Just a thought re: previous post...I am wondering if Bill Clinton's recent behavior--partying like a frat boy while Haiti, (his "adopted" nation and proud responsibility), is in crisis is the result of sophisticated mind control victimization. I know, that, at first, this sounds ridiculous, but bear with me a little bit. Americans sooner or later, are going to have to accept the realization that JFK was our last "real" president, as we imagine them--the leaders who weigh and make the decisions. Since then, every single president has been deeply compromised by the covert intimidation and coercion of rogue security intelligence agencies, and powerful corporate forces that they may barely glimpse. This is not a moral failing, insofar as one actively and knowingly cooperates with the rogue and sinister cabal. LBJ was completely owned by them. I think Nixon tried to fight back, and his impeachment may have been the end result (any president can be impeached a dozen times over, if the ruling powers decide that it is time to go)Jimmy Carter was a deeply moral man, but could only muster occasional attacks against the cabal (such as when he implicitly "sanctioned" the raid against the Dulce aliens, to free the human slaves there, bucking Brzinski--a high ranking luciferian/satanist, who of course, was complicit in the knowledge and operation of Dulce--to do so). I am sorry to disappoint all the Reagan lovers, but he was way out the loop. One day, I might try to write a fair expose of the Reagan administration as I see it. But I didn't need his son to tell me that his mind wasn't really all that aware of the subtlties and complexities of what actually was going on. It bothers me to see people venerate him, because I suspect him of a really terrible mortal sin, which I won't go into right now...The Bush family are one of the top families of the cabal, and Poppy Bush got involved in the deep shit as a young agent in Dealey Plaza. His son, George Bush Jr., I think, aspired and wanted to be a better man than his father, but he had neither the character or the sophisticated intellect to fight back. I saved Bill Clinton for last, because I think Bill Clinton is the only real President we have had in the last 50 years who actually was able to fight back against the cabal in a sustained way. I think that he was able to do it because of his incredible intellect, his superb political skills, and because of the deeply supportive companionship of his soul mate, Hillary Clinton. Now, I know that the Clintons do not have a traditional, patriarchal marriage--they are not complents to each other, but rather intellectual and spiritual partners of the highest order. This relationship was important because Washington DC is such a corrupt snakepit, full of hidden conspiracies and rogue actions, that I think it was very helpful that he had an equally incisive and intelligent mind to figure out what was really going on, probe for a optimal solution, and then execute the plan. For understand one thing, 10 years as an Arkansas governor did not prepare the Clintons for what really is going on in Washington, for they were not "in the loop" of the evil reality that is running the government. Nor, do I think, were they prepared for the gross immorality of the Washington cabal, which literally murders with impunity to achieve their end. I know the conspiracy sites are full of hints that Clinton murdered Vince Foster, but I am a pretty good judge of character, and I don't think Bill Clinton is a murderer. I also come from a small town, like Bill did, and I went to school with people who had been together as friends and classmates from first grade to graduation, just as he and Foster had done, and I know from personal experience of the culture, that it would take a really pathological character to murder a friend that you had known since you were six. Bill has his pathologies, and I am going to get to that in a moment, but I really do feel compassion for him and Jimmy Carter because I think they got thrown into a snakepit with no handholds or ropes to lead them out. (The Bushes were right at home in the snakepit, and Reagan thought the snakes were all his good buddies and patrons who were taking really good care of America while he kept the country entertained with his acting skills and avuncular quips). Vince Foster WAS murdered. A lot of people were murdered in the Clinton Admn, just as a lot of people are being murdered now, and maybe I should write more often, but I don't reveal much, because I don't want people to know what I am thinking, until I flash a hand full of aces). I suspect that Foster was murdered because he was on a secret mission, trying to outmaneuver the cabal, from Bill Clinton, and I suspect that Clinton probably feels pretty bad and guilty about that. The bottom line is that the Clintons were thrown into a rotten, corrupt cesspool that they only dimly began to understand in the latter years of their second term. Did they get involved in dirty politics? Hell yeah, they did, because Washington is a dirty place, and they were actually fighting to implement their vision and policies, instead of letting the rogue cabal dictate the terms (and I am not talking about legislation here; I am talking about the secret stuff hardly anyone knows about). I know that they have got some shit sticking to them, but that is because they found themselves paddling for their literal lives, in a sea of shit, and when you are bailing out your boat ain sea of shit, some of it is going to get on you. I'm just grateful that while they were out on the prow, bailing out the shit, to keep the boat afloat, somebody like me, who can't abide the stench of shit, was allowed to keep my place in the nice safe hold (didn't last for long--now I live in a shitstorm too, paddling for my life..,.oh well, so much for being "safe").
Now, having said that, I also believe that Bill Clinton was groomed by the cabal, and especially the Rockefellers, from a very young age to be President (the particulars I don't know--some historian can figure it out). As an ESSENTIAL part of the grooming process, he was set up to be blackmailed, from his college years. Nobody, but nobody, becomes president unless they can be blackmailed by the rogue cabal which controls the money and the media that are the prime movers in our electoral process. I said earlier that Bill Clinton has his pathologies--he is a deeply dysfunctional sex addict. I suspect that this weakness was discovered early on by his handlers, and exploited and nutured until it became a full blown monster. That dirty little secret was all in the family until Bill and Hillary successfully pushed back against the Rockefellers and the cabal, and then, it became time to get rid of him, just like they did with Nixon a score earlier. But Bill is a resourceful and wily politician and weathered the Lewinsky scandal, albeit personally scarred and politically handicapped. Why were the Rockefellers/cabal so angry at Bill that they moved to punish their favorite adopted "son", and then fought with every weapon at their disposal, ten years later, to prevent Hillary from getting the nomination. Because the cabal knew, from bitter experience, that neither Bill nor Hillary could be trusted to do what they were told, but honestly and truly cared about the American people, AND were effective in fighting for us against the cabal which has literally been trying to destroy us since JFK's assassination. They were especially furious because Bill Clinton successfully fought back against them and the military to start a war in Afghanistan, because the cabal wanted to build a pipeline through there. Sound familiar? How many lives have been lost and how many hundreds of billions spent on that war in the last eight years, once the cabal got their hands on a "yes-man" to start their dirty, little war for them? By the way, I got that little gem of basically unknown information (which hit an immediate "ping" in my intuition when I read it) from a stated critic of Bill Clinton, Karl Schwarz, I think, but don't quote me on it.
Now, having said all this, I wonder if Bill Clinton surreptitiously has been mind controlled by the cabal--not nowhere near the extent that Obama has, but enough so that he sabotages himself every time that he starts to become a real threat. I saw a video of Bill Clinton, posted by someone who really is not a friend of humanity, and he claimed that it was proof of mind control. I am not going to look up that video to present my case, but I thought the poster made an effective point. It definitely was creepy, and it looked authentic, but I wasn't convinced that it wasn't a splice job. Still, at all levels of government and military, these sophisticated luciferians/satanists are able to use mind control techniques of every level, with practiced ease, and they would have had access to Clinton in his early years before he was hip to those kind of things. I really do believe that they are significantly responsible for his sex addiction (it's easy to hook a young man that way; just set a lot of trained honeytraps for him), but what if they took it to another level actually placed a word or image that is a "trigger" to set it off. Now, I am not naive. I know that most sex addicts have voracious sexual appetites without any mind control training or triggers (JFK is a perfect example of that), but remember, Bill has been badly burned by his sex addiction, both politically and in his family life, through both his wife and daughter. He is a highly intelligent and disciplined man, and furthermore, he is at the age when he knows that he has to monitor his health. So, it seems odd to me that he would go chasing the party scene with "youngster" athletes when our country, and the country of Haiti (which I know he cares deeply about) is in crisis. So, my question is, "was there a mind control trigger, used so that he would act out in self-sabotaging and self-destructive behavior?" Maybe Bill Clinton was in Florida because he was dealing with the Haiti issue, but his behavior seems reckless and out of control to me, and that does not often happen to a man of his stature and giftedness. (Interestingly enough, the following night, there were reports of Obama dancing with three democratic partners, Pelosi and two other congresswomen in a whirlwind twirl to "I want to rock with you." Did the cabal trigger BOTH of them to act out like that, while it pulls the strings of us poor unsuspecting puppets? Just seems odd to me). Of course, it is always possible that this behavior is not the result of a specialized mind control trigger, but is just the result of a more mundane and natural trigger such as emotional stress. Happens to addicts all the time... Well, I know that Bill is surrounded by people who love, care for, and respect him, so I hope that they are monitoring him and taking good care of him. Our country needs all the patriots and statesmen--and stateswomen--it can get--in sound physical, mental and emotional health.
I must insist that nobody get excited about this--this is just the meandered musings of a woman who is sleep deprived and who has been seriously drugged all day. I don't believe or think that mind control is happening...I'm just pondering the possiblity...
Saturday, January 22, 2011
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