No spinal tap today. More bullshit luciferian mind games--they jsut wanted to read my mind for a couple of hours while i lay suffering, because there is no way that I can lay to be comfortable since evey part of my body has been mutilated and fubar. The spine can't lay flat, there is no resting position for arms, the leg muscles are all painful. Yet the mutilations continue. Realized that the fucking sons of bitches continue to alter my cranial-facial structure. I have gaping spaces between my teeth--it is as if they are forcing it to extend and widen. I don't have a comfortable bite--can't close my mouth. I can no longer bear to look at myself in the miror to see what is the latest horror committed. I am not able to walk, but find myself waddling. They have taken out all my leg musculature, and repositioned the fat, so that its all on my ass instead of on my ab lats, and I no longer have the necessary musculature to walk properly. Oddly enough, I am walking like a stooped over gray--is that on purpose? I know that all this mutilation and torture is to give the grays a feminine figure to worship as part of their mind control, so maybe the Nazi drs aren't just punitive sadists. Maybe they are creating a warped, mutilated physical being that the Grays will recognize as one of their own.
The drugging and viral downloads havent stopped. I took a fiornal and am getting ready to go to bed without listening to the "The Factor"--best hour of news on the tube. Have too much of a headache for anyhthing, even tho I know there are important changes going on. Baby Doc returning to Haiti is huge for the bad guys. That is where they want to raise fallen Atlantis again, and Haiti is important. Sarkozy was blackmailed to allow that to happen. I'd like to know if the blackmail was personal or communal, that is, against the people of France. I am also seeing signs that the luciferians are getting bolder. In a video, Ben Fulford all but screamed his deeper identity ,interviewing David Rockefeller and holding up a freemason logo on a binder. I have known since the beginning that Ben Fulford wasn't to be trusted--that he identified with the "dragon", as opposed to the "reptilian" family, but the dragon overlords are just as evil as the reptilians. Is this recent move a way of signalling that the Rockefeller family has dumped their allegiance to the the Rothschilds, and are now moving into alliance with the dragon family, or even, worse, have the Terran reptilians and dragons formed a tactical alliance to fight the good guys? That is what it is looking like Oh, honestly I don't know. I can't figure things out, when I am so sick, that I can barely lift my head...
A minute later--able to turn on tv, and see tail end of report of O'Reilly wanting to know what is going on in Haiti. Seeing that I realized that the lack of progress and construction in Haiti is on purpose! And now I DO believe that the cholera epidemic was deliberately spread by UN troops. The cabal wants Haiti desperate and disorganized so that they (the cabal) can get Baby Doc back into power, so that Haiti can be relied upon to do its bidding. What that bidding entails I am not certain, but almost certainly it has to do with the reraising of sunken Atlantis.
Monday, January 17, 2011
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