Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A whole new front

A whole new front waged against me by the fucking Aryan PIB's--PSYCHIC SEXUAL HARASSMENT by stupidass, motherfucking male pigs who leave me feeling like I just walked into a pick up straight bar, with a bunch of horn dogs looking for a cheap fuck undressing me with their eyes. God, it gives me the creeps to even remember it. Same old motherfucking asshole that violates my mind space every time I work out at the free community gym---just smirking now at my mutilated, Mengelian body--proof that his Aryan pig peers put their tag on me by destroying my body. In case you can't tell, I am pissed off. I actually have been in a pretty good mood all day, as the new turn in tactics by the mind control patriarchal pigs who dictate my every move, seem to finally realize that I have a predominantly MALE HORMONAL SYSTEM, and the goddamned hell they have put me through with their drugs, their mutilations, and their forced hormone deprivation, is counterproductive. Oh, but the bastards haven't given up. Sure, I am getting a little more testosterone, but they also are forcing progesterone on me, and it clogs my mouth with slimy mucous, making me constantly feel the need to spit, and it clogs up my nose and respiratory passages. Not only is it physically disgusting to have all that mucous in my mouth, it leaves me feeling stupidly faint. I suppose that is the Aryan PIB's idea of feminine emotion. I don't know. I am tired of trying to figure out their abusive patriarchal stupidity. I know that it is progesterone that I am being force fed, because I also am taking estrogen. My body released progesterone for years, (and probably still does), and it never caused the mucous in my mouth. It also is possible that I am being given pregnancy hormones--the Aryan PIB's really have a sick sense of humor. Anyway, nothing I can do for it, but endure--try to learn how to keep sick pricks out of my psychic space in my head. I don't want anybody in my head, but my mother, the women I sexually love and who turn me on, and my children. Everybody else, I am not interested. I "get" the fact that you want to introduce me to a psychic space, but I am looking for the respectful collective consciousness that I have encountered before, among Native Americans. I am not interested in joining any psychic collective BECAUSE I NEED TO HEAL AS AN INDIVIDUAL. I need to get back by self-identity, my self-esteem, my self-image. I need to look in the mirror and see a body that looks like mine, and not some Nazi's wet dream. I need to know that my mind isn't violated 24/7 by agents of every type and stripe. I need to feel that I am free to date and love other women. I need to work and provide my own upkeep. Until this happens, I am going to stay in a self-defensive mode and wait.

It will be interesting to see what the maintenance man does tomorrow when he comes to fix my plumbing. Last time he was here, he left an energy weapon in my front lawn that left me sick for nearly three weeks. Am I due for another energy weapon, or is it going to be more mind game bullshit? You know, Nazis, your stupidass mind control tricks don't work on people of high intelligence, but you keep your playing your goddamned games, and I keep praying for the day I am FREE of you.

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