Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fighting sleep

Fighting sleep, as I know the luciferians will begin another viral download as soon as I do, and after recent cranial, spinal, and implant changes, they are able to impact me, much more than before. I still feel that I am in control of myself, but am fighting constant irritability and misery in this freaked up, mutilated body. I have been trying to connect together a lot of pieces that I brought up in the post a few days earlier, but have not had much luck. Interestingly enough, the Wikipedia listings on Elijah Muhammad and Nation of Islam have undergone a radical revision since my posting, eliminating the quotes I pulled directly from their former sites. I should have copied and pasted from Wikipedia--for that is the limitation of Wikipedia--you have to know that agents of any ideological stripe can always change and fabricate entries (cults like Scientology, Mormonism and Opus Dei are notorious for this), and that is what they have done. Big money behind the Nation of Islam--and a lot of evil.

Right now, though, I am more concerned about the evil impacting me--specifically what I have dubbed the luciferian complex of the machine controlled collective hive mind. Actually, I think I can now trace the luciferian prehistory through Scripture. I don't have time to present a detailed exegesis, but I invite the reader to peruse Isaiah 27, Job 41, and Ezk. 28-29. The King of Tyre is mentioned as a "winged guardian" that God will call to judgment and destroy. Tyre is to the immediate north of Israel, the land of the Phoenicians, the great maritime sailors. The King of Tyre is also the one who cemented an alliance with King Solomon, the Apostate, by sending Hiram Abu, to work with Solomon in the crafting of the First Temple. (For those of you lucky enough to be ignorant of this, the prime ritual of Freemasonry revolves arount the ritual death of "Hiram Abif", a masonic craftsman and skilled builder). There is no doubt in my mind that it was Hiram/builders from Tyre who brought a high level of Canaanite occult knowledge and ritual to Solomon and the higher ranks of Jewish priestly aristocracy.

Where did the Phoenicians of Tyre get the knowledge? According to the extracanonical Book of Noah, which is a precursor to the more well-known Book of Enoch, the evil demon, "Samjaza" descended onto Mt. Carmel (some sources seem to indicate Mt. Hermon) with 200 of his angels. Both Mt. Carmel and Hermon are in the utter north of Israel. I put my money on Mt. Carmel, for that is actually the place from which the Essenes will come--and the Essenes are very tied into the story of the "Fallen Angels." For Samjaza and the 200 angels are "The Watchers" of the Book of Enoch. They also are the ones who had illicit sexual intercouse with women, and gave rise to the Nephilim, or giants, because this mating, while possible, results in aberrant genetics. Now, there have been multiple violations of human women by reptilians as well (and I think the Watchers and reptilians work in conjunction), but there is a difference--the former are minions of Lucifer, sons and daughters of Samjaza, while the latter are satanic spawn. The Watchers are seducers of women, while the reptiles are rapists of women. Read those books of scripture, and see how beautiful the king of Tyre was...

Now, the gospels tell us that Jesus forewarned us, that in the endtimes, it would be as it was in the times of Noah, that is the same evil that led God to destroy the Earth would be operative again. And so it is. The Watchers have returned, once more engaging in sexual aberrations, and abominable genetic experimentation. In order to see a "Watcher", I invite you to check out this video of an "Annunaki" or what I call "luciferian watcher," female:
I also refer you to the writings of Air Force officer Charles Hall on the "tall whites" of Nevada--Area 51 and nearby--to which our shadow (Nazi) government, has given free rein and access to live and research, in exchange for technology. Charles Hall was one of the few humans who could interact with the Watchers, for they had hair trigger tempers bordering on psychotic mental disorder, and thought nothing of killing humans whom they regarded as inferior. He also found it creepy, because as part of his job description, he had to allow them free access to observe his personal life--and they took full advantage. They would come in his home, unannounced, and just "watch" him, even while he showered! He suffered from the same lack of privacy that I do--constantly monitored by voyeuristic beings, except that he could go off post, and live a normal life for a few days. I cannot. I realized this morning that it was no accident that I encountered a PIB (prick in black) psychic staring right at me, 3 feet away, at the McDonald's counter. They knew from remote viewing me from across the street or driveway, that I was going to drive to McD's to pick up breakfast, and they were waiting for me! I am used to the fact that I have no physical or psychic (in my own imagination of my heart) privacy whatsoever, but every time I encounter one of those creepy luciferian psychics, I get sick to my stomach--they are like child molestors or peeping toms---a very, very yucky vibe.

So how do I know that these "tall whites" are the Watchers who bred with human women? Well, first of all, let me say that I am a genetic offspring of a Watcher-human hybrid. How do I know? Because of my surname, which derives from Clan MacGregor, which is also related to the surname Gregory or DiGregorio. All of these surnames denote a close genetic kinship with the original Watchers who spread their seed in ante-diluvian times. In fact, Gregor literally means "watcher". That is why the freemasons monitored my father, no doubt actively recruiting him into satanic and masonic ritual, and once, he passed on, the soulless freemason and satan worshipper who is my mother's husband, picked up the task. I was disappointing for quite a few years--a neurotic, lesbian kid who didn't show promise or ambition for much of anything--just very smart. Ever since the luciferian-implanted of the Spiritual Life Institute and Maurice Strong pegged me though, they have made up for lost time, and the contemporary watchers and their Nazi henchmen have implanted me, raped me, mutilated and cut me--all in the hopes of making me an avatar for their new new era of human enslavement.

I have seen that Youtube video of the Watcher female I just posted, before. But today, when I happen to stumble across it, I was taken aback in immediate recognition. I HAD HER EXACT SAME HAIR CUT! After weeks of procrastination, I finally got my hair cut. It has been driving me crazy, but I am like other victims of mind control that author Preston Nichols noted in his book, "Encounters In the Pleiades", and really suffer from a total disregard of self image. Hey, after years of being abducted every night, and experimented on, and cut on, and implanted on, and violated on, and raped on, having lost over half my muscle and most intimate flesh, and turned into a fucking fat, freakish blob, I just don't care about my appearance anymore. But, I wanted to get my hair radically cut. I couldn't decide between a buzz cut or the spiky haircut, that I always have admired on Irshad Manji. Why do I bother? My hair style was chosen for me. As I sat in the stylist's chair, I watched the stylist take a phone call through the mirror, and saw her disturbed and resistant face, and said to myself, "oh boy, the PIB's are giving her instructions. Wonder what she will do..." Well, she came back and gave me the haircut that I have now, which is the exact same hair cut--even parted on the same side--of the Watcher from Alice Springs Australia (hint hint). To be honest, the stylist was very kind to me after that phone call, and gave me a cleavage shot (which was nice of her), and really insisted upon me making the choice for my hair, but not being really interested in my self image, I just went with what she gave me. For unlike my previous haircuts, I now need to cover my forehead more, for the cranial manipulations have left me with a "frankenstein" forehead. Still, seeing the Watcher's haircut today has me freaking out--maybe I can dye my hair lime green. I guess I can part my hair on the other side, but I sure don't want to emulate a Watcher--especially since I know that is the purpose of all the genetic and bodily alterations. They want a Watcher/human hybrid, not by birth, but by genetic alteration of a living human to be one of their first lieutentants in the upcoming millenial change. They already have a corps of these watchers hybrids doing their master's bidding, including spreading disinformation on the internet.

But let me backtrack a little bit, because there is a lot of information that I have not covered. Where did Samjaza, the leader of the original Watchers come from? Orion, of course. As a matter of fact, the Hebrew tradition is that even though he was thought to be killed at the cliff of Harradan, he actually escaped to Orion. There seems to be a close alliance between the tall grays of Orion and these tall whites who claim to be from Arcturius (NOT!). I think, and this is pure speculation, that the tall whites are Sirians who have been conquered by Draconian reptiles who then genetically altered their progeny with reptilian DNA. I think that for two reasons--one is that an alternate name for Mt. Hermon is "Sirion", (spelled that way), and of course, the surrounding countryside has been called "Syria" for millenia. Secondly, these Watchers have a hair trigger temper, a lusting lechery, and xenophobia that borders on character disorder, and I think those genes for aggression, inordinate sexual appetite, and anti-social domination were grafted onto them by the reptiles. Finally, I know that there is a group of Sirians (from Sirius B?) who have been assimilated into the luciferian Borg collective of the machine hive mind. These tall Whites are not from Arcturius, but I can state with certitude, that Arcturius is the home planet claimed by the Luciferian Borg collective, and there is a phenomena on its way here from that star, arriving I think around 2012-2016 (which is in the back of my mind somewhere, but I always am dealing the crisis at hand--who has time to worry about 2015?).

So, now that we know who these Watchers originally were, how do we know who their progeny is? In short, they are of the Israelite tribe of Dan, lost and scattered in separate migrations--one probably originating from Egypt itself to the lands of Scotland, Ireland, and Britain--the Celts and Britons, and then previous and later migration by boat, especially after the Assyrian conquest and expulsion. These Israelite/Phoenician/tribe of Dan expatriates settled in Europe, most specifically, I would say Hungary, but also the surrounding countries of Austria, Germany, Romania, and the Balkans....How did the Phoenicians travel the world in their wooden ships? Well, read Job 41 again---Leviathan is not a creature. Leviathan is a marine UFO, and I suspect that the Phoenicians, being maritime navigators, had Watchers, in submersible UFO's, guiding them along their journey, just as Moses had his alien friendlies guiding him and his people into the Sinai desert.

I know this is going to seem really radical to a lot of people, but all this tension between Aryans and Jews, is, I do believe is a civil war between fraternal clans of the same patriarch--Jacob. There is plenty of evidence out there on the web to support what I have just laid bare in a few sentences. There is also plenty of evidence to suggest that Dan was the "black sheep" tribe of Israel (remember, their mother was a slave woman, much like Hagar was of Ishmael--it's never a good thing for the children when Mom is a slave). For the Danite offspring of the Watcher/human hybrids are the Aryans. What if the time of the Pharaohs/Exodus were similar to our present day. The priests and scribes would have known that Planet X was coming, and so would have the Watcher guardians of their hybrid offspring. They also would know that the reptilian in their DNA would make them susceptible to attact by the incoming dragons. So what if they took them off to Mars for a while, until attacks forced them back to Earth. It is what the reptilian hybrids are preparing for now, with all their underground bases and transports to Mars.

I think instead of seeing flying air craft, the Aryans, as Phoenician maritimers were much more used to UFO craft in the water (Job 41). This feature of extraterrestial contact has have a lasting impact upon our present day society in two ways. First of all, there is a little known, but hugely important, binding contract on all nations known as the "Law of the Admiralty". This basically is imperial law that denies nations their own self-determined sovereignty--and yes, that includes the United States of America. Jordan Maxwell has a much better understanding of this Law of the Admiralty than I do, but basically it is what allows the shadowy, conspiratorial forces to suck the lifeblood out of nations and citizens LEGALLY. In the case of the US, it most notably protects the Federal Reserve, which is a parasitical entity, feeding off the American taxpayer, in the amount of TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS, and contributing NOTHING. I think that for years, the force behind this Law of the Admiralty was the fear of Leviathan. Currently, the bureaucracy for the this Law of the Admiralty is the City of London (which is not London, but a secretive, shadowy enclave of bankers and lawyers in London). The United States is finally shaking off this Law of the Admiralty. Let's hope it succeeds. Once JFK realized what had been done by stealth, and took action to shake it off, it cost him his life, for there are REAL alien forces, "powers and principalities," behind the Law of Admiralty, a real Leviathan of the seas, and I think they are the remnants of the Watchers, and their kin, the Greys and Reptiles from Orion, and their human lieutenants, the Nazis (more on this tie later). The other lasting contribution to society that these Watchers left was their legacy of "divine right by kings." You see, they thought that the best people to govern (and who would know enough to kiss their evil asses) were the ones who had the purest blood of alien/human hybrids. Even my McGregor clankin motto is "We come from kings." There is a lot of information out there about the 13 Illuminati families, but I want to bring up one particular one, because it is going to be where this thread goes next (tomorrow--it is five in the morning), and that is the lineage of the Merovingians, which is of prominent importance right now . The Merovingians are an ancient, mostly dethroned lineage of Europe, but they have powerful occult connections. The original Merovingian Frankish king was said to be the result of a union between a "sea god" and a human woman. As a matter of fact, Poseidon had a son named Atlas. Atlantis means, "island of Atlas." So, as you see, they are very well connected. Probably the highest ranking Merovingian of royalty right now, because he actually has a throne to ascend, is William of Windsor. He descends from the Merovingians through his murdered mother, Diana Spencer of Stuart lineage. This is hugely important right now as occultic societies and lineages position themselves for dominance in the new Luciferian order they hope to usher be continued.

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