Saturday, March 12, 2011

Struggling to make a decision

Struggling to make a decision, which is hard to do when I am so severely depressed that I can barely move. I don't know if the depression is caused by the unpalatable nature of my choices I am assessing, or the psychotropic drugs that cause the genetic mutation or the excessive female hormones I am force fed. My breasts smell like milk, and what little has remained of my muscle is all turned to fat. Still, I try to do even a little bit of physical exercise every day, which is hard when I literally don't want to move. It is spring and I am opening my doors, but this means I need to clean my home, but even that is too much. It is not a filthy mess, as it has been in some times in the past---it is just a low grade dirty, which I wish I felt well enough to redress, but the effort to clean requires too much effort than I have right now. This morning I cooked a pound of turkey burger that had been defrosted in my fridge for three days. In the evening, I am just too sick to cook, preferring instead to microwave TV dinners. Maybe I should try to exercise the first thing in the morning too, for the longer the day passes, the worse I feel. I see the swelling behind my eyeballs and can understand where the headache and autism is coming from, but I just wish I could feel half way decent, for one thing is for sure, I am not making any major decisions until I am in a psychological state in which I trust my own judgment. Depression is not a psychological state from which to make a major decision, so just have to hang in there--no doubt what all patriots are doing right now.

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