Saturday, March 19, 2011

Good thing I was able to talk

Good thing I was able to talk to Dale yesterday, for I find myself drugged on psychotropics that make thinking and writing a real chore. Dale complimented me yesterday on my mind's ability to retain facts--she, and no one else but me, knows how much brainpower I really have lost. I guess that I am just grateful that the Holy Spirit gives me the ability to hang on to facts and knowledge that I most immediately need, but already this morning, I have struggled to remember some details regarding my medical condition, that, pre--lithium, I would be able recall with little effort. Now, it is like a black curtain has fallen over my brain. There is just not much I can do now, except endure. In my weakened state, I am not able to penetrate all the confusion, lies and deliberate illusion surrounding world events. All I can do, is just continue to read and wait, hoping for the day I am free to be me. I find myself more autistic, and do not mind my imposed isolation that much. Interacting with people is extremely anxiety-provoking right now. I have lost the high energy which gives me the ability to relate to others in a healthy and positive manner. No doubt, the damned religionists are still playing me, looking for some conversion experience, whether I go astral planing or choose a celibate vocation. I can only say again that such conversion will not happen without my exercise of free will, and my free will is NOT respected nor considered, but is in hiding, until it the day when it can come out again. I just have to wait, endure, try to get enough energy to keep my house clean, and a little physical exercise to help stave off the deteriorating condition of my physical body.

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