Forces of evil screeching and hollering as they prepare for a WWIII that will leave the population of the world, especially the Middle East completely decimated, and a young "King" William as the anti-Christ who makes peace, and then desecrates the Holy Temple, which the Rothschilds, Faction 2 Knight Templars, and Israeli citizens plugged into the Borg Machine, have all helped to make possible. I am not sure what dark force is preventing the US from proactively preventing this. Is it another piece of ancient Egyptian archaeology coming to light that fell into the wrong hands? The missing Egyptian cobra from the Bronx zoo, would seem to support that thesis, as well as news of another recent archaeological dig--outwardly of millions of mummified dogs. Or it could be that we are under blackmail again. The Drudge report was the only mainstream media outlet that reported it, but there is a claim of "160" nuclear devices hidden in the country that can go off anytime if the US does not cooperate. This seems like an exaggeration to me, but there does seem to be likely truth to the story that there may be a hidden nuclear device somewhere, because there was a recent "suicide" of a nuclear scientist working at Los Alamos. Los Alamos, like all of the government science facilities, is riddled with black ops personnel and agendas., not to mention highly negative alien entities.
So what do the evil cabalists behind this want? WWIII, of course. They can't fulfill their plans for a Merovingian/reptilian anti-Christ king to sit on the Jerusalem throne without this war. That is why the post-colonial mapping of the Middle Eastern states was such a mess--the arbitrary boundaries were supposed to be a total failure--just waiting for the time to be right, before sensitive and sore buttons were pushed, exploding into violent response. As far as the cabal is concerned, the time for this violent response is now. It is important that Jerusalem be in evil hands by 2012, and within 3 years, (because he will be 33), young William must enter into the fullness of planetary coronation. That all has to do with occult numerology.
I hate to say it, but the evil cabal has make rapid inroads to achieving their objectives. The Libyan action was winding down, and now it is stalemated. Watch for WWWIII to break around Libya. Pakistani newspapers are making yellow journalism proud, whipping up anti-American hysteria, while the Pakistani govt. has made deals with China, giving them full access to the roads which lead to the Middle East. How long before a full scale eruption? I honestly don't know. I have been praying all day. On top of that, the technology protecting us from revelation of our DNA is wearing thin (I think it may have to do with the virus being carried by the spring winds). Judge Judy is the latest victim to start talking gibberish. Now talking (or listening) in "tongues" does not disturb me, but it freaks most people out, and certainly a reptilian appearance will. These kind of incidents are going to create hysteria if they persist. The population should have been prepared for this eventuality decades ago, but our government has been dominated, blackmailed and coerced by forces so evil that it is scarcely imaginable.
Now, those forces of evil have set their sights squarely on me. I realize that my fury at the psychic violation and sexual harassment that I endured yesterday was just the tip of the iceberg. The Nazi psychic was so smug and arrogant--as if he already "owned" me. I guess that is the way the cabal feels. Starting with my castration, and then going through the body changes and mutilation, so that I am no longer a strong, buff intersexed being, but a small, fat, weak female figure, I have been set up for sacrifice. It took them years, but the cabal finally realized that I have an ancient and unique bloodline that they would love to terrify, traumatize and sacrifice. My guess is that it entails my own rape and murder in cultic ritual. Death doesn't bother me so much as the horror of facing the depravity of a truly evil being--and these people are truly evil beings. I am trying to figure a way out of this. Before anything like this can occur, I have to make sure that it has positive benefits, not negative ones. Of course, the way the cabal sees it--the torture and sacrifice of an innocent gives their evil deeds tremendous power, and my guess is that preparations for this sacrifice has been place since at least when Ratzinger visited Scotland, and it has been designed to boost their great holy day of Beltane, when young Prince William gets married. He is not a bad young man, but the reptilian blood in him is strong, the viral download which causes the shapeshifting is heavy, and his marriage is set up for failure (the ill stars of Beltane). When that happens, his rage and pain over his own mothers' maltreatment and murder (he has to know it subconsciously) will erupt and destroy his own soul. I have been prepped for, and am meant to be, a sacrificial victim to ensure the success of this evil agenda. I am too drugged and hormonally altered to be able to resist with any measure of just rage. I am on some psychotropic that drains my energy (maybe depakote?), and once again, I am force fed massive amounts of female hormones. Indeed, they are giving me high dosages of thyroid meds, (I can tell--they give me really loose bowels). These hormones are what makes me ravenously hungry all the time. When I am just on supplemental testosterone, not only do I have the feeling of my once-normal and routine high energy and well-being, but my appetite and hunger, and ability to control my hunger feels normal. But high priests of evil (Ratzinger?), and reptiles do not want to rape, torture and murder a strong, healthy intersexed being. They want a helpless, weak, pathetic female, totally at their mercy. Apart from child sacrifice, this torture of helpless femininity is what most turns them on. So I am being prepped with excessive hormones which make me soft, fat and unmuscular, and there is very little I can do. Normally when I feel melancholic, I play a little music, but I can't even do that. I tried playing my dulcimer yesterday and learned that my arms no longer have the free range of motion necessary to play a musical instrument. Just another humiliation and torture for them to cackle over.
At this point, I really don't see a good out. For, I understand clearly that I am to be a representative of the future, and I want to see a future that is respectful of the fullness of humanity for all, one in which the uniqueness of the individual is what is prized, not gender or racial roles that stereotype and constrict. I want to see a future where people use their psychic abilities as gifts to serve one another, not to scan another to determine if they the criteria for inclusion. All belong. Most worrisome to me is that my children may become slaves for millennia. For I think they still struggle to resist a slave mentality (and I can see from their eyes that at least some of them are in spiritual bondage to deep evil--the reptiles). This is not surprising to me, for they were reared to be slaves, and while physically free now, I wonder how much slave mentality persists. A slave is afraid of true freedom, not only in themselves but in others--strong, healthy, free people are to be feared, not trusted, controlled, and dominated. That is why, for all their power, the cabalists are slaves as well, slaves to sin. They have no freedom, and cannot bear that it exist anywhere else, and so go through extensive rituals to remind and reinforce their own false belief that slavery and domination is the true nature of the universe.
You see, there is a difference between power and authority. Power feels the need to dominate others and situations from a sense of fear, inadequacy, and distrust, and certainly I have been victimized, not only by the power trips of the evil cabalists, but also by those people and groups, seeking to do good, but who themselves have fallen prey to this binary mind-control reality we live in. True authority does not spring from fear, but only from a deep sense of self and love--you have to love yourself before you can love and trust another--even on the most superficial, not necessarily intimate, level. When a person loves her or his self, that person can freely accept authority from another, because that is another essential component of authority. You will NEVER be a person of authority until you are free enough to accept it, without grudge or resentment, from another, even if all you respect is the office or position of the authority, while you distrust and maybe even, despise the person of authority. The key to doing THAT, is by owning and developing your own free will. All of my life, I have happily given my all in every situation I found myself, and when I could no longer do that, it was time to move on. Yes, I grated under the "official" authority of many of my bosses and superiors who did not have the mature personal qualities of authority to be effective leaders, but I made up for their shortcomings, with an overabundance of my own free will and authority. I could do this as long as I felt there was a sufficient, if unspoken "contractual" agreement, in which mutual expectations and responsibilities were laid out clearly. What I could never stand, and what is a sure sign of a slave mentality is the "manipulation" game. It has been extremely frustrating to me over the past several years that I have not been treated with respect or authority by those who have attempted to dominate or recruit me, through manipulation instead of frank and honest approach and appraisal. But, after years of being approached in highly manipulative ways, I have become much better at understanding and decoding what is offered and expected than before (maybe if I were not autistic, I would be more adept at responding to this kind of manipulative socialization, which seems so prevalent in our culture). I now know that my choices are becoming much more constricted, and indeed, that I am approaching end game. I still stand by principles however, and do know that any choice I make, I will make it with a free will, fully and completely. Because my options are not pleasant (allow myself to be sacrificed by the cabal, or allow the future of humanity/my children to be deeply jeopardized by the same cabal), I struggle with emotions and a feeling of oppression. You are not to take this as indicators that I am incapable of making a free choice and decision. I am free--free to live my emotions, express my emotions, and then release them, without grudge, resentment, or prejudice, and I would wish the same for all. No, this battle really is being fought at a deeper spiritual level, and the emotions, thoughts, and images, are just the necessary stuff and distraction which occupy this human shell and psyche, until the moment of realization, which I trust will come (because if I am forced, my decision will be to resist bitterly). In the meantime, I appreciate the prayers and well wishes of all people of good will, but don't spend a lot of time focused on me. The entire planet is in peril, and needs prayers, and sadly, I am not in a position to give much attention to that, so I would appreciate it if others, who have a spot of free time, could take up my slack for me...thanks and blessings to all who yearn for a free humanity.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
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