Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Autistic to the point of psychosis

Autistic to the point of psychosis--cant even watch tv--moving images and especially faces freak me out. Hard to surf web because i focus so much on the images to tell me things. Mostly typing with eyes shut--feels better to be in totally in the dark. literally, not figuratively. I think i have figured out so much of what has been happening but i am too sick to write about it. I have all but ran out of testosterone, and weh i went to refill it, i spent all day in bed, under three wool blankets with a space heater on hi--i was freezing cold. even to the touch, my body flet like it was outside in snow and not in side in may. without testeroreione i am fucked. body literally cannot function. bought some herbal stuff, but i can already tell it was a wate of one hundred forty dollars (easier to type by touch than to open eyes fto find numbers). It just isnt going to give me the energyictic boost i need. i could be in a lot of trouble because without testostererone, i leratlaly go into sicotic state. niot worried about that though. more worried too sick to write.

i guess people have figured out what i knew all -knights templar, faction 2, not to be trusted. i could have told anyone that, if they had just asked. i also was very close to connecting to them to the af440 air crash, though only tentatively till al-quaida. there are good people affiliated with KT--they are duped. I wonder if raye and co. know that they have been unwitting tools of cointelpro for a long time. i know they would be pissed, but i never trusted kt. They, along with the sirians are the ones who have mutilated my body. why? because they want a feminine avatar and consort for their god RA--you can call it a sun god if you want, but really it is a front for a machine, who like to get into peop-le's holographic memories and play. It likes females, since as the ultimate control freak and domineering bully, it wants to experience life as the other sex. Sorry, to all good men out there--it has been a long time since i encountered any. as a matter of fact i bet it was patri9archal men in the military who sold me out to the sirians/RA/knights templar in exchange for a temporary alliance. bet you were surprised as hell at what u found n bin ladens lair. im not. i strongly suspected it all along, and i could write it all out, drawing it for you if i wasnt so fucked up....
anyway, with the sirians gone, the reptilian/orion stenchmen have moved back in. went to dr. today, and the goddamned pigs had people there drawing my blood. i was so sick i wasnt even aware of it till afterward when i started thinking about the weird bive i got. my blood looks thick, viscous and nearly black with the virus. They nearly koilled me today. got an infection. bad. can feel it in lymph nodes. but they want to keep me alive. point of virus is to become a host/"possessed by" reptilian evil entity--not to die from it. they are more liekely to kill me--esp now that i dont have testosterone to stave off psychosis. do0nt care anyumore. cant wathc tv, but i can still listen to music and prayh to God, who is my only hope right now (and the good Pleiadian aliens--I gotta watch it--been badmouthing aliens bother in writing and verbally but the only thing that is going ot save us from bad aliens (and their evil and/or duped hecnchmen) are the good aliesn. i know they are out there. will i be alive when they get here? gota be careful---if i die RA resurrects m
y brain and has a field day in it for aeons. NOT. PLEASE GOD NO. GOT TO PRAY.. NOTHING ELSE TO HELP ME.

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