Sunday, January 9, 2011

In a world ruled by evil, sucesses always come with a terrible price.

In a world ruled by evil, sucesses for the Good always entails a terrible price. I can speak to that, personally. I may have an exceptional intuitive understanding of the forces and dynamics of the unspeakable evil that is ruling this country, but the cost has been so onerous, that there is no joy or happiness involved in this giftedness--just a crushing sadness and burden left by the concomitant penalties that has left me unbearably depressed. But I am not the only person whose life has been destroyed by evil, and it is my intent to write this post about the innocent victims of Tucson, especially "Gabby" and Judge Roll (both of whom are the kind of truly couragous, dedicated, and freedom loving public servants that our nation was founded to inspire, honor, and promote. I have struggled, and really thought about whether to write this post, for I know that I am in a seriously autistic state of being, with my feeling function and emotional responsiveness severely blunted by the mind control implants and drugs. So I hope that I don't come across as alienated, intellectually aloof, or indifferent. Ultimately, I respond to life from my spiritual center, and the resulting convictions that spring from there, while utilizing the functions of both reason and the emotions, can still prevail, even if those functions are severely handicapped, which indeed, is my current situation.

The post is a little delayed because of my current handicap. When I first learned of the tragedy, the emotions could not process the information--I had to get away from it all. So I went out to try to exercise and do some shopping I wasn't really ready for--yep, I run away from emotions when I don't have the ability to process them. Right now everything is blunted and slow-mo, and I am not capable of a true emotional response. I don't trust my reason, either, because my brain isn't thinking right, or making the normally confident and rapid connections. So, I let the facts filter, dribble, and percolate in very slowly, and when I felt that I had a reasonable hypothesis, I still didn't trust myself. So I told myself, to "dream on it." Unfortunately, I think my dream state was hacked last night (more on that, later--it deserves its own special post). So I am not in my centered, spiritual, and assured state of being that I normally am in when I type, almost without thinking. Everything is laborious and painfully second guessed. But a tragedy of this magnitude deserves the best response I can muster, no matter how laborious, and the volleying between the "good guys" and the forces of evil is so accelerated, that tomorrow, there might be an entirely new crisis claiming attention.

So I hope no one takes offense when I say this tragedy was a vengeful act ordered by psychotic mass murderers guilty of the most egregious crimes against humanity, in a desperate counteroffensive to regain their lost momentum. It is analgous to the Battle of the Bulge, in which the Allies suffered painful losses just as they were poised to fight and engage the Nazis on their homeland turf. When I was a little kid, I liked reading war books (probably because so much conflict was going on in my young unconscious). They were all bombast and glory, and I remember being thrilled by the American CO who wrote, "NUTS" when asked to surrender to the overwhelming forces arrayed against him. As an adult however, I realize that the Battle of the Bulge in bitter winter cold, was not just about glory, valor, and victory, but also about the terrible toll of suffering it entailed. The PBS documentary on WWII depicts this graphically--young men, without winter issue or coats (because the advance had outpaced the supply ops), shivering, and literally icing up in frozen foxholes, coming down with severe frostbite, spending a couple of nights defrosting in a med tent while waiting for the determination if an amputation was in order, and if not, hobbling back to the front in uninsulated boots, on feet that would never be the same. Kids think war is about glory; adults know it is about painful suffering and profound loss.

Well, this HAARP-induced, bitter winter is America's Battle of the Bulge redux, against a Nazi fifth column, which unfortunately survived the war, and insidiously worked its way into a hidden, sabotaging power via the intelligence agencies, and high-level freemason corporate contacts and networks, all with help from predatory ET aliens. This time around, civilians are not only "collateral damage" but primary targets. Still, I think this heinous terrorist act only underscores what I sense to be the cabal's desperation to regain lost momentum. The war is not won, people--bitter battles are still waging, with heartrending losses still wounding us deeply, but the Tucson murders were an act of vengeance done by a desperate, losing, and increasingly cornered adversary.

Let me explain, by bringing up the mysterious bird/fish/bat losses. I proposed to someone that I thought this was the result of the cabal blackmailing the Patriot Leadership by proving that they had a satellite/HAARP weapon that could attack its target genetically, by targeting specified chromosomes, so that they could kill off a desired segment of the population, without damage to the rest. At the time, I offered that hypothesis, I was only about 75% sure of it. Now, I am 98% sure of it, and the Nazi/Illuminati cabal is furious--because I think that was their big secret weapon they kept in reserve, not only to further their agenda, but as a primary, more efficient means of "culling the herd." The kind of lame disinformation I see regarding the mystery killings reinforces my certitude (tsk, tsk Sorcha, you can do better than "poison gas clouds").

The first crack in the cabal's armor was John Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler, like many of those privy to the workings of intermdiate was a rather dubious character. My guess is that he knew and was actively involved in the hidden development and workings of this weapon. He probably justified it as a necessary evil of war for fighting one's enemies, and I suspect that the DNA genomes that the frequencies can identify and destroy are multiple, and include what those in the cold war would have identified as our enemies. Remember, this HAARP weapon was initiated during the Reagan administration--SDI. However, Wheeler still had a little bit of a patriot in him (from his photos, I don't see him as amoral and evil, as I can tell from so many of the upper echelon cabal). When the cabal made it clear that they were targeting AMERICANS in Arkansas, I think Wheeler developed a serious case of remorse, and probably called somebody telling them to "stop targeting Americans" or he was "going to do something about it." Stand up, honorable people are honest about their intentions, but the Illuminati/Nazi cabal has no respect for that kind of virtuous behavior, and were able to turn it to their advantage. Still, I think it is remarkable that Wheeler turned on the cabal at all, and the reason that I think he did, is because that he senses what a lot of middle and lower echelen cabal members are sensing--that the good guys have a chance to win this war after all.

In a psychological schemata of types, I have seen the breakdown that something like 15% of individuals are deeply moral who act in accordance with the higher principles of honesty, integrity and altruism, even if they are penalized for it, (yep, that would be me). About 15% of the population are deeply cynical and exploitive, only interested in servicing "me", with no regard for morals, people or ethical values at all. But the majority of people have no overwhelmingly dedicated allegiance to either deep morality or profouhd amorality. They vacillate back and forth, trying to decide which pole provides greater protection and cover to their insecure, immature egos. Maturity, of course, is always a process, and I hope that Mr. Wheeler had a genuine conversion to good at the end. Many of the lower and intermediate echelon of the cabal are rank and file members motivated by deep fear. Remember, they are told bits and pieces of the real truth, which truly can paralyze with fear--the ability of the cabal to murder at will, the multiple ET races preying on humans, the grim scenarios for our future, etc. These lower ranking cabal and freemason members are weak in the theological virtues--love, faith, and HOPE. Because of their weakness in virtue, they cannot see the possibility for a different, more positive outcome. However, recent successes by the Patriot Leadership has got them to realize that, yes, maybe there is a glimmering of real hope after all.

John Wheeler was almost certainly murdered because he threatened to go public about the secret HAARP weapon, but his threatened defection scared the higher echelon cabal. After all, what happens if other lower ranking soldiers of the NWO decide to defect? So, the NWO cabal, stung by the loss of secrecy over their HAARP weapon, and eager to show force of discipline to increasingly nervous and possibly wavering members, looked for a target on which to wreak their vengeance and punitive style discipline--and sadly, they found it in Tucson.

Congresswoman Gabby Gifford and Judge Roll were not chosen as the primary murder targets by pure chance. They were both patriots in the original and most noble sense of the word--lovers of justice and right, their country, fellow citizens and humanity. 15%er's. And, I suspect, those principles and values led them to actions that threatened to further undermine the NWO/Nazi cabal. I can only guess what those actions were, but here goes. Once again, a tip of the hat to Sorcha--he writes that Roll had just made a ruling against Obama (who by the way, can't lift his nose high enough to get out of the immoral muck and evil shit that he clings to and is innured in) who was attempting to use executive order to get his hands on any bulk smuggling of money that comes into the US. This is important, because the Patriot Leadership is trying desperately to get PHYSICAL dollars pumped into the economy, because credit to business and circulating money is the only way to get the economy moving and the unemployment rate down. But despite their best efforts, they can't do that, because the big banks and corporations are deliberately stifling the money supply, to deliberately force the economy to remain stagnant, until they can make THEIR move, when they plan to CRASH it. On top of that, the Federal Reserve made a 10 BILLION DOLLAR PRINTING ERROR that is going to delay hundreds of billions of dollars scheduled for release in February (I don't mean that 10 billion dollars were erroneously misprinted--I mean the projected cost of the waste of ruined millions and millions of bills is expected to be 10 billion). "Come on, man", do you really think that an error of this magnitude HAPPENS? It was deliberate sabotage. Behind the scenes, the Fed is the enemy of the American consumer and the American economy. When that money misses its February circulation date, the economic crisis is going to plummet even further, so the good guys are trying to "smuggle" money into the country. (For those of you new to the conspiracy scene, read the web--smuggling in huge amounts of dollars, T-bills, securities, stock and gold is ROUTINE). Obama knows this and is trying to prevent it from happening by claiming that if the money is discovered and confiscated, the money will not belong to the US Treasury, but he will claim and direct it to its appropriate destination--the hidden bank accounts of not only him, but the Bush family and their top billionaire buddies. This is what Judge Roll, no doubt being hip as to what was really going on, ruled on, and maybe, just maybe he planned to whisper in Gabby's ear after the meeting...

As for the Congresswoman, I think that she, as the head of Science and Technology committee, as well as being married to a currently active NASA astronaut and commander, knew too much. I think the means to investigate and expose much of the corruption and treason committed at the highest levels of our government and civil service, is slowly being assembled. NASA, starting with its Nazi first director, Werner Braun, has been a huge part of the corruption and treason that has choked out the life, and paralyzed the will of those public servants who maintain their integrity and would serve the Constitution, the nation, and their fellow citizens. Because of her intimate and professional relations, I think Gabby was in a perfect place to start the proceedings of exposure of all that NASA has been up to--especially the way it has been cooperating with predatory aliens against not only Americans, but the entire planet. The space station has been used as an incredibly powerful mind control platform--I know, because I have been a victim of it, and my dreams have told me. I dread every time the shuttle makes a trip to the ISS, because they always bring and install new technology which makes my life even more of a hell than it is. Hell or no, I am alive. If I could, I would have changed places with any of the victims, including Gabby (even if she survives, she surely will not be able to resume professional duties for a long time). But the brain is a powerful thing--it can heal remarkably, and certainly I, and many good, well-wishing, and holy people will be praying for her. But we do not get to choose our fates, only our actions--and as long as I am alive, no matter how miserably, I will choose to support the good.

In closing, I just have to mention Barack Obama. Which one of his "trusted advisors" told him to do that? Not only is his guilt, his smugness and self congratulatry pride evident to anyone who know how to read people, the press conference was the most bizarre display I have ever seen of a high American public official. It was like looking at a Quadaffi or Idi Amin--I man completely out of touch with reality, who is living in his own psychotic (in his case, mind-controlled psychosis) world. From the very beginning, the responsible government ministers knew that this guy had not an ounce of credibility behind a lectern, and they would always line up people behind him to bolster his narcissisticly juvenile, scripted acting job. Nobody was behind him to give him any semblance of respect or authority, and damn, what a difference that made. Truly bizarre. And then, there was the Freudian slip, "Gabby WAS a good friend of mine"--translate, yeh, until I was in on putting a bullet through her brain because she was ruining my infantile fantasy of being a great African Muslim prince. Bad Gabby. Nobody likes me. There is more I want to write on this, but it is time to close.

I close with blessings and prayers, and a word of caution to everone who identifies with the good guys. Be careful . These people think nothing of murder. Watch your backs and watch out for each other. God help me. God help us.

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