Monday, May 16, 2011

Furious...I have been sold out to the MACHINE-RA again

Furious...I have been sold out to the MACHINE-RA again. I am sick and suffering every single day with migraines, extreme low energy and severe autism. I have no joy, no love of life. All I have is hope, and that just keeps getting dashed. For all that I do to expose evil, I just keep getting passed around as a bargaining chip. I can only speculate, but this time, I think my life was bargained to save the US Financial system. I think that evil French fucker Strauss-Kahn, the head of the IMF was the front man to topple our financial system, and I think the MACHINE-RA, and the Templars sacrificed him to get their hands on me. Quid pro quo. Look at his last name--Strauss--an Austrian name, and Kahn--an ancient Sirian name, literally going back to the Samajaza and his red Sith lords. Both Austria and the Kahns have had many connections to the MACHINE-RA occult. Indeed all of Europe is full of devotion to the the occult--MACHINE-RA, and a few posts ago, I showed you the Minoan statuette of Crete that is one of their ancient logos.

Let me show you another statue that is very similar: Scroll to the bottom to see the ancient Egyptian goddess Sekhmet...

Notice the same cut out waist and torso so that the boobs no longer sit on a chest, but overflow outside of it. You wonder why I go fucking nuts, because every move I make the goddamn Hathor cow boobs get in the way, since my arms no longer crest high or swing naturally from my mutilated shoulders. That woman, like the Minoan statue, is a freak, and that is what I am. Sekhmet is represented by a lioness--an emblem I already know the Templars and MACHINE-RA attribute to me. The city that she is associated with in the USA is Memphis, TN. Interestingly enough, Obama was down there today, and I am sure that this Manchurian product of the occult, managed to squeeze in a black, occult ritual, at which my sacrifice to MACHINE-RA was invoked.

WELL, I AIN'T GOING WITHOUT A FIGHT. MACHINE-RA and its occultic sychophants disgust me. I know that my two previous posts have been very subdued and "spiritual" sounding, but only to religionist ears. There is no life, no passion, no joy, no vitality, no spirit in them. Only a fucking moron would think that being 3/4's dead, because your brain and body is shutting down due to hormonal (estrogen) excess and psychotropic drugs, is an indication of a high spirit. It reminds me of the deadness in the Latin liturgy of the Roman church, and all the spiritually dead, but vociferously legalistic adherents all sit there zoned out. Well, the fucking dead religionist have got me all deadened out on psychotropics and hormones (I realized today, nobody ever talks about estrogen poisoning. I have to say estrogen poisoing is much deadlier than testerone poisoing. I would much rather deal with an agressive, domineering man that a half dead, passive woman....), and so I don't think I got my point across clearly or effectively. I take the blame. My brain isn't working right these days--estrogen poisoning.

I was trying to drop a hint to my fellow fighters against the occult and dark. I remember very few movies as a child, but the ones I do remember have all been important symbolic precursors of what my life did in fact become. So for instance, I remember an elderly woman breaking down in Cuban torture, a mother and father who sacrificed their own Vietnamese war veteran son, getting him to kill himself, and leaving his body on a curb inside two lawn trash bags. Then there was another image I always remembered. It was a WWII movie, and some undercover agent infiltrated an ultra-top-secret munitions factory that was preparing to turn out weapons which would change the face of the war. Well, of course the guy tried to sabotage the factory, but it didn't work, so there was no other way, but his ultimate solution. As Allied bomber planes flew over, he opened the huge bay roof doors, which let out the light which alerted the bombers to their precise target. I never forget--he sat there, crouched down, holding a rifle on the German workers, who told him, "you fool, you are going to die too." He never said a word that I remember--he just did his duty to his country and for the good of humanity. THAT is what I was trying to signify by no matter where I go, I open the doors of light. Does everybody get it now? If I end up assimilated to the MACHINE-RA, I will do everything in my power to destroy it, even if it means dying myself. And if I have done ANYTHING to earn the respect of the military whose recent successes are owed in no small measure to me, then I ask you to fire with everything you've got. I would rather die than live assimilated to the MACHINE-RA, and I mean that with every fiber of my being. The MACHINE-RA, and its occult spirituality are the absolute antithesis of my spiritual life, vocation, mission and purpose. I already have had a foretaste of the hell that is assimilation, and I assure you, to live the rest of my life like that would be unspeakable torture. So, now you should be clear regarding my intentions and expectations and so is the MACHINE-RA.

I have no illusions that my defiant statements are worth a lab rat's ass to the MACHINE-RA, and their remaining stalwarts and stenchment--most notably the negative Vatican hierarchs and Jesuits, and some high ranking European politicians. For MACHINE-RA has had their eyes on me for a long time. It/They are the ultimate in spiritual parasites. After my authentic conversion experience, I was immediately assaulted by what I know now were false spiritual beings. All I knew was that their presence was extremely negative AND ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LIKE THE LOVE AND JOY of the original, authentic mystical experience. I didn't know then what was the source of the torment and temptation, but I do now. The goddamned minions of the MACHINE-RA, spiritual parasites that they are, had picked up my 3 day mystical sojurn, by reading my frequency, and rushed like vultures, to feed off of and pervert my spirit. I was young, and didn't know what was going on, but I knew it was evil, and so I completely turned away from mysticism, and for the new few years I embraced rabid orthodox like waved garlic in front of a vampire--all in an attempt to stave off the negative entities and experiences that I knew had attacked me.

There are several reasons I know that this is true. First of all, during that time period, I dreamed that the devil came walking up to my door and knocked. He was dressed as a perfect gentleman, in coattails, ascot and top hat, but I looked out my window, and I could see his tritaned tail sticking out from underneath his coattails. The next morning, when I woke up, my sister, with whom I shared a bedroom told me, "You are weird. Last night, you sat straight up in bed, with your arm over your head as if you were protecting yourself, and you starting talking in this strange language that I have never heard before in my life. The only word that I could understand was 'Satan.'" Then there were the circling orbs in the sky around my house at night. They were there every night for about two weeks. I have seen those orbs recently--the day that I nearly got sucked into the MACHINE-RA, was walking up and down the alley, nearly completely disoriented from reality. Natural UFO's, with sentient beings to operate them, would not move in such repetitive, mechanical patterns. That is the behavior of a MACHINE. Even as a youngster, I knew those orbs were evil, and again, it steered me clear of mysticism for a long time.

But the MACHINE-RA followed me, wherever I led a spiritual life. I remember VIDA retreatants of my second year telling me that I was speaking poetically of "light" in my sleep. The MACHINE-RA was over southern Colorado, no doubt because of Maurice Strong, and all the spiritual energy in the alternative spiritual communities of Crestone. I lucked out the first time. My neurosis (fueled in large part by my refusal to accept my sexuality) led people to disregard me as a flake, mentally ill. Unfortunately, the second time I got involved with Crestone, I presented myself well enough to become a mark and a target for MACHINE-RA, and I have been one ever since.

It certainly doesn't help that evil occultists are helped by well-meaning, but completely deluded religionists. I have done everything possible to indicate that my vocation is NOT RELIGIOUS, IT IS THIS WORLDLY. Yes, I am a deeply spiritual person and hope my writing reflects what I believe, but to do so, first I have to be healthy and free of this virus and the autism that it creates. Secondly, I have to be ENGAGED in the world. I don't even have a pastoral or institutional church vocation. I tried it. Blech. I belong in the world, doing the work of the world, which is where salvation really lies. I keep bringing up the great mystics of the Bible, who like me, were of, and in the world--Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus, all of him struggled to earn their daily bread and lived in family life--and that includes Jesus. As for David, I would lay money that there was definitely something homoerotic between him and Jonathan.

I have been pondering the following for a long time, but I have not said anything, because it is a matter of (Christian) faith, and I really wanted to research it before I even brought up the topic. But every attempt of mine to research fails, because the MACHINE-RA keeps me so goddamned sick on drugs. However, I am absolutely certain that the MACHINE-RA was involved in the life of Jesus. Samjaza and the fallen Sirian "angels" landed in the northern moutains of Israel, and influenced Israel for centuries (even the tribe of Dan which went to Scotland and freemasonry originated in the Samjazan-MACHINE-RA influenced Israel. Galilee is in the North, and I could go through the gospels and make a case but I don't have time. The Essenes were deeply involved with and committed to MACHINE-RA, and while I believe that Jesus hung around the Essenes a while, I think he recognized their shortcomings and went his own way, finding a temporary sidekick in another MACHINE-RA rebel, John the Baptist. When Jesus was tempted, he was "taken up and shown all the cities of the world" and told that he could rule them. There is no mountain in Israel high enough for that--Jesus was tempted by the MACHINE-RA, on an alien mothership. I think Jesus rejected the MACHINE_RA, and tried to live a simple life of itenerant preaching, but the occultists wouldn't leave him alone. They knew that, in a hidden sanctuary from the First Temple, that there were artifacts (the Ark?) and knowledge that a deeply spiritual person could use to gain temporal power. (I wish I were healthy enough to develop this properly, "there is something greater than Solomon here"...}, but it frustrated them when Jesus refused. So I think that the MACHINE-RA collabarated with mind-controlled religionists to end Jesus' life. Jesus was intuitive. He knew what was going down, but he honestly felt there was no other option of spiritual honesty and integrity left. Now, I know the MACHINE-RA says that Jesus didn't really die on the Cross, but I disagree with that, again I don't have time to go into that. However, my real fear is that the MACHINE-RA, the huge spiritual parasite that it is, did revive his brain to plug it into the MACHINE-RA. I am not saying that this is true, or that this is what I believe. I honestly do not know. However, because of all the mind-control elements surrounding Jesus' life, the formation of the gospels and early Christianity, and because of the all-encompassing viciousness of the MACHINE-RA, I have to concede that there is a possiblity that Jesus' brain may have been plugged into the MACHINE, which of course, would be a horrific and terrible fate. The MACHINE-RA would have lied about the purpose of that--they would have, and do say that such sacrifice is necessary for the planetary well-being. That is bullshit. It is necessary for MACHINE-RA'S amusement.

It is terrible to contemplate that such a fate orchestrated by a parasitical, vampiric Machine befell Jesus, but it is possible, and I do believe that it is what RA has planned for me. It likes, and feeds off of deeply spiritual people--just like college boys like busty, young blondes. Well, I think it is time for the parasitical reign of MACHINE_RA to end, and I will not go willingly. And by the way, if I should physically dies on this Earth, please somebody, put a bullet through my brain, so that MACHINE-RA can't revive my brain and turn me into a psychic slave.

My future is looking grim again. You know, I really don't care what I do as work. I just want to be free. I want to be there for my children and my country, because a really glorious future awaits us, but we are in for a rough ride for awhile (and my God, think how rough it already has been). On Earth, in a physical body, perform gainful employment, with a lesbian partner to love and support me--THAT IS WHAT I AM CALLED TO DO. God will be able to work through me, but never in the miserable, drugged up, half dead spiritual somnolence that MACHINE-RA and the institutioanal church religionists think is high mysticism. It is high shit, and it stinks to high heaven. MACHINE-RA HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE LIVING GOD AND THE FULLNESS OF LIFE. So God help me--clearly I am not going to be able to live a full life witohout some help, but if circumstances kill my life, and I become fully assimilated, you can count on me to work to sabotage. It may take a while (if I am very messed up), but count on it, look for it, and nuke the goddamned MACHINE-RA, with me on it. That is the only way I know to get rid of this true scourge of the Earth.

PS--Oh by the way--check out that belly on Sekhmet. I think it represents all the nanotechnology put in my gut which not only is messing up my guts, but also my brain. My stomach hurts now, all the time. I am taking 4 HCL tabs a day just to digest food....

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