Friday, January 28, 2011

It's a sham! It's a sham!

"It's a sham! It's a sham!"--That is what CNN quoted as being said, at the scene, about the uprising in Egypt. More prosaically, DrudgeReport is on the scoop, too--see this article they linked on their site:

But I prefer, "it's a sham!"--because that is about the fourth time this week I have hear or read reference to "Sham"balla (I just listened to someone briefly mention the etymological link between "sham" and Shamballa). I realized in one single day that the repeated mention of Shamballa was, what Jung would call synchronistic, or James Redfield/New Agers would call purposeful, or the luciferians would call a revelation of "ANA" code. It all started innocently enough with a listen to that great Three Dog Night song, "On the Road to Shambhalla." Of course, the song reminds me of a time when I believed in innocent myths that tickled the imagination, sort of like the harmless childish myths of monsters under the bed. But now, monsters abduct me every night while I sleep, and perform the most heinous of operations and medical experiments on my body, so that upon awakening, the first thing I do, is wonder what the fuckers destroyed in my body while I slept. Likewise, I now realize the land of Shambhalla is no innocent, mere myth. For at the same time that I was picking up on multiple mentions of "shambhalla" in Internet chatter, there was a spate of articles on Agartha and/or the hollow Earth. For those who have followed this blog for some time, you know that I believe that Agartha is a real place in inner Earth. In Christian scriptural language, it is known as hell for the imprisoned demons. From the very beginning, I have warned about the Agarthans. I have mentioned that, from the friezes in the pyramids that I can tell that in ancient Egypt, the Sirians and Agarthans had an alliance, which they forged in order to overlord the humans (I can remember the symbol for the Sirians, the dogfaced god, Annubis, but the symbol I am trying to recall as symbolizing the Agarthans eludes me--but I remember at the time, that it was a very solid, very certain connection). Are the Agarthans 4D reptiles? At least some of them, for sure, but there may be other races in inner Earth as well, and if some of them are innocent, God-fearing beings, I apologize for any slander, but the preponderance of evidence I have seen tells me that the overwhelming majority of beings there do not care for humanity at all, but control and manipulate us. So, of course I go on high alert when some of the channels, such as Sheldan Nidle talk about Sirians and Agarthans making nice with humanity after all these years. I know how they "made nice" with humans millenia ago in Pharaonic Egypt. Now understand, I am not saying that Sirians and Agarthans are irredeemable enemies of humanity, but I know that the luciferian Borg are, and I think, on top of their ancient historical hostility to, and disregard for the human race, many of the Sirians and Agarthans who profess "light and healing" for the human race, are co-opted by the machine. I have the machine attempting to co-opt me now, and I can tell you, there is nothing human, humane, spiritual or ascending about their values, methods, or objectives. My suffering, and contemptuously ignored free will and sovereignty as a human person is evidence of that. No spiritual being ever forces an imposed identity on another, as has happened to me. But I digress.

All this talk of Shambhalla and the reality of a hidden, interior Earth, came upon the visit of the Chinese president, Hu Jintao, to the United States. Now understand, after years of counterfeit deals made by the shady rogue government and the Federal Reserve, as well as the deliberate, criminal mismanagement of the US economy by the Baby Bush administration , that China has a powerfully dominating weapon in dealings with the US--they hold an immense amount of our debt, some legitimate, and some utterly bogus. The patriotic leaders of this country (NOT the treasonous traitor and murderer, Obama), have been working hard to resolve that debt burden, while keeping the US economy from crashing catastrophically. I think that the Chinese came to the US last week to make a deal, albeit, a very demanding, hard-nosed one, but while they were here, I think they got an offer from the rogue government that they just couldn't refuse. In my next post, I hope to go more into timelines, details and hypotheses (because I haven't figured it all out myself), but for now, let me just say that I suspect that they were given MORE promises of American technology, such as from GE (some highly classified)--more on that, later, AND I think the location of Shamballa (inner Earth entrance was involved). The question I cannot fully answer for myself is, did the Chinese come to the US, knowing the entrance to Shambhala, and used that knowledge as a heavy handed bargaining chip, because of course, the Illuminate, Aryans, and Reptilians claim the inner Earth as a second home. Remember, the Chinese are genetically descended from the "dragon race" of Planet X. Fhe dragons are the bitter enemies of the reptilians, so it would be a scary thing for a reptilian to know that their sworn enemy, knew an entrance to the great inner Earth hiding place. The dragons are coming back into Earth's orbit in 2011. The reptiles will all need to disappear via galactic intestellar travel or hide out under the Earth in Agartha, for the dragons will scour the Earth looking for them. If this hypothesis is true, and I think it is (I suspect Maurice Strong may have given them the information, in exchange for his freedom, and the freedom of the "Beast." Of course, they would leave this planet and look for another planet/population to victimize.

The other option is that the Illuminati struck a deal with China, and to show their good faith, they told them of the Shambhala entrance, or one of them, anyway. What would China get out of such a deal--I would not be surprised if the dragon race is already in contact with the Chinese govt. Maybe the Chinese promised free passage tot he Aryans/reptiles from the Earth and Moon, Mars and in exchange for a complete upending and sabotage of the financial arrangements the Patriot Leadership team worked so hard to develop. In any case, it is clear that the Chinese struck a deal with the Illuminati cabal on the trip to the US. It was finalized in Chicago, after Hu met with Rahm Emanuel, and David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger, both top tier leaders of the western cabal introduced Hu to Chicago corporate types. Of course, remember Chicago is the home of the Climate exchange, Maurice Strong and George Soros' brainchild to become the new richest people on the planet. Also remember Strong has been living in China for three years now, and almost certainly is tight with Chinese leadership. Whatever the details of the deal, Barack Obama was an inspired man after that day. He came back with the glint in his eye, that yes, once again, he was going to be president of the world. What did Obama have to deliver to the Chinese (and remember, his wife even wore their colors at the state dinner--already ingratiating themselves with their new overlords). Well, I think Obama agreed to make sure that no financial deals that would insure the sovereignty of the US, would go through. I think that he agreed to be a figurehead world president in exchange to offering the severed "head{" of America (financial, industrial and military powerto the Chinese on a platter). After all, Obama has conspired with the Chinese (and Strong/Soros) to destroy America before. But he didn't stop there. Killing two birds with one stone, he would make the Illuminati cabal old guard happy by creating a bloodbath in the Middle East. Everybody is happy--the Chinese get control of the world (and do not underestimate their ambition; that is their desire and they do not care what it costs to attain it). So, to stop any possible financial settlement and resolution, and to create a bloodbath in the Middle East, the cabal used a weapon that that they introduced a while back--the Wikileaks cables . Since these cables were intimately tied to the State Department, they could always be counted on to undermine Hillary Clinton, a primary leader of the Patriot Leadership team, and thus, would put her on the defensive. However, they were also to used to undermine conservative Islamic governments in the Middle East. Why? Because the Chinese are allied with Iran and Pakistan (which it will use to attack India). Iran longs to be the "persian" Aryan leader of the Middle East, and using the time-honored tactics of mind-control religion, it has to get the Sunni devotion out of the way, and unite everyone under the Shiite version of Islam. SaudiArabia is big on their hit list, but they look for vulnerabilities. First the cabal, and with Barack Obama enthusiastically on board, they hit Tunisia, and created the uprising there. I think Obama blackmailed Sarkozy to do his bidding on releasing Baby Doc back to Haiti, by threatening to create the same upheaval in Algeria and the international food market, both issues very dear to the French heart and vulnerability. Now, Obama is moving to punish the Arab countries for not going along with HIS agenda. You have to understand how a pathological mind works. Obama IS a Muslim (at least in his own duplicitous heart). He honestly meant that bow to the Saudi king. In an interview, he talked of how he had worked at "practicing his bow." He intimated that he practiced his bow for the meeting with Queen Elizabeth II, but LOL, all he did, was give her a perfunctorily curt nod of the head--like I do to people who pass me on the bike trail. No, that great knob polishing, ass in the air job with which he honored the Saudi king, took a lot of effort. But a pathological hater, always hates himself the firstest and the mostest, and so that means, he will want to destroy that which he loves and claims the most. Obama really has no country, no identity, nothing but perverted, sold-out to-the-highest-bidder ambition, and right now, the highest bidder is China, and Obama needs to turn his own self-hatred onto something that he cherishes, and his own Arab heritage and Muslim religion which he claims in his heart, is the strategic loser. Now, it is interesting what is unfolding in Egypt. I think Obama gave Mubarek an "out" to keep power. If Mubarek consents to Obama's wishes, Obama and the cabal will call off the uprising. "It's a sham. It's a sham!") No matter what, every Muslim country is put on notice that they can be undermined by Wikileak cables, and sophisticated information ops any time (Iran, of course, is safe). These Middle East countries are so full of suppressed rage because of the political, cultural, and religious repression from which they have suffered for centuries. They are ready to blow, and of course, they have no tradition of self-critique and understanding, so they will look for a "Great Satan" to blame. But just remember, the end game is for millions of young Muslim men and civilians, entire cities, to die in a contrived war. It is not worth it. The ties that link all of these items together are so complex, but I hope to take a stab at it tomorrow.

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