All those looking to ascend, be very, very careful, for the whole concept of "Ascension" has been promulgated by dark and deceptive forces. Yes, I think it will happen, but a lot of the current demand for Ascension is fueled and pushed by the Salusa contingent crowd. I don't think that aliens who would so grievously disrepect my free will can be trusted to honor the free will of another. Just a heads up: If you ascend into the entourage of the Salusa contingent, yu may spend the rest of your incarnate life as a slave and/or lab rat. I know I spoke of Ascension yesterday, wondering and worrying about whether or not my children will ascent. I believe that it will happen sooner or later, if not soon, then maybe in a hundred years, but it will happen because my DNA is fated to go to the Pleiades. (This is not bragging; this is just my discernment and interpretation of what I know--and by the way, just as I sat on the Buena Vista story for 25 years, I sit and "ponder in my heart" on a lot of things, mostly because I don't know how it is possible for them to turn out). It could be a very mundane seeding--after all, I may still have thousands of frozen eggs somewhere, that may be used in a bargaining trade that end up in the Pleiades. Ultimately, it doesn't matter. I say what I have always said: "God's will be done--one way or another". In God's own time, God makes the impossible happen. I related the story yesterday of my experience at Buena Vista, because I believe it shows how God works. At the time, the experience made no sense, except in the sense that God always talked to me, metaphorically, using the dialogues and scenes found in the Scripture which I read every day, but my inner self, in relation with the Holy Spirit and inner voice, "knew" the truth, and on occasion that truth would reveal itself, as it did in Buena Vista.
What the receiver of grace and spirit has to do, is not get caught up in the how or why, but live each day discerning for, and trusting in God's Will. My favorite example is of St. Francis hearing God say, "Go rebuild my Church." Francis didn't know what that meant or where to start, so he went to an outlying decayed and abandoned chapel, and started rebuilding the bricks and mortar of the chapel with his bare hands. That was not what God meant. but it was an honest and sincere, if inauspicious beginning of the great and numerous Franciscan charism and order. Of course, God was speaking metaphorically, and Francis, who never set out to be a priest, theologian, or even a saint, kept hie heart daily tuned to God, and slowly and eventually fulfilled his mission, a truly great rebuilding of a corrupt Church.
As much suffering and oppression as I have endured in my life, I mostly have led a life of joy, because I always knew that God would make things happen, as long as I was faithful. I do believe that I have been faithful, even though it has entailed a repudiation of much of the institutional Church deadwood, and an insistence on living out a non-celbiate lesbian sexuality. When I was about 25, I wondered if God meant for me to have a physical child, but a little bit of prayer quickly dissuaded me of that idea, and so I just trusted in God's promise to be fulfilled in whatever manner God wished, and went on my way, and what do you know--God ended up fulfilling the promise through a cabal of evil, rotten Nazis, who stole my eggs while I was under surgical anasthesia. Of course, people might be inclined to say that it was effortless on my part, but I assure you, the suffering, drugging, and brain damage that I endured both before and after the sugery were not effortless. I have had to work to maintain the faith, especially now that I have lost the joy that comes from living out a spiritual life, for my spiritual life has been coopted and oppressed, first by satanic, and now, luciferian forces.
I also knew that my vocation was to fight evil, and in the years when I worked at small-time jobs, I made it a point to live every day to the fullest, praying for people I encountered, and working to always become a bigger, fuller and better person (which for me is a neverending project--especially given the challenges that autism pose for me). I was fine in my station of life, thinking that I was fighting evil in the most mundane of ways, as best I could, even though I wondered if that was what God had in mind, but again, what do you know, I keep the faith and God finds a way. All I had to do was be faithful to my own self identity and to God's will. Again, it wasn't effortless. I forced myself to hold on to the truth even when every single person around me, including my family, doctors, and acquaintances, were drumming into my head that I was mentally ill. There have been days and weeks in the past few years, in which I have been so sick that I could barely function, but I forced myself to read, research, discern, and write, as often as possible, and what do you know, grace and God turned my efforts into tangible results.
So now, I face another evil. Being a Star Trek watcher, I call it "assimilation" (to the MACHINE-RA). Salusa & the negative Sirians call it "Ascension". They have a lot of people duped, a lot of good people, and I fear that many may become entrapped in their slavery in the near future. Neutrally speaking, "ascension" is interdimensional travelling. Humans don't need 12 strands of DNA for this, if they put forth the spiritual effort (which admittedly has been historically rare, though deliberately practiced by spiritual seekers for centuries in such places as Tibet and India). I must insist that such interdimensional travelling is NOT holiness or evidence of a positive and healthy spiritual attainment (though it certainly is an ADVANCED spiritual TECHNIQUE). For years, I would have cautioned a spiritual aspirant to stay away from that stuff. Instinctively I knew that this world and area of the cosmos is dominated by evil, and I would fear that anyone who is engaged in such interdimensional travelling, would be at high risk of being swallowed up by negative entities of tremendous spiritual power. Now however, I think that humanity and this planet is moving into an era in which such interdimensional travelling can become more accepted and practiced, whereas before it was extremely rare. HOWEVER, the caution still applies. There ARE negative entities out there looking to kidnap and possess souls. The planet is NOT ready for a wholesale practice of interdimensional travelling. Even more immediately, there is extreme danger of such interdimensional travelling right now--the negative entity looking to snap up souls is the MACHINE-RA, and even though their henchmen, the Nazis/Templars bunch, have been neutralized, they still have thousands, if not tens of thousands of drones and quasi-drones plugged into the MACHINE-RA. They accomplish it by DNA changes which allows the MACHINE_RA to interface with the human mind, so that every thought, feeling, and emotion (if there are any--part of being plugged in, means losing emotion), is recorded and analyzed by the MACHINE-RA. By the way, I believe the negative Sirians are plugged into the MACHINE-RA, and they are among its front rank troops and recruiters.
I resisted the MACHINE-RA for years, but now I am a quasi-drone myself. Deep inside, my spirit and soul is free, and ardently clings to God through faith, but my minds and emotions are now more linked to the MACHINE, compromising my ability to function, love, and relate as a apiritual person. Outwardly drones appear compliant with reality to the point of being blissed out. It is a false state of alienation. One is actually separated from the mind and the feeling function, in a weird kind of alienation. I know, because that is what has happened to me, along with the loss of my usual ability to think well or make instant and accurate judgments. This came about when the negative Sirians placed the virus into my right hemisphere. All I can suppose is that I am much more heavily right brain than most, due to my autism, but they have successfully placed me in the highly alientated, unfeeling state. (So, if you pick up a strange tone in my writings, you know why--still I think that WHAT I am writing is solid; it is the alienated, etheral, "unreal" tone that comes from the MACHINE-RA.
So, why did God allow this to happen? I don't know for sure. I have several theories, but I don't want to go into them right now. I DO know that this would not have happened if God did not plan to work good through it, just as God would never have let my eggs be removed if God did not will it. You see, my inner voice (which is the Holy Spirit of God) warns me a lot of times, when the cabal is planning something, but it said not a word to me, while blood was being drawn, even though outside cues were available to alert me. So I can only conclude that God must have wanted me to experience this feeling of being plugged into MACHINE-RA. It is not a good feeling. I am walking about like a zombie. The brain does not work, and finds difficulty in thinking. I have no feeling. I can't even listen to music. I am alienated from reality and my true self, but I am aware of that--just unable to do anything about it. I can tell you that even if God wishes me to become a productive writer in the future, that this virus will have to disappear, because I cannot write in a fruitful manner in this state--I am a zombie.
When the MACHINE-RA first put implants me, during a nightly abduction decades ago, they left me with an evil spirit of deception that has caused me a lot of grief, especially because it is operative at night, and religionist Christians misinterpret the channeling that comes through this evil spirit of deception. I have been aware of it, and so for years, have constantly worked to purify and double check the uncensored thoughts that flit through my mind. Now, I face the prospect that the evil spirit of deception may be working through me more consciously. If I ever suspected it, I would say so, but to be on the safe side, but let the reader be extra discerning as well.
I do want to reiterate that the Ascension as practiced by Salusa&company is a highly negative and enslaving process, but I am HOPING that the Pleiadians are coming to help find a home for the Sirian refugees. I know what I think of Salusa, but despite the tremendous damage he has done to me, I feel sorry for him. I can only guess at the suffering he has endured in his incarnate presence. If he ends up in the custody of American authorities, I would hope that justice be done, but really think the Pleiadians are better qualified to pass judgment. I hope they find a home for the positive Sirians, and I wonder if some interdimensionally travelling humans might go with them. This is the "ascension" I alluded to in my previous post. If it is true, then all I can wish is that each person makes a careful and deep decision. I wish all the best.
As for me, even though the virus is much more devastating now, don't worry too much about me. It was only allowed to be implanted, because God willed it. I was autistic for much of my early life, and I can survive being so again. Should I end up in the maw of the beast (my dreams indicate a greater level of assimilation than before), remember, that no matter how badly my outer self should be compromised, my inner soul and spirit will always serve God and the good. No matter where I am, I look to open the doors to the light. Look for it.
Monday, May 16, 2011
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