Thursday, February 17, 2011

I can FEEL the music again

I can FEEL the music again, after being able to REALLY sleep last night, for the first time in 3 days. It wasn't a great sleep (reminded me of my first sleep after sleepless cramming during my college years), but I was able to get into REM sleep, instead of waking fitfully every couple of hours in mindrape agony. Last night I figured out the source of my agony. As you may remember, a few weeks ago, I blogged about my dismay over the landlady's destruction of the natural, verdantly overgrown yard, an uncommon sight here in the desert, but my home catches a lot of sunlight, and we had a lot of water last year. The grass, shrubs, cacti, and trees were completely stripped out and replaced with gravel and a a series of 3 pyramid monuments, made by large slabs of rock upturned about two feet high. I had thought that it was the gravel making me sick, but yesterday I realized it was the aligned mini-pyramids which were on a direct line across from an window in the apt. complex across the street. I had thought it was odd that that particular window had started raising their blinds, which before it never had. I attributed it to yuppie aesthetics, which doesn't appreciate wild and natural Earth beauty, but rather the artificial, ordered, and sterile beauty that the mini-pyramids provided. Every morning, when I opened my own blinds out onto the yard and saw the pyramids and gravel, I would involuntary mutter, "what an ugly ass yard." Then yesterday, the epiphany came--those mini-pyramids were more than ugly--they were pagan symbols (which didn't bother me) utilized to direct and intensity an energy beam as a weapon of mind control and healthy emotional energy destruction (which did). Sure enough, when I turned my supersharp vision, ala Jimmy Stewart. to the apt. window, I could see a very large and heavy tripod lined up directly with the slabs. The window was only partially unshuttered, so I couldn't see the weapon itself, but my suffering over the past few weeks assured me that it was there. So, I dismantled the slabs of stone--not easy in my mutilated body's weakened condition--and formed a new, much improved (I think--that's my story and I'm sticking to it), aesthetic. I left one slab lying flat in alignment with the window, and placed a religious candle of St. Michael the archangel on it, filling it with the hateful gravel to hold it in place. Then I placed a formally blessed Benedictine crucifix around the candle. St. Benedict is the patron saint of all who suffer from evil and covert attempts to poison them--at one point in his life, he went to drink from a chalice of wine which had been poisoned by his enemies, and the chalice spontaneously shattered.

Last night I had made up my mind to move. I am tired of the suffering caused by my Nazi and luciferian enemies which abide in the apt complex in front, probably in back, and in houses in close proximity, though technically on the intersecting streets. Geez. But today I feel better and am enjoying feeling human for the first time in a long time. I still feel like I need to finish my post from yesterday, entitled, how Nazis and luciferians, in league at the highest level, have infiltrated countries all across the globe and placed their cabal agents in position. I am exhausted though. I really had to pull energy out of me to post yesterday, and ran out of steam before completion. I want to rest a bit, but already I feel called to research another avenue. I know that the forces of Good recovered the stargate (thank you, God, and thank you, all who were involved), and so I feel I can indulge a little rest. I have promised myself that I am going to do physical exercise every day, and that is what I want to do right now....hopefully the Spirit will move me and tell me what to do net. Hopefully my good health holds out. I can feel the viral implant sickening me, even as I write this....

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