Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Hobbled to the point that I can barely walk or stand upright--the body will try to crouch...The only question I wonder about is if the crippling was deliberate or inadvertent. I woke up, not being able to feel my legs, except in my knee joints, which suffer pain, every time I bend them quickly. My first thought was to try to get to the gym and do some rehab with weights, as I know that my kee pain is caused by the loss of muscle surrounding it, which has been cut off by the Nazis. Still, I know that my knees NEED that extra muscle support, and my life will be hell without it, so I have to start building up what little muscle is left. But then, I went to walk, and realized I couldn't even lift my legs or stand, that my legs had been totally crippled by some kind of nerve pain. When I went to take a morning bowel movement, I nearly passed out. I recognized the source of my weakness--the effort to move my bowels unleashed a viral download rush to which, (as I have stated fifty times, if I have stated it once), my body is highly allergic. I get weak, swoon, and nearly pass out. So all I can guess is that the motherfuckers have done something with my nerves in my sacrum to facilitate the viral download, and it has left me profoundly crippled. I will give it a couple of days, but if things do not change, I will need to take action to get treatment and status as a severely handicapped person. I will need crutches and/or a wheelchair for the rest of my life. But now, there is nothing to do but wait, which is hard, because I am in a lot of back pain, with the migraine headache scenario. The only good news is that I am stocked up on food and water, and can lay in bed all day. My God, how much longer can I take this...

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