Wednesday, February 2, 2011


ALERT!! I am very, very sick, but I have had an intuitive flash. There is no doubt that the nasty turn in violence in Egypt was in response to the visit by "diplomat" Frank Wisner. This man is dark cabal, through and through, as was his cabal "O.G. (original gangster) father before him. Also of interest are his in;-law ties to Sarkozy ( that where Obama got his blackmail material on Sarkozy?). Anyway, it is to the cabal's interest that the chaos continue, that Muslim Brotherhood (their "baby) gain more significant support that they now have, and that the Middle East erupt into conflagration--specifically prep for a war with Israel. The cabal wants war in the Middle East because they want Jerusalem declared an International City, and open the way for the stargate of the navel of the world to be activated, under their control.

As part of furthering the chaos, I think the cabal is planning for an IMMINENT dirty or nuclear bomb. I think it is going to happen in the next few days as the moon enters a slivery crescent phase. Feb 3rd is supposed to show a rare glimpse of a 1 day past new moon phase, and I expect it to happen when the moon is in the early waxing stages. It could happen as late as the 15th which is a major religious festival--Prophet Mohammed's birth; one site said it was celebrated 2/4--and that would be my bet--but all the other sites I checked said the 15th.

North Carolina is the target. High probabilities--Charlotte, where the DNC convention is to take place (wouldn't Obama love to tell the Democrats what he thinks of their 2012 convention), and Winston-Salem (because Salem is related, not only to Shalom, but to Salaam, the Arabic word for deep peace (again, the cabal's warped ritualistic mentality at work). It could also be where Obama vacationed during the primaries--I don't think rural mountains are his thing, but he did it for publicity, and again, I am sure he harbors deep resentment to that location because of his ties there. It also could be the rural area/county where the Clintons campaigned in the 2008 primary. That was a critical primary, and the college towns were all for Obama, but the rural folk were for Clinton. I especially remember Bill Clinton talking himself hoarse in NC, about how "evil people were trying to take over America" (sounds flaky put in that baldly declarative way, but it made sense in the context of deeply religious America, in the political "sermonizing" he was using. North Carolina was a critical primary, and I think that the Clintons thought that they had a shot at winning it because of their ties to the local Dem party (again, what is the Dem location stronghold of the NC Democratic party boss?), but Obama did major vote stealing to win the primary. I remember, very clearly, on that day, the Lord putting it on my heart that Obama and his evil patrons had stolen the election that day--but some NC Democrat citizen in some NC city, nearly upended their evil plans that day...who, and where?

The other cities of concern would be along the coast, especially the naval bases. That dirty bomb is coming in from somewhere, and I bet the compromised, luciferian Navy is involved.

I know I am very sick and not really my healthy self, but I am certain that a nuclear/dirty terrorist attack is imminent, and I just laid out the possibilities that I think are the most high risk.

P.S.--There could be a hidden UFO vessel off the coast of the Carolinas or southern Virginia which would supply the dirty bomb...

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