Sunday, March 13, 2011

Grimmer and grimmer

Grimmer and grimmer---as I write this, the Japanese are still struggling to prevent a nuclear meltdown. I do not know if they will be able too, as a nuclear meltdown and massive radiation being released to the population is part of the cabal's agenda. This is not speculation on my part--this is a strong intuitive conclusion based on perusal of web sites--some of it by cabal disinfo agents. I will say this--watch the following video, and note how this woman is aware that Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and the entire David Rockefeller family clan is in New Delhi, India right now.

The relevant point of visiting New Delhi is that New Delhi is the home to underground bunkers specifically designed to survive nuclear fallout. You see, not only did the cabal create the earthquake and tsunami, but they hoped for, and planned that the nuclear reactors would fail. In my last post, I talked of how the Lucferian Machine gained control of the spaceship that blasted off into orbit on March 5th. Well, I submit that the nuclear reactors' computer systems likewise were taken over by the Borg Machine. You see, those nuclear reactors were designed and built by General Electric. I have stated before that the upper management of General Electric was quite literally treasonous to the United States, and I meant it. As cybernetically brilliant as the Borg Machine is, it has to have cooperation. Someone has to upload data/computer code and keys for the Machine to be able to use it, and I think GE has done so. Why do I think that? Well, after the earthquake, the Japanese engineers went to shut down the reactors. Remember, they are highly aware of earthquake potential and hazards, but the engineers told the media outlets that the computers were not responding to the shutdown protocols as expected--in MULTIPLE reactors. Why not? I think that they failed to shut down, as they had hundreds of times before in safety tests and drills, because The Borg Machine was given inside information on the nuclear reactor computer code/schemata by GE itself. Although I believe that, at least some GE execs of the highest levels, are complicit in treason with the machine (don't forget--the last time that Obama thought he was going to be ruler of the universe--I can't remember what nefarious plot turn led him to expect that--he visited the wind turbine plant of GE, along with their top exec. Apparently support for wind power and turbine production for wind power is high on his political favors list right now), I think the extent of compromise is even scarier. At some high level, I believe that the Borg Machine collective has been given full upload link to ALL GE product computer codes/schemata, so that the Machine can intervene and interfere at will.

Another scary thought is that there are 23 nuclear reactors in America with similar GE designs. I am especially worried about the one in Washington state, for HAARP activity has been strong there for the past few days. I think the HAARP beams are literally trying to set off Mt. St. Helen's or create an earthquake there as well. Of course the whole west coast needs to be on elevated tsunami alert. My initial thought RIGHT NOW (but that could change) is that a tsunami event, caused by a Pacific Plate ocean earthquake is a more immediate threat than a New Madrid earthquake. It could impact California, Oregon, Washington state, or Hawaii (I dreamed of their gov last night--I can't remember what about or why, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was another quisling for the Machine).

As for me, I am so frustrated, because I can do so little in my small world. I suffer terribly every day (and figured out why--more on that in the next post), but I feel that if I just had a little bit information, and was able to do more research, instead of spending hours sleeping or sick from the drugs I am given, that I would be of more useful assistance. I am kicking myself right now, because I KNEW that 3/11 was an occultically significant number, but the idea didn't snap in my head, whereas if I had been in an environment with others working on the same issues, it might have. Even now, I wish I could have resource to astrologers, because I think that recognizing and forecasting astrological alignments are a huge, underresearched area that could alert the good guys to the bad guys plans. But
it is not enough to understand astrological signs and portents--you have got to be able to think like the occultists think--and that is where I could really be of assistance. But, I am stuck, astrally kidnapped, raped and impregnated every night with reptilian embryos, created from my own genetic eggs. I am suffering and sick, and at this point, there is nothing that can be done about it. Over a year ago, the time was ripe and right to rescue me, but the people who had the capability to do so, lacked the authority, courage, and manhood to do so, and now, I am in a no-win position, and suffering on ALL fronts, not just mine, is unnecessarily intensified and aggravated, which is what happens when good people do nothing (except violate my privacy, to get in my mind and try to figure out what they can take to use without any kind of support, assistance or decent minimum level respect in return). In other words, psychic rape--but the offense of the good guys (and its always nearly always men, or I should say, "males", who are violating and abusive), pales with what the bad guys are doing to me...dreams and nightmares on next post.

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