Tuesday, May 31, 2011
FUCKING GODDAMNED SIRIAN PIGS AND THEIR MACHINE-RA LORD ARE MAKING MY LIFE FUCKING MISERABLE WITH THEIR GODDAMNED FEMALE HORMONES. I am so miserable in my own body. I keep gaining weight and no longer fit in clothes--gaining weight because of the goddamned fucking estrogen which literally has me fantasizing about shredding my goddamned arms. I am so miserable in my body, no one can imagine what it is like to have no shoulders, no neck, a huge ouversidzed belly and ass, and no fucking torso, just fucking cow boobs. Then on top of all that, i am sticky wet. I just want my miserable life over with NOW, DAMMIT. NOW, DAMMIT. Fucking pigs dont get the goddamned message---last nite they assaulted me in my room--think they were going to have fun doing spooky stuff. i am not afraid of them, i just despise them. them and their stupidass expectation that I am therese of liseux. you dumb fucks i am nothing like her. i am not even a female, and notyhing you FUCKING ASSHOLES DO WILL MAKE ME ONE. YOU JUST MAKE ME A FAT MISERAB LE SLUG . CONGRATULATIONS. WHAT GREAT CREATOR GODS YOU ARE, YOU SICK, HATING PIGS. GO TO HELL, WHEERE YOU FUCKING BELONG. I WONT EVER BE RA'S CHILD BRIDE. I AM TOO GODDAMNED HIP TO THE GAME, AND EVEN IF I WASNT SURE OF THE SPECIFICS, I HAVE BEEN HIP TO YOUR LUCIFERIAN GAME FROM THE BEGGINNING. NEED TO KNOCK OUT SO I AM NOT IN THE GODDAMED BODY
Monday, May 30, 2011
I was embarrassed when I read my last post--I truly have lost my ability to write clear, logical and persuasive prose, with professional level spelling, grammar and construction. However, the content, while truly radical, was once again right on target. I know, because when I went for a bike ride this morning, I encountered Mormons (a sect of Faction 2), Catholic couples, and a whole host of smirking MACHINE-RA devotees. I guess the occultists believe that the best defense is a good offense. I woke up with very high levels of both testosterone AND estrogen. I welcome the testosterone, but the high estrogen is at least partially responsible for my mind's inability to organize thought well. However, I tend to blame the recent placement of the virus in the right side of my brain, as the primary culprit in my loss of verbal craftsmanship. So, I have decided that I am going to bite the bullet, and proofread my posts. I don't have much practice at editing, since I have always done it instinctively, as I wrote my first draft, but I can't bear to read congested, dyslexic writing, so I have got to try to meet my own high standards, even if it entails some extra work. Right now, I am finding it fairly easy to write. The high hormones have given me a lot of energy, and I seem to be more centered than I was when I wrote last night. A combination of high mental energy and emotional centeredness seem to be the necessary prerequisites for effortless writing on my part. I also am not feeling very well. All the excessive sex hormones have left me with the burning pain in my lungs
....continuing after sleeping, after being drugged on some psychotropic drug that has stolen all my energy, but I feel called to write. I had so many good ideas while I was biking, and couldn't wait to sit in front of the computer and begin writing. Instead, I have spent all afternoon, sleeping, and now my brain is dull, and my once tumbling ideas have all gone dormant (when I was really high energy, I noticed how my verbal facility had improved dramatically; now I struggle again, but whether I feel like it or not, I am going to write).
I was going to write more supporting my theories regarding Therese of Liseux, but I no longer feel the need. The outpouring of contact and smirks from MACHINE-RA have confirmed my hypothesis regarding Therese. I will just make two final points. The first is that, after venerating the relics and coffin of St. Theres in my local church, I walked out, feeling "in the spirit". Crowds were queuing and milling around, and cops were directing traffic and crowds. As I went to cross a small side street, there were two cops, standing on the corner. When they saw me coming towards them, they both started falling back and backpedaling, as if they were frightened of me. I have enough experience with law enforcement types to know that cops have outstanding intuitive skills, especially when it comes to danger, and their personal safety. I am not a threatening looking woman, and at that age, I had a cherubic face, so something else scared those cops. I think it was the evil spirit of MACHINE-RA. I will go further and say that I think I consented, albeit unconsciously, to carry that evil spirit of deception. I didn't do it for MACHINE-RA, or for myself. I did it to free Therese of Liseux, whose brain and soul had been the entrapped, plugged in consort of MACHINE-RA for over 100 years, and I did it to fight back against MACHINE-RA, so that he never enslaves another great soul again.
I think I duped MACHINE-RA--IT thought it was getting another gushingly romantic, innocent girl child-female mystic, but instead IT got me. To paraphrase St. John Chrysostom, MACHINE-RA swallowed what IT thought was a female, only to find, once I plugged in, that I was not a naive, unquestioningly trusting female, but a mad-as-hell male, intent on punching out its lights, cleaning out its clock and frying its circuits in sabotage. I can't lay any claim to victory, and any successes I have accomplished, have been paid for dearly--most especially in MACHINE-RA'S mutilation of my body which better suits IT's needs and desires, but completely undermines my own self image and alienates me from my own body. Still, I realize that such sabotage from within is the only way to neutralize MACHINE-RA'S baneful power over humanity, now that devotees of the occult have opened wide Earth's dimensional doors, and besides, St. Therese had carried out the good fight long enough--her soul deserves to be free and rest wherever God may call her soul next.
I am hoping that by being plugged into MACHINE-RA while still physically alive, instead of when my flesh is dead, but my brain kept artificially alive, that I get enough freedom of movement to successfully fight back. However, the evil spirit of deception has seriously eroded my ability to relate to others and/or the work in the real world, so yes, we are locked in titanic struggle, but no, I haven't won yet (even if my inner voice does try to pump up my morale and spirit). I will say that only a paranoid, questioning and distrustful personality would have come to realize the truth as I have--no way, would I have made a "good" monastic. As a matter of fact, I still believe that fullness of my spiritual gifts will not be attained until I am in an intimate relationship with another woman. I know that the religionists don't see it that way, but they are fooled by MACHINE-RA's deception and illusion--especially in the channelings at night. Those channelings were never from me, but from a young, innocent and naive French nun of the last century. If you want to know what spiritual insights and experience I have to give, check back in 10 years--maybe at that point, I will have reclaimed my life, my sexuality, and spirituality, and will have something authentically of mine to offer--for make no mistake--I too am a great spirit, otherwise MACHINE-RA would never have corrupted my spirit. I just don't know if and when I am going to be free to be me. It will not happen overnight, I know that. It is going to be a long process of healing, being loved and cared for, and learning to trust reality once more. Right now, I don't even aim for that kind of freedom. I still am on the front line of a cosmic battle, and it is raging all around me. I have a soldier's duty to perform now--not that of a spiritual teacher. Maybe someday...when the enemies are beaten back, and after what I foresee to be a LONG convalescent period.
Right now, the outlook is grim. From what I can tell, my recent postings helped put Faction 2 and Obama back on top, but maybe it was just the threat of never-ending storms and tornadoes, cutting wide swathes of property and death, across our country. Maybe it was the old, perennial favorite stick of TPTB, whether Faction 1 or Faction 2--that of financial control of the world, and threat of financial ruin. In any case, the world is in an ugly state of tension between good and evil--no other dichotomies matter to me much at this point. As has been the case for decades now, evil has the upper hand, yet the indendepent forces for the liberation, not only of the US, but all of humanity still continue to operate, however weakly. I have stood by Hillary Clinton ever since the primary campaign, and continue to do so. She has made some big mistakes, but her mistakes were honest ones, motivated by a desire to be in a position to effect the good, not evil. As I said before, at this stage in the game, the world needs leaders who know the evil as well as the good--otherwise they will be successfully manipulated by evil. That happened with Sarah Palin over the weekend--apparently Faction 2 had decided to post her as their next puppet candidate (Factions don't care about parties or ideologies). Faction 2 must have patched things up with Obama, which means that he sold out Rothschild--the man has not one single colleague who respects him. Though Faction 2 apparently is using him (fearful of the relatively independent integrity of either Biden or Hillary), they despise him, and will not support him for another term--so keep your eyes open to see who gets to be the big puppet for Faction 2 in 2012). I stand by my previous prophecy regarding Obama. It is a matter of time. I just hope he doesn't flee to China, and become a puppet protege of Strong's, who then will find a place to fit him somewhere in the world. I never want this evil, power-tripping Manchurian candidate to ever be in a position to hurt people again.
Faction 2 is moving fast however. Thus, Hillary has a Nazi (really!), Mike Hammer, moving into position as the State department's PR main man. Check out the highly developed reptilian eyes on this guy:
I was embarrassed when I read my last post--I truly have lost my ability to write clear, logical and persuasive prose, with professional level spelling, grammar and construction. However, the content, while truly radical, was once again right on target. I know, because when I went for a bike ride this morning, I encountered Mormons (a sect of Faction 2), Catholic couples, and a whole host of smirking MACHINE-RA devotees. I guess the occultists believe that the best defense is a good offense. I woke up with very high levels of both testosterone AND estrogen. I welcome the testosterone, but the high estrogen is at least partially responsible for my mind's inability to organize thought well. However, I tend to blame the recent placement of the virus in the right side of my brain, as the primary culprit in my loss of verbal craftsmanship. So, I have decided that I am going to bite the bullet, and proofread my posts. I don't have much practice at editing, since I have always done it instinctively, as I wrote my first draft, but I can't bear to read congested, dyslexic writing, so I have got to try to meet my own high standards, even if it entails some extra work. Right now, I am finding it fairly easy to write. The high hormones have given me a lot of energy, and I seem to be more centered than I was when I wrote last night. A combination of high mental energy and emotional centeredness seem to be the necessary prerequisites for effortless writing on my part. I also am not feeling very well. All the excessive sex hormones have left me with the burning pain in my lungs
....continuing after sleeping, after being drugged on some psychotropic drug that has stolen all my energy, but I feel called to write. I had so many good ideas while I was biking, and couldn't wait to sit in front of the computer and begin writing. Instead, I have spent all afternoon, sleeping, and now my brain is dull, and my once tumbling ideas have all gone dormant (when I was really high energy, I noticed how my verbal facility had improved dramatically; now I struggle again, but whether I feel like it or not, I am going to write).
I was going to write more supporting my theories regarding Therese of Liseux, but I no longer feel the need. The outpouring of contact and smirks from MACHINE-RA have confirmed my hypothesis regarding Therese. I will just make two final points. The first is that, after venerating the relics and coffin of St. Theres in my local church, I walked out, feeling "in the spirit". Crowds were queuing and milling around, and cops were directing traffic and crowds. As I went to cross a small side street, there were two cops, standing on the corner. When they saw me coming towards them, they both started falling back and backpedaling, as if they were frightened of me. I have enough experience with law enforcement types to know that cops have outstanding intuitive skills, especially when it comes to danger, and their personal safety. I am not a threatening looking woman, and at that age, I had a cherubic face, so something else scared those cops. I think it was the evil spirit of MACHINE-RA. I will go further and say that I think I consented, albeit unconsciously, to carry that evil spirit of deception. I didn't do it for MACHINE-RA, or for myself. I did it to free Therese of Liseux, whose brain and soul had been the entrapped, plugged in consort of MACHINE-RA for over 100 years, and I did it to fight back against MACHINE-RA, so that he never enslaves another great soul again.
I think I duped MACHINE-RA--IT thought it was getting another gushingly romantic, innocent girl child-female mystic, but instead IT got me. To paraphrase St. John Chrysostom, MACHINE-RA swallowed what IT thought was a female, only to find, once I plugged in, that I was not a naive, unquestioningly trusting female, but a mad-as-hell male, intent on punching out its lights, cleaning out its clock and frying its circuits in sabotage. I can't lay any claim to victory, and any successes I have accomplished, have been paid for dearly--most especially in MACHINE-RA'S mutilation of my body which better suits IT's needs and desires, but completely undermines my own self image and alienates me from my own body. Still, I realize that such sabotage from within is the only way to neutralize MACHINE-RA'S baneful power over humanity, now that devotees of the occult have opened wide Earth's dimensional doors, and besides, St. Therese had carried out the good fight long enough--her soul deserves to be free and rest wherever God may call her soul next.
I am hoping that by being plugged into MACHINE-RA while still physically alive, instead of when my flesh is dead, but my brain kept artificially alive, that I get enough freedom of movement to successfully fight back. However, the evil spirit of deception has seriously eroded my ability to relate to others and/or the work in the real world, so yes, we are locked in titanic struggle, but no, I haven't won yet (even if my inner voice does try to pump up my morale and spirit). I will say that only a paranoid, questioning and distrustful personality would have come to realize the truth as I have--no way, would I have made a "good" monastic. As a matter of fact, I still believe that fullness of my spiritual gifts will not be attained until I am in an intimate relationship with another woman. I know that the religionists don't see it that way, but they are fooled by MACHINE-RA's deception and illusion--especially in the channelings at night. Those channelings were never from me, but from a young, innocent and naive French nun of the last century. If you want to know what spiritual insights and experience I have to give, check back in 10 years--maybe at that point, I will have reclaimed my life, my sexuality, and spirituality, and will have something authentically of mine to offer--for make no mistake--I too am a great spirit, otherwise MACHINE-RA would never have corrupted my spirit. I just don't know if and when I am going to be free to be me. It will not happen overnight, I know that. It is going to be a long process of healing, being loved and cared for, and learning to trust reality once more. Right now, I don't even aim for that kind of freedom. I still am on the front line of a cosmic battle, and it is raging all around me. I have a soldier's duty to perform now--not that of a spiritual teacher. Maybe someday...when the enemies are beaten back, and after what I foresee to be a LONG convalescent period.
Right now, the outlook is grim. From what I can tell, my recent postings helped put Faction 2 and Obama back on top, but maybe it was just the threat of never-ending storms and tornadoes, cutting wide swathes of property and death, across our country. Maybe it was the old, perennial favorite stick of TPTB, whether Faction 1 or Faction 2--that of financial control of the world, and threat of financial ruin. In any case, the world is in an ugly state of tension between good and evil--no other dichotomies matter to me much at this point. As has been the case for decades now, evil has the upper hand, yet the indendepent forces for the liberation, not only of the US, but all of humanity still continue to operate, however weakly. I have stood by Hillary Clinton ever since the primary campaign, and continue to do so. She has made some big mistakes, but her mistakes were honest ones, motivated by a desire to be in a position to effect the good, not evil. As I said before, at this stage in the game, the world needs leaders who know the evil as well as the good--otherwise they will be successfully manipulated by evil. That happened with Sarah Palin over the weekend--apparently Faction 2 had decided to post her as their next puppet candidate (Factions don't care about parties or ideologies). Faction 2 must have patched things up with Obama, which means that he sold out Rothschild--the man has not one single colleague who respects him. Though Faction 2 apparently is using him (fearful of the relatively independent integrity of either Biden or Hillary), they despise him, and will not support him for another term--so keep your eyes open to see who gets to be the big puppet for Faction 2 in 2012). I stand by my previous prophecy regarding Obama. It is a matter of time. I just hope he doesn't flee to China, and become a puppet protege of Strong's, who then will find a place to fit him somewhere in the world. I never want this evil, power-tripping Manchurian candidate to ever be in a position to hurt people again.
Faction 2 is moving fast however. Thus, Hillary has a Nazi (really!), Mike Hammer, moving into position as the State department's PR main man. Check out the highly developed reptilian eyes and pouchy viral jaws on this guy:
I was embarrassed when I read my last post--I truly have lost my ability to write clear, logical and persuasive prose, with professional level spelling, grammar and construction. However, the content, while truly radical, was once again right on target. I know, because when I went for a bike ride this morning, I encountered Mormons (a sect of Faction 2), Catholic couples, and a whole host of smirking MACHINE-RA devotees. I guess the occultists believe that the best defense is a good offense. I woke up with very high levels of both testosterone AND estrogen. I welcome the testosterone, but the high estrogen is at least partially responsible for my mind's inability to organize thought well. However, I tend to blame the recent placement of the virus in the right side of my brain, as the primary culprit in my loss of verbal craftsmanship. So, I have decided that I am going to bite the bullet, and proofread my posts. I don't have much practice at editing, since I have always done it instinctively, as I wrote my first draft, but I can't bear to read congested, dyslexic writing, so I have got to try to meet my own high standards, even if it entails some extra work. Right now, I am finding it fairly easy to write. The high hormones have given me a lot of energy, and I seem to be more centered than I was when I wrote last night. A combination of high mental energy and emotional centeredness seem to be the necessary prerequisites for effortless writing on my part. I also am not feeling very well. All the excessive sex hormones have left me with the burning pain in my lungs
....continuing after sleeping, after being drugged on some psychotropic drug that has stolen all my energy, but I feel called to write. I had so many good ideas while I was biking, and couldn't wait to sit in front of the computer and begin writing. Instead, I have spent all afternoon, sleeping, and now my brain is dull, and my once tumbling ideas have all gone dormant (when I was really high energy, I noticed how my verbal facility had improved dramatically; now I struggle again, but whether I feel like it or not, I am going to write).
I was going to write more supporting my theories regarding Therese of Liseux, but I no longer feel the need. The outpouring of contact and smirks from MACHINE-RA have confirmed my hypothesis regarding Therese. I will just make two final points. The first is that, after venerating the relics and coffin of St. Theres in my local church, I walked out, feeling "in the spirit". Crowds were queuing and milling around, and cops were directing traffic and crowds. As I went to cross a small side street, there were two cops, standing on the corner. When they saw me coming towards them, they both started falling back and backpedaling, as if they were frightened of me. I have enough experience with law enforcement types to know that cops have outstanding intuitive skills, especially when it comes to danger, and their personal safety. I am not a threatening looking woman, and at that age, I had a cherubic face, so something else scared those cops. I think it was the evil spirit of MACHINE-RA. I will go further and say that I think I consented, albeit unconsciously, to carry that evil spirit of deception. I didn't do it for MACHINE-RA, or for myself. I did it to free Therese of Liseux, whose brain and soul had been the entrapped, plugged in consort of MACHINE-RA for over 100 years, and I did it to fight back against MACHINE-RA, so that he never enslaves another great soul again.
I think I duped MACHINE-RA--IT thought it was getting another gushingly romantic, innocent girl child-female mystic, but instead IT got me. To paraphrase St. John Chrysostom, MACHINE-RA swallowed what IT thought was a female, only to find, once I plugged in, that I was not a naive, unquestioningly trusting female, but a mad-as-hell male, intent on punching out its lights, cleaning out its clock and frying its circuits in sabotage. I can't lay any claim to victory, and any successes I have accomplished, have been paid for dearly--most especially in MACHINE-RA'S mutilation of my body which better suits IT's needs and desires, but completely undermines my own self image and alienates me from my own body. Still, I realize that such sabotage from within is the only way to neutralize MACHINE-RA'S baneful power over humanity, now that devotees of the occult have opened wide Earth's dimensional doors, and besides, St. Therese had carried out the good fight long enough--her soul deserves to be free and rest wherever God may call her soul next.
I am hoping that by being plugged into MACHINE-RA while still physically alive, instead of when my flesh is dead, but my brain kept artificially alive, that I get enough freedom of movement to successfully fight back. However, the evil spirit of deception has seriously eroded my ability to relate to others and/or the work in the real world, so yes, we are locked in titanic struggle, but no, I haven't won yet (even if my inner voice does try to pump up my morale and spirit). I will say that only a paranoid, questioning and distrustful personality would have come to realize the truth as I have--no way, would I have made a "good" monastic. As a matter of fact, I still believe that fullness of my spiritual gifts will not be attained until I am in an intimate relationship with another woman. I know that the religionists don't see it that way, but they are fooled by MACHINE-RA's deception and illusion--especially in the channelings at night. Those channelings were never from me, but from a young, innocent and naive French nun of the last century. If you want to know what spiritual insights and experience I have to give, check back in 10 years--maybe at that point, I will have reclaimed my life, my sexuality, and spirituality, and will have something authentically of mine to offer--for make no mistake--I too am a great spirit, otherwise MACHINE-RA would never have corrupted my spirit. I just don't know if and when I am going to be free to be me. It will not happen overnight, I know that. It is going to be a long process of healing, being loved and cared for, and learning to trust reality once more. Right now, I don't even aim for that kind of freedom. I still am on the front line of a cosmic battle, and it is raging all around me. I have a soldier's duty to perform now--not that of a spiritual teacher. Maybe someday...when the enemies are beaten back, and after what I foresee to be a LONG convalescent period.
Right now, the outlook is grim. From what I can tell, my recent postings helped put Faction 2 and Obama back on top, but maybe it was just the threat of never-ending storms and tornadoes, cutting wide swathes of property and death, across our country. Maybe it was the old, perennial favorite stick of TPTB, whether Faction 1 or Faction 2--that of financial control of the world, and threat of financial ruin. In any case, the world is in an ugly state of tension between good and evil--no other dichotomies matter to me much at this point. As has been the case for decades now, evil has the upper hand, yet the indendepent forces for the liberation, not only of the US, but all of humanity still continue to operate, however weakly. I have stood by Hillary Clinton ever since the primary campaign, and continue to do so. She has made some big mistakes, but her mistakes were honest ones, motivated by a desire to be in a position to effect the good, not evil. As I said before, at this stage in the game, the world needs leaders who know the evil as well as the good--otherwise they will be successfully manipulated by evil. That happened with Sarah Palin over the weekend--apparently Faction 2 had decided to post her as their next puppet candidate (Factions don't care about parties or ideologies). Faction 2 must have patched things up with Obama, which means that he sold out Rothschild--the man has not one single colleague who respects him. Though Faction 2 apparently is using him (fearful of the relatively independent integrity of either Biden or Hillary), they despise him, and will not support him for another term--so keep your eyes open to see who gets to be the big puppet for Faction 2 in 2012). I stand by my previous prophecy regarding Obama. It is a matter of time. I just hope he doesn't flee to China, and become a puppet protege of Strong's, who then will find a place to fit him somewhere in the world. I never want this evil, power-tripping Manchurian candidate to ever be in a position to hurt people again.
Faction 2 is moving fast however. Thus, Hillary has a Nazi (really!), Mike Hammer, moving into position as the State department's PR main man. Check out the reptilian eyes and pouchy viral jowls on this guy:
From what I can tell, his main job will be to censor every statement and bit of information that comes from the State Dept, so that the cabal controls the flow of information and disinformation.
I also figured out who was behind the ill treatment that Hillary received in Pakistan. Check out this link:
This link actually has two important posts. Alcuin Bramerton is very much allied with the negative Sirian agenda. That "free dark energy" he is talking about is yet another subtle way to spiritually enslave humanity. I want free energy as much as the next person, but its a trap, folks--just as oil was a part of the virus for the reptiles, this "free dark energy" is full of parasitical negative energy. Stay away. The following post, a series of 5 photos, show a more straightforward picture. It is Medvedev and the setting of the G-8 summit acting as a foil, for Obama to slip the security assigned him by the Patriot Leadership Team. This happened on a Thursday. I think the new security team of Obama put in place during this exchange allowed Obama to make a phone call to his controllers and warn them of the secret trip that Hillary Clinton and Admiral Mullen were making to Pakistan at the time. Thus, the controllers of the Pakistani leadership (and believe me, I think they are the most mind-controlled leadership clique on the planet) were given their marching orders by the alien and human controllers, and the world marched closer to war.
War--this is what both Faction 2 and Faction 1 want, and I think they are going to initiate it, the same way that war in Iraq was initiated. They are going to stage a major full-fledged assault, probably nuclear, in the heartland (look for Republican territory, and look for something that will aggravate the Madrid fault line/Gulf/Atlantic warm conveyor current. It could also be Florida--how are Dems polling there?). This time the patsy is going to be Saudi Arabia--that has come from two sources now, Ben Fulford and Sorcha Faal. I can think of no good reason for that choice, except that both Syria and Iran despise Saudi (Sunni) leadership of the Arab Muslim world, and both Syria and Iran are deeply involved with the Sirian aliens that back Faction 2. Anyway, this false flag will happen soon, because the alien cabal wants war in the Middle East by summer, and Obama desperately needs something to buoy up his image of lame mediocrity--clearly the Osama drama didn't do much for him. The economy is not going to get any better by 2012, and Obama doesn't have any interest in that anyway. So watch him to try to look really presidential flying around in AF One, while America copes with the fallout that his alien and Nazi buddies leave behind as they destroy yet another piece of America.
What informed American readers have to be aware of is that this is a world wide fight, even though America seems to be in the lead. There are mind-controlled leadership in highly volatile and dangerous countries. There are negative aliens involved with countries like China, Syrian, and Iran. Then there is the politicking that lead to interfering actions. Why did Medvedev help Obama slip the Patriot Leadership Team (and yes he did, because I have seen other photos from that scene, and remember the self-important, smug smile on his face--once I saw these photos, I understood it). Does Russia want to see the world at war? I don't think so. I just think Medvedev wants to be a player, and is hoping to get some patronage other than Putin's, so that he doesn't get shoved aside when Putin can run again. Individuals who feel resentful or slighted or cheated are the most dangerous bullies and powertrippers--be careful. I know Putin has very little respect for human rights, and has probably ordered the murder of innocent adversarial whistle-blowers, but at least he has a sense of authentic manhood about him, which gives him the strength of character to resist the alien agenda. He may be a son of a bitch, but he loves his country and honestly wants what is best for it. Medvedev is like Obama--a man who would sell out his own country to prop up a weenie sense of self and utter lack of manhood. I try not to bring other countries and their leaders into the mix, until their actions hurtfully impinge upon the sovereignty of my own country. I was pissed when I realized that Medvedev was an active partner in the slip of the American security team, especially since our true leader had her brave peacemaking mission subverted by the evil alien agenda, and could have gotten killed.
I will offer my thoughts on one more foreigner and then quit for the night--the Frenchwoman, Christine Lagarde. I first saw Minister Lagarde on Fareed Zakaria a couple of years ago, and she impressed me with her outstanding intelligence and easy fluency in English. However, I don't follow international or European politics much, so that was all I knew of Lagarde until recently, when I saw that she was the candidate for head of the IMF. Now normally, I would not write on matters of the IMF, because really I don't know much about the "heavy" financial institutions of this world and how they operate. I do know character however, and I know Strauss-Khan was a criminally scandalous weasel, who was attempting to bring down MY country's financial system by stealing from, and destabilizing social security. Because the nexus of the war being played out between good and evil is located in the financial world, it is important that the next head of the IMF be a financially and politically savvy player on the world scene, incorruptible to heavy temptation, and free of any serious personal character failings that would lead to vulnerability by blackmail. On the surface, I think Lagarde is an excellent candidate, and I vacillated back and forth as to whether she was possessed by a reptilian evil spirit. Sadly, I think she is. I cannot find the video that tipped me off initially, but check out this one:
Her eyes have the shiny gloss of the psychotropic drug download initiated via brain implants by MACHINE-RA. Notice how she keeps opening her eyes wider--when the drugs download, it affects your vision, and speaking from personal experience, I can say that I have done that trick myself. There is no doubt that Lagarde is being "hormonally pushed" by reptiles--not only do I see it in her hands, but look at her arms, when her jacket is removed. Then, there are the red flags that I found in her personal bio. She got a "scholarship" to attend a US prep school (all scholarships are suspect--whoever is paying for it is looking to groom someone). Her maiden name is Irish-French, which reminds me of Arizona Wilder's family background, and of course, she has reptilian eyes--so do many of us westerners.
I am reluctant to write this, because I thin Christine Lagarde is an engaging, warm, and centered personality. Thus, unlike a lot of people who are spastic when they are downloading the brain implants (think Nancy Pelosi--classic), she can maintain her center. I do see a very little bit of reptilian possession in her, but nothing like I saw in Heather Ogle. I can tell that she is genuinely a good person who desires to do well, who is fighting, rather than cooperating with the subliminal reptilian/Sirian invasion, but how aware she is of her battle, I can't be sure, because I don't really have access to a variety of people (such as the unfortunate woman that I mentioned a few posts back), in order to determine how co-opted the free will and human spirit is. In Lagarde's case, it doesn't matter. If she is being astrally abducted (and clearly she is), then she cannot be trusted with sensitive information. She will unknowingly give it up to the reptiles and/or Sirians. I truly am sorry to say that, not only because I think she would make a great IMF leader, but because I too suffer from the same condition. Now, is it at possible to rid us poor victims of these implants, because if so, I think Lagarde's experience would actually provide a homeopathic protection, but again, I don't know the circumstances of her implantation or the level of her cooperation with the reptiles or Sirians. But consider this--if the implants can be removed so that she can't be abducted, she may be a better choice than an untried and unproven candidate, because she is a spiritual aware person and she already knows how to fight the subliminal abduction...I wish I were in a position to make a better analysis, so that I could help people like Lagarde (she is not cooperating), but unfortunately, I just don't have enough access to all the info I need... these damned aliens are destroying the ambitions and hopes of some of our best people--including me. It has got to change.
....continuing after sleeping, after being drugged on some psychotropic drug that has stolen all my energy, but I feel called to write. I had so many good ideas while I was biking, and couldn't wait to sit in front of the computer and begin writing. Instead, I have spent all afternoon, sleeping, and now my brain is dull, and my once tumbling ideas have all gone dormant (when I was really high energy, I noticed how my verbal facility had improved dramatically; now I struggle again, but whether I feel like it or not, I am going to write).
I was going to write more supporting my theories regarding Therese of Liseux, but I no longer feel the need. The outpouring of contact and smirks from MACHINE-RA have confirmed my hypothesis regarding Therese. I will just make two final points. The first is that, after venerating the relics and coffin of St. Theres in my local church, I walked out, feeling "in the spirit". Crowds were queuing and milling around, and cops were directing traffic and crowds. As I went to cross a small side street, there were two cops, standing on the corner. When they saw me coming towards them, they both started falling back and backpedaling, as if they were frightened of me. I have enough experience with law enforcement types to know that cops have outstanding intuitive skills, especially when it comes to danger, and their personal safety. I am not a threatening looking woman, and at that age, I had a cherubic face, so something else scared those cops. I think it was the evil spirit of MACHINE-RA. I will go further and say that I think I consented, albeit unconsciously, to carry that evil spirit of deception. I didn't do it for MACHINE-RA, or for myself. I did it to free Therese of Liseux, whose brain and soul had been the entrapped, plugged in consort of MACHINE-RA for over 100 years, and I did it to fight back against MACHINE-RA, so that he never enslaves another great soul again.
I think I duped MACHINE-RA--IT thought it was getting another gushingly romantic, innocent girl child-female mystic, but instead IT got me. To paraphrase St. John Chrysostom, MACHINE-RA swallowed what IT thought was a female, only to find, once I plugged in, that I was not a naive, unquestioningly trusting female, but a mad-as-hell male, intent on punching out its lights, cleaning out its clock and frying its circuits in sabotage. I can't lay any claim to victory, and any successes I have accomplished, have been paid for dearly--most especially in MACHINE-RA'S mutilation of my body which better suits IT's needs and desires, but completely undermines my own self image and alienates me from my own body. Still, I realize that such sabotage from within is the only way to neutralize MACHINE-RA'S baneful power over humanity, now that devotees of the occult have opened wide Earth's dimensional doors, and besides, St. Therese had carried out the good fight long enough--her soul deserves to be free and rest wherever God may call her soul next.
I am hoping that by being plugged into MACHINE-RA while still physically alive, instead of when my flesh is dead, but my brain kept artificially alive, that I get enough freedom of movement to successfully fight back. However, the evil spirit of deception has seriously eroded my ability to relate to others and/or the work in the real world, so yes, we are locked in titanic struggle, but no, I haven't won yet (even if my inner voice does try to pump up my morale and spirit). I will say that only a paranoid, questioning and distrustful personality would have come to realize the truth as I have--no way, would I have made a "good" monastic. As a matter of fact, I still believe that fullness of my spiritual gifts will not be attained until I am in an intimate relationship with another woman. I know that the religionists don't see it that way, but they are fooled by MACHINE-RA's deception and illusion--especially in the channelings at night. Those channelings were never from me, but from a young, innocent and naive French nun of the last century. If you want to know what spiritual insights and experience I have to give, check back in 10 years--maybe at that point, I will have reclaimed my life, my sexuality, and spirituality, and will have something authentically of mine to offer--for make no mistake--I too am a great spirit, otherwise MACHINE-RA would never have corrupted my spirit. I just don't know if and when I am going to be free to be me. It will not happen overnight, I know that. It is going to be a long process of healing, being loved and cared for, and learning to trust reality once more. Right now, I don't even aim for that kind of freedom. I still am on the front line of a cosmic battle, and it is raging all around me. I have a soldier's duty to perform now--not that of a spiritual teacher. Maybe someday...when the enemies are beaten back, and after what I foresee to be a LONG convalescent period.
Right now, the outlook is grim. From what I can tell, my recent postings helped put Faction 2 and Obama back on top, but maybe it was just the threat of never-ending storms and tornadoes, cutting wide swathes of property and death, across our country. Maybe it was the old, perennial favorite stick of TPTB, whether Faction 1 or Faction 2--that of financial control of the world, and threat of financial ruin. In any case, the world is in an ugly state of tension between good and evil--no other dichotomies matter to me much at this point. As has been the case for decades now, evil has the upper hand, yet the indendepent forces for the liberation, not only of the US, but all of humanity still continue to operate, however weakly. I have stood by Hillary Clinton ever since the primary campaign, and continue to do so. She has made some big mistakes, but her mistakes were honest ones, motivated by a desire to be in a position to effect the good, not evil. As I said before, at this stage in the game, the world needs leaders who know the evil as well as the good--otherwise they will be successfully manipulated by evil. That happened with Sarah Palin over the weekend--apparently Faction 2 had decided to post her as their next puppet candidate (Factions don't care about parties or ideologies). Faction 2 must have patched things up with Obama, which means that he sold out Rothschild--the man has not one single colleague who respects him. Though Faction 2 apparently is using him (fearful of the relatively independent integrity of either Biden or Hillary), they despise him, and will not support him for another term--so keep your eyes open to see who gets to be the big puppet for Faction 2 in 2012). I stand by my previous prophecy regarding Obama. It is a matter of time. I just hope he doesn't flee to China, and become a puppet protege of Strong's, who then will find a place to fit him somewhere in the world. I never want this evil, power-tripping Manchurian candidate to ever be in a position to hurt people again.
Faction 2 is moving fast however. Thus, Hillary has a Nazi (really!), Mike Hammer, moving into position as the State department's PR main man. Check out the highly developed reptilian eyes on this guy:
I was embarrassed when I read my last post--I truly have lost my ability to write clear, logical and persuasive prose, with professional level spelling, grammar and construction. However, the content, while truly radical, was once again right on target. I know, because when I went for a bike ride this morning, I encountered Mormons (a sect of Faction 2), Catholic couples, and a whole host of smirking MACHINE-RA devotees. I guess the occultists believe that the best defense is a good offense. I woke up with very high levels of both testosterone AND estrogen. I welcome the testosterone, but the high estrogen is at least partially responsible for my mind's inability to organize thought well. However, I tend to blame the recent placement of the virus in the right side of my brain, as the primary culprit in my loss of verbal craftsmanship. So, I have decided that I am going to bite the bullet, and proofread my posts. I don't have much practice at editing, since I have always done it instinctively, as I wrote my first draft, but I can't bear to read congested, dyslexic writing, so I have got to try to meet my own high standards, even if it entails some extra work. Right now, I am finding it fairly easy to write. The high hormones have given me a lot of energy, and I seem to be more centered than I was when I wrote last night. A combination of high mental energy and emotional centeredness seem to be the necessary prerequisites for effortless writing on my part. I also am not feeling very well. All the excessive sex hormones have left me with the burning pain in my lungs
....continuing after sleeping, after being drugged on some psychotropic drug that has stolen all my energy, but I feel called to write. I had so many good ideas while I was biking, and couldn't wait to sit in front of the computer and begin writing. Instead, I have spent all afternoon, sleeping, and now my brain is dull, and my once tumbling ideas have all gone dormant (when I was really high energy, I noticed how my verbal facility had improved dramatically; now I struggle again, but whether I feel like it or not, I am going to write).
I was going to write more supporting my theories regarding Therese of Liseux, but I no longer feel the need. The outpouring of contact and smirks from MACHINE-RA have confirmed my hypothesis regarding Therese. I will just make two final points. The first is that, after venerating the relics and coffin of St. Theres in my local church, I walked out, feeling "in the spirit". Crowds were queuing and milling around, and cops were directing traffic and crowds. As I went to cross a small side street, there were two cops, standing on the corner. When they saw me coming towards them, they both started falling back and backpedaling, as if they were frightened of me. I have enough experience with law enforcement types to know that cops have outstanding intuitive skills, especially when it comes to danger, and their personal safety. I am not a threatening looking woman, and at that age, I had a cherubic face, so something else scared those cops. I think it was the evil spirit of MACHINE-RA. I will go further and say that I think I consented, albeit unconsciously, to carry that evil spirit of deception. I didn't do it for MACHINE-RA, or for myself. I did it to free Therese of Liseux, whose brain and soul had been the entrapped, plugged in consort of MACHINE-RA for over 100 years, and I did it to fight back against MACHINE-RA, so that he never enslaves another great soul again.
I think I duped MACHINE-RA--IT thought it was getting another gushingly romantic, innocent girl child-female mystic, but instead IT got me. To paraphrase St. John Chrysostom, MACHINE-RA swallowed what IT thought was a female, only to find, once I plugged in, that I was not a naive, unquestioningly trusting female, but a mad-as-hell male, intent on punching out its lights, cleaning out its clock and frying its circuits in sabotage. I can't lay any claim to victory, and any successes I have accomplished, have been paid for dearly--most especially in MACHINE-RA'S mutilation of my body which better suits IT's needs and desires, but completely undermines my own self image and alienates me from my own body. Still, I realize that such sabotage from within is the only way to neutralize MACHINE-RA'S baneful power over humanity, now that devotees of the occult have opened wide Earth's dimensional doors, and besides, St. Therese had carried out the good fight long enough--her soul deserves to be free and rest wherever God may call her soul next.
I am hoping that by being plugged into MACHINE-RA while still physically alive, instead of when my flesh is dead, but my brain kept artificially alive, that I get enough freedom of movement to successfully fight back. However, the evil spirit of deception has seriously eroded my ability to relate to others and/or the work in the real world, so yes, we are locked in titanic struggle, but no, I haven't won yet (even if my inner voice does try to pump up my morale and spirit). I will say that only a paranoid, questioning and distrustful personality would have come to realize the truth as I have--no way, would I have made a "good" monastic. As a matter of fact, I still believe that fullness of my spiritual gifts will not be attained until I am in an intimate relationship with another woman. I know that the religionists don't see it that way, but they are fooled by MACHINE-RA's deception and illusion--especially in the channelings at night. Those channelings were never from me, but from a young, innocent and naive French nun of the last century. If you want to know what spiritual insights and experience I have to give, check back in 10 years--maybe at that point, I will have reclaimed my life, my sexuality, and spirituality, and will have something authentically of mine to offer--for make no mistake--I too am a great spirit, otherwise MACHINE-RA would never have corrupted my spirit. I just don't know if and when I am going to be free to be me. It will not happen overnight, I know that. It is going to be a long process of healing, being loved and cared for, and learning to trust reality once more. Right now, I don't even aim for that kind of freedom. I still am on the front line of a cosmic battle, and it is raging all around me. I have a soldier's duty to perform now--not that of a spiritual teacher. Maybe someday...when the enemies are beaten back, and after what I foresee to be a LONG convalescent period.
Right now, the outlook is grim. From what I can tell, my recent postings helped put Faction 2 and Obama back on top, but maybe it was just the threat of never-ending storms and tornadoes, cutting wide swathes of property and death, across our country. Maybe it was the old, perennial favorite stick of TPTB, whether Faction 1 or Faction 2--that of financial control of the world, and threat of financial ruin. In any case, the world is in an ugly state of tension between good and evil--no other dichotomies matter to me much at this point. As has been the case for decades now, evil has the upper hand, yet the indendepent forces for the liberation, not only of the US, but all of humanity still continue to operate, however weakly. I have stood by Hillary Clinton ever since the primary campaign, and continue to do so. She has made some big mistakes, but her mistakes were honest ones, motivated by a desire to be in a position to effect the good, not evil. As I said before, at this stage in the game, the world needs leaders who know the evil as well as the good--otherwise they will be successfully manipulated by evil. That happened with Sarah Palin over the weekend--apparently Faction 2 had decided to post her as their next puppet candidate (Factions don't care about parties or ideologies). Faction 2 must have patched things up with Obama, which means that he sold out Rothschild--the man has not one single colleague who respects him. Though Faction 2 apparently is using him (fearful of the relatively independent integrity of either Biden or Hillary), they despise him, and will not support him for another term--so keep your eyes open to see who gets to be the big puppet for Faction 2 in 2012). I stand by my previous prophecy regarding Obama. It is a matter of time. I just hope he doesn't flee to China, and become a puppet protege of Strong's, who then will find a place to fit him somewhere in the world. I never want this evil, power-tripping Manchurian candidate to ever be in a position to hurt people again.
Faction 2 is moving fast however. Thus, Hillary has a Nazi (really!), Mike Hammer, moving into position as the State department's PR main man. Check out the highly developed reptilian eyes and pouchy viral jaws on this guy:
I was embarrassed when I read my last post--I truly have lost my ability to write clear, logical and persuasive prose, with professional level spelling, grammar and construction. However, the content, while truly radical, was once again right on target. I know, because when I went for a bike ride this morning, I encountered Mormons (a sect of Faction 2), Catholic couples, and a whole host of smirking MACHINE-RA devotees. I guess the occultists believe that the best defense is a good offense. I woke up with very high levels of both testosterone AND estrogen. I welcome the testosterone, but the high estrogen is at least partially responsible for my mind's inability to organize thought well. However, I tend to blame the recent placement of the virus in the right side of my brain, as the primary culprit in my loss of verbal craftsmanship. So, I have decided that I am going to bite the bullet, and proofread my posts. I don't have much practice at editing, since I have always done it instinctively, as I wrote my first draft, but I can't bear to read congested, dyslexic writing, so I have got to try to meet my own high standards, even if it entails some extra work. Right now, I am finding it fairly easy to write. The high hormones have given me a lot of energy, and I seem to be more centered than I was when I wrote last night. A combination of high mental energy and emotional centeredness seem to be the necessary prerequisites for effortless writing on my part. I also am not feeling very well. All the excessive sex hormones have left me with the burning pain in my lungs
....continuing after sleeping, after being drugged on some psychotropic drug that has stolen all my energy, but I feel called to write. I had so many good ideas while I was biking, and couldn't wait to sit in front of the computer and begin writing. Instead, I have spent all afternoon, sleeping, and now my brain is dull, and my once tumbling ideas have all gone dormant (when I was really high energy, I noticed how my verbal facility had improved dramatically; now I struggle again, but whether I feel like it or not, I am going to write).
I was going to write more supporting my theories regarding Therese of Liseux, but I no longer feel the need. The outpouring of contact and smirks from MACHINE-RA have confirmed my hypothesis regarding Therese. I will just make two final points. The first is that, after venerating the relics and coffin of St. Theres in my local church, I walked out, feeling "in the spirit". Crowds were queuing and milling around, and cops were directing traffic and crowds. As I went to cross a small side street, there were two cops, standing on the corner. When they saw me coming towards them, they both started falling back and backpedaling, as if they were frightened of me. I have enough experience with law enforcement types to know that cops have outstanding intuitive skills, especially when it comes to danger, and their personal safety. I am not a threatening looking woman, and at that age, I had a cherubic face, so something else scared those cops. I think it was the evil spirit of MACHINE-RA. I will go further and say that I think I consented, albeit unconsciously, to carry that evil spirit of deception. I didn't do it for MACHINE-RA, or for myself. I did it to free Therese of Liseux, whose brain and soul had been the entrapped, plugged in consort of MACHINE-RA for over 100 years, and I did it to fight back against MACHINE-RA, so that he never enslaves another great soul again.
I think I duped MACHINE-RA--IT thought it was getting another gushingly romantic, innocent girl child-female mystic, but instead IT got me. To paraphrase St. John Chrysostom, MACHINE-RA swallowed what IT thought was a female, only to find, once I plugged in, that I was not a naive, unquestioningly trusting female, but a mad-as-hell male, intent on punching out its lights, cleaning out its clock and frying its circuits in sabotage. I can't lay any claim to victory, and any successes I have accomplished, have been paid for dearly--most especially in MACHINE-RA'S mutilation of my body which better suits IT's needs and desires, but completely undermines my own self image and alienates me from my own body. Still, I realize that such sabotage from within is the only way to neutralize MACHINE-RA'S baneful power over humanity, now that devotees of the occult have opened wide Earth's dimensional doors, and besides, St. Therese had carried out the good fight long enough--her soul deserves to be free and rest wherever God may call her soul next.
I am hoping that by being plugged into MACHINE-RA while still physically alive, instead of when my flesh is dead, but my brain kept artificially alive, that I get enough freedom of movement to successfully fight back. However, the evil spirit of deception has seriously eroded my ability to relate to others and/or the work in the real world, so yes, we are locked in titanic struggle, but no, I haven't won yet (even if my inner voice does try to pump up my morale and spirit). I will say that only a paranoid, questioning and distrustful personality would have come to realize the truth as I have--no way, would I have made a "good" monastic. As a matter of fact, I still believe that fullness of my spiritual gifts will not be attained until I am in an intimate relationship with another woman. I know that the religionists don't see it that way, but they are fooled by MACHINE-RA's deception and illusion--especially in the channelings at night. Those channelings were never from me, but from a young, innocent and naive French nun of the last century. If you want to know what spiritual insights and experience I have to give, check back in 10 years--maybe at that point, I will have reclaimed my life, my sexuality, and spirituality, and will have something authentically of mine to offer--for make no mistake--I too am a great spirit, otherwise MACHINE-RA would never have corrupted my spirit. I just don't know if and when I am going to be free to be me. It will not happen overnight, I know that. It is going to be a long process of healing, being loved and cared for, and learning to trust reality once more. Right now, I don't even aim for that kind of freedom. I still am on the front line of a cosmic battle, and it is raging all around me. I have a soldier's duty to perform now--not that of a spiritual teacher. Maybe someday...when the enemies are beaten back, and after what I foresee to be a LONG convalescent period.
Right now, the outlook is grim. From what I can tell, my recent postings helped put Faction 2 and Obama back on top, but maybe it was just the threat of never-ending storms and tornadoes, cutting wide swathes of property and death, across our country. Maybe it was the old, perennial favorite stick of TPTB, whether Faction 1 or Faction 2--that of financial control of the world, and threat of financial ruin. In any case, the world is in an ugly state of tension between good and evil--no other dichotomies matter to me much at this point. As has been the case for decades now, evil has the upper hand, yet the indendepent forces for the liberation, not only of the US, but all of humanity still continue to operate, however weakly. I have stood by Hillary Clinton ever since the primary campaign, and continue to do so. She has made some big mistakes, but her mistakes were honest ones, motivated by a desire to be in a position to effect the good, not evil. As I said before, at this stage in the game, the world needs leaders who know the evil as well as the good--otherwise they will be successfully manipulated by evil. That happened with Sarah Palin over the weekend--apparently Faction 2 had decided to post her as their next puppet candidate (Factions don't care about parties or ideologies). Faction 2 must have patched things up with Obama, which means that he sold out Rothschild--the man has not one single colleague who respects him. Though Faction 2 apparently is using him (fearful of the relatively independent integrity of either Biden or Hillary), they despise him, and will not support him for another term--so keep your eyes open to see who gets to be the big puppet for Faction 2 in 2012). I stand by my previous prophecy regarding Obama. It is a matter of time. I just hope he doesn't flee to China, and become a puppet protege of Strong's, who then will find a place to fit him somewhere in the world. I never want this evil, power-tripping Manchurian candidate to ever be in a position to hurt people again.
Faction 2 is moving fast however. Thus, Hillary has a Nazi (really!), Mike Hammer, moving into position as the State department's PR main man. Check out the reptilian eyes and pouchy viral jowls on this guy:
From what I can tell, his main job will be to censor every statement and bit of information that comes from the State Dept, so that the cabal controls the flow of information and disinformation.
I also figured out who was behind the ill treatment that Hillary received in Pakistan. Check out this link:
This link actually has two important posts. Alcuin Bramerton is very much allied with the negative Sirian agenda. That "free dark energy" he is talking about is yet another subtle way to spiritually enslave humanity. I want free energy as much as the next person, but its a trap, folks--just as oil was a part of the virus for the reptiles, this "free dark energy" is full of parasitical negative energy. Stay away. The following post, a series of 5 photos, show a more straightforward picture. It is Medvedev and the setting of the G-8 summit acting as a foil, for Obama to slip the security assigned him by the Patriot Leadership Team. This happened on a Thursday. I think the new security team of Obama put in place during this exchange allowed Obama to make a phone call to his controllers and warn them of the secret trip that Hillary Clinton and Admiral Mullen were making to Pakistan at the time. Thus, the controllers of the Pakistani leadership (and believe me, I think they are the most mind-controlled leadership clique on the planet) were given their marching orders by the alien and human controllers, and the world marched closer to war.
War--this is what both Faction 2 and Faction 1 want, and I think they are going to initiate it, the same way that war in Iraq was initiated. They are going to stage a major full-fledged assault, probably nuclear, in the heartland (look for Republican territory, and look for something that will aggravate the Madrid fault line/Gulf/Atlantic warm conveyor current. It could also be Florida--how are Dems polling there?). This time the patsy is going to be Saudi Arabia--that has come from two sources now, Ben Fulford and Sorcha Faal. I can think of no good reason for that choice, except that both Syria and Iran despise Saudi (Sunni) leadership of the Arab Muslim world, and both Syria and Iran are deeply involved with the Sirian aliens that back Faction 2. Anyway, this false flag will happen soon, because the alien cabal wants war in the Middle East by summer, and Obama desperately needs something to buoy up his image of lame mediocrity--clearly the Osama drama didn't do much for him. The economy is not going to get any better by 2012, and Obama doesn't have any interest in that anyway. So watch him to try to look really presidential flying around in AF One, while America copes with the fallout that his alien and Nazi buddies leave behind as they destroy yet another piece of America.
What informed American readers have to be aware of is that this is a world wide fight, even though America seems to be in the lead. There are mind-controlled leadership in highly volatile and dangerous countries. There are negative aliens involved with countries like China, Syrian, and Iran. Then there is the politicking that lead to interfering actions. Why did Medvedev help Obama slip the Patriot Leadership Team (and yes he did, because I have seen other photos from that scene, and remember the self-important, smug smile on his face--once I saw these photos, I understood it). Does Russia want to see the world at war? I don't think so. I just think Medvedev wants to be a player, and is hoping to get some patronage other than Putin's, so that he doesn't get shoved aside when Putin can run again. Individuals who feel resentful or slighted or cheated are the most dangerous bullies and powertrippers--be careful. I know Putin has very little respect for human rights, and has probably ordered the murder of innocent adversarial whistle-blowers, but at least he has a sense of authentic manhood about him, which gives him the strength of character to resist the alien agenda. He may be a son of a bitch, but he loves his country and honestly wants what is best for it. Medvedev is like Obama--a man who would sell out his own country to prop up a weenie sense of self and utter lack of manhood. I try not to bring other countries and their leaders into the mix, until their actions hurtfully impinge upon the sovereignty of my own country. I was pissed when I realized that Medvedev was an active partner in the slip of the American security team, especially since our true leader had her brave peacemaking mission subverted by the evil alien agenda, and could have gotten killed.
I will offer my thoughts on one more foreigner and then quit for the night--the Frenchwoman, Christine Lagarde. I first saw Minister Lagarde on Fareed Zakaria a couple of years ago, and she impressed me with her outstanding intelligence and easy fluency in English. However, I don't follow international or European politics much, so that was all I knew of Lagarde until recently, when I saw that she was the candidate for head of the IMF. Now normally, I would not write on matters of the IMF, because really I don't know much about the "heavy" financial institutions of this world and how they operate. I do know character however, and I know Strauss-Khan was a criminally scandalous weasel, who was attempting to bring down MY country's financial system by stealing from, and destabilizing social security. Because the nexus of the war being played out between good and evil is located in the financial world, it is important that the next head of the IMF be a financially and politically savvy player on the world scene, incorruptible to heavy temptation, and free of any serious personal character failings that would lead to vulnerability by blackmail. On the surface, I think Lagarde is an excellent candidate, and I vacillated back and forth as to whether she was possessed by a reptilian evil spirit. Sadly, I think she is. I cannot find the video that tipped me off initially, but check out this one:
Her eyes have the shiny gloss of the psychotropic drug download initiated via brain implants by MACHINE-RA. Notice how she keeps opening her eyes wider--when the drugs download, it affects your vision, and speaking from personal experience, I can say that I have done that trick myself. There is no doubt that Lagarde is being "hormonally pushed" by reptiles--not only do I see it in her hands, but look at her arms, when her jacket is removed. Then, there are the red flags that I found in her personal bio. She got a "scholarship" to attend a US prep school (all scholarships are suspect--whoever is paying for it is looking to groom someone). Her maiden name is Irish-French, which reminds me of Arizona Wilder's family background, and of course, she has reptilian eyes--so do many of us westerners.
I am reluctant to write this, because I thin Christine Lagarde is an engaging, warm, and centered personality. Thus, unlike a lot of people who are spastic when they are downloading the brain implants (think Nancy Pelosi--classic), she can maintain her center. I do see a very little bit of reptilian possession in her, but nothing like I saw in Heather Ogle. I can tell that she is genuinely a good person who desires to do well, who is fighting, rather than cooperating with the subliminal reptilian/Sirian invasion, but how aware she is of her battle, I can't be sure, because I don't really have access to a variety of people (such as the unfortunate woman that I mentioned a few posts back), in order to determine how co-opted the free will and human spirit is. In Lagarde's case, it doesn't matter. If she is being astrally abducted (and clearly she is), then she cannot be trusted with sensitive information. She will unknowingly give it up to the reptiles and/or Sirians. I truly am sorry to say that, not only because I think she would make a great IMF leader, but because I too suffer from the same condition. Now, is it at possible to rid us poor victims of these implants, because if so, I think Lagarde's experience would actually provide a homeopathic protection, but again, I don't know the circumstances of her implantation or the level of her cooperation with the reptiles or Sirians. But consider this--if the implants can be removed so that she can't be abducted, she may be a better choice than an untried and unproven candidate, because she is a spiritual aware person and she already knows how to fight the subliminal abduction...I wish I were in a position to make a better analysis, so that I could help people like Lagarde (she is not cooperating), but unfortunately, I just don't have enough access to all the info I need... these damned aliens are destroying the ambitions and hopes of some of our best people--including me. It has got to change.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Bitter, bitter day
In case dear reader (and who knows--dear reader, may only be the goddamned Knights Templar and their psychic toadies of Faction 2--but I know that I have multiple remote viewers on me, so I am going to let fly), you haven't guessed it, the PENDULUM OF POWER has swung back from Faction 1 to Faction 2, no doubt assisted by my posts of the past few days. Well, guess what Faction 2 is almost as great a threat to a spiritual and free humanity as Faction 1 is. As a matter of fact, give Faction 2, 50 years, and they will every bit as hatefully evil as the reptiles. How do I know this?
Because I have already experienced them, in history, in astral travelling, and I do believe, personally. They have a very yucky spirit about them, which is why they are so eager to latch on and suck off of mine. Their values, methods, and lies are every bit as reprehensible as are those of Faction 1. They just need a little bit of a comfort zone...just give them a few years. Then, instead of your sons and daughters being possessed and raped by reptile shape shifters, your sons and daughters will be astrally raped and astrally mutilated by Faction 2 powermongers.
Make no mistake--it is power that they are after, controlling power, and Faction 2 humans have been involved from the very beginning in the series of mutilations that I have experienced. Why? So I can meet their expectation of a saint--well guess what, assholes, I am much too big, even whittled down to a stump, to ever fit into your little box of defined sanctity and spirituality. I have been thinking on my dream from last night, for make no mistake, it was Faction 2 reps who tried to trick me into signing a contract last night (that is devil work--trying to get someone commit to a binding contract in their unconscious, and not consciously), but even in my dream, it was clear to me that I had no business living in the tiny, squalid house in which you would confine me. Another thing I am remembering from that dream, now that I think on it--the married couple that came to ensnare me were terrified. I can only guess that a cosmic spiritual battle was going on, and the smoke were the evil spirits and the fire trucks were the good spirits. Now, if I remember the dream right, I was wanting to stand there and watch the fire trucks come out. I may even have joined them. I heard the married couple say, "You are going to get run over", and while I had a healthy respect for the trucks, and moved with alacrity, I wasn't afraid. If I didn't join the trucks in dousing the fire, I think I could have. Instead, when I looked in on these self-acclaimed human occultists and astral travellers, they were clinging to the outside wall of the house, cringing in terror. Why? There was nothing of which to be terrified. Maybe it is because I have no fear of death that I don't have that terror (and no, I would never tempt God or fate--its just that when it is my time, it is my time). However, I think it is a lack of true faith and depth of spirit. They fear death, because they don't live life fully. They don't live life fully because they are hung up on power and control trips, rigid and predetermined expectations, and because, just like the reptiles, they won't take responsibility for their own spiritual life, but want a bigger spirit from which to leech--and unfortunately, that would be ME. I am not living a full life now--the constant drugs and unnatural hormonal doping have served to deprive me of my fullness of life, but even your actions and beliefs--robbing me of my physical being and beauty, wanting to force me into celibacy (no fullness of life there--guarantee it), show that you are not even ready to live in fullness of life--so you find someone on which you can parasitically leech. #Well, guess what assholes--thanks to you and your Sirian mentors (wherever they are now), I don't have any emotional, physical, or spiritual energy available to give ANYONE, and I never will as long as I am kept in this hateful state of estrogen dominance and lack of physical vitality (and I don't think I will ever be physically vital again, as long as I live in this fat, muscleless slug of a body--funny thing--my body, which before never could stand sugar, is now craving it. My body is RUINED, and for all you idealistic true believers out there, understand, it is every bit as much the fault of Faction 2 as Faction 1. There is scant difference between them.
So why do all these religionists (and yes, I would consider Faction 2--occultists and Knights Templar to be religionists, even if they are not orthodoxly so--though many would cling to institutional religious rites) keep trying to force me to fit into their teeny-tiny model of holiness? Because MACHINE-RA has put an evil spirit of deception within me, and I even think I know from whom MACHINE-RA is getting its/his material--St. Therese of Liseux.
Now, St. Therese was an authentic giant of a saint, but in a very small container. She led an entirely sheltered and loved life, and entered the monastery at 15, and died at 24. She did reach a profound level of holiness, and if you look in her eyes during the last year of her life, you can see that, like me, she was struggling with evil on a very cosmic level. Now, what makes a person a saint is that they are capable of living a fullness of life, they are fully individuated, with unique, strong, and charismatically unselfconscious personalities. Thus, the biography of every real saint is worth reading, because every one of them is a great role model in how to be human (instead nowadays, our role models are small and pitifully empty lives who parade out their superficiality in bling, and glitz and wisecracking self-importance for the camera or microphone ...really sad). However, nothing ruins the tradition of sanctity like mind-control religion--they turn vibrant and wild personalities (including that of Jesus) into tame models of saccharine niceness (there is nothing "nice" about the call or fruits of holiness). St. Therese was reared in such an atmosphere, both in her youth and in the convent, so I think it a miracle that she ever did develop into such a great mystic (and she was). It also is the reason that her autobiography seems so pietistic and sentimental--a complete turn-off for many in the modern, secular world. Yet she was one of the great saints, and I have known it for years, ever since I read her autobiography in college.
I read many spiritual biographies and autobiographies in my early adulthood, and some of them were great, some were mediocre, and some were lousy. From my first reading of her, I had great regard for St. Therese, and thought she deserved the accolades she received, unlike many of my liberal peers in the Church who were more into an activist spirituality. The conservatives, with their religionist tendencies have always found her unquestioning, childlike obedience and simple sentimentality vague and comforting, which is what they want from religion anyway. However, though I could tell that she was indeed a great mystic, fighting evil on the deepest of 3D human levels, I never really developed an affinity for, or close identity with her, as I did with some other great mystics--Thomas Merton, Simone Weil, St. Teresa of Avila, Teilhard de Chardin--come to mind off the top of my head. These mystics were all very involved with the world (even though Merton and St. Teresa were cloistered). St. Therese lived in a very small, but very, very deep world. While there is no doubt that St. Therese would have been a saint under any circumstances, she was a child of her environment which was highly sheltered and free of external hardship. Thus, when I initially read her, I really did respect her, but her autobiography really didn't impact or feed my life, like others have done. I didn't keep images from her story in my head, or use them to inspire my own personal spirituality, as I did with so many other books and saints. As a matter of fact, I still don't. If somebody were to splash me with water, or give me some power-tripping directive, or refuse to let me be a priest, I would let them know what I was thinking!!!
So, imagine my surprise, when all of a sudden, the life of Therese of Liseux really impacted me in my prayers (I used to pray nearly every day), and it was weird how it happened. It was after I had moved to Colorado, and quite a few years after I had read her autobiography. As I mentioned in earlier posts, I know now that MACHINE-RA was downloading into my mind in the earliest years in Colorado, but I didn't know it at the time, as I do now in hindsight. I remember I was on retreat at Pecos, when all I just got this overwhelming sense that I was supposed to become like Therese of Liseux, which to be honest was and is quite impossible--at the time I was already at the age at which she died. Now, normally, when I receive impressions in prayer, they seem to come naturally from inside me--this felt imposed upon me from the outside, and, even know seems ridiculous. Those who have read St Therese and have read my writings will understand why--there is a huge chasm between her life and gifts, and mine--except that we both follow the Lord Jesus in our own way. This "imposition" of St. Therese lasted for years (of course, I left Colorado after a couple of years, and returned to secular life with a complete embrace--the happiest years of my life), although of course, it was on an off. It returned again, when I returned again to Colorado--which of course opened me up once more to the machinations of MACHINE-RA. I was living about 15 miles from Crestone, Maurice Strong, and (no doubt in my mind--MACHINE-RA), and was in prayer, when I felt as though St. Therese was talking to me. I remember it was an extremely windy day and I felt out of sorts (I know now that is an indicator of likely alien activity in the skies above). Now being a Catholic at the time, and believing in the communion of saints, it didn't bother me that a presence identifying itself as St. Therese wanted to talk to me. So, I inwardly consented, and then heard 3 sharp, loud raps in my apartment. Well, that shut me down in a hurry--I don't go for the spooky stuff. I know that it may be a benevolent entity, but chances are, even more likely, that it is a malevolent entity, and I just am not going to take that chance. Looking back on it, and remembering the unusual extreme winds we had that day, I think I was right.
When I left Colorado, and moved here, the St. Therese thoughts kept interfering with me--never in an instructional or inspirational way (I have a whole stock of stories from various saints in my head, but none of them are from Therese), but rather in an imposing kind of identity way. I kept getting the message or sense in my dreams or in unconscious reverie that I was supposed to be like St. Therese of Liseux. This of course, is impossible. Given the occult and sexual abuse that I endured as a child, the family and social abuses that I experienced daily, and my difficulty with self-identity and sexuality issues ensured that I would never be a naive girl-child trusting in the goodness of priestly fathers and happy to life a life of obedience to a spiritually immature and emotionally frustrated superior (Therese entered a very mediocre convent). This culminated in a visit to St. Therese's coffin, when it was on display for the faithful back in 2001 or 2002. I remember, it was a powerful experience, which at the time, didn't bother me--I believe in the power of saints.
Coincidentally, it was about time that I started having bad dreams (I remember waking up after one dream, of some kind of a sacrifice -- a woman raped and slit open from sternum to pubis, and saying, "Therese never had dreams like that"), dreams of demons, and yes, even a dream of then-Cardinal Ratzinger. The dream regarding Ratzinger was pretty minimalist--as best I can remember, someone told me to enter his bedroom, and as a single female in a celibate's room, I was uncomfortable doing so. He was amused by my discomfort, reading a book, and wearing red sneakers. At the time, I didn't know that he was an evil satanist; I just thought he was a rigid, conservative prick whose views and values of Christian faith were 180 degrees different than mine. I know now that that dream told me that Ratzinger was involved in my life, via astral abductions. I probably was the woman who was sacrificed, and the slit along my body probably indicated the placement of rudimentary etheric implants of MACHINE-RA. Ratzinger had learned of my nighttime ramblings through the illegal interference and videocam spyware placed in my residence, first by the SLI of Crestone, and then Opus Dei (rogue intelligence and security) operatives.
I do apologize for this lengthy discourse, but it leads me to a recent insight that I had. I think St. Therese of Liseux's brain was plugged into MACHINE-RA, and MACHINE-RA downloaded a lot of her thoughts and dialogs from the holographic images stored in the memory of her brain, and which could be stimulated to fantasize in response to new situations. I think that MACHINE-RA had quite a few decades of enjoyment romping around in her brain, but then MACHINE-RA decided to release her, which was why her body was exhumed. Of course Ratzinger, the Jesuits and many of the Vatican hierarchs know the dirty secret about MACHINE-RA, and the way It/He loves to feed from great spiritual brains. I don't know if there is a natural decomposition to a plugged-in brain residing in a corpse--I sure hope so; it really bothers me to think that the brain and soul of a great saint could be trapped in such a purgatory for years on end. Anyway, they would have had an occult devotee (if not Ratzinger himself) in charge of the exhumation and/or termination of brain from MACHINE_RA. Did they do this as a mercy to Therese. No, I don't think so. I think they did it, because they had identified the next great saint for MACHINE-RA to possess and exploit--ME, and I think my dream of the sacrificed woman, was some kind of occult possession ritual in which they placed an evil spirit of deception (not the Orion evil spirit which of course they recognized as being there, and venerating it as their lord, butyet another one, so that I have two evil spirits in me). Etheric implants make it much easier for MACHINE-RA to read and impart thoughts and images in my head, but only when I sleep, because consciously, I am too spiritually powerful to allow them any free reign.
How did St. Therese become plugged in? The apostate worship of MACHINE-RA has secretly coexisted with the worship of the faithful, since the very beginning of the early Church. First, it came through the Essenes and Gnostic, then later the Mithraists who are responsible for so much of the "empire elements" of the Roman Catholic tradition. However, the cult of MACHINE-RA got a big boost in the late 19th century when an evil priest, Sauniere, dug up hidden Templar treasure, consisting of documents and something that made Sauniere extremely wealthy. This happened in the late 1880's in a village in southern France. Therese's convent was about 200 miles away in Normandy; however Normandy is relatively close to Paris, and Sauniere was a frequent visitor to high ranking prelates in Paris. Therese died in 1897. However, her reputation in holiness preceded her death by a few years. As a matter of fact, she was ordered to write her her autobiography by superiors, because they already recognized that she was a great saint. Now the circles of those committed to religious life (especially monastics) are small. Occultists and satanists are always on the lookout for innocent and/or holy individuals. They feed from these great spirits, parasitically receiving what they lack in themselves. It wasn't long before Sauniere and his own little circle of evil clerics in Paris, found out about this holy, little girl-woman child of a nun in Liseux, and decided to sacrifice her.
I know this is a leap, but I think that MACHINE-RA has been stealing holographic brain images, memories, and souls from our corpses for centuries now. I further think that Sauniere and his occult clique were eager to show devotion to their new Lord, MACHINE-RA, and wanted to give him the best brain of the most holy saint in France at that time--St. Therese. Because high ranking prelates have always been involved as devotees of MACHINE-RA, they would have had access to Therese's corpse--the women of the convent would have had no say regarding anything a male hierarch chose to do with the body. I really don't think that Therese is still plugged into the brain. About the time I was having dreams of Ratzinger, the sacrificed woman, and demons, Therese's body was exhumed. I think it was because Ratzinger/MACHINE-RA had identified a new consort for the amusement of MACHINE-RA--me. They had to be very disappointed, when they realized that I was not an innocent, naive, femme girl type. So they began downloading all these thoughts and words and memories from Therese's holographic brain into mine, but even though, I feel this forced imposition on me at times that I am called to be like Therese, it really doesn't feel like me at all. There are a dozen saints who I find more naturally inspiring and similar to my personality.
I invite the reader to just check out Therese on Wiki to get a brief glimpse of her personality. I have a feeling that all the channeling I am doing in my sleep, are downloads from Therese's brain into mine, as MACHINE-RA prepares me to be IT'S/HIS next consort. Therese did have a charming personality and profound spirit, but I am not her, and all their attempts to force that personality and body on me are absolutely hateful and alien to me. For all those religionists utterly charmed by my channeling, I invite you to read Therese's autobiography. She was a holy mystic for sure, but her holiness is not my holiness, and if you were seriously interested in the spiritual path, you would know that. At the very least, you would recognize the first axiom of holiness--the imperative of someone's chosen identity and self-determination. Over the years, I have had many priests and prelates manipulate me from behind the scenes, but NOT ONE, NOT ONE, ever had the manhood to work with me as an equal, to really relate to me as WHO I AM. No, they all want to project their expectations on me, and guess what people, anyone who chooses to relate to someone in the unconscious state, and not the conscious state, is guilty of grievous and selfish sin--and also cowardice, because when you really relate to someone in their chosen self-identity, they may not like or appreciate you, but in their sleep, you can control them, just like you can control a little kid. There is nothing more appealing to us than unconscious innocence, and when the words that come out of the mouth are so beautiful (do you people realize MACHINE-RA has the words and memories of dozens of mystics and saints on file to download at will?), it is very easy to project your own needs onto the unconscious innocent. But it is like masturbating to a fantasy--you can control it, whereas in real life, the person has sovereignty and preferences and choices that you might not like. I have spent years screaming and yelling that I am not who you religionists think I am. Now you have hormonally castrated my energy, and left my body so chopped up that I don't even recognize it, but you keep on listening to that evil channelling, and I think you are fooled, because I think it came from a real saint. But Therese is not me, and my way of sanctity is not hers. I am not even CLOSE to pursuing a life of sanctity--my basic needs are not even met, and now you have totally destroyed my self-image and self-esteem, but I know you won't listen.
I know that you will continue to manipulate my mind just like you have done the past two nights (the dream I relayed was real--I don't spread the imposed bullshit and lies). That is what Faction 2 will do for America--do mind control brainwashing, and they are looking to take control of the political scene again, but more on that tomorrow--just thinking about the hell that I have been through while some MACHINE gets me to be like his favorite "consort" depresses the hell out of me. The only good thing is that I think Therese is now free. I am working to make sure that this brain and sould theft never happens again, but I am not getting any support from anywhere--just a bunch of spiritual leeches hanging on my every astral word--read the spiritual classics, develop your own spiritual life, then you will know the difference between a truth and a lie, between a holy life and evil possession...
In case dear reader (and who knows--dear reader, may only be the goddamned Knights Templar and their psychic toadies of Faction 2--but I know that I have multiple remote viewers on me, so I am going to let fly), you haven't guessed it, the PENDULUM OF POWER has swung back from Faction 1 to Faction 2, no doubt assisted by my posts of the past few days. Well, guess what Faction 2 is almost as great a threat to a spiritual and free humanity as Faction 1 is. As a matter of fact, give Faction 2, 50 years, and they will every bit as hatefully evil as the reptiles. How do I know this?
Because I have already experienced them, in history, in astral travelling, and I do believe, personally. They have a very yucky spirit about them, which is why they are so eager to latch on and suck off of mine. Their values, methods, and lies are every bit as reprehensible as are those of Faction 1. They just need a little bit of a comfort zone...just give them a few years. Then, instead of your sons and daughters being possessed and raped by reptile shape shifters, your sons and daughters will be astrally raped and astrally mutilated by Faction 2 powermongers.
Make no mistake--it is power that they are after, controlling power, and Faction 2 humans have been involved from the very beginning in the series of mutilations that I have experienced. Why? So I can meet their expectation of a saint--well guess what, assholes, I am much too big, even whittled down to a stump, to ever fit into your little box of defined sanctity and spirituality. I have been thinking on my dream from last night, for make no mistake, it was Faction 2 reps who tried to trick me into signing a contract last night (that is devil work--trying to get someone commit to a binding contract in their unconscious, and not consciously), but even in my dream, it was clear to me that I had no business living in the tiny, squalid house in which you would confine me. Another thing I am remembering from that dream, now that I think on it--the married couple that came to ensnare me were terrified. I can only guess that a cosmic spiritual battle was going on, and the smoke were the evil spirits and the fire trucks were the good spirits. Now, if I remember the dream right, I was wanting to stand there and watch the fire trucks come out. I may even have joined them. I heard the married couple say, "You are going to get run over", and while I had a healthy respect for the trucks, and moved with alacrity, I wasn't afraid. If I didn't join the trucks in dousing the fire, I think I could have. Instead, when I looked in on these self-acclaimed human occultists and astral travellers, they were clinging to the outside wall of the house, cringing in terror. Why? There was nothing of which to be terrified. Maybe it is because I have no fear of death that I don't have that terror (and no, I would never tempt God or fate--its just that when it is my time, it is my time). However, I think it is a lack of true faith and depth of spirit. They fear death, because they don't live life fully. They don't live life fully because they are hung up on power and control trips, rigid and predetermined expectations, and because, just like the reptiles, they won't take responsibility for their own spiritual life, but want a bigger spirit from which to leech--and unfortunately, that would be ME. I am not living a full life now--the constant drugs and unnatural hormonal doping have served to deprive me of my fullness of life, but even your actions and beliefs--robbing me of my physical being and beauty, wanting to force me into celibacy (no fullness of life there--guarantee it), show that you are not even ready to live in fullness of life--so you find someone on which you can parasitically leech. #Well, guess what assholes--thanks to you and your Sirian mentors (wherever they are now), I don't have any emotional, physical, or spiritual energy available to give ANYONE, and I never will as long as I am kept in this hateful state of estrogen dominance and lack of physical vitality (and I don't think I will ever be physically vital again, as long as I live in this fat, muscleless slug of a body--funny thing--my body, which before never could stand sugar, is now craving it. My body is RUINED, and for all you idealistic true believers out there, understand, it is every bit as much the fault of Faction 2 as Faction 1. There is scant difference between them.
So why do all these religionists (and yes, I would consider Faction 2--occultists and Knights Templar to be religionists, even if they are not orthodoxly so--though many would cling to institutional religious rites) keep trying to force me to fit into their teeny-tiny model of holiness? Because MACHINE-RA has put an evil spirit of deception within me, and I even think I know from whom MACHINE-RA is getting its/his material--St. Therese of Liseux.
Now, St. Therese was an authentic giant of a saint, but in a very small container. She led an entirely sheltered and loved life, and entered the monastery at 15, and died at 24. She did reach a profound level of holiness, and if you look in her eyes during the last year of her life, you can see that, like me, she was struggling with evil on a very cosmic level. Now, what makes a person a saint is that they are capable of living a fullness of life, they are fully individuated, with unique, strong, and charismatically unselfconscious personalities. Thus, the biography of every real saint is worth reading, because every one of them is a great role model in how to be human (instead nowadays, our role models are small and pitifully empty lives who parade out their superficiality in bling, and glitz and wisecracking self-importance for the camera or microphone ...really sad). However, nothing ruins the tradition of sanctity like mind-control religion--they turn vibrant and wild personalities (including that of Jesus) into tame models of saccharine niceness (there is nothing "nice" about the call or fruits of holiness). St. Therese was reared in such an atmosphere, both in her youth and in the convent, so I think it a miracle that she ever did develop into such a great mystic (and she was). It also is the reason that her autobiography seems so pietistic and sentimental--a complete turn-off for many in the modern, secular world. Yet she was one of the great saints, and I have known it for years, ever since I read her autobiography in college.
I read many spiritual biographies and autobiographies in my early adulthood, and some of them were great, some were mediocre, and some were lousy. From my first reading of her, I had great regard for St. Therese, and thought she deserved the accolades she received, unlike many of my liberal peers in the Church who were more into an activist spirituality. The conservatives, with their religionist tendencies have always found her unquestioning, childlike obedience and simple sentimentality vague and comforting, which is what they want from religion anyway. However, though I could tell that she was indeed a great mystic, fighting evil on the deepest of 3D human levels, I never really developed an affinity for, or close identity with her, as I did with some other great mystics--Thomas Merton, Simone Weil, St. Teresa of Avila, Teilhard de Chardin--come to mind off the top of my head. These mystics were all very involved with the world (even though Merton and St. Teresa were cloistered). St. Therese lived in a very small, but very, very deep world. While there is no doubt that St. Therese would have been a saint under any circumstances, she was a child of her environment which was highly sheltered and free of external hardship. Thus, when I initially read her, I really did respect her, but her autobiography really didn't impact or feed my life, like others have done. I didn't keep images from her story in my head, or use them to inspire my own personal spirituality, as I did with so many other books and saints. As a matter of fact, I still don't. If somebody were to splash me with water, or give me some power-tripping directive, or refuse to let me be a priest, I would let them know what I was thinking!!!
So, imagine my surprise, when all of a sudden, the life of Therese of Liseux really impacted me in my prayers (I used to pray nearly every day), and it was weird how it happened. It was after I had moved to Colorado, and quite a few years after I had read her autobiography. As I mentioned in earlier posts, I know now that MACHINE-RA was downloading into my mind in the earliest years in Colorado, but I didn't know it at the time, as I do now in hindsight. I remember I was on retreat at Pecos, when all I just got this overwhelming sense that I was supposed to become like Therese of Liseux, which to be honest was and is quite impossible--at the time I was already at the age at which she died. Now, normally, when I receive impressions in prayer, they seem to come naturally from inside me--this felt imposed upon me from the outside, and, even know seems ridiculous. Those who have read St Therese and have read my writings will understand why--there is a huge chasm between her life and gifts, and mine--except that we both follow the Lord Jesus in our own way. This "imposition" of St. Therese lasted for years (of course, I left Colorado after a couple of years, and returned to secular life with a complete embrace--the happiest years of my life), although of course, it was on an off. It returned again, when I returned again to Colorado--which of course opened me up once more to the machinations of MACHINE-RA. I was living about 15 miles from Crestone, Maurice Strong, and (no doubt in my mind--MACHINE-RA), and was in prayer, when I felt as though St. Therese was talking to me. I remember it was an extremely windy day and I felt out of sorts (I know now that is an indicator of likely alien activity in the skies above). Now being a Catholic at the time, and believing in the communion of saints, it didn't bother me that a presence identifying itself as St. Therese wanted to talk to me. So, I inwardly consented, and then heard 3 sharp, loud raps in my apartment. Well, that shut me down in a hurry--I don't go for the spooky stuff. I know that it may be a benevolent entity, but chances are, even more likely, that it is a malevolent entity, and I just am not going to take that chance. Looking back on it, and remembering the unusual extreme winds we had that day, I think I was right.
When I left Colorado, and moved here, the St. Therese thoughts kept interfering with me--never in an instructional or inspirational way (I have a whole stock of stories from various saints in my head, but none of them are from Therese), but rather in an imposing kind of identity way. I kept getting the message or sense in my dreams or in unconscious reverie that I was supposed to be like St. Therese of Liseux. This of course, is impossible. Given the occult and sexual abuse that I endured as a child, the family and social abuses that I experienced daily, and my difficulty with self-identity and sexuality issues ensured that I would never be a naive girl-child trusting in the goodness of priestly fathers and happy to life a life of obedience to a spiritually immature and emotionally frustrated superior (Therese entered a very mediocre convent). This culminated in a visit to St. Therese's coffin, when it was on display for the faithful back in 2001 or 2002. I remember, it was a powerful experience, which at the time, didn't bother me--I believe in the power of saints.
Coincidentally, it was about time that I started having bad dreams (I remember waking up after one dream, of some kind of a sacrifice -- a woman raped and slit open from sternum to pubis, and saying, "Therese never had dreams like that"), dreams of demons, and yes, even a dream of then-Cardinal Ratzinger. The dream regarding Ratzinger was pretty minimalist--as best I can remember, someone told me to enter his bedroom, and as a single female in a celibate's room, I was uncomfortable doing so. He was amused by my discomfort, reading a book, and wearing red sneakers. At the time, I didn't know that he was an evil satanist; I just thought he was a rigid, conservative prick whose views and values of Christian faith were 180 degrees different than mine. I know now that that dream told me that Ratzinger was involved in my life, via astral abductions. I probably was the woman who was sacrificed, and the slit along my body probably indicated the placement of rudimentary etheric implants of MACHINE-RA. Ratzinger had learned of my nighttime ramblings through the illegal interference and videocam spyware placed in my residence, first by the SLI of Crestone, and then Opus Dei (rogue intelligence and security) operatives.
I do apologize for this lengthy discourse, but it leads me to a recent insight that I had. I think St. Therese of Liseux's brain was plugged into MACHINE-RA, and MACHINE-RA downloaded a lot of her thoughts and dialogs from the holographic images stored in the memory of her brain, and which could be stimulated to fantasize in response to new situations. I think that MACHINE-RA had quite a few decades of enjoyment romping around in her brain, but then MACHINE-RA decided to release her, which was why her body was exhumed. Of course Ratzinger, the Jesuits and many of the Vatican hierarchs know the dirty secret about MACHINE-RA, and the way It/He loves to feed from great spiritual brains. I don't know if there is a natural decomposition to a plugged-in brain residing in a corpse--I sure hope so; it really bothers me to think that the brain and soul of a great saint could be trapped in such a purgatory for years on end. Anyway, they would have had an occult devotee (if not Ratzinger himself) in charge of the exhumation and/or termination of brain from MACHINE_RA. Did they do this as a mercy to Therese. No, I don't think so. I think they did it, because they had identified the next great saint for MACHINE-RA to possess and exploit--ME, and I think my dream of the sacrificed woman, was some kind of occult possession ritual in which they placed an evil spirit of deception (not the Orion evil spirit which of course they recognized as being there, and venerating it as their lord, butyet another one, so that I have two evil spirits in me). Etheric implants make it much easier for MACHINE-RA to read and impart thoughts and images in my head, but only when I sleep, because consciously, I am too spiritually powerful to allow them any free reign.
How did St. Therese become plugged in? The apostate worship of MACHINE-RA has secretly coexisted with the worship of the faithful, since the very beginning of the early Church. First, it came through the Essenes and Gnostic, then later the Mithraists who are responsible for so much of the "empire elements" of the Roman Catholic tradition. However, the cult of MACHINE-RA got a big boost in the late 19th century when an evil priest, Sauniere, dug up hidden Templar treasure, consisting of documents and something that made Sauniere extremely wealthy. This happened in the late 1880's in a village in southern France. Therese's convent was about 200 miles away in Normandy; however Normandy is relatively close to Paris, and Sauniere was a frequent visitor to high ranking prelates in Paris. Therese died in 1897. However, her reputation in holiness preceded her death by a few years. As a matter of fact, she was ordered to write her her autobiography by superiors, because they already recognized that she was a great saint. Now the circles of those committed to religious life (especially monastics) are small. Occultists and satanists are always on the lookout for innocent and/or holy individuals. They feed from these great spirits, parasitically receiving what they lack in themselves. It wasn't long before Sauniere and his own little circle of evil clerics in Paris, found out about this holy, little girl-woman child of a nun in Liseux, and decided to sacrifice her.
I know this is a leap, but I think that MACHINE-RA has been stealing holographic brain images, memories, and souls from our corpses for centuries now. I further think that Sauniere and his occult clique were eager to show devotion to their new Lord, MACHINE-RA, and wanted to give him the best brain of the most holy saint in France at that time--St. Therese. Because high ranking prelates have always been involved as devotees of MACHINE-RA, they would have had access to Therese's corpse--the women of the convent would have had no say regarding anything a male hierarch chose to do with the body. I really don't think that Therese is still plugged into the brain. About the time I was having dreams of Ratzinger, the sacrificed woman, and demons, Therese's body was exhumed. I think it was because Ratzinger/MACHINE-RA had identified a new consort for the amusement of MACHINE-RA--me. They had to be very disappointed, when they realized that I was not an innocent, naive, femme girl type. So they began downloading all these thoughts and words and memories from Therese's holographic brain into mine, but even though, I feel this forced imposition on me at times that I am called to be like Therese, it really doesn't feel like me at all. There are a dozen saints who I find more naturally inspiring and similar to my personality.
I invite the reader to just check out Therese on Wiki to get a brief glimpse of her personality. I have a feeling that all the channeling I am doing in my sleep, are downloads from Therese's brain into mine, as MACHINE-RA prepares me to be IT'S/HIS next consort. Therese did have a charming personality and profound spirit, but I am not her, and all their attempts to force that personality and body on me are absolutely hateful and alien to me. For all those religionists utterly charmed by my channeling, I invite you to read Therese's autobiography. She was a holy mystic for sure, but her holiness is not my holiness, and if you were seriously interested in the spiritual path, you would know that. At the very least, you would recognize the first axiom of holiness--the imperative of someone's chosen identity and self-determination. Over the years, I have had many priests and prelates manipulate me from behind the scenes, but NOT ONE, NOT ONE, ever had the manhood to work with me as an equal, to really relate to me as WHO I AM. No, they all want to project their expectations on me, and guess what people, anyone who chooses to relate to someone in the unconscious state, and not the conscious state, is guilty of grievous and selfish sin--and also cowardice, because when you really relate to someone in their chosen self-identity, they may not like or appreciate you, but in their sleep, you can control them, just like you can control a little kid. There is nothing more appealing to us than unconscious innocence, and when the words that come out of the mouth are so beautiful (do you people realize MACHINE-RA has the words and memories of dozens of mystics and saints on file to download at will?), it is very easy to project your own needs onto the unconscious innocent. But it is like masturbating to a fantasy--you can control it, whereas in real life, the person has sovereignty and preferences and choices that you might not like. I have spent years screaming and yelling that I am not who you religionists think I am. Now you have hormonally castrated my energy, and left my body so chopped up that I don't even recognize it, but you keep on listening to that evil channelling, and I think you are fooled, because I think it came from a real saint. But Therese is not me, and my way of sanctity is not hers. I am not even CLOSE to pursuing a life of sanctity--my basic needs are not even met, and now you have totally destroyed my self-image and self-esteem, but I know you won't listen.
I know that you will continue to manipulate my mind just like you have done the past two nights (the dream I relayed was real--I don't spread the imposed bullshit and lies). That is what Faction 2 will do for America--do mind control brainwashing, and they are looking to take control of the political scene again, but more on that tomorrow--just thinking about the hell that I have been through while some MACHINE gets me to be like his favorite "consort" depresses the hell out of me. The only good thing is that I think Therese is now free. I am working to make sure that this brain and sould theft never happens again, but I am not getting any support from anywhere--just a bunch of spiritual leeches hanging on my every astral word--read the spiritual classics, develop your own spiritual life, then you will know the difference between a truth and a lie, between a holy life and evil possession...
Dream on a personal note
Dream on a personal note--I dreamed that I was being coerced into signing a contract by a square, traditional, "Catholic" couple. Basically, they were forcing me to be someone who I knew that I was not--a square Catholic like them. Specifically, I was to renounce lesbianism. They wanted me to move into a squalid, tiny little house with them. I was depressed as could be--at the thought of having to move into such an inhospitable place that did not fit my personality at all. Then fire alarms started sounding, and they ran to the back yard of the house they were trying to force me into. I started to run to, but not knowing the neighborhood, I was running in front of the fire depts. doors. They told me, "watch out or the fire trucks coming out will kill you." I moved with alacrity, and saw them huddled in the back yard while I could smell and see the smoky haze everwhere that obliterated the entire scene. The mountains are on fire, I thought. Only a forest fire could be that destructive.
I didn't look up a single image in the dream dictionary to interpret thsis dream. My above words WERE right. Once again, I am being coerced regarding my sexuality. Because reptiles come sidebusting in through sexual orgasm and immorality does NOT mean that I am going to give up my sexual being or my sexual identity as a lesbian. There is nothing immoral or immature about my lesbian sexuality. It is who I am. Yes, I am a deeply spiritual person, but I have nothing in common with the squalid, tiny little confining spirituality that traditional, institutional religions would coerce on me. However, there is a fire raging that is destroying natural, wild beauty, and there is nothing I can but get out of the way, or else I will get killed. In the meantime, the smog is oblitering my view of everything--it is creating a deliberate haze, but I would rather be outside than inside.
I refuse to be like the negative Sirians and/or "Vulcans" who have given up their sexuality in order to be spared the ravages of reptilian domination. There is one group of Sirians that is hypersexual (the tall Whites of Nevada) and agressive; the negative Sirians led by Salusa are HYPOsexual, and who knows, but if there piss poor attitude is caused by a lack of sexual expression. Both these extremes are wrong. The middle way is best, not only for me, but for the majority of humanity as well--at least for those who wish to experience fullness of humanity. It is possible to have a mature, Lesbian sexuality that is not IMMORAL, and that is who I am and what I aim for.
Mabe my post about Heather and Cynthia misled some people, since I revealed that they were closeted lovers. I did that for the purpose of assisting any law enforcement involved, because I knew that they were indeed partneers in crime. But of all the immoral occult relationsips I have viewed, both real and ficional drama, that is the ONLY homosexual one I have ever encountered. Occultists are overwhelmingly heterosexual. I don't see anyone being forced to sign a contract to give up heterosexual expression. This kind of response just feeds the same evil which leads to massive unhappiness and spiritual stunting. I see it in the Salusan contingent of negative Sirians. I won't fall into that trap, nor should anyone else. Being lesbian or gay is a very personal journey and decision, and one that is nor made lightly, nor should it be. I have always said that if I were a mother, and my child came to me and said "I think I am gay" that I would tell them that I support whatever they choose, but to give heterosexual relations a chance. I would advise that, not because I am homophobic (although I concede I have a little homophobia about me), but because I am basically a traditionalist, and would rather see my child live a life that situates them in the world with the least friction. It is not easy being gay or lesbian, and such a self-identity involves prejudice and constant hassle (look at what the misery I have endured, because people will not accept me as a lesbian). Nor do I pass judgment on who or who is not lesbian. That is an individual's decision, and response, and I respect and affirm the right of anyone to make it, however they choose to make and/or live it. But as I mentioned above, the world is in crisis right now, and all I can really do is get out of the way, or I will get run over. Meanwhile the surrounding natural beauty is destroyed and smoke covers everything. Meantime, I have to live with this hateful body that I am left with--in misery and in pain. But I know that I have nothing creative to offer anyone, as long as I live in a squalid, tiny hovel of heterosexual or celibate expectations. That is NOT who I am, but I just try to get through my days living in this miserable shell of a body that I despise, and in which I am in constant pain with these shoulders. But of course, people who would force their view of sex and spirit on others don't give a fig about my right to choose and affirm who I am. So yes, I will get out of the way of the fire trucks, but hell no, I won't be coerced into signing a celibate or heterosexual "ontract" for a bunch of narrow-minded prigs--that would make a mockery of every suffering I have endured, and ensure that I live a tiny, unfulfilled, constricted and half-dead life. "It ain't me, babe. No, no, no, it ain't me babe. It ain't me you are looking for". It is some figment of your imagination that you are looking for, and I don't play that game.
I didn't look up a single image in the dream dictionary to interpret thsis dream. My above words WERE right. Once again, I am being coerced regarding my sexuality. Because reptiles come sidebusting in through sexual orgasm and immorality does NOT mean that I am going to give up my sexual being or my sexual identity as a lesbian. There is nothing immoral or immature about my lesbian sexuality. It is who I am. Yes, I am a deeply spiritual person, but I have nothing in common with the squalid, tiny little confining spirituality that traditional, institutional religions would coerce on me. However, there is a fire raging that is destroying natural, wild beauty, and there is nothing I can but get out of the way, or else I will get killed. In the meantime, the smog is oblitering my view of everything--it is creating a deliberate haze, but I would rather be outside than inside.
I refuse to be like the negative Sirians and/or "Vulcans" who have given up their sexuality in order to be spared the ravages of reptilian domination. There is one group of Sirians that is hypersexual (the tall Whites of Nevada) and agressive; the negative Sirians led by Salusa are HYPOsexual, and who knows, but if there piss poor attitude is caused by a lack of sexual expression. Both these extremes are wrong. The middle way is best, not only for me, but for the majority of humanity as well--at least for those who wish to experience fullness of humanity. It is possible to have a mature, Lesbian sexuality that is not IMMORAL, and that is who I am and what I aim for.
Mabe my post about Heather and Cynthia misled some people, since I revealed that they were closeted lovers. I did that for the purpose of assisting any law enforcement involved, because I knew that they were indeed partneers in crime. But of all the immoral occult relationsips I have viewed, both real and ficional drama, that is the ONLY homosexual one I have ever encountered. Occultists are overwhelmingly heterosexual. I don't see anyone being forced to sign a contract to give up heterosexual expression. This kind of response just feeds the same evil which leads to massive unhappiness and spiritual stunting. I see it in the Salusan contingent of negative Sirians. I won't fall into that trap, nor should anyone else. Being lesbian or gay is a very personal journey and decision, and one that is nor made lightly, nor should it be. I have always said that if I were a mother, and my child came to me and said "I think I am gay" that I would tell them that I support whatever they choose, but to give heterosexual relations a chance. I would advise that, not because I am homophobic (although I concede I have a little homophobia about me), but because I am basically a traditionalist, and would rather see my child live a life that situates them in the world with the least friction. It is not easy being gay or lesbian, and such a self-identity involves prejudice and constant hassle (look at what the misery I have endured, because people will not accept me as a lesbian). Nor do I pass judgment on who or who is not lesbian. That is an individual's decision, and response, and I respect and affirm the right of anyone to make it, however they choose to make and/or live it. But as I mentioned above, the world is in crisis right now, and all I can really do is get out of the way, or I will get run over. Meanwhile the surrounding natural beauty is destroyed and smoke covers everything. Meantime, I have to live with this hateful body that I am left with--in misery and in pain. But I know that I have nothing creative to offer anyone, as long as I live in a squalid, tiny hovel of heterosexual or celibate expectations. That is NOT who I am, but I just try to get through my days living in this miserable shell of a body that I despise, and in which I am in constant pain with these shoulders. But of course, people who would force their view of sex and spirit on others don't give a fig about my right to choose and affirm who I am. So yes, I will get out of the way of the fire trucks, but hell no, I won't be coerced into signing a celibate or heterosexual "ontract" for a bunch of narrow-minded prigs--that would make a mockery of every suffering I have endured, and ensure that I live a tiny, unfulfilled, constricted and half-dead life. "It ain't me, babe. No, no, no, it ain't me babe. It ain't me you are looking for". It is some figment of your imagination that you are looking for, and I don't play that game.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
another day from hell
another day from hell--so sick i can barely stand. on some kind of fucked up psychotropic. motherfucking assholes playing games. not only do i have fucking demons to contend with, i cant get any help from would be allies, who once again, (my guess is its military) have sold me out to the fucking religionists because they cant accept, wont accept a person living fullness of life. how much longer do i got go thru this shit. think i know where luciferian evil spirit of deception is getting his material that has all these goddamned fascists excited to see me mutilated and cut off so they can have a femmebot girl they can worship. Never, never would i have gone thru the hell i have if i were in a man's body. sure it would have been tough, but i would have been given the respect to define myself. nothing for it. nothing i can do about it. world is in crisis. i dont make reality or decisions. i can only do to keep my freedom of will in spirit in this hell i live in. it is bad enough that i got to fight a mother fucking king kong of an evil prince--to do so with no support at the human level, that is worse, but such has been my life for years now. i think the motherfuckers think i am going to have some kind of conversion experience and come back to the dead, patriarchal misogynistic ch8urhch that sold me out in the first place. no fucking way. but military is a major player again, and they dont like us queer people. they like that patriarchal misogyunistic religion that has led to mind controlled religionists. well, i am so tired of suffering, but nothing i can do but wait. suffer. wait. suffer. wait. until these motherfuckers accept my freedom of choice and self-detemrination. wont happen anytime soon.
a lil later--realized drugs and implants got me in psychotic state. military or religionists (except of satanic variety) not doing that. know im not making sense. but that is an accurate documentation of how i feel. have to get up to slam some vodka, the body/brain cannot bear this level of psychosis. just one word to my tormentors. my brain may be fucked but my holy spirit doesnt live in my brain...
a lil later--realized drugs and implants got me in psychotic state. military or religionists (except of satanic variety) not doing that. know im not making sense. but that is an accurate documentation of how i feel. have to get up to slam some vodka, the body/brain cannot bear this level of psychosis. just one word to my tormentors. my brain may be fucked but my holy spirit doesnt live in my brain...
Friday, May 27, 2011
Good news and bad news
The good news is that I am confident that I have won in my battle against cosmic evil. First of all, let me be sure that you understand that I mean, I myself, personally, have won. This comes after a another night of heavy cutting, leaving me with no neck (literally, all I have is a double chin), and more cutting on my back and torso, leaving an unnatural curve in my back, chronically pained shoulders, and worse of all, an even more severely diminished range of motion with my arms. I literally cannot move my arms without brushing breasts, which drives me out of my mind--especially when I am on estrogen. I think that as long as estrogen is minimized, my brain has learned to tune out my body (that never used to happen when I was fueled predominantly by testosterone, but then I used to be proud of my body); however as soon as the high estrogen hits, my brain and entire body recoils in hateful revulsion at the unnatural and unwanted high levels of the hormone, and then I feel this horrible, fucked up, mutilated body and I go out of my mind with revulsion for my own body. I suppose all this shit was done so that the fucking fallen angels from hell can pour more virus into my brain. It doesn't work. It just makes me very autistic, and wanting to shake the head.
But I have figured it out--the demonic Sirians don't care about my physical body or my psychological health or how I get along or don't get along in the world. There is only reason they haven't killed me before now. They need to keep alive the Orion demon prince that is compartmentalized as an evil spirit within my flesh. Not only do they stay in contact with it that way, but they push for full-fledged "possession" of me by the evil spirit. When that happens, MACHINE-RA (with whom they are in allied league), will then have a husk or shell of a being (formerly known as me), devoid of holy or human spirit and individuated personality, through which it can propagate spiritual bullshit to the masses of Earth. Also, I think, if the Orion demon prince can take full possession of me, it will be free to move in this space/time realm and dimension of space. In other words, it would become fully empowered here, and Earth and all of humanity would be in deep, deep trouble. I understand now that as much as I hate that fricking evil spirit, I am its jailer, and thus Earth's protector, as much as it is my jailer and tormentor through astral abductions. Oftentimes I ask God, "why did you give me this vocation. I want to quit" and God replies, "Who else could do it?" For that Orion evil demon was intent on finding its way to Earth, and would have succeeded, no matter what. When the hell of Revelation was opened, my body and person became the hell to contain the escaping demons. The Orion demon would have looked for a host of great spirit, for compatibility purposes--it probably thought taking possession of its host would be relatively easy--but of course it was wrong. Only an individual of both profound spiritual depths, and human strength of will could do what I have done so far, and while I wish that someone else had gotten the nod, or that I could do something to pass the baton to someone, I understand that no matter what, I cannot allow the demon to escape. Not only would it wreak havoc and destruction for Earth and our population, but it would enable the "ascension" of the fallen angels (aka, the negative Sirians--for people who don't know their scripture) to a higher dimension of reality. That would be "the Event". Earth would pass into another dimension, probably destroying the beautiful physical planet and nearly the entire population as we know it, but the fallen angels would enter a state or dimension in which they become even more powerful, rapacious, and murderous than they already are. This would have implications throughout the entire galaxy, and in the higher dimensions as well as us poor 2DNA strand humans. All the evil Sirians need is that their high demon prince from Orion to be set free in the overlapping time/space dimension in which they currently reside so that it/he can lead and point the way, but it/he can't. He's JAILED inside my fleshly abode, even if he does get an astral pass on night visits every now and then.
There is no point in asking the Sirians/fallen angels for death, because they will never kill me, since that would separate them even further from their demonic prince, and release me! So here we are, locked in spiritual and psychological struggle, but I know now that I have already won (God has been telling me that for a few years, now, but it sure has never felt like it). I knew that today, when I was trying to type on a regular keyboard at a regular desk (instead of using my tiny netbook, with a low table on which to splay my arms from their mutilated shoulders and constant friction with my breasts). As difficult and miserable as it was, there was a certitude in me, that yes I had won. Despite the misery and alienation, I have experienced the most horrific of pain and suffering, but still I insist on my free will serving God, and not evil. I don't know how or when this struggle is going to end. I had hoped that the May 21st date referred to a time frame in which the evil Sirians had to leave this plane of our existence, but it was a dashed hope. Maybe Oct 21st...It doesn't matter. I have to persevere--the alternative is tragedy and destruction of a magnitude that we on Earth literally cannot fathom (because it would impact dimensions of which we know nothing, except sometimes when a "guardian angel" pays us a discreet and fleeting visit). So now, every time I feel miserable in my body or take a hate stare from someone who looks at me like I am a freak, I just remind myself visually of Salusa (I have seen pictures of him, and am certain they are spot on, because I recognize him from my astral memories), and the other negative Sirians I have encountered, and the feelings of anger justified spiritual conviction, and bodily determination, blots out my personal feelings of despair and misery. I HAVE WON, even if I have no shoulders with which to wipe the sweat off my face or am in constant pain. I don't care. I have come what I came to do, and I will continue to do it, until the good Lord takes me home, and Lord, I would be mighty happy to leave early, but as long as this home, I have to persevere.
Having shared that bit of good news (reveals how messed up my life really is, when the above paragraphs can be read as "good news"), let me move on to the bad news. I have been worried about the possibility of war with Pakistan and China for a long time. I do not hate or dislike either country or their people. As a matter of fact, I remember letting through a Freudian slip about feeling sorry for the people of China, and it is true--I do feel sorry for them. They are an oppressed, unfree people, and their government and military is leading them down the road to aggrandizement and war--which could easily mean the death of hundreds of thousands of Chinese, if not, God forbid, more, but to the Communist Party hierarchs, life is cheap; it is power that is coveted like gold. The Chinese people are in grave spiritual danger, because their DNA (like mine, and many White westerners and Middle Easterners) is reptilian. I read an article last night that the reptilian overlords and spirit had moved from the West to China, and "ping of truth" hit me. Now remember, there is nothing wrong or tragic about having reptilian DNA--there are pros and cons to having it-- but reptilian DNA does make one more susceptible to possession by reptilian overlords, and when the leaders of a country are so possessed, their subjects and citizens suffer.
Why do I think reptiles have moved on to China? First of all, because Maurice Strong moved there, and he is possessed by a very powerful reptile demon spirit (talking 9th circle of hell, here, for sure...) I do not have a globe or good spatial visualization skills but I wish I could see where a point driven through Crestone CO, and then inner Earth, terminates on the other side of the globe. I also find it interesting that so many corporations of Faction 2 have given illegal technology to China, and when Obama and Faction 2 wanted to set off bombs in India, a whole host of high level CEO's accompanied Obama on a trip to India--they all had investments in China and India.
Both Faction 1 and Faction 2 foresee a planetary change in which the North hemisphere, and most notably the western world is decimated by global changes. Now, I don't believe for one second that such a future is inevitable. Otherwise, why would the various elements of Faction 2 need to try to force changes. For that is what they have done, with their plots of scorching the sky, setting off nukes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and the Gulf. One of the worst consequences of the Deepwater Horizon well blowout, was a disruption of the Atlantic warm conveyor belt, which keeps northern Europe warm enough to be habitable. They are trying to deep freeze Northern Europe. Why? Because the people of the northern hemisphere have gotten to hip to the presence and reality of occult overlords and how to fight back (David Icke has become downright respectable in the UK, and a whole host of people are know what is going on here). Plenty of fresh meat for the reptiles in China--not only literally, as in consumption of corpses from wars and tragedies, but also from the suffering and stress of a nation oppressed, conflicted and stressed by war and fear. So what would happen to all the good reptiles from US and the UK--why, they already have plans to expatriate elsewhere--China, India, and Africa (why do you think China has horned in so mightily in Africa--that is going to be the next colonial feeder station for the reptiles. How do I know this?
Aaaaah. Remember, Obama was groomed and mind-controlled from a very early age by reptilian factions. His was an unnatural and orchestrated conception and birth, and the occultists could have had him born anywhere, but where was he born? Kenya. That was no accident. The evil cabal didn't just choose BHO Sr. because Ann Dunham thought he was cute. No, it was PLANNED, that the first President of the post-apocalyptic, post-pole-shift (in their dreams) NWO be Kenyan. Then, there is the fact that Maurice Strong spent a lot of time in Kenya fomenting rebellion and chaos, and I do believe, creating occult infrastructure, fear and obedience among local leaders. My guess is that Kenya has been planned to be not only an outlet for a lot of reptilian expatriates from Northern Europe, but the CAPITAL of reptilian Whites in Africa, that is, after BP and all their corporate buds make it an uninhabitable place to live. Of course, the Irish, and many of the Brits (especially the Scots), are slated for repatriation to the Holy Land, because that will fulfill the prophecy of the restoration of Israel--those nations represent the Lost tribes of Israel, and furthermore, I believe many Irish and Scots are actually of the tribe of Levi. Among Israelis of that tribe, many descendants carry the surname Cohen. I think this corresponds to Khan, Kan, Connor, O'Connor, Connelly, Connell, O'Connell, Cain, McCain, McCann--you get my point? This hypothesis is easily verified. If I am right, these Scotch, Irish, and Mongolia males will carry the Cohen gene.
I have a bad feeling however, that these occultists are not interested in a grand reunion between lost brothers. The Templars have known since the 12th century of their relations with Judah and Benjamin, and instead of working to ease the plight of their persecuted, long-lost cousins, during the Diaspora, they were responsible for fomenting a lot of anti-Semitism and intolerance. I think they want to dominate any future of Israel, or should I say, Jerusalem, and they will orchestrate a war to decimate the current Israeli people. I hate to be so negative, but that is the way it has been in the past, and I don't see any reason to believe that anything has changed. No, that whole grand royal bit with the Obamas visiting Ireland and England has been planned for a long time (with Obama toasting his Irish heritage--what a laugh!). Still, it is good image PR for the first "President of the World" to have both Irish and Kenyan blood in him, because that is what the human reptiles--Rothschild, Strong, & company have planned to be the new epicenters of the human race. A prince will rule as King of the World from Jerusalem, William Windsor, and a son of Kenya, will rule the expatriates of Africa from some idyllic planned city (a la Washington DC) in Kenya. Rothschild had that grand spectacle of Obama in Buckingham Palace and Westminster Hall, planned out years ago. He was just biding his time, before he moved to decapitate the Patriot Leadership Team through blackmail. Well, from what I can tell, the Congress of the USA has come through for us, and the Patriot Leadership Team may be reeling, but they ain't down for the count.
Why do I bring this all up? Because the occultists are always one step ahead--they have the benefit of being evil--having no sense of fair play or conscience whatsoever. This was all planned out a long time ago, before young Barry was even a zygote in a petri dish. Their next step, as Sean Morton has pointed out in his TV interview with Project Camelot, will be to depopulate Africa with gene targeted diseases such as HIV (yes, that is an engineered drug, and it was designed to especially target both homosexuals and people from Africa ), in order to create room for the White reptilians and the their upper class sycophants. The reptilian occultists also need to finish the global cooling process, so continue to watch for volcanic ash near the northern poles, and the Caribbean area between Cuba and Miami. Watch out for something to further rock the gulf--it could also be the Madrid quake--anything to further disrupt that conveyor belt of warm water.
Now, why did we move closer to war with China/Pakistan today? (I have got to go fast--the electromagnetic pulse is making me really sick now...have to go to bed soon.) Well, first of all, Lord Rothschild, Reptile Primero Uno, has to be upset that the "colonists" (by that, I mean the duly elected Congress of the USA), continue to be so uppity and obstructionist. Then there were the pictures that came back from Hillary's visit to Pakistan. I could sense the malevolence coming from the Pakistani leadership, even from the photos. I have a hunch that Hillary was even threatened with death, while there. That, of course, is outrageous, and almost unbelievable, UNLESS you have done a little research into Pakistan--a den of murderers and thieves. Its President, (Zardari is the name I think) was sitting across from Hillary in an alienated state of evil hostility. I am not surprised. I think he, (as well as many other high ranking Pakistanis) have been mind controlled by rogue CIA and MI6 (Rothschilds' and 41's boys). However, the clear message that I got from this meeting was that China is backing Pakistan's moves, and not only that, wants Pakistan to engage in a proxy war on their behalf (and remember Pakistan has gone nuclear--I wonder how that happened???).
The other article I read that told me China was making aggressive moves was a small piece about 2 pregnant South Korean women dying of an unknown virus. The virus caused a thickening and severe scarring of lung tissue. I believe that virus is what also ails me. Remember, I could barely breathe when I took a high dosage of testosterone--not enough to make me agressive or muscular--just enough to make me feel well. But the high level of sex hormones (which again, is what the reptiles milk us for--but they don't want to kill us, but keep us alive to harvest our hormones) is what kicked a severe lung attack and a feeling of being freezing cold, so that I slept all afternoon in wool blankets. Well, what happens to pregnant women? They start producing massive amounts of sex hormones--and I think that is what triggered their virus to the point of death.
I think China, which of course is working very closely with the negative aliens, is attempting to blackmail South Korea, into compliance with its directives. Otherwise, they will release the virus among the population, attacking pregnant women first, so the country will perish from lack of fertility (and I wonder if that damned same virus was the first step in the degradation of the Grays natural fertility?). I know South Korea is in a difficult quandary vis a vis China, but I would caution them not to trust China. South Korea has really made great strides in quality of life for their people. By that, I mean, their people are afforded a lot of freedom and opportunity for choice and individuation. The reptiles AND the communists can't stand freedom. It makes a subjugated populace difficult to control. China will never accept a free South Korea. For that matter, I don't think they care one iota about the Korean people, period. They want land, in which to move their expanding population, and they want prime land--not what they got in Tibet--formidable mountains barely able to support a scant population through subsistent herding. There is also the mystery of all those large, but completely deserted towns in China. I think the Chinese, through the intermediary of Maurice Strong, has offered to host the incoming aliens (as relayed in "The Event"), whose Sirian planets have been destroyed, in those deserted towns. All of this is going to put pressure on China. They need to move somewhere. I would think BOTH South and North Korea should be very concerned about their ability to maintain sovereignty (China may use N Korea to attack S Korea, but ultimately, they have no more respect for them, than for the South).
So yes, I think we moved closer to war today. I will say that I am proud of my Secretary of State. This is twice now that I have seen her grossly disrespected (the recent Chinese visit was another one), but she keeps her professional cool. I am glad. As a woman, she does not get any respect from misogynists (and I would say that applies to both Pakistani and Chinese leadership), but there is no point in trying to force respect. They will only learn the lady means business by hard experience, and in the meantime, it is an honor to see a high ranking world leader behaving fairly, rationally and diplomatically. I would encourage Hillary to keep up the good work and not be discouraged if it does not bear immediate fruit. I watched her take really heavy flak from young Pakistanis on her last visit, when she tried to engage college students in a dialog. I saw a lot of resistance to Hillary's offered perspective, but you know, I believe that Good people do not coerce and they do not bullshit or lie. They tell the truth, and so liars and schemers think that they are an easy mark. They are not, but we always have to remember that we humans only plant a seed--a seed of an idea, and it is up to the Holy Spirit to water and nourish it, until it blooms full in someone's head or heart. I hate to say it, but we probably will go to war soon with Pakistan (I pray otherwise), but the hope I see doesn't come from the living dead that I saw meeting with Hillary today, but somewhere in Pakistan, some seeds, planted by Hillary are growing, and as long as we continue to act with respect when we are disrespected, and are fair and clear in our expectations and requests, those seeds will bloom when the time is right.
Now my time is to go to bed with an electromagnetic buzz in my head. Tonight, they are going to try to plug me into MACHINE-RA. I knew it. That is why I tried to take care of all my chores and stock up on all the foodstuffs I need to celebrate Memorial Day. Memorial Day is important to me this year, for I realize I am an "unknown soldier" in a battle of war and evil, and I have been gravely wounded in this battle, but this weekend I intend to draw inspiration from all the men and women who have gone before me, fighting for the right thing, suffering for the right thing, dying for the right thing, and dealing with PTSD and mental health issues--all because they served the cause of freedom, our country, and the Good. I salute them all, and wish all veterans a joyful weekend. Amen.
But I have figured it out--the demonic Sirians don't care about my physical body or my psychological health or how I get along or don't get along in the world. There is only reason they haven't killed me before now. They need to keep alive the Orion demon prince that is compartmentalized as an evil spirit within my flesh. Not only do they stay in contact with it that way, but they push for full-fledged "possession" of me by the evil spirit. When that happens, MACHINE-RA (with whom they are in allied league), will then have a husk or shell of a being (formerly known as me), devoid of holy or human spirit and individuated personality, through which it can propagate spiritual bullshit to the masses of Earth. Also, I think, if the Orion demon prince can take full possession of me, it will be free to move in this space/time realm and dimension of space. In other words, it would become fully empowered here, and Earth and all of humanity would be in deep, deep trouble. I understand now that as much as I hate that fricking evil spirit, I am its jailer, and thus Earth's protector, as much as it is my jailer and tormentor through astral abductions. Oftentimes I ask God, "why did you give me this vocation. I want to quit" and God replies, "Who else could do it?" For that Orion evil demon was intent on finding its way to Earth, and would have succeeded, no matter what. When the hell of Revelation was opened, my body and person became the hell to contain the escaping demons. The Orion demon would have looked for a host of great spirit, for compatibility purposes--it probably thought taking possession of its host would be relatively easy--but of course it was wrong. Only an individual of both profound spiritual depths, and human strength of will could do what I have done so far, and while I wish that someone else had gotten the nod, or that I could do something to pass the baton to someone, I understand that no matter what, I cannot allow the demon to escape. Not only would it wreak havoc and destruction for Earth and our population, but it would enable the "ascension" of the fallen angels (aka, the negative Sirians--for people who don't know their scripture) to a higher dimension of reality. That would be "the Event". Earth would pass into another dimension, probably destroying the beautiful physical planet and nearly the entire population as we know it, but the fallen angels would enter a state or dimension in which they become even more powerful, rapacious, and murderous than they already are. This would have implications throughout the entire galaxy, and in the higher dimensions as well as us poor 2DNA strand humans. All the evil Sirians need is that their high demon prince from Orion to be set free in the overlapping time/space dimension in which they currently reside so that it/he can lead and point the way, but it/he can't. He's JAILED inside my fleshly abode, even if he does get an astral pass on night visits every now and then.
There is no point in asking the Sirians/fallen angels for death, because they will never kill me, since that would separate them even further from their demonic prince, and release me! So here we are, locked in spiritual and psychological struggle, but I know now that I have already won (God has been telling me that for a few years, now, but it sure has never felt like it). I knew that today, when I was trying to type on a regular keyboard at a regular desk (instead of using my tiny netbook, with a low table on which to splay my arms from their mutilated shoulders and constant friction with my breasts). As difficult and miserable as it was, there was a certitude in me, that yes I had won. Despite the misery and alienation, I have experienced the most horrific of pain and suffering, but still I insist on my free will serving God, and not evil. I don't know how or when this struggle is going to end. I had hoped that the May 21st date referred to a time frame in which the evil Sirians had to leave this plane of our existence, but it was a dashed hope. Maybe Oct 21st...It doesn't matter. I have to persevere--the alternative is tragedy and destruction of a magnitude that we on Earth literally cannot fathom (because it would impact dimensions of which we know nothing, except sometimes when a "guardian angel" pays us a discreet and fleeting visit). So now, every time I feel miserable in my body or take a hate stare from someone who looks at me like I am a freak, I just remind myself visually of Salusa (I have seen pictures of him, and am certain they are spot on, because I recognize him from my astral memories), and the other negative Sirians I have encountered, and the feelings of anger justified spiritual conviction, and bodily determination, blots out my personal feelings of despair and misery. I HAVE WON, even if I have no shoulders with which to wipe the sweat off my face or am in constant pain. I don't care. I have come what I came to do, and I will continue to do it, until the good Lord takes me home, and Lord, I would be mighty happy to leave early, but as long as this home, I have to persevere.
Having shared that bit of good news (reveals how messed up my life really is, when the above paragraphs can be read as "good news"), let me move on to the bad news. I have been worried about the possibility of war with Pakistan and China for a long time. I do not hate or dislike either country or their people. As a matter of fact, I remember letting through a Freudian slip about feeling sorry for the people of China, and it is true--I do feel sorry for them. They are an oppressed, unfree people, and their government and military is leading them down the road to aggrandizement and war--which could easily mean the death of hundreds of thousands of Chinese, if not, God forbid, more, but to the Communist Party hierarchs, life is cheap; it is power that is coveted like gold. The Chinese people are in grave spiritual danger, because their DNA (like mine, and many White westerners and Middle Easterners) is reptilian. I read an article last night that the reptilian overlords and spirit had moved from the West to China, and "ping of truth" hit me. Now remember, there is nothing wrong or tragic about having reptilian DNA--there are pros and cons to having it-- but reptilian DNA does make one more susceptible to possession by reptilian overlords, and when the leaders of a country are so possessed, their subjects and citizens suffer.
Why do I think reptiles have moved on to China? First of all, because Maurice Strong moved there, and he is possessed by a very powerful reptile demon spirit (talking 9th circle of hell, here, for sure...) I do not have a globe or good spatial visualization skills but I wish I could see where a point driven through Crestone CO, and then inner Earth, terminates on the other side of the globe. I also find it interesting that so many corporations of Faction 2 have given illegal technology to China, and when Obama and Faction 2 wanted to set off bombs in India, a whole host of high level CEO's accompanied Obama on a trip to India--they all had investments in China and India.
Both Faction 1 and Faction 2 foresee a planetary change in which the North hemisphere, and most notably the western world is decimated by global changes. Now, I don't believe for one second that such a future is inevitable. Otherwise, why would the various elements of Faction 2 need to try to force changes. For that is what they have done, with their plots of scorching the sky, setting off nukes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and the Gulf. One of the worst consequences of the Deepwater Horizon well blowout, was a disruption of the Atlantic warm conveyor belt, which keeps northern Europe warm enough to be habitable. They are trying to deep freeze Northern Europe. Why? Because the people of the northern hemisphere have gotten to hip to the presence and reality of occult overlords and how to fight back (David Icke has become downright respectable in the UK, and a whole host of people are know what is going on here). Plenty of fresh meat for the reptiles in China--not only literally, as in consumption of corpses from wars and tragedies, but also from the suffering and stress of a nation oppressed, conflicted and stressed by war and fear. So what would happen to all the good reptiles from US and the UK--why, they already have plans to expatriate elsewhere--China, India, and Africa (why do you think China has horned in so mightily in Africa--that is going to be the next colonial feeder station for the reptiles. How do I know this?
Aaaaah. Remember, Obama was groomed and mind-controlled from a very early age by reptilian factions. His was an unnatural and orchestrated conception and birth, and the occultists could have had him born anywhere, but where was he born? Kenya. That was no accident. The evil cabal didn't just choose BHO Sr. because Ann Dunham thought he was cute. No, it was PLANNED, that the first President of the post-apocalyptic, post-pole-shift (in their dreams) NWO be Kenyan. Then, there is the fact that Maurice Strong spent a lot of time in Kenya fomenting rebellion and chaos, and I do believe, creating occult infrastructure, fear and obedience among local leaders. My guess is that Kenya has been planned to be not only an outlet for a lot of reptilian expatriates from Northern Europe, but the CAPITAL of reptilian Whites in Africa, that is, after BP and all their corporate buds make it an uninhabitable place to live. Of course, the Irish, and many of the Brits (especially the Scots), are slated for repatriation to the Holy Land, because that will fulfill the prophecy of the restoration of Israel--those nations represent the Lost tribes of Israel, and furthermore, I believe many Irish and Scots are actually of the tribe of Levi. Among Israelis of that tribe, many descendants carry the surname Cohen. I think this corresponds to Khan, Kan, Connor, O'Connor, Connelly, Connell, O'Connell, Cain, McCain, McCann--you get my point? This hypothesis is easily verified. If I am right, these Scotch, Irish, and Mongolia males will carry the Cohen gene.
I have a bad feeling however, that these occultists are not interested in a grand reunion between lost brothers. The Templars have known since the 12th century of their relations with Judah and Benjamin, and instead of working to ease the plight of their persecuted, long-lost cousins, during the Diaspora, they were responsible for fomenting a lot of anti-Semitism and intolerance. I think they want to dominate any future of Israel, or should I say, Jerusalem, and they will orchestrate a war to decimate the current Israeli people. I hate to be so negative, but that is the way it has been in the past, and I don't see any reason to believe that anything has changed. No, that whole grand royal bit with the Obamas visiting Ireland and England has been planned for a long time (with Obama toasting his Irish heritage--what a laugh!). Still, it is good image PR for the first "President of the World" to have both Irish and Kenyan blood in him, because that is what the human reptiles--Rothschild, Strong, & company have planned to be the new epicenters of the human race. A prince will rule as King of the World from Jerusalem, William Windsor, and a son of Kenya, will rule the expatriates of Africa from some idyllic planned city (a la Washington DC) in Kenya. Rothschild had that grand spectacle of Obama in Buckingham Palace and Westminster Hall, planned out years ago. He was just biding his time, before he moved to decapitate the Patriot Leadership Team through blackmail. Well, from what I can tell, the Congress of the USA has come through for us, and the Patriot Leadership Team may be reeling, but they ain't down for the count.
Why do I bring this all up? Because the occultists are always one step ahead--they have the benefit of being evil--having no sense of fair play or conscience whatsoever. This was all planned out a long time ago, before young Barry was even a zygote in a petri dish. Their next step, as Sean Morton has pointed out in his TV interview with Project Camelot, will be to depopulate Africa with gene targeted diseases such as HIV (yes, that is an engineered drug, and it was designed to especially target both homosexuals and people from Africa ), in order to create room for the White reptilians and the their upper class sycophants. The reptilian occultists also need to finish the global cooling process, so continue to watch for volcanic ash near the northern poles, and the Caribbean area between Cuba and Miami. Watch out for something to further rock the gulf--it could also be the Madrid quake--anything to further disrupt that conveyor belt of warm water.
Now, why did we move closer to war with China/Pakistan today? (I have got to go fast--the electromagnetic pulse is making me really sick now...have to go to bed soon.) Well, first of all, Lord Rothschild, Reptile Primero Uno, has to be upset that the "colonists" (by that, I mean the duly elected Congress of the USA), continue to be so uppity and obstructionist. Then there were the pictures that came back from Hillary's visit to Pakistan. I could sense the malevolence coming from the Pakistani leadership, even from the photos. I have a hunch that Hillary was even threatened with death, while there. That, of course, is outrageous, and almost unbelievable, UNLESS you have done a little research into Pakistan--a den of murderers and thieves. Its President, (Zardari is the name I think) was sitting across from Hillary in an alienated state of evil hostility. I am not surprised. I think he, (as well as many other high ranking Pakistanis) have been mind controlled by rogue CIA and MI6 (Rothschilds' and 41's boys). However, the clear message that I got from this meeting was that China is backing Pakistan's moves, and not only that, wants Pakistan to engage in a proxy war on their behalf (and remember Pakistan has gone nuclear--I wonder how that happened???).
The other article I read that told me China was making aggressive moves was a small piece about 2 pregnant South Korean women dying of an unknown virus. The virus caused a thickening and severe scarring of lung tissue. I believe that virus is what also ails me. Remember, I could barely breathe when I took a high dosage of testosterone--not enough to make me agressive or muscular--just enough to make me feel well. But the high level of sex hormones (which again, is what the reptiles milk us for--but they don't want to kill us, but keep us alive to harvest our hormones) is what kicked a severe lung attack and a feeling of being freezing cold, so that I slept all afternoon in wool blankets. Well, what happens to pregnant women? They start producing massive amounts of sex hormones--and I think that is what triggered their virus to the point of death.
I think China, which of course is working very closely with the negative aliens, is attempting to blackmail South Korea, into compliance with its directives. Otherwise, they will release the virus among the population, attacking pregnant women first, so the country will perish from lack of fertility (and I wonder if that damned same virus was the first step in the degradation of the Grays natural fertility?). I know South Korea is in a difficult quandary vis a vis China, but I would caution them not to trust China. South Korea has really made great strides in quality of life for their people. By that, I mean, their people are afforded a lot of freedom and opportunity for choice and individuation. The reptiles AND the communists can't stand freedom. It makes a subjugated populace difficult to control. China will never accept a free South Korea. For that matter, I don't think they care one iota about the Korean people, period. They want land, in which to move their expanding population, and they want prime land--not what they got in Tibet--formidable mountains barely able to support a scant population through subsistent herding. There is also the mystery of all those large, but completely deserted towns in China. I think the Chinese, through the intermediary of Maurice Strong, has offered to host the incoming aliens (as relayed in "The Event"), whose Sirian planets have been destroyed, in those deserted towns. All of this is going to put pressure on China. They need to move somewhere. I would think BOTH South and North Korea should be very concerned about their ability to maintain sovereignty (China may use N Korea to attack S Korea, but ultimately, they have no more respect for them, than for the South).
So yes, I think we moved closer to war today. I will say that I am proud of my Secretary of State. This is twice now that I have seen her grossly disrespected (the recent Chinese visit was another one), but she keeps her professional cool. I am glad. As a woman, she does not get any respect from misogynists (and I would say that applies to both Pakistani and Chinese leadership), but there is no point in trying to force respect. They will only learn the lady means business by hard experience, and in the meantime, it is an honor to see a high ranking world leader behaving fairly, rationally and diplomatically. I would encourage Hillary to keep up the good work and not be discouraged if it does not bear immediate fruit. I watched her take really heavy flak from young Pakistanis on her last visit, when she tried to engage college students in a dialog. I saw a lot of resistance to Hillary's offered perspective, but you know, I believe that Good people do not coerce and they do not bullshit or lie. They tell the truth, and so liars and schemers think that they are an easy mark. They are not, but we always have to remember that we humans only plant a seed--a seed of an idea, and it is up to the Holy Spirit to water and nourish it, until it blooms full in someone's head or heart. I hate to say it, but we probably will go to war soon with Pakistan (I pray otherwise), but the hope I see doesn't come from the living dead that I saw meeting with Hillary today, but somewhere in Pakistan, some seeds, planted by Hillary are growing, and as long as we continue to act with respect when we are disrespected, and are fair and clear in our expectations and requests, those seeds will bloom when the time is right.
Now my time is to go to bed with an electromagnetic buzz in my head. Tonight, they are going to try to plug me into MACHINE-RA. I knew it. That is why I tried to take care of all my chores and stock up on all the foodstuffs I need to celebrate Memorial Day. Memorial Day is important to me this year, for I realize I am an "unknown soldier" in a battle of war and evil, and I have been gravely wounded in this battle, but this weekend I intend to draw inspiration from all the men and women who have gone before me, fighting for the right thing, suffering for the right thing, dying for the right thing, and dealing with PTSD and mental health issues--all because they served the cause of freedom, our country, and the Good. I salute them all, and wish all veterans a joyful weekend. Amen.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
On lithium once again.
On lithium once again. Not in realty for much of the day.. Worse is what I can feel it doing to my brain. having serious memory problems again. this drug is what started the feeling of derpression last nite. I wonder how many brain cell the fuckers will kill this time? Or how many pounds i will gain, before my body completely locks up. Now it is just lower badk and torso. knew it was going to be a bad day. refilled vicodin, got a pint of vodka, know there is stuff to do and write, but nothing seems urgent except to sleep and not feel this semi psychotic state and the locked muscle spasm of body.
Update from rhesus monkey alpha
Update from rhesus monkey alpha--I figured out what was depressing--drugs! I am on another psychotropic. I have been on it before. I woke up with my legs severely cramping, and my tongue coated with white fur and mucous. I am having great difficulty with memory. Yes, I have been on this before, multiple times. It is going to be difficult to function under this drugs, but I have a couple of important things to do. I have figured out what the negative Sirians agenda is regarding the virus they put in me. I am a lab experiment to see how I mutate--whether into a collectivist hive drone or into a possessed reptile, or both. Such is the overarching reach of the totalitarian evil that rules our world. There is nothing I can do about my situation except document it. In addition to my physical deterioration, there is ongoing mental deterioration. I seem to have developed some kind of learning disability so that I have difficulty with spelling and word recognition. Upon rereading my post from yesterday--written at a time of relatively high energy (for me), I identified glaring errors and poor construction that I wanted to correct. That never has been my experience before. I think I have lost the ability to write and edit at the same time. I no longer can hold an essay, paragraph, a sentence, a word in one part of my brain, while I edit it with another. I gues that I am going to have to join the rest of the world, and learn how to go back and edit a first draft. How pedestrian! Actually, I don't think I will do much of that--the nature of a blog allows for rough, unedited writing. I do realize though, that another one of my great gifts is gone, destroyed by the negative Sirians. One final note: whatever drug I am on, had me waking up with my teeth chattering. It is not that cold. I am full of mucous and my lungs hurt. I don't think the Sirians are going to let their prized monkey die from pneumonia.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
I am depressed as I prepare for sleep
I am depressed as I prepare for sleep. I think I am on some kind of psychotropic. I also am in a lot of pain--I was cut on last night, and I can feel it. It is hard to even walk straight. However, what is disturbing me the most are these never ending tornados. They are deliberate, of course--the negative aliens and the humans of the Bush 41 faction venting their fury on the US. Most troubling of all are the unrecovered bodies. Many people are not aware, but reliable whistle-blowers have been saying for years, that Reptilians pick up the corpses after a natural disaster for consumption. I have been watching interviews of family members seeking a "disappeared" person. How can you tell someone that a reptile is probably stocking the corpse in their food pantry? You can't and don't. I usually push for honesty and disclosure, but it would be heartbreaking for a parent or loved one to hear that. Then I read of another tornado touching down in Ohio, which rarely gets tornados. I think a very brave and gifted woman is deliberately being targeted. But maybe there is something else going on in the world--something I do not know yet, except through a disturbance in my psychic sense? I am going to bed and pray. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
....Oh by the way, these tornadoes, coupled with the missing bodies are a clear indication of MACHINE-RA, working in conjunction with Orion/Draco reptilians. That is why I say GHW Bush is involved.
....Oh by the way, these tornadoes, coupled with the missing bodies are a clear indication of MACHINE-RA, working in conjunction with Orion/Draco reptilians. That is why I say GHW Bush is involved.
It is official--my wallet has been deliberately stolen
It is official--my wallet has been deliberately stolen--probably by the goddaned negative Sirian/Knights Templar minions. Why? Well, on my last round of purchasing testosterone supplements, I showed the Siran alien clerk (a man with less muscle and bulk than me) a picture of myself, taken with my family a couple of years ago. He couldn't recognize me, and when I pointed out who I was in the photo, he was stunned. That is how much of my body has been mutilated and chopped off. I suppose the Sirian rank and file are lied to by their evil leaders, just as we humans are. They probably tell them they have made minor cosmetic changes to me (LMFAO). Anyway, it is another expensive pain in the ass, as I will have to go to DMV, get a new credit card, buy a new wallet, just because SOME FUCKING EVIL ALIENS AND THEIR POS MINIONS WANT TO TAG THEIR SLAVE COLLAR ON ME!
Yes, I am pissed off about it, especially since I cannot find the missing photo that I kept with me to remind me of a time when I was a beautiful woman and proud of my body and proud to be female. Waking up with the energy of high T, I finally cleared out my bedroom desks, which is where the photo was--it is gone--just another humiliating deprivation that a slave has to endure--the theft of even my memories. (My driver license showed me with a f ull set of shoulders--that is why that was taken). Earlier today, I tried to put in a tampon to stop lessen the heavy vaginal wetness that I have been suffering from all day (my bad--I should have known that as soon as I said that it drove me crazy, that would greenlight an acceleration of the hormonal downloads responsible for it). My shoulders have been so chopped off that I found it difficult to even reach down and torque up. I am not exaggerating. Worse, I see my dulcimer laying here, and realize I might as well put it away, because with these mutilated arms, I will never play music on it again.
I tell myself that it could be worse, and it could, so I take my losses, my mutilation, my loss of pride in my bodily imagine and female self-identity, and drag my fat, sluggish eunuch ass through daily tasks. I will say this to the fucking patriarchal pigs who stole my wallet, in order to steal my memory of a once proud self-identity. You may steal my identity, chop off my body, and turn me into a negative energy fat slug, but I will NEVER, EVER COOPERATE WITH YOU, OR EMBRACE YOUR PATRIARCHAL PIG VISION OF ME. I don't care. Drug me, chope me up, isolate me, destroy me--it is now a matter of the only pride and self-esteem that I have left--my own free will to thwart you and your fucked up, evil expectations of me, with every bit of will I can muster.
Now that I have stated my claim for myself, let me move on to the deplorable world events (especially for my country) that currently swirl, since that alien snake Obama has once again sold out America. I am going to prophesy, Obama. Your days are numbered. I see that you have your lover, Brother Reggie Love, watching your back. That is smart, but it won't be enough, and its not the good guys who will do you in. Because of our morality and respect for due process, you were allowed to live, even though your crimes against America and our citizens, cried out for capital punishment. No, I think you pulled just one double cross too many. You have made powerful enemies from both Faction 2 and Bush 41. I used to worry about race riots should you be assassinated (because of course, some white supremacist patsy will be used), but no more. Enjoy the trumped up enthusiam because it won't last. I checked out parts of your speech in Westminster Hall (following your noted predecessor and ally and partner in immorality, Ratzinger), and even the Brits know what a phony you are. I am not mad at the British people or prima facie leaders, for they are under the duress of a 9th circle evil lord, Rothschild, just as surely as America has been. That is clear by watching their subtle responses to you. You see, the entire world is moving to the Good. I don't know how long it will take, but I guarantee you that it will happen, and very soon. Frankly, I don't see much of a future for you, though you can always resign, and move far away to another country, and live in virtual house arrest on a heavily guarded estate. I used to feel sorry for your wife and kids, but it is now clear that your wife is just as immaturely power-hungry as you are, and you both are willing to sacrifice your kids to indulge your ambitions (do you really think you can make deal after deal with Satan, and it not come back to haunt your kids, grandkids, great-grandkids???)
I know, understand, and accept that politics is a dirty business, and that ugly compromises and deals have to be made, but the mark of true leader is that they can engage successfully in that environment without losing their soul or their vision of the Good for the people. You lost your soul years ago, and to the credit of this great nation (unfairly maligned as being "racist), we as a nation, and our true leaders--Hillary, Joe Biden, Robert Gates, gave you chance after chance to succeed to make good. Nearly everybody wanted to see you succeed, but you remained locked on course to hell. How does it feel to rub elbows with the world's most evil reptilians there in the 9th circle of hell? Get used to the feeling, because I suspect that you are going to be recycling through there, and the surrounding eight zones for a very, very long time.
To Americans, I say this is the time to rally around our leaders. Hillary Clinto has the finger of God in her astrological chart. Obama had a destiny, but Hillary has a vocation. This is why, after repeated and intense reflection and prayer, that I chose to vote for her. I knew McCain had the will and heart to fight for America, but given his advanced age, I had doubts that his health would be able to withstand, intense crisis after intense crisis (if he wasn't outright assassinated to bring in a complete neophyte in the world of 21st politics). You see, the only person who could have done what Hillary has been able to pull off in the past two years, is someone who is as savvy in the real politics and relationships of the world. To even gain entry as a player on the rarefied field of realpolitik that 99% of the world's citizenry know nothing about, she had to get dirt on her. Understand one thing--nobody gains access to power without approval from the ranking evil lords of the 9th Circle of hell, and they will not advance anyone unless they are sure that they can blackmail them. Indeed, they are often set up to be blackmailed.
So, let me present my suspicion on how Rothschild is able to blackmail Hillary, undercutting her effective authority and leadership. First of all, there probably are financial improprieties. I wasn't into politics much in the 90's, but there likely could be something to Whitewater and Dick Morris' claim that she used insider info to make 100K in stock trading on Tyson chicken! Understand one thing, America--many of the politicians of this country have been ripping us off legally through their sponsorship of corporate power. Any politician in this country is severely handicapped by the need to fundraise money in order to win elections. Unless they are born wealthy, marry wealth, or have alien governments sending in hundreds of millions of dollars, laundered as "small Internet contributions", every politician has an axe of dire financial need hanging over their heads. Until a cap is put on political spending (let us watch the debates and C-span--fuck all the image and marketing promo bullshit---oh, but that wouldn't meet the crieria of our illusion-creating lords would it), there is going to be a temptation for politicians to save or obtain money. (Sen. McCaskill, a great senator, is now having the same problem. She will probably lose her re-election bid to some rich or rich toady Republican who doesn't give a damn about the interests of the people of this country). I can tell you right now, the Clintons are not materialists at all (the Obamas sure are). They are not into politics to get rich; they need to get rich in order to meet the financial entry minimum in order to gain access to the poker game of politics.
Hillary has had at least, one lesbian affair. Now I am a lesbian, so of course, that really doesn't bother me. I wish that Americans would stop projecting onto their politicians the need to be a saint. The last truly great leader this country had, JFK, was thorougly immoral and scandalous in his sexual behavior. I do expect moral behavior from a politician, but life is messy. While I believe that Hillary and Bill are deep soul mates, I would say there are areas of deep dsyfunction, unmet needs and pain in their relationship. They needed a good marriage counselor about 30 years ago, but now they just need to forgive each other and get on with life and business. Duty calls. To be fair, remember that Bill Clinton has been mind programmed to be a sex addict. His mind-control programming was done in England (Rothschild, anyone?), and was an essential prerequisite, before he would ever be patronized by TPT, into the upper ecelons of the political game. Likewise, I am sure that Hillary was honetrapped many years ago--there may even be a sex tape out on her. The sex tape may not even be her, but a look alike double! I am not exaggerating. This is the way the game of politics is played at the highest levels, which is why people like me, of straitlaced integrity, decided long ago that despite my interest, politics was not my vocation. But the rules of the game will never change, until somebody who is already dealt into the game, wins the jackpot. At this point in history, despite the changes Hillary and the Patriot Leadership Team have already initiaated, no outsider, no matter how staunch their will or impeccable their integrity, is going to hit that jackpot!
Finally, I do believe that Hillary has attended a high level occult gathering--maybe one hosted by the Rothschild family. I believe this because Arizona Wilder recalls seeing her at one, and Ms. Wilder's track record has proven impressive to me. As a matter of fact, in prayer, I came to the conclusion that Hillary's near daily humiliations and defeats in the primary, were the result of a deep sin. The Lord chastises those He loves. I am reminded of a story from the Chronicles of Narnia in which a spoiled princess makes an escape by condemning a slave to be whipped for allowing it to happen. The princess had to make an escape, but she too easily "used" a slave to do it. Later, she received some stripes of her own, and Aslan told her, it was so she would know how the slave felt while he was being whipped, in order for her to attain her goal. Good people struggle and persevere through their bad karma; bad people just keep putting off and putting off the reckoning. I felt like Hillary was taking her stripes "like a man", instead of brownnosing and kissing up to a higher power of evil, instead of putting off a final reckoning, which has been Obama's MO his entire life.
Now, some would think that as a victim of ritual and occult abuse, that I would be harshly judgmental about it, but I am not. I know that most people do not believe in the power of Satan, so when they are invited to one of these gathering, they think it is just high level networking and adult fantasy outlets. Certainly, as an initiated player in high politics, Hillary would have known that these gatherings were very important to TPTB, but honestly, I think she probably had a healthy curiousity, which led her to experience it. She also deeply desired to reach for the political ambition that is her God-given vocation, and she knew attendance would give her a nice pile of political poker chips. I don't think she would have had any idea of how negative and evil the occult gatherings really are, until it was experienced. Even then, as a political player, she could not risk alienating the presidential player, Rothschild. Of course, she did anyway, which is why she now is personal non grata--that, and the fact that she has proven to be a highly effective and independent leader.
I still say that Hillary Clinton is this country's best bet to get this country back on the right track, so I hope that her colleagues of worth (admittedly, in her business and vocation, they are few), rally around her and restore her morale. I would remind her of the story of King David, as he fled a revolt led by his own sons. At that point in his life, he was already an accomplished warrior, empire builder, and king, but at one point, he had to flee for his life from his palace in Jerusalem. As he headed up the Mount, a Jerusalem citizen began cursing him, and throwing rocks at him. The general at his side wanted to run the man through with a sword, for showing such egregious disrespect, but David stopped him, saying, "I must have done something wrong. It is the Lord, acting through this man, who is throwing rocks at me." Of course, David successfully put down the revolt and returned to Jerusalem, because the alternative, that his son Absalom, who had raped his own sister, was just unbearable. I am saying that no matter what Hillary has done, take the rocks of abuse and keep moving--otherwise a rapist stands ready to wield power in your stead.
ps--Just a thought about the story of David and his rebellious son--David's problem with his malcreant son began when he refused to rebuke Absalom for raping his own half sister (David wasn't a lover of women). I am wondering if Hillary may be catching stripes and rocks because of using me as an ever ready bargaining chip (I know that she is not in complete control of everything, but I do wonder how hard she has tried to get me out of my situation. I know that the virus can kill me at any time, and I also know that I am not trustworthy because in my astral abductions, I spill everything I know, so I don't criticize her, if that is the case. However, I am her "sister" so to speak, and I am being raped on a regular basis, while my appeals for justice and relief falls on deaf ears, so I would just say, if that is the case, I forgive her. There is no use looking back on the pain of even last night...just "set your face to Jerusalem", which Jesus did on his last trip to celebrate Passover. We are always moving to our deaths, but as long as we are alive, we have got to live and forgive, fight and pray for the right and good, and that Jerusalem be God's holy city, and not some evil occultic power center. Having said that, I am tired of being used as a bargaining chip, but really, it has been so long since I have been treated as a human being, its a minor thing to me, but it may be the chip on her shoulder of which removal could release her, more than me...Just wondering....
Yes, I am pissed off about it, especially since I cannot find the missing photo that I kept with me to remind me of a time when I was a beautiful woman and proud of my body and proud to be female. Waking up with the energy of high T, I finally cleared out my bedroom desks, which is where the photo was--it is gone--just another humiliating deprivation that a slave has to endure--the theft of even my memories. (My driver license showed me with a f ull set of shoulders--that is why that was taken). Earlier today, I tried to put in a tampon to stop lessen the heavy vaginal wetness that I have been suffering from all day (my bad--I should have known that as soon as I said that it drove me crazy, that would greenlight an acceleration of the hormonal downloads responsible for it). My shoulders have been so chopped off that I found it difficult to even reach down and torque up. I am not exaggerating. Worse, I see my dulcimer laying here, and realize I might as well put it away, because with these mutilated arms, I will never play music on it again.
I tell myself that it could be worse, and it could, so I take my losses, my mutilation, my loss of pride in my bodily imagine and female self-identity, and drag my fat, sluggish eunuch ass through daily tasks. I will say this to the fucking patriarchal pigs who stole my wallet, in order to steal my memory of a once proud self-identity. You may steal my identity, chop off my body, and turn me into a negative energy fat slug, but I will NEVER, EVER COOPERATE WITH YOU, OR EMBRACE YOUR PATRIARCHAL PIG VISION OF ME. I don't care. Drug me, chope me up, isolate me, destroy me--it is now a matter of the only pride and self-esteem that I have left--my own free will to thwart you and your fucked up, evil expectations of me, with every bit of will I can muster.
Now that I have stated my claim for myself, let me move on to the deplorable world events (especially for my country) that currently swirl, since that alien snake Obama has once again sold out America. I am going to prophesy, Obama. Your days are numbered. I see that you have your lover, Brother Reggie Love, watching your back. That is smart, but it won't be enough, and its not the good guys who will do you in. Because of our morality and respect for due process, you were allowed to live, even though your crimes against America and our citizens, cried out for capital punishment. No, I think you pulled just one double cross too many. You have made powerful enemies from both Faction 2 and Bush 41. I used to worry about race riots should you be assassinated (because of course, some white supremacist patsy will be used), but no more. Enjoy the trumped up enthusiam because it won't last. I checked out parts of your speech in Westminster Hall (following your noted predecessor and ally and partner in immorality, Ratzinger), and even the Brits know what a phony you are. I am not mad at the British people or prima facie leaders, for they are under the duress of a 9th circle evil lord, Rothschild, just as surely as America has been. That is clear by watching their subtle responses to you. You see, the entire world is moving to the Good. I don't know how long it will take, but I guarantee you that it will happen, and very soon. Frankly, I don't see much of a future for you, though you can always resign, and move far away to another country, and live in virtual house arrest on a heavily guarded estate. I used to feel sorry for your wife and kids, but it is now clear that your wife is just as immaturely power-hungry as you are, and you both are willing to sacrifice your kids to indulge your ambitions (do you really think you can make deal after deal with Satan, and it not come back to haunt your kids, grandkids, great-grandkids???)
I know, understand, and accept that politics is a dirty business, and that ugly compromises and deals have to be made, but the mark of true leader is that they can engage successfully in that environment without losing their soul or their vision of the Good for the people. You lost your soul years ago, and to the credit of this great nation (unfairly maligned as being "racist), we as a nation, and our true leaders--Hillary, Joe Biden, Robert Gates, gave you chance after chance to succeed to make good. Nearly everybody wanted to see you succeed, but you remained locked on course to hell. How does it feel to rub elbows with the world's most evil reptilians there in the 9th circle of hell? Get used to the feeling, because I suspect that you are going to be recycling through there, and the surrounding eight zones for a very, very long time.
To Americans, I say this is the time to rally around our leaders. Hillary Clinto has the finger of God in her astrological chart. Obama had a destiny, but Hillary has a vocation. This is why, after repeated and intense reflection and prayer, that I chose to vote for her. I knew McCain had the will and heart to fight for America, but given his advanced age, I had doubts that his health would be able to withstand, intense crisis after intense crisis (if he wasn't outright assassinated to bring in a complete neophyte in the world of 21st politics). You see, the only person who could have done what Hillary has been able to pull off in the past two years, is someone who is as savvy in the real politics and relationships of the world. To even gain entry as a player on the rarefied field of realpolitik that 99% of the world's citizenry know nothing about, she had to get dirt on her. Understand one thing--nobody gains access to power without approval from the ranking evil lords of the 9th Circle of hell, and they will not advance anyone unless they are sure that they can blackmail them. Indeed, they are often set up to be blackmailed.
So, let me present my suspicion on how Rothschild is able to blackmail Hillary, undercutting her effective authority and leadership. First of all, there probably are financial improprieties. I wasn't into politics much in the 90's, but there likely could be something to Whitewater and Dick Morris' claim that she used insider info to make 100K in stock trading on Tyson chicken! Understand one thing, America--many of the politicians of this country have been ripping us off legally through their sponsorship of corporate power. Any politician in this country is severely handicapped by the need to fundraise money in order to win elections. Unless they are born wealthy, marry wealth, or have alien governments sending in hundreds of millions of dollars, laundered as "small Internet contributions", every politician has an axe of dire financial need hanging over their heads. Until a cap is put on political spending (let us watch the debates and C-span--fuck all the image and marketing promo bullshit---oh, but that wouldn't meet the crieria of our illusion-creating lords would it), there is going to be a temptation for politicians to save or obtain money. (Sen. McCaskill, a great senator, is now having the same problem. She will probably lose her re-election bid to some rich or rich toady Republican who doesn't give a damn about the interests of the people of this country). I can tell you right now, the Clintons are not materialists at all (the Obamas sure are). They are not into politics to get rich; they need to get rich in order to meet the financial entry minimum in order to gain access to the poker game of politics.
Hillary has had at least, one lesbian affair. Now I am a lesbian, so of course, that really doesn't bother me. I wish that Americans would stop projecting onto their politicians the need to be a saint. The last truly great leader this country had, JFK, was thorougly immoral and scandalous in his sexual behavior. I do expect moral behavior from a politician, but life is messy. While I believe that Hillary and Bill are deep soul mates, I would say there are areas of deep dsyfunction, unmet needs and pain in their relationship. They needed a good marriage counselor about 30 years ago, but now they just need to forgive each other and get on with life and business. Duty calls. To be fair, remember that Bill Clinton has been mind programmed to be a sex addict. His mind-control programming was done in England (Rothschild, anyone?), and was an essential prerequisite, before he would ever be patronized by TPT, into the upper ecelons of the political game. Likewise, I am sure that Hillary was honetrapped many years ago--there may even be a sex tape out on her. The sex tape may not even be her, but a look alike double! I am not exaggerating. This is the way the game of politics is played at the highest levels, which is why people like me, of straitlaced integrity, decided long ago that despite my interest, politics was not my vocation. But the rules of the game will never change, until somebody who is already dealt into the game, wins the jackpot. At this point in history, despite the changes Hillary and the Patriot Leadership Team have already initiaated, no outsider, no matter how staunch their will or impeccable their integrity, is going to hit that jackpot!
Finally, I do believe that Hillary has attended a high level occult gathering--maybe one hosted by the Rothschild family. I believe this because Arizona Wilder recalls seeing her at one, and Ms. Wilder's track record has proven impressive to me. As a matter of fact, in prayer, I came to the conclusion that Hillary's near daily humiliations and defeats in the primary, were the result of a deep sin. The Lord chastises those He loves. I am reminded of a story from the Chronicles of Narnia in which a spoiled princess makes an escape by condemning a slave to be whipped for allowing it to happen. The princess had to make an escape, but she too easily "used" a slave to do it. Later, she received some stripes of her own, and Aslan told her, it was so she would know how the slave felt while he was being whipped, in order for her to attain her goal. Good people struggle and persevere through their bad karma; bad people just keep putting off and putting off the reckoning. I felt like Hillary was taking her stripes "like a man", instead of brownnosing and kissing up to a higher power of evil, instead of putting off a final reckoning, which has been Obama's MO his entire life.
Now, some would think that as a victim of ritual and occult abuse, that I would be harshly judgmental about it, but I am not. I know that most people do not believe in the power of Satan, so when they are invited to one of these gathering, they think it is just high level networking and adult fantasy outlets. Certainly, as an initiated player in high politics, Hillary would have known that these gatherings were very important to TPTB, but honestly, I think she probably had a healthy curiousity, which led her to experience it. She also deeply desired to reach for the political ambition that is her God-given vocation, and she knew attendance would give her a nice pile of political poker chips. I don't think she would have had any idea of how negative and evil the occult gatherings really are, until it was experienced. Even then, as a political player, she could not risk alienating the presidential player, Rothschild. Of course, she did anyway, which is why she now is personal non grata--that, and the fact that she has proven to be a highly effective and independent leader.
I still say that Hillary Clinton is this country's best bet to get this country back on the right track, so I hope that her colleagues of worth (admittedly, in her business and vocation, they are few), rally around her and restore her morale. I would remind her of the story of King David, as he fled a revolt led by his own sons. At that point in his life, he was already an accomplished warrior, empire builder, and king, but at one point, he had to flee for his life from his palace in Jerusalem. As he headed up the Mount, a Jerusalem citizen began cursing him, and throwing rocks at him. The general at his side wanted to run the man through with a sword, for showing such egregious disrespect, but David stopped him, saying, "I must have done something wrong. It is the Lord, acting through this man, who is throwing rocks at me." Of course, David successfully put down the revolt and returned to Jerusalem, because the alternative, that his son Absalom, who had raped his own sister, was just unbearable. I am saying that no matter what Hillary has done, take the rocks of abuse and keep moving--otherwise a rapist stands ready to wield power in your stead.
ps--Just a thought about the story of David and his rebellious son--David's problem with his malcreant son began when he refused to rebuke Absalom for raping his own half sister (David wasn't a lover of women). I am wondering if Hillary may be catching stripes and rocks because of using me as an ever ready bargaining chip (I know that she is not in complete control of everything, but I do wonder how hard she has tried to get me out of my situation. I know that the virus can kill me at any time, and I also know that I am not trustworthy because in my astral abductions, I spill everything I know, so I don't criticize her, if that is the case. However, I am her "sister" so to speak, and I am being raped on a regular basis, while my appeals for justice and relief falls on deaf ears, so I would just say, if that is the case, I forgive her. There is no use looking back on the pain of even last night...just "set your face to Jerusalem", which Jesus did on his last trip to celebrate Passover. We are always moving to our deaths, but as long as we are alive, we have got to live and forgive, fight and pray for the right and good, and that Jerusalem be God's holy city, and not some evil occultic power center. Having said that, I am tired of being used as a bargaining chip, but really, it has been so long since I have been treated as a human being, its a minor thing to me, but it may be the chip on her shoulder of which removal could release her, more than me...Just wondering....
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