Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My fury as evidenced in the last post

My fury as evidenced in the last post was justified. Not only was I severely drugged on psychotropics to the point of psychosis, but I think I was also feeling yet another betrayal, another reversal of fortune for the Forces for Good (that would include me, although I am just a pawn). So, what happened?

As most of you know, I refer to the forces of good running America as the "Patriot Leadership Team"--that is because it really is a collabarative effort, though there are some key players--Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Secretary Gates, and others (some of whom may be in the shadows and I don't want to pull their covers). There is no executive figure of authority however, and that is both the result of the cabal's encroachment on the office of the President, as well as the treasonous activities of the political actor who was selected by the cabal and their media sycophants to win the office of supreme authority in the land. One element of the Patriot Leadership Team that I don't mention much is the military. It is essential that they be included, even though their ranks, all the way to the top, are shot through with ranking officers who are co-opted by the machine--that would include, among others, Gen Petraeus, the Sec of Navy, Mabus, all the way down to that doofus that almost got control of the ship, "Enterprise" (boy, I bet the occultists were salivating over that one). I understand and supprt that the military plays a key role in this alliance. From their perspective (and mine), the country is in severe peril, under assault on fronts that only military force can counteract, and the civilian office of the President and much of Congress (ranking Senator John Kerry!), has been severely compromised. However, there is always a danger when the military seizes power in a country governed by democratic elections (oh, did I forget to mention that NASA--the cabal--has the software to hijack our electoral machines, and thus they stole the 2000 and 2004 elections. I think they offered to steal it for John McCain as well, but he was too much of a class act to take them up on their offer, so the Bush family settled for a muti-billion dollar bribe from Iran to put the Muslim mahdi puppet in place, and as far the machines were concerned, the 2008 general election results were accurate; what happened in the primary process to the Democrat Party was where the 2008 election scandal resides).

So, though I can't blame the military for intervention (though to be honest, their ranks are as riddled with the corrupted and coopted, as surely as the civilian branches are), I am uncomfortable with the whole notion. Unlike a lot of liberal leaning people, I actually have a lot of respect for the military, which I think is a very honorable profession. I think that career officers are highly intelligent, disciplined, and patriotic. Unlike the corrupt, greedy snakepit that is electoral politics, many, though not all of them, maintain a strictly virtuous lifestyle. Despite my spiritual nature, I am not a pacifist nor naive. I understand that a military is necessary to safeguard freedom in the most powerful nation on the Earth, not only for us, but for all the planet, and furthermore, that sometimes the use of violent force is required. Having said that, let me say that I don't think the military mind is the best option for leadership at a time like this, when we are besieged by unprecedented, and often, barely imaginable challenges, of a type that can best be categorized as "supernatural". Dealing with challenges that are definitely outside normal parameters, requires thinking that is "outside the box", and while I know that the military has been on the forefront of the alien scene for decades now, I am not impressed with the way they have handled it--giving all the power to the cabal on a platter. I believe that their hierarchial obedience to authority and conformity to tradition undermines their ability to creatively resolve the crisis that we face. They also are not very good judges of character. That is why they never liked Bill or Hillary Clinton, even though that partnership was the closest thing America has had as an effective champion for the American people since JFK (don't get me started on the damage done by Ronald Reagan...) This is really too bad, because Hillary Clinton IS the political leader who can pull us through this mess (and I AM a damned good judge of character), though I will be the first to say that she can't pull it off alone). Force alone is not going to solve the problems and challenges we face, but a military person is not trained to think of alternatives to force, but only of the most efficacious use of force.

I know that the military has been doing everything possible to undermine Hillary from the beginning. They are patriarchal conservatives, and frankly, they are not comfortable with feminist women, or female leadership, especially those who think outside the box (oh, and by the way, they are not comfortable with me either--TOUGH SHIT. I have the gifts I have because of the INTERSEXED, autistic being that I am. If I were a traditional woman, I wouldn't be of much use --I'd have six kids, instead of myriad progeny, and I would never have developed my intellect and character as I have. By the way, I am not against traditional women. If someone wants to bake cookies and watch "Desperate Housewives", let 'em. I AM very much against rigid gender roles which deny freedom of choice of self definition).

However, the military's role has reached a new power level, in that they now are no longer collabarative partners, but decisive shotcallers. I don't know when this happened--perhaps when Hillary Clinton, along with other prominent figures of the Patriot Leadership Team had to go essentially into "hiding", because the threat to their lives was so immediate and dangerous. Circumstances change so quickly that I never even mentioned it, but withing the last couple of weeks, two major threats have apparently been neutralized--the earthquake-creating, comet Elenin (and Nibiru AKA Planet X as well??), and the Mormon cabal which was looking to become the 21st century mega powerbrokers. I was worried about Libya, and getting bogged down in a war there, but Monday afternoon, I just got a sense that everything was going to be okay in Libya, and yes, we did the right thing. Interestingly enough, a post thread on the alternative news site I frequent also had a few writers sharing my sense of relief. What do I think happen? This is pure speculation, but I think we found the stargate/technology. Great news! But as happens so often with the military, somehow the Borg Machine or reptilian human operatives infiltrated the military and got the stargate back into the hands of the bad guys. Why do I say this? Because this country, including my home city of Albuquerque is under UFO attack.

When I went for a bike ride today, I saw unmarked government vehicles at every major intersection

However, the military is flexing their muscle and this is evident in the bombing of Libya. I don't believe that Hillary or Bob Gates wanted that, because they knew the rebels are terrorist riffraff from Muslim Brotherhood or Al-Qaida/Taliban rejects, that will end up taking American lives again and again. But their voices did not prevail. I was a relunctant supporter of the bombing for several reasons. First of all, despite the fact that Kadaffy has been a relatively decent leader to his people, husbanding Libya's resources wisely, I think years of excess and drugs have addled his brain, and left a power vacuum that his sons are trying to fill with unwise alliances. I have grudging, if limited respect for Kaddafy. I have none for his sons--they are sociopathic brutes with no sense of government and authority whatsoever. I also believe that Libyan troops were out of control and committing atrocities against innocent civilians. MOST IMPORTANTLY, however, I had a nagging suspicion (of which all the TV talking pundits were unaware), that there was a hidden stargate/technology hidden in Libya, that every major faction wanted to get their hands on, and being a pragmatist who understands that WE ARE AT WAR, I wanted to make sure that the good guys got there first. Still, I was worried about getting bogged down in a war in Libya, and so I was very relieved on Monday, when I got an inner sense that everything was going to be alright in Libya. What happened? I think the Odyssey Dawn true mission was accomplished--and we got our hands on the stargate/ancient alien technology. But by Wednesday, planet Earth, specifically the US, and most immediately my home town were under UFO assault. Why? I can only speculate, but I think there was a repeat of the Egyptian stargate saga....the good guys got their hands on the technology, and the coopted infiltrators, this time within the military ranks, turned the stargate over to the bad guys, and now, once more, a swarm of negative entities can enter the skies of our planet. See what I mean by bad judgment?

As if that wasn't bad enough, there also is biological weapons on the loose from Libya, which terrorists are trying to import into the country...that may be what the 13 fake "Marines" trying to enter the US at San Diego was about. Poor San Diego--if it gets through the next couple of years without a successful terrorist attack, it deserves a medal. Where did the biological weapons come from? Well, they could have come from Libya itself. According to the former justice minister who is allied with the rebel movement, Kaddafi had biological weapons. However, I found it interesting that a Chinese warship moved into waters off the coast of Libya four days ago. Did the Chinese give Kaddafi the WMD material to distribute to terrorists who would be able to smuggle it for detonation in the US?

Let's talk about the Chinese. China and the US has been engaged in covert hostilities, expecially via the climate weather wars for some time. Actually, it would be more appropriate to say that the White Dragons of Planet X/comet Elenin have been engaged in covert hostilities with the Sirian reptilian humanoid hybrids/Orion greys. You see, China really does have the most ambitious of imperialist designs on the entire planet. They may be the ones backing the rebels of Libya. They want the resources of oil and water, badly. However, China has been waiting on "the crossing" of Planet X, and its satellite harbinger , comet Elenin, which I think really is a spaceship. For Planet X is the home of the White Dragons, which is China's genetic forebears. I would be very surprised if Chinese psychics/channellers have not been in touch with the dragons of Planet X for a very long time. They wanted to use "the Crossing", alien invasion to assist them in their own invasion, and indeed they did. The scout satellite, comet Elenin, helped along by HAARP, was responsible for the Japanese earthquake. You see, despite similar facial features, the Japanese and Chinese are not genetically related AT ALL. The Japanese are actually an offshoot of the Scythian race which the White Dragons hate, and they wanted to see them go, and the vanguard of their human allies on Earth, China and the treasonous company GE was happy to help (did you notice China never shut down any of its nuclear facilities; the Scythian nations of Germany and Slovenia/Croatia had to--they discovered the virus to trip the plants into meltdown. GE is very involved in China, and is ready to move to the world's next great superpower!). Did you also notice the latest round of inclement, stormy weather. That is China, HAARPING back.

You see, China is pissed. Our cosmic friends delivered a huge blow to their White Dragon homeland. I cannot be sure if it was the satellite station, comet Elenin, or Planet X, or both, which was destroyed, but this was a huge blow to the Chinese. Just like the Western negative cabal counts on support from the evil aliens from Orion, the Chinese were counting on the support from the evil aliens from Planet X. They were furious when THEIR cosmic friend fiends were dealt a stunning blow last weak. Then on top of that, their backed rebels in Libya failed to get the stargate/technology, although they may have it now. You see, I am not positive to whom the military turncoats flipped possession of the stargate--whether it was the greys/reptilians from Orion or white dragon remnants of Planet X. I know for a fact (without divulging how I know) that this UFO swarm over our skies are hostile.

Even worse folks, we have got hostiles across our borders in Mexico. Read this:

The warning says to consider the source. Well, the source is Steve Quayle, and I can tell you that he is one of the most reliable sources of alternative info on the web--nothing counterintelligence, disinfo, or self-seeking posturing about him at all. Now, if you do a search on the web, you will see that Chinese troops have been rumored off and on to be in Mexico since the late 90's. I think that is very likely true, and I think that a possible China/Mexico alliance and the presence of Chinese troops on our borders has probably been used as an effective negotiation tool by both the Chinese and Mexican governments for over a decade. BUT, there are differences this time. First of all, there was the recent resignation of Ambassador Pascual, ostensibly over the Wikileaks scandal, but Pacual is a seasoned professional, and there was no need for Calderon to react as he did, except as a way of saying "fuck you." Then there is the recent posting of all the military personnel being removed from the Japan/Okinawa zone, and being placed on the west coast! Finally, there is the sad truth that everyone hates to admit--Mexico is a mess. The drug cartel violence is destroying the country, but what has to gall the Mexican government is their knowledge that it is the American cabal/intelligence agencies, AND consumers, which is ultimately responsible for the huge profits and bloodthirsty violence created by the drug trade. These are matters that should be worked out diplomatically, but it looks like Calderon has made a deal with the Chinese to ensure that California and the Southwest never again prevents Mexican immigrants from free travel, employment and residence in that area.

Yeppers, big things are happening, and I cannot know from one day to the next what will happen. Today, I was relatively drug free, except for being ELFed when I rode my bike, and could barely make it back. Is the military and their religionist ranks responsible for the current psychotropics I am receiving? I don't think they are responsible for my mutilation, but then again, I don't know which alien faction is backing their moves...but I will figure it out. In the meantime, I am worried, especially because in my severely weakened state, there is so little I can do. I can barely walk, and have lost all strength and vitality, though today, I could read for the first time in a long time. Maybe, if the military has been drugging me, to "force me out of my lesbian'disorder'" now needs me to help them figure out their next move. To be honest, I don't have much confidence in them, as I do Hillary Clinton. First of all, they have never respected my humanity, my free will, my sexuality or my body--of that I am fairly certain, that they took the baton from the Jesuits. Secondly, they have too many people coopted by the Borg Machine, and that is not coincidence--that is the result of their training which emphasizes passivity and obedience over free thinking and free action. I don't even know if this post will get out...Still, we are on the verge of an invasion on our home soil, and once again, I will ally myself with people whose values I do not largely share, in order to help my country. I am so tired of this shit. It seems like I have been suffering at the hands of stupid, patriarchal men forever--but it has been about 12 that a cycle God? Can this shit ever be over? And no, suffering at the hands of Chinese Communists is not what I have in mind.

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