotropic drugs have forced a wedge between me and the fullness of reality interaction that I once enjoyed. But I still have got nearly everybody else beat! Most importantly, I have got the satanists and luciferians beat--they just won't admit it. There's no point in bragging, as they can destroy my body and mind at will, and it is not me, or any great superhuman strength. It is all grace. Amen. I can't even say that I am right and on top of things all the time. Sometimes, I am wrong, but like Clif High, not very often. Right now, though, I am really worried. I know that America narrowly dodged another bullet (actually two), by the forces of evil, and now I see that Netanyahu is headed to Houston (to talk to that reptilian reprobate, GHW Bush). Clif High, who makes predictions based on a software program analyzing linguistics in the public media, says that WWIII begins with an Israeli attack on Iran. I see from one of her supporting bloggers, that Hillary Clinton is understanding the danger and is going to be dealing with it, (now that she and the patriot leadership team just barely averted another terrorist scenario nearly successfully pulled off by Obama), but tensions are so high, I can't help but feel anxiety, especially for a situation in which I can do nothing but pray. Maybe i would have more fight in me, if I felt better, but I can barely drag myself through the day as I struggle to move and function while the metabolic drag and dysfunction of the dna-changing alien virus batter me, and remote viewers probe me. But everyone plays their part. There are a lot of good people in the real world, taking real chances, and real actions, with bare minimum of support, and like Clif, I can't help but feel that the good guys are going to win (of course, as a Christian, that is a fundamental prerequisite of my belief system anyway. The question is, "how long, oh Lord"?) I just gotta hang in there....

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