Late night revision of latest posts...I was able to figure out a lot more about the Bin Laden raid after listening to an hour of an interview with Sean David Morton, a brilliant man. I still haven't listened to the second hour, but I felt the strong need to clarify and revise what I have posted before. First of all, I have to apologize to my readers. My brain has been hormonally altered so that I cannot get enough testosterone to think clearly. I suppose everyone can have a good laugh over that, but the truth is that my brain is male and testosterone dominant, and without enough testosterone to fuel it, there is a serious lack of creativity and connections. I really am struggling to stay on top of what is going on, but my IQ has effectively been halved. Furthermore, because I feel so bad, and have lost all drive and initiative, I don't spend much time really pursuing the truth. Unfortunately, I have become very superficial in my approach to my research. There is nothing I can do about that now. I just struggle to get through my days. However, the latter point is important, because to be quite honest, I tuned out of the whole media coverage on Bin Laden, knowing it was all a crock of shit. But it is by sifting lies that one can get to the truth, and so I am on the late freight in figuring this one out. I just don't have the energy any more, so thank you Mr. Morton for lending me a big hand.
Here is my revised opinion of the Bin Laden fiasco. What we saw was a complete setup, done at the Hollywood studios by Mr. Obama during his visit on to Hollywood studios on April 20th and 21st (nice dates to film a propaganda piece with which to start WWIII). The one thing Mr. Obama can do is ACT, but let me back up a little bit.
Let me start wwith what I believe to be true. I could be wrong but I think that the famous photo in the Situatin Room was a real photo. First of all, every face in the room reflects that person's personality. Obama's pix is especially interesting as it reveals the sullen, angry look that I think is at the basic core of his disordered personality. Why would he look so dejected and sullen on a day of triumph? Because the situation that was unfolding onscreen in the room was not triumph, but a setback. However, the most telling piece of
sinformation is the figure of "Aubrey Thomason". I have seen six White Plejaran Sirians now, three males and three females, and I can tell you that "Aubrey" is one. She not only has the petite build, attractive features and ultra-fine texture of hair, but also that sense of centeredness that so deceives one into thinking that you are looking at a deeply spiritual (ie, moral and good) person. Why would an alien visitor be invited for a propaganda photo op? She wouldn't waste her time. No, Aubrey was really watching something very serious in the situation room--something in which she had a personal (Sirian) interest. She was watching the raid on the Al-Qaida command center, the real one, that took place probably around the first of the week of April 25th.
You see, the evidence still indicates to me that the Plejaran-Sirians turned on the Templars, for whatever reason. The dates indicate that the AF440 flight crash boxes were found around the 24th-25th, but I suspect that they were found a little earlier, and with the help of Sirian technology, we cracked the IP address that was the source of the rogue cabal's Al-Qaida command center. The reason I say this was that Hillary Clinto was out of the office for the first 3 or 4 days of Easter week. Apart from her daughter's wedding, Hillary doesn't take vacations. I have learned through observant experience, that when she is out of the public eye, VERY INTENSE STUFF is going on behind the scenes. This range of dates roughly corresponds to the disappearance of the Templars from my neighborhood. I do not know how successful this raid on Al-Qaida/Templars/Faction2 was, but judging by Obama's expression, it was at least somewhat successful.
Of course, he already was prepared for it. He knew that the crash boxes had been found, and that it was only a matter of time before they revealed their secrets. He was sliding in the polls, out of control of any power, and on the defensive regarding his birth certificate, so he and his occult and cabal buddies got together, and decided to do something proactive--to get Bin Laden. Now of course, Bin Laden has been dead for years, but I do believe that his brother was living in conjugal relation of leveirate marriage, with his widows in the wealthy compound of Abbotabad. Was there a real raid on this compound? I think so. Although the brother was only nominally a threat, his death made good PR, and so I do believe that the SEALS carried out a raid and killed the brother of Bin Laden. Now of course, this raid had absolutely zero impact on the war on terror, as there was nothing really happening from this brother. But Obama and the cabal (and that includes the Faction 2/Templars) had ulterior motives for the raid, beside the most obvious of Obama claiming the staged false flag operation as a heroic victory for himself.
First of all, I wonder about that downed helicopter--was it deliberately targeted shot down by prepared and waiting RPG's in order to provide our cutting edge technology to our enemies, most notably China and Pakistan? Was that the price Obama and the cabal negotiated with the Pakistani government in order to allow the raid? For you see, I think that elements of the Pakistani govt. (if there is such a thing--who can say that there is a definitive Pakistani central authority?) knew that the raid was going to take place, because they are conspirators in anticipated results of the raid--escalating hostilities withe China/Pakistan versus the USA, so that WWIII erupts. I researched Pakistan, and that truly is a failed state, with murder and assassination being routine (I think the current president of Pakistan was in on th murder his own wife, Benazir Bhutto). Members of the military and government is wildly corrupt having made millions and tens of millions from the American taxpayer. In short, I don't think they care if they go to war or not; I think they would welcome it, escpecially since China stands behind their every move promising whatever (I know there is hardly a Pakistani politician who gives a damned about his country or people, but I invite you to look at how the Chinese treat Muslims, and ask if that is what you want for your country in a Chinese run world). Tensions certainly have risen between Pakistan and the US since the raid, and probably that contributed to the upper hand that the Chinese brought to the negotiations on Monday, which not only reinstated the Templars (what happened to the Plejaran Sirians?), but also has left me a bargaining chip once more.
I do want to say that while I do believe the raid took place, and Bin Laden's brother died, that I believe the footage we Americans have seen ad nauseaum for the last week was actually an elaborate studio shoot, probably at Sony. Just like we really went to the moon, but the public saw a Stanley Kubrick shoot (because the cabal doesn't want us to know what is really on the moon), the footage we saw was all Hollywood. Morton brought up the point (that even someone as knowledgeable as myself didn't know) that Japan has billions, and maybe trillions of missing pension funds. MacArthur set up a parallel social security system that every Japanese worker pays 6% of their paycheck for retirement. The only thing is, similar to what is happening here, the cabal has been skimming and even stealing those retirement funds, and now it is at a crisis point, a fact glossed over by the recent HAARP induced tsunami and its results. It is similar to Donald Rumsfeld casually mentioning that 4 trillion dollars were missing from the Pentagon's audited buget--the day before 9/11! Just think--4 trillion-that is nearly a fourth of our national debt lopped off...
These shenanigans make me sick, but especially when it is done by a traitor in league with alien and domestic enemies. Morton suspects the complicity of Japanes Sony execs in the propaganda footage. Why? My guess is that the Templars/cabal--who are absolutely flush with cash and gold, after centuries of theft, counterfeiting, and double dealing (I wouldn't be surprised if that is where the 4 trillion is--remember they have computer codes that can crack any computer--that amount could have been spirited away by cybertech), offered to offset some of the huge retirement deficits that the Japanese government now faces.
So people, back to square one, either WWIII or more Knights Templar/cabal/Obama leadership. I am getting sick of it. Apparently he is getting sick of me. Not only do I think he made a call to set up some flagrant fouls on an NBA game that I was watching (which is really petty, but it shows where his skill set is), but I also learned he visited a town near me today. It could be coincidence, but I wonder if he was meeting with local Templars. I am sure that he would like for me to meet the same end as dear old Grandma, Donald Young, his dog trainer, and a whole host of others. Drudge--which often fronts for the cabal, ran an article about a pesky mountain lion shot to death. You can really telll what the cabal wants to put out by reading Drudge--for example, when the Nazis were fighting the cateyed sirians, there was a whole spate of articles on dogs attacking cats. I don't have time deconstruct Drudge or any media, but I do know the Templars see me as a lion. I know and am aware of how easy it would be to kill me. I don't care. I believe in THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, AND THE RESURRECTIONS, and when I die, I believe I go to a better place. As long as I live I will attempt to affirm the truth and improve the lives of not only my fellow Americans, but of the whole world, and indeed the whole big sea that is this univers....
Now, I gotta get to that second hour of Morton
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
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