Tuesday, May 31, 2011


FUCKING GODDAMNED SIRIAN PIGS AND THEIR MACHINE-RA LORD ARE MAKING MY LIFE FUCKING MISERABLE WITH THEIR GODDAMNED FEMALE HORMONES. I am so miserable in my own body. I keep gaining weight and no longer fit in clothes--gaining weight because of the goddamned fucking estrogen which literally has me fantasizing about shredding my goddamned arms. I am so miserable in my body, no one can imagine what it is like to have no shoulders, no neck, a huge ouversidzed belly and ass, and no fucking torso, just fucking cow boobs. Then on top of all that, i am sticky wet. I just want my miserable life over with NOW, DAMMIT. NOW, DAMMIT. Fucking pigs dont get the goddamned message---last nite they assaulted me in my room--think they were going to have fun doing spooky stuff. i am not afraid of them, i just despise them. them and their stupidass expectation that I am therese of liseux. you dumb fucks i am nothing like her. i am not even a female, and notyhing you FUCKING ASSHOLES DO WILL MAKE ME ONE. YOU JUST MAKE ME A FAT MISERAB LE SLUG . CONGRATULATIONS. WHAT GREAT CREATOR GODS YOU ARE, YOU SICK, HATING PIGS. GO TO HELL, WHEERE YOU FUCKING BELONG. I WONT EVER BE RA'S CHILD BRIDE. I AM TOO GODDAMNED HIP TO THE GAME, AND EVEN IF I WASNT SURE OF THE SPECIFICS, I HAVE BEEN HIP TO YOUR LUCIFERIAN GAME FROM THE BEGGINNING. NEED TO KNOCK OUT SO I AM NOT IN THE GODDAMED BODY

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