Gandhi subtitled his autobiography, My Experiments with Truth. My autobiography could be subtitled My Experimentw with Lies, Liars, and Duplicious Illusions. For that is the luciferian agenda. Ever since I talked to Dale about my normal dream state, which is vivid and hi-def, and how I had such a strong reaction to even small doses of melatonin, the Pricks In Black have been messing with my dreams big time. In addition to the neverending virus downloads, they are forcefeeding me drugs which really interfere with my ability to dream, both in content (no longer any meaningful, symbolic dreams of narrative, but just broken fragments of the mundane), and in delivery. The dreams are no longer vivid and up close, so to speak, but tiny and far, far away. I struggle to remember even a single image upon awakening--and awaken I do frequently. Indeed, I think I am waking up after every ream sleep. Deep dreams are a way of communicating with the living and true God, the underlying deep reality and truth. The luciferians aren't interested in true reality or true God. Indeed, their strongest desire is to hack into the dream state of as many people as possible, and put in their symbolic lies, hoping to spiritually enslave humanity through false dreams. I knew when I told Dale about my dreams and melantonin that the PIB's would use it as a weapon against me. I assessed that danger and my inner self gave the go-ahead anyway. Why? The only thing I can think of is that I wanted to know and learn how to fight back against any and all responses the luciferians threw at me. I guess since I have no communtiy of peers to protect me, and with whom to exchange information, all I can do is be a guinea pig in dangerous, victimizing experiments and form my own conclusions, which I then try to place out here, in hopes that it will help others. For I would do for others what has not been done for me--help others to rage against the machine. But this experiment with the Lie has taken its toll--I have had only one real dream (and it was just a fragment--of me playing electric guitar), since that conversation with Dale. Nor am I able to get REM sleep--every time I start to dream, I wake up. I think it fair to say that the luciferians are using sleep deprivation as their latest mind control technique. And it is wearing me down. It also is possible that I am being given drugs to interfere with my sleep--I know from my stint in the psychiatric hospital that depakote does that, but if so, I am being given huge dosage. For I am so drugged up at night, when the dosage begins, that I am in a semi-psychosis state of reality. Whatever I am being given also makes it impossible for me to think through any problems or ideas, or for that matter to concentrate to read. Normally my mind is teeming with ideas and hypothesis and scenarios, that I keep twirling around and around, over and over, until they lock in a perfect rubik cube. And yes, my thoughts move at lightning fast speed--especially when I am going over and over them again repeatedly, looking for that last piece to lock. That is one thing I have learned from experiments with the Great Lie--you want the brain to move and think fast; the faster the brain works, the harder it is for mind control to take place. That is why they are slowing our kids' brains down with ritalin and other psychotropic drugs. Anyway, it is very depressing to remember that there were a couple of lines of inquiry that I was working on, and to be utterly unable to pursue them in any fashion, even a compromised one, whatsoever. It is as if my brain is as empty as if I were a mentally handicapped idiot. For that matter, it is hard to do anything at all. I need to redo my work space since the luciferian neighbors have increased their capacity to violate my privacy, now that they have successfully petitioneed to destroy the natural charm and beauty that was my outdoor vista. Cant do it. Unable to even get up the effort to go watch tv. Severely depressed. Time to go back to bed for a few minutes. Dont feel well at all....
Just forced myself to try to think, and realized even my own thoughts are far, far away, instead of up close and personal where I can work with them. Amazing the damage these pigs can do to a human with their chemicals. Is it fair to say that the luciferian agenda is to separate the unconscious mind from the conscious control of the subject and turn it over to the evil, parasitical conbrol of the machine?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
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