Sunday, March 20, 2011

Third day in a row

Third day in a row that I have been drugged on something that just totally steals my energy, and as it accumulates in my body, my physical and emotional state deteriorates further and further. Yesterday, I struggled to bike for about a mile; today I won't be able to at all. I have spent most of the morning lying in bed and crying. I tell myself that it is the drugs and I will feel better when its over. I am trying to read a Dan Brown novel, which I usually can do quite rapidly, but I am have been struggling with ADD for a while now, and not in the healthy and creative way that I experienced it as a young woman, but in the unhealthy way of not being able to absorb information or sustain focused awareness. I was thinking of attending a Pleidian workshop in Sedona (just putting it on my credit card), but I have decided that I will fight all attempts at interdimensional travel until I am a free human being again. I would have to drive about 8-10 hours to get there, and driving is no fun when you are all drugged up. I would probably be stalked by PIB psychics who would make me miserable the whole entire time, so I will just wait. If it is God's will, it will happen; if it is not, then I am happy to end this incarnation here on Earth. It will take me months to heal physically, mentally and spiritually from the abuse that I have endured, and I doubt that I will ever be my joyful, energetic, loving life and others, self again.

In the meantime, I continue to try to stay abreast of happenings. Got something I am thinking on, but am not ready to write about it--maybe I will wait until I see Dale again--I am supposed to see her on April's Fool day, but I am going to reschedule. My time with her is too precious to wonder if the trickster aspect of the universe is going to have some fun with me or any ideas I put forth that day. I also want to post a letter I wrote to the RMN editor a few days ago about the situation in LIbya. I am so disappointed that intervention in Libya was deemed necessary, but I understand why, and the reasons for it, is in this letter that I wrote to Rayelan Allan, who actually has conversed with Kadaffy.

While you are at the website, also check out Farrakhan's rant against Obama, "Who the hell do you think you are?". This rant, delivered in unconditional support for Kaddafy further bolsters my opinion this intervention was necessary. For those who have read my prior posts, you will not be surprised to know that I regard Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam are true and treasonously hateful enemies of this country, and I suspect Farrakhan/NOI and/or their allies, may have beaten the UN Coalition to the intervention in Libya.

Also, check out the post by Never Surrender about the principalities and powers post. This contains very important information that I think would behoove all to read, pray about, and begin making even simple preparations--a dark room and a bucket! (Read the post--and then read Exodus, and recall the devastation that befell the land of Egypt at the time of the Crossing, except for those who had a direct "channel" to safely deliver them--Moses. If you are not sure that you got a surefire prophet to lead you, read the post!)

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