Learned something new today from a couple of alternative health practitioners from the Internet radio today. It is call cranial restructuring or neural cranial restructuring, and though, initially, it seemed bizarre (they wear homemade orthodontic retainers strapped to an ice hockey helmet), actually, as I listened, it made a lot of sense, especially after all the facial-cranial changes that has been forced on me by the satanists/luciferians.
First of all, they talked of how manipulating the sphenoid bone in the brain has been done to alter brain states for centuries. Get this--it is done by sticking a probe up one nostril, until the probe engages the sphenoid bone, having it teeter back and forth like a see-saw. Now, these practitioners can do this to themselves, and it seems to be neural cranial restructuring 101. Now of course, this is interesting, because I know, from pain in my nostrils, how often a probe is stuck up there. The nasal probe is one of the most common of all abductee memories. I thought it was to put nanotechnology in my brain, but why go that route, when they can and do, injects nano-nites directly into my brain (( know because I always end up with a lump or the tender, sensitized--cacti-spines-in-my-flesh- feeling). No, the Nazis/aliens are trying to manipulate my sphenoid bone, a tactic which the practitioners said has been used for purposes of mind control, since the times of Pharoanic Egypt. What the toggling of this spenoid bone does is redirect and control cranial fluid so different parts of the brain are fed or starved. This is related to mind disassociation for purposes of mind control. Almost certainly, this is why I wake up feeling so alienated and disassociated from reality, whereas normally I would immediately wake up and immediately be engaged with reality. It also is what I think is responsible for my loss of feeling function and ability to enjoy music--they are manipulating the brain's cranial fluid in my sleep and then injecting it with nano technology.
This mind control is a double edged sword. People who are complicit and willing victims often get benefits. I think I wrote about the "Illuminati insider named Charles who gave an hour's worth of truth woven in with disinformation to Bill Ryan. He spoke of how, he was plugged into a machine, and that gave him incredible powers, so that he could go on a golf course, and play a stellar game, even though he had no golf background or training at all. Of course, that same "machine" which giveths, also takeths away, and he blamed a terminal condition on it. That plug into the machine that Charles talked about, is what the luciferians are trying to force on me. However, I am not duped by the "gifts" which the machine gives, because I have had the gift of the Holy Spirit, of which the machine is a pale, lame imitation, conferred upon me, years ago. So, that in the days when I was physically and spiritually healthy, you could have put a golf club in my hand and I would have impressed mightily. True spiritual discipline (and it is a discipline, and it takes effort and time before the grace kicks in), gives the practitioner tremendous powers of concentration so that one can excel at tasks and pursuits for which one has only minimal aptitude or training. This is why I am so angry at what the luciferian brain implants have done to me--they replaced a natural power and gift of concentration and contemplation, with a fake one, so that they actually have undermined and compromised my gifts and abilities. It is as if they stole my single strand diamond and gold necklace, and replaced it with a triple strand of paste imitation, fake stones, and they think that is such an improvement, but only for people who cannot discern truth from a lie, the real from fake, the valuable from glittering baubles, and unfortunately, a lot of people nowadays have no such discernment. We live in a world where unreality is rewarded and prized (how about that Lady GaGa making her entrance in an egg--isn't that the coolest? Wow, how did she top her meat dress? Cooooool!!! The real question of her real authenticity--how good is her music--is completely overlooked, and sadly this is the state of the entire music industry, indeed, the entire pop culture). This inability to discern the truth from a lie, the real from the unreal, is inculcated in us at a very early age, and few escape this training, formation, and passive acceptance of mendacity and mediocrity, so that getting a jolt of the machine powers must be very tempting to individuals. I wish I could say that spiritual practitioners were immune to it, but they are not. Evil is rife among those who hold positions of leadership in organized religion, and Ratzinger and Hans Kolvenbach are at the pinnacle of genuine evil. But even people of spiritual practice and accomplishment have been duped, including the community who sold me out to higher powers, and yes, that icon of alternative spirituality, the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans. I have known this for some time, but did not want to say anything, because I know a lot of sincere spiritual seekers venerate the Dalai Lama, and he is a wise man, but I have seen the tell tale luciferian scoops on his arms, and on the wrists of a prominent Canadian Tibetan nun, and I know that he and his community is plugged in. (As an aside, the only reason I share this now, is because I am certain that his cover has been "blown", and that luciferian remote viewers have got it from my mind, so they know that I know, so now let the whole world know!!
Anyway, "Charles" was a relatively unknown example of someone who found successful benefit from "the machine", or disassociating mind control created by the manipulation of cranial fluid. I will reveal someone who I suspect to be a prominent victim of mind control, and let you see how it works--Tiger Woods. Tiger is indeed a gifted man, but notice how wooden and unanimated he is, always seeming aloof or "disassociated" from the reality around him, finding it difficult to talk spontaneously (another one very much like him--Obama). I think Woods became a golf prodigy the same way that many other mind controlled people become prodigies--plugged into the machine (of course he was naturally gifted that way, so of course, he does much better on the green than does "Charles.") This mind control training started early. I am going to release another shocker on you--Bob Hope was a big time satanist/luciferian (I'm sure that I am going to piss off everybody here--no sacred cows, from the Dalai Lama to Bob Hope).
Look at the video of toddler Tiger on the Bob Hope show--there is no animation, no playfulness, no spirit, no normal mischievous sense of self and ego--even at three years of age it has been drummed out of him. Now, Bob Hope was a major cultivator of mind control victims--research some of the (talent he uncovered--and his sick pedophiliac mind uncovered more than the poor kids' talent--pedophile sexual abuse and rape of a child is a huge aid to mind disassociation). I am sure that his father's military connections had something to do with his mind-controlled destiny as well.
Tiger was meant to be a superstar, for use as the Illuminati needed, and I think at least part of that was to prepare the way for the new world Pharaoh, Barack-Ahkenaton, and when it was time to dump the would-be Pharaoh (because clearly, he was a disappointing failure--mind controlled people make lousy leaders, they really do), poor Tiger got dumped as well. Of course, like all mind-control victims, he had a fail safe vice that they could always manipulate--in his case, as with so many others, sex addiction. But understand one thing--Tiger didn't fall from grace because he was playing around with promiscuous women. His fall from grace was planned (maybe at the same time, Obama lost his sheen), to serve the needs of his Illuminati masters. Read the bizarre account of his fight with his wife. He was radically reprogrammed that night. I bring this up, because I truly feel sorry for Tiger. I never watch golf--it's the most boring sport in the world to me--but I hate to see a man destroyed by the same mind controlling hierarchy that is attempting to program, control, and ultimately destroy me. A man doesn't "lose his game" like Tiger has lost his. Sure, he would have been subpar (ha ha) for a while, but his game would have returned, once the need to vindicate himself had (and it has). But because so much of his success was the result of the machine's mental programming, it is now the machine that is mentally blocking his true skills and gifts. The machine "giveth" and the machine "taketh." Now, the poor guy can't even spit on the grass (hmmmm---breach of good golf etiquette--I wonder if some mental switch was flipped to cause that one) without it being reported all over the media. Anyway, I bring this up, because I feel like poor Tiger doesn't deserve the total destruction of his life. He worked hard for years to be at the top of his profession. I don't feel sorry for him that he lost his wife or that is paying a hefty alimony, but why destroy a man's whole life, his entire self-esteem, and vocation and purpose in life---but that is what the machine does, to everyone it touches. Tiger Woods is just a high profile example. Even "Charles", who just used the machine to excel at all his undertakings, including the occasional game of weekend golf, admitted that in the end, the machine gave him a terminal illness. I think it's brain cancer. What is being done to the brain with all this cranial fluid manipulation is not healthy or optimal to the brain (and I speak from personal experience), and I think the explosion of brain cancer and childhood/youthful/young adult strokes is the result of this cranial manipulation.
Now that I have inexcusably digressed, let me return to the two alternative health experimenters. They are using these cranial restructuring techniques in conjunction with their free will and choice, to make their brains and bodies healthier, and if you hear their story or read their web testimonial, you can see that this is happening---Kevin Courteois and "Plato"--they work in conjunction with a medical professional, Dr. Dean Howell:
So, after these guys realized that they wanted even more benefits than the toggling of the sphenoid bone gave them, they came upon a "good ole American inventiveness" way to do so. They basically make and wear a homemade orthodontic implement, which I will never do, because I'm not that gifted with my hands--I'll wait until I can pay a trained medical professional. This orthodontic prosthesis pulls the maxilla forward naturally, increasing the cranium space, and resulting in a whole host of beneficial physiological side-effects, from anatomical and vertebral optimization to skin and digestive improvements (because when the cranium is increased naturally, the brain hormones are able to flow and release as the body needs them, instead of being all scrimped up). It also causes the face to mold itself into the geometric "golden mean" which every culture appreciates as beauty, so that their faces lose the "sagging" or flat look, but becomes fuller, more attractive, more proportionate and symmetrical and with high cheekbones. These two guys are very happy with the attention they now get from not only the women, but also other men, because they radiate, strength, health and attractiveness.
Now, the reason this testimonial is important to me, is because I realize THE EXACT OPPOSITE HAS HAPPENED TO ME, as a result of the cranial restructuring, forced on me by the satanist/luciferian Nazis. Not only have I lost so much of my ability to concentrate, to multi-task, and so much energy, but after my entire cranium was shifted, I LOST my full face and high cheekbones, and instead was left with a sunken face, with no natural proportion or symmetry. I am not exaggerating. The fucking pigs more than anything else want me to be more feminine--and they go about it by making me uglier and fatter! (Actually, they want to inspire a patriarchal feminine being--one who is ashamed of her body and sexuality, who has no self-confidence or healthy assertion, so I guess their methods are not as counterproductive as it seems). Maybe, if I were a teenager, with no strong self-identity, they would have a chance at success, but as it is, while I am depressed as hell by my looks and my body, I have hopes that someday I will get it back--and these two guys just put an idea in my head, that yes, one day I will get my face back to its original state.
Not only did the the PIB's restructuring of my cranium lead to physical unattractiveness, but it also has resulted in the opposite of so many of the salutary benefits that Plato and Kevin experienced when they pulled their maxillas forward. I am really struggling with my weight, and especially now, when I no longer have any muscle definition of any kind, but my weight problem is hormonal, and while thyroid meds might help it (my hair is falling out and I've got ridgy fingernails), I know that is not the underlying problem. Apart from the seventy pounds or so that I have put on, as the result of forced psychotropics--especially "pound a day lithium"--which they just spent about 4 days giving me, and yes, I gained weight when I was on it), my weight gain has been hormonal. When did I gain weigh? For years, I was a comfortable 135 or so, but it was after my abduction experience in the California desert that I gained twenty pounds and started suffering from the perpetual lactic acid cramping n in my muscles (Oh, by the way--a healthy restructuring of the cranium also reduces lactic acid buildup). I think they did their first cranial implantation then, and that it messed up my body's normal hormonal release, which was aggravated when I they started force feeding me the virus at work a few years later, at Intersections, so that I went to the dr. complaining about weight gain, and it continues to this day.
I am very upset about the weight gain--my body no longer has the build to carry it, and I look and feel like a short, fat kid. I struggle to work out, even minimally, since I now find it difficult to even walk. I have lost nearly half of my muscle, and I can't but help wonder what that does to my metabolism. (Oh, the dynamic duo also talked about the effect that the body's anatomy has on the brain, so that a healthy, filled out rib cage is healthy for the brain; I can't imagine what harm the mutilations has done to my brain health--but I know that I am much more depressed and austistic--anti-social--than normal). Even worse, they have put implants in my stomach that are so heavy as to be painful--I don't know if they are in the intestines (remember the intestines/brains connections, and how an autistic brain causes a messed up gut?). I go from feeling starved and ravenously hungry, especially for protein in one hour, to being bloated and miserable in another hour. My stomach is so poofed out, and I am suffering from gas, even on an empty stomach, but there is little I can do about my situation right now. The PIB's are not interested in my health needs being addressed. I know better than to ask for thyroid, because they will just cover it with lithium or risperdol or some other psychotropic. Even my concerns about my body just become a mind control tool for them. It's so goddamned funny to me, the mind control tactics they use on me--well, not really, because the misery behind it is genuine, and while I laugh off their stupid ass psychological Nazi mind games, I can't laugh off the physiological suffering I endure. Enough for tonight.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
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