Reptiles, Ra, Rothschild, and me--or how I am being prepped for slavery, as part of an evil, NWO agenda. This will be a post linked to a previous one in which I mentioned the contents of two internet postings--one by Ra-el, and one by Abeldanger (check previous posts to link to url's).
First of all, let me say that all of America (and indeed, the world), dodged another huge bullet on Sunday, when the Patriot Leadership Team, under the inspiration, actions, and authority of Hillary Clinton, were once again, able to penetrate and arrest the "sleeper cell" of the 113 missing Americans from the 9/11 flights. These 113 sleepers were the hidden fifth column of MACHINE-RA's shock troops, looking to spread chaos and a devastating magnitude of death by a bioweapon of terror. The fact that they failed can be verified not only by my own intuitions and readings of the past few days, but by the most recent post from Salusa (the ringleader of the negative Sirian alien faction), in which he says that the mass world-wide apocalyptic death that he had been prophesying, had been averted (yeh right, no thanks to you), and would not take place. For a brief period, I was joyful, and set a beautiful rainbow as my desktop background, in hopes that the worst was over. It is not, as indicated by the incredible pain and estrogen blasts that I am experiencing, as well as Obama's revitalized grin. What has happened has been the decrease of Faction 2, only to swing power back to Faction 1--the Rothschilds.
Before I attempt to explain how this sleeper cell was exposed, let me first begin by explaining who these sleepers were. You may recall from my previous posts that I was musing on what had happened to the reptiles, in the seeming power ascendancy by MACHINE-RA. I wondered if these reptiles had been assimilated by MACINE-RA. Well, the short answer is that, yes the reptiles are still around, fomenting suffering and evil on this planet, and yes, they have been assimilated by MACHINE-RA. I know this, because I have identified at least two CLEAR representatives of these MACHINE-RA-assimilated reptiles. As a matter of fact, when I captured a screen shot of them together in a video, the first thought that came to mind was "''V' (as in the TV show) reptiles". I now believe that the alien ships on their way to Earth, hidden behind comet Elennin are home to these "V reptiles".
Now, I am not in good health today, and I am on some psychotropic drug, so despite the fact that my mind is moving to make sense of meandering mental images and ideas, I want to stay tightly focussed in this post. Let me just say that there are various alien factions, various reptile factions (and a mighty clash between the two biggies of reptiles is slowly unfolding), and various human sycophant factions involved. To muddy the waters of understanding even further, there are multiple human factions associated with these various and sundry alien factions. However the two biggies of the human factions are best postulated ed as Faction 1, which is traditionally identified as the "old school reptilians" the Draco/Orion reptiles or Annunaki, traditional European royalty (non-Merovingian), and of course, the preening head of this faction, the Rothschild family. Faction 2 is identified with the occult worship of MACHINE-RA, Knights Templars, the Sirian aliens and Merovingian royalty/leading occult politicians pushing for a dominant united NWO Europe. To make matters more complicated, there is continous fluid and dynamic shifting among these various factions.
From an alien perspective, I consider it to be a jousting in a hierarchy of demonic hell. I use Dante's imagery of 9 circles of hell, with the rudy poo demons of hell being given access to the relatively weak spirits of the 1st circle, while the real titans of the demons (negative aliens) all look to plant their flag in the 9th circle of hell, where the really powerful spirits are. I am a 9th circle spirit. That is why I suffer so much--ALL factions of the demonic (negative aliens) want me, to possess me and drain me of my energy to wax their own 3D and 4D presence and power. Now, at this point, I am not possessed. Despite the presence of a very powerful evil spirit in me (from Draco or Orion, I think), and years of infection by both reptilian shape-shifting and MACHINE-RA virus (MACHINE-RA, while not a sentient evil being, enjoys sampling the mind of the powerful spirits), I have managed to compartmentalize these evil spirit. Still, it can be called forth in nightly astral abductions, and probably is what is responsible for the suffering I endure--for the most powerfully evil beings on Earth, and in alien interdimensionality want to claim, and open up that evil spirit within me last night. That is why I was screaming in agony last night. The human factions of evil are desperately trying to push the virus so that I shape shift, or become possessed by the evil spirit, and by doing so, they created excruciating and unbearable pain in my head from the implants. The Knights Templars and negative Sirians DID successfully claim me a while back, but now I think the Rothschilds have joustled for primary dibs on me. In the final result, it doesn't matter, not only because subjectively speaking, my suffering is the same--no matter which faction triggers it, but also because should I become completely POSSESSED by this powerful evil spirit, it won't matter to me which flag flutters. I will be in the 9th circle of hell, and the 9th circle of hell is the most horrifying place in all of reality in which to find oneself, no matter which flag flies. As a side note, let me say that I don't think I belong to the objective, demonic hell right now, because according to my current philosophical understanding, (which could change drastically with the constant revolutions of knowledge that I experience), my free will, which still is operative in my conscious life, clings to God, faith and the holy. What transpires in the conscious life and springs from the choices of free will are the most important elements in determining one's true spiritual state and place. However I am indeed, in an existential or figurative hell, because I cannot break free of the evil spirit, that like Hades with Persephone, abducts me to the nethermost regions at night, and which seriously and destructively impacts the circumstances of my conscious life as well.
Now, while I do not want to get into an analysis of the various evil alien factions, I have termed the 113 sleepers from 9/11 as "V reptiles." By this, I mean that I recognize the human forms to be POSSESSED BY evil reptilian spirits, and that furthermore, they are highly predatory and malignant towards the human race. Now, because the sleeper threat already has been neutralized, I just want to quickly sketch my understanding and impressions of them. Their experience does have a relevance to me and others.
First of all, the 113 sleepers were identified by the bloggers, which is a highly intelligent and analytical team of two, whose ideas and research have furthered my understanding on several issues, most notably 9/11. In the blog post that I linked previously, they explained how 113 Americans--from the various flights of 9/11--were secretly renditioned to Guyana to fit them out with brand new American identities, after which they could return to work as sleepers for the destruction of the US, and indeed the world. You see, the four planes that were "destroyed" on 9/11 actually were not. I have always read various Internet postings about this, but could never understand them. Now it is more clear. There were all kinds of idiosyncrasies about the flights and physical planes, because 2 of the 4 flights never even crashed. It was a missile that destroyed the Pentagon, and the PA downed aircraft was a sacrificial dummy--probably a derelict craft that the airline decided to wreck. Throughout the years I have read reports from the Internet, of witnesses recognizing the so-called Flight 93 aircraft in hidden hangers--they were able to identify the craft by the unique tail number. I refer the reader to the abeldanger post and other sites and posts regarding flight inconsistencies, but basically, the planes (quite possibly all four of them) were hijacked before the Muslim terrorists wielded their boxcutters. Likely, they landed, and some unfortunate passengers met their death at the hands of rogue black ops forces and bullets. The planes that successfully flew into the WTC were guided by the rogue software of Faction 2/Knights Templar/al-Qaida that I have mentioned before. The reason the plans would have been hijacked before completing their mission was to remove the high value 113 sleepers, who were then renditioned to Guyana and outfitted with new identities as American citizens to be returned to this country for sleeper terrorist work for the negative cabal. Some individuals who were booked on this flight, and there are websites detailing that only about (I am going from memory) about 20-25% of the total passengers who died on those flights sought wrongful death compensation, or are even listed at a highly accurate Social Security Index for the deceased (check the web for that info).
Now, the reason that 9/11 worked so well, was that the two human factions actually came together to work on this plan--both Faction 1 and Faction 2. Both factions gained from it, financially, politically, and strategically. You see, as I said in my last major posting--the reptiles as independent agents seem to have lost their strong position of dominance, and I think it is because they have been assimilated by MACHINE-RA as well. Now remember, what I said, MACHINE-RA doesn't care who gets its patronage and commission to regent the Earth as its most favored human agents--may the most rotten, evil sons of bitches win (as a matter of fact, I wonder if the ancient Atlantis-Lemuria conflict was spurred by competition to gain MACHINE-RA's favor....) So, all of the evil Faction players are jostling, competing, and murdering, in order to plant their flag in the 9th circle of hell. Unfortunately, MACHINE-RA is now positioned to cast much of the planet and humanity into this hell, because of technological advances, such as the virus affecting me, genetically modified food, chemtrails, space beam weapons that can cause destructive weather or subliminally impact dreaming minds. All of this works to destroy the individuality and free will of humans and turn us into slave drones of a collectivist hive.
For scores of years, if not centuries, the MACHINE-RA of old was able to keep the population of Egypt mind-controlled through the technology of the energy weapons grounded by the pyramids and the Ark that Moses stole, when he liberated the Israelites. Then, for the last few millenia, MACHINE-RA'S crude weapon of choice has been the mind-control religions, keeping people alienated from their bodies and true spirituality, as well as miring them in guilt and competitive destruction (my God is better than yours...) Now, MACHINE-RA has so many more options. However, the absolutely most important and effective tool possessed by MACHINE-RA continues to be the human agents that agree to serve its agenda, thus selling out their own fellow humans to a life of spiritual slavery, physical ill health, and emotional misery. MACHINE-RA has no lack of willing and potential human partners, although some of them may be good people who have been overwhelmed or duped and deceived by MACHINE-RA'S machinations. This can happen, because human society lives in a deliberately mendacious world of illusion and delusion. Only a few of us can penetrate the lies to even begin to approach the truth, and evil always flourishes when the truth is hidden. To me, that is the true meaning of the word, "occult"--the evil that flourishes when the real truth is hidden.
The occult was well represented on 9/11, and that includes the 113 sleepers. Well, I barely began to research these 113 missing people, when I was hit by the realization that these people were all of the occult. They were clearly plugged into MACHINE-RA, and some of them had parents that were plugged in adherents as well! From video of interviews with the "survivors", I could tell that they were lying--almost in a smirking kind of way ("I know a secret you don't know").
I used the same criteria for judgment that I have always used--looking at photos for evidence of cranial manipulation so that the ears are positioned higher than normal, and of course the tell tale bright, glassy, but fixated and unreceptive eyes. Just for starters, I invite the reader to check out pictures of two of the sleepers--Christine Snyder and Deora Bodley. While you are at it, check out photos of a couple of family members as well: Derrill Bodley and Jack Strong. These people came from generationally occultic (luciferian) families!
If that was not enough, there was further evidence--of the two first sleepers that I began to research, I found in their posted obituaries, repeated referrals to "the light." I have not stated this before, but a philosophical tenet of MACHINE-RA is that of "light". Thus, we get the "Illuminati" and "Lucifer" who is an angel of "light". I haven't brought it up before, because I have been waiting for an opportunity to do a lay, but informed exegesis of the gospel of John (it remains my favorite gospel), which I believe to be canonical and true, but which has been influenced by the cult of MACHINE-RA. I think the gospel of John was probably written by a disciple who once had affiliated with the MACHINE-RA cult, the Essenes, but who had renounced the angel of light to follow the teachings of Jesus. However, I have all these ideas that I doubt I ever will find time or energy to develop fully, so I bring it up now. The point I want to make today is that a multitude of references and examples make it clear that MACHINE-RA is indeed Lucifer, the angel of light, and that is how both he and his followers presents and packages themselves. Thus Deora Bodley is described in her hometown newspaper obituary as "she was such a bright light." It goes on to say that her "favorite book was the "Lathe of Heaven" in which dreams become reality." Now I have read that book, and it is a good book, but the dreamtime that this writer is referring to is the plugged in state. The Honolulu Advertiser waxed that Christine Snyder was "such a presence of light." You can look up other "obituaries" of these sleepers--I guarantee that you will find all of them larded with references to the light.
At this point in my research, I was beginning to feel confident that these sleepers were all identified with Faction 2 and MACHINE-RA. Then I came across a photo and some video which complicated matters and proved to me that reptilians are assimilated to MACHINE-RA as well. Look at this photo of Heather Ross Ogle, a "survivor of Flight 93, and see if you can tell what immediately drew my attention:
It is her hands. Now to the lay reader, it may look like she has unusually large, but not necessarily abnormal hands, but I am not a lay person in this matter. A few months ago, I posted a writing about the abnormal length in the ring fingers of both Maurice Strong and a younger generation Rothschild (David? Nathanael?--he had reddish, curly hair). I had become interested in the matter of finger length, ever since one morning I had woken up and found my own ring finger noticeably diminished--the first of many such mutilations. I know, from pictures of me in my youth, that my longer ring finger was natural. I was conceived an XY male, and a longer ring finger is a sign of high testosterone. However, my mutilated, chopped off finger sparked interest in what caused the fingers of M Strong and the younger Rothschild to abnormally extend, and I researched further. The only other person in whom I had seen that was in a photo of Jack Parson's widow. While I cannot remember her name, I do recall that she was a slim, glam femme--nothing high testosterone about her at all!
Jack Parsons, of course, was the co-founder of Jet Propulsion laboratories (aka Jack Parsons laboratories). I think his true brilliance (and it was an evil brilliance) lies more in the realm of occult discovery than in his scientific abilities, which I think were hugely fueled and augmented by his encounters with and knowledge of the occult. I have a strong hunch that it was his occult experiments that created rifts in the space-time fabric, and led to contact with the Grays. He "died" (I don't think so) in close temporal proximity to the crash of Roswell, and I suspect that he then went to a rogue government site to work further with interdimensional Grays. Actually Jack Parsons and his wife engaged in ritual acts of "Sex Magick". Now 99% of references to occult or "Magick" sex are bullshit, but in the case of Jack Parsons, as well as his mentor, Aleister Crowley, I believe this to be profoundly true,
As this blog's title, and I keep pointing out, spirituality is intimately linked to spirituality. That is why Hans Kolvenbach attempted to astrally rape me to orgasm--to gain control of my mind so that it would "plugin" to MACHINE-RA. When serious disciples of the occult have "MAGICK sex", they are attempting to open themselves up interdimensionally, and on occasion, they are sometimes successful. Because their hearts are not pure, and they are in pursuit of occult knowledge to serve and empower themselves, the interdimensional presence they experience is not of God, but of evil, specifically EVIL REPTILES. Now, Parsons and Crowley may have encountered Grays in their occult practices, but I think that was a case of Gray slaves doing the work of their reptilian masters (always remember that most small Greys have hive minds--they are generational slaves not only of MACHINE-RA, but of the reptiles as well). I think another very important aspect of ritual or "magick" sex is the release of sex hormones.
Now, I think it is well documented that the Reptiles are milking us for our hormonal secretions, unlike MACHINE-RA, which just "'loves' us for our minds". While the reptiles enjoy and manipulate our sexual actions and hormones, MACHINE-RA just uses them to better reprogram our minds. Thus, part of the purpose of the virus is to cause a natural release of excessive amounts of sex hormones (which might be why so many of us suffer from adrenal fatigue. This not only creates more feed for the reptiles, but also the excessive hormonal release draws us into a sexually aroused interdimensional state, whether that of aware sexual activity or IN OUR SLEEP. Christians, most notably Paul in 1 Corinthians 6, talks about the importance of a believer not joining with a prostitute (in ritual or sacred sex) because to do so is to become yoked, or "bound" to the prostitute. Now, temporarily, this is true on a physical level, but more importantly this is true on a spiritual level, because of the close and powerful relationship between sexuality and spirituality. For this reason, ritualized sex has been part of satanic and luciferian worship from time immemorial. For the reptiles use the hormonally and sexually aroused state "to sidebust" into our dimension. If the sexual practitioner is focussed only on his or her pleasure (no love, i.e. sacredness of commitment is involved), or if they are actively trying to invoke the interdimesional entities, they have a very good chance of yoking to a an interdimensionally "sidebusting" reptile. However, because the reptiles are so much more spiritually powerful than us, they not only yoke to us temporarily, but their evil spirit can literally take up abode in the residence of our flesh. Even worse, a temporary yoking of the human flesh to interdimensional reptiles, can lead, in people with the heavy reptilian DNA, to POSSESSION by reptiles.
This is what the reptiles, and their human agents (now Rothschild) are trying to do to me IN MY SLEEP. As mentioned Kolvenbach raped me in my sleep, (after clitorally excising me). I was vaginally dry to the point of pain for something like 2 or 3 days. I have always suffered from vaginal dryness. I enjoyed sex when I was sexually active, but I was a frequent user of artificial lubrication. I'm naturally dry because of my high testosterone. Well, the evil occultists constantly learn, adapt, and experiment on us lab rats. They went into my brain, and switched their implants so that my natural brain wiring went from testosterone dominance to estrogen dominance. They nearly killed me, because my brain needs high levels of testosterone for even the most basic of physical functions, not to mention the higher cognitive and emotional functions. Estrogen dominance also creates a hateful, negative energy and mood state in me, instead of my usual high-energy, cheerful self. It just is not the way God designed me or that I developed. Period. So now, through the use of the viral implants, the evil entities DO release higher levels of testosterone. Of course, it is not enough, but I try to avoid synthetic supplementation, because any testosterone automatically triggers an increased estrogen release, which REALLY FUCKS ME UP. It is the excess estrogen that makes me angry, autistic, semi-psychotic, etc. I know when large amounts of estrogen are being released. Not only is the mood change immediate and recognizable to me, but there is the physical symptomatology as well. I come down with nausea and painful migraines. I get the post-nasal drip into my mouth and throat, and (forgive me, I'm reticent about this matters), I get vaginally wet! I am not sexually aroused. I am just wet. I HATE THAT FEELING. The way I feel about it, is that if there is not a beautiful woman laying next to me, I SURE AS FUCK DON'T WANT TO BE WET, GODDAMNED IT!!!! Now remember, my natural state of vaginal lubrication is minimal. That is what has been normal for me for 50 years, and that is being vaginally dry (except in cases of arousal) feels natural, healthy, and GOOD to me.
Anyway, ever since the goddamned negative Sirians switched my brain to estrogen dominance, I have awakened in the middle of the night with pounding sick migraines and nausea, as well as a wet vagina. While the estrogen dominance has caused me to be more wet than normal, and sometimes when the viral implants fire, I can literally feel the immediate increase of wetness, but what is happening at night is beyond all my experience. I am DRIPPING wet. I hate to be frank about this, but I am an adult and I hope everyone reading this is, and what is happening to me is important in understanding how the reptiles and MACHINE-RA are taking possession of so many good people. Now understand one thing--I may be dripping wet, but I am NOT sexually aroused. The only thing I can focus on when I wake up in that state is the pain and nausea of the migraines. Lucky me! One feminine trait I do possess is coming down with a bad headache when I DON'T WANT SEX! Chuckles aside, what is happening to me (and no doubt, to many others) is scary stuff. MACHINE-RA is partnering with the reptiles to use the viral implants to trigger excessively heavy releases of sex hormones that cause sexual excitation. No doubt this is accompanied in many people by MACHINE-RA technology which implants sexualized imagery as dreams. This has not happened to me, I think because I really in touch with both the images from my own psyche as well as my own sexuality. However, most people are not as sophisticated in their self-awareness as myself, and while they unsuspectingly sleep and dream, the reptiles are sidebusting in from another dimension into their unconscious, taking up partial or complete possession of the person. Before I move on to what I learned from Heather Ross's hands, let me say that while I was writing this segment, the estrogen download was just pouring--to the point of sticky-ickiness. I do believe the aliens/human sycophants were trying to get me sexually aroused while I was thinking and speaking on it. Two problems with that, you perverts. First of all, despite your prejudices regarding lesbians, I am actually very comfortable with and conservative about my own feelings regarding sex. Secondly, you should know that the release of estrogen, no matter how excessive has no sexually arousing impact on me whatsoever. As a matter of fact, for me, estrogen is the ultimate anti-aphrodisiac. You will not accept the truth on which I keep insisting, "I am a man in a woman's body." You cannot rewire a brain that is nearly 50 years old. It is testosterone release that accompanies sexual arousal in me, and I could go into it further, but I have done enough confessing about my sex responses today. However, the reptiles and their human minions won't accept that fact, but neither can they change it. So, thank God, I do have some protection from this dream state rape. I remember dreaming of being raped for years now, and in an early dream from about seven years ago, habited priests were trying to determine how to bring me to orgasm, by using various control moves on me. In my dream, I told, them, "why don't you just ask me?" You don't ask me in my dream, but I will tell you the answer: I respond to love and lovers--something that you rapists will never understand, so there is no point in going into detail.
So now that you know the background that I bring to my analysis, let me return to the relevance of abnormally large hands and fingers. While doing my research on this phenomena which I had noticed in very high ranking reptilian occultists, I learned that very high testosterone causes lengthy ring fingers, while very high estrogen causes lengthy pointer fingers. Again, the hands/fingers I noticed were abnormally large, and that is what caught my eye in the Heather Ross picture. I noticed that not only were her hands abnormally large, but that her ring finger was longer than her pointer finger, which is unusual in a woman, and given the occult ties that I had already uncovered in some of the passengers she almost accompanied, I decided to dig a little deeper. The following is a link from a documentary from, and is chock full of the most presence and intimations of evil that I have ever seen in a 5 minute, seemingly innocuous clip:
I am getting tired, so I am going to have to continue this later, but look for the flashes of light, the facial changes present in Dr. Ogle, the images of her with Cynthia, and her hands, which she mostly keeps covered with shirt sleeves and gloves. I think I will continue with Heather and the sleepers later...
Watch for the flashes
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
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