The incredible shrinking woman--my life as a sci-fi horror film...every night while I sleep, the Nazi doctors shave more and more of my muscle. It was hard to sleep last night between the pain from all the laser work on my back and ribs, and the uncomfortableness of an unfamiliar body. Yet, even today, I find the cutting continues. Today, I noticed it when I went to walk...I didn't even have the muscle strength to walk for an hour (I guess my hour long walk yesterday offended them). Even a simple walk from the truck to the library convinced me something was wrong--my strength in my legs were gone--they have been gone from my arms for some time now). My backpack that I have used for years, now slap painfully against my pained sacrum--my God, how much have I shrunk), but it was clear that stength, power and muscle were cut out from my quads and hams again. This is worrisome because already I am suffering from a lot of pain in my knees--I no longer have the strong, supporting muscular strength there that I once did, and my knee joints are lumpy with excess lympthatic fluid caused by the virus, and have trouble distending now, which of course makes it difficult to walk. Of course, the virus continues on its merry, debilitating way. It still is causing a psuedo psychosis when the download occurs. I always know when it is happening because I immediately I become severely autistic, finding it difficult to drive, and needing to edit out sensory stimuli. I couldn't even watch TV again--I've been wanting to catch TV Story for some time, but I literally cannot bear to watch the moving images--they give me motion sickness and migraines. So I am not well, and have no idea when this shit is going to stop--with my death. I don't mind dying.
Which brings me to a very important point--for those of you, who are in charge of security at the Super Bowl, take special care of George W. Bush. I believe his own father intends to murder him as a sacrifice to appease the "karmic gods of fate" which haven't been smiling lately on the regime of evil, and to restore demonic spiritual impetus to Jeb Bush's flagging prospects for the presidency. I know this seems incredible to believe, but understand that in the higher demonic families, the sacrifice of a child, whether by sexual violation or murder, is commonplace. Arizona Wilder, who has been so right on in her depictions of the royal family, has said that Charles and Camilla sacrificied an infant son, and at this point, every heinously incredible point that I have tested has proven true. As a matter of fact, I think Dubya barely escaped his planned sacrifice once before--on 9/11/2001. For those of conspiracy and superstition bent, remember the 20 year Presidential curse, which Reagan barely escaped. Well, Dubuya barely escaped, too, and I think his father was behind that failed attempt as well. For sure, Dubya brushed with, and narrowly eluded death on 9/11, and I don't think that anyone, even Cheney and
Rumsfeld and the highest levels of the Nazi cabal, would have have conspired on his death, without at least tacit approval from his father.
You see, on 9/11/2001, W knew what was happening--at least to some degree. The expression on his face as he listened to "My Pet Goat," was priceless. He knew he was the goat (sacrifice). I think W had been told that there was going to be a major terrorist event, but I think he was purposely kept in the dark regarding the full extent, while all around him secret meetings were held, because the real heavy conspirators--the most visible among them, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice--thought W was too intellectually lightweight, and too emotionally sentimental to be fully entrusted with such details. W was stunned on 9/11, not by what happened, but of the extent of it. Now, remember all the confusion surrounding his exit from Florida--taking off without a fighter escort, etc. I think W realized pretty quickly why "My Pet Goat" was the chosen reading material, for the day, and immediately some pretty good survival instincts kicked in. Instead of flying back to Washington or NYC, as you would suppose a president, eager to show leadership, would do, he flew to Offut Air Force Base where he met with Warren Buffet, and solicited the support of Faction 2. Why? Because his father, Cheney, Rumsfeld, the neocons were all Faction 1, and while Faction 2 may have been implicated in the 9/11 conspiracy as well, it really was Faction 1's brainchild and baby from the inception through the execution (but I don't acquit Faction 2 of guilt--I just don't have the overwhelming evidence of their complicity as I do of Faction 1). Well, the shaken W from earlier in the day, emerged from Offut, a different man, a man of resolve who had been dubbed to go lead the charge with a bullhorn in his hand. I think, at the point, he pulled together a different set of (F2) allies to help protect him and his life while he finished out his term. There is another telling moment that I remember about W in the days after 9/11. I read some pastor's account of how W had approached a group of pastors for prayer, saying "Close in on me a little bit. I feel lonely." Because I recognized the heartfelt sincerity of that statement, for years (okay, maybe months), I gave W a lot more credit than he deserved. He wasn't lonely because of the leadership challenge thrust upon him in crisis. He was lonely, because his own father and closest advisors had conspired against his life, and he barely escaped from death, because of shrewd survival instincts and political maneuvering. Unlike his father, W does have a rudimentary feeling function and conscience (which is why he was kept in the dark regarding many of 9/11 details--but he knew. I remember reading of how he barked to a CIA analyst who was giving him a report of an imminent terror strike by Moslem terrorists, "okay, you have covered your ass. Now get out.") So that, I think he was really hurt by his father's betrayal, which is why he turned to God, but while I think his religious aspirations were real, he was an extremely immature man, of shallow character (he never really had to work at or earn anything in his life), and therefore he never developed the depth of character which is necessary in a life of mature spiritual faith. Besides which, you don't have time to develop a nascent faith life when you are President--the spiritual life demands time and attention, and a President doesn't have that. A President, any leader, should already have done the faith groundwork in their adult years, because there is no time to agonize, "what would Jesus do?" in a crisis situation; rather, a leader should already have such a highly developed intuition and relationship to their inner spiritual life, that they can act confidently and instinctively, that they have made the moral decision. When I was in college, I took a class on the "Ethics of Nuclear War", and I spent many nights that quarter laying awake, wondering that if I were the decision maker, would I ever push that button, and under what circumstances would I push that button, and I would visualize pictures in my head of Hiroshima survivors, and pray and anguish over the decision. Now, keep in mind, I was only a college student, and had no ambition for political life, but still, that kind of moral and ethical (and spiritual) education and formation belongs to the college years, not in on-the-job-training, which is how W tried to "wing it", just like he "winged" his college and military years. How bizarre is it that the leader of the free world was reading Camus' "The Stranger" while immersed in the frantic busyness of the White House. I read "The Stranger" while in college, and again, its theme of the individual's alienation is powerful, but again, such a book needs to be read, digested and pondered during the formative years, not during the mature years.
I have watched W in a few post-presidential interviews, and I still don't see much spiritual growth in him, but he is the weak link in the Bush family for multiple reasons. He is an addict--he is NOT a "recovering" alcoholic, and he wasn't sober in the White House, either. His rebelliousness and anger towards his father is palpable (and he has a right to be angry at him), and I sure that the family worries about him acting out on feelings of revenge. Then there is his emotional sentimentality, which feeds an unpredictablility regarding religion (he doesn't have much faith, but he's got enough to worry his evil, reprobate family--"who knows what his "Father" in heaven will tell him to do next?)
There is clearly deep ill will between the father and son, even now. I would recommend that readers look at the last George HW Bush interview with Larry King. There is one statement that Bush Sr makes that it is outright hostile and derogatory towards his son, especially considering that he is on national television. I can't remember exactly what he said, something like "he was a failure." Bush pretended that he actually said something else, but look at Barbara's glaring reaction. She knew her husband had just dissed her son on national tv, and she was telling him to knock it off. What if my suspicions are right? What does Barbara Bush think of the plans to kill her son, past and present? Does she prefer ignorance, or is she so accultured to the evil of life of the occult rich, that to her, "sacrifice of children happens?" I remember reading that her daughter may have been killed by CIA cancer. Wow, it is incredible that a family could live such a life of intrigue, backstabbing, and hatred. Please, security personnel at the Super Bowl, take good care of George W Bush, for if the web chatter regarding a possible incident during the Super Bowl is correct, I think his murder is the most likely possibility. I don't think it will be a dirty bomb, because the Dallas/Fort Worth area is the home to a lot of Faction 1, and you know the old Mafia adage about "not shitting where you eat." Nor do I think that it will be a bomb that disrupts the game, for the Pittsburg Steelers owner is a Knight of Malta, and thus very high level Illuminati. (Actually, after a season of fixed games and playoffs, I just hope for an old-fashioned, honest game, like the kind when football players were sportsmen of character, instead of prima donna entertainers showing off their abilities in a fixed game, predetermined by PTB, to indicate their patrons' current status. Bullshit--if this continues past these corrupt Obama years, I predict football will lose its popular appeal--for sure, it already has with me).
No, my best guess is that Bush Sr. would like to get rid of his most worrisome liability--his son, W. His murder would martyr him, and thus raise Jeb's appeal in the upcoming election. The Bush family is desperate to get Jeb into power. Needless to say, this would be a disaster for the country. It also would give them a scapegoat in a couple of years, presuming the shit hits the fan. "That whole 9/11 conspiracy was all W's fault." It kind of reminds me of the whitewashing the House of Windsor is attempting to fool the public now. First they have the movie, "The King's Speech", all designed to make George VI look like a great king, while the abdicated Edward, (Duke of Windsor?) is being set up to be the fall guy for the entire family's unsavory and Nazi associations. Same old, same old.
For security personnel, I would especially recommend that you monitor for a possible electrical light outage, perhaps during the halftime show (isn't it the Blackeyed Peas who sing, "Let's Get It Started"?), or maybe at the end. I do think there is a high probability of something happening during the Super Bowl, especially because of the stolen laptop (looking to set up a fall guy/patsy/reason), so be alert.
Signing off to go to sleep for another horrible night of mutilation.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
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